diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 37e8561..aaa5ee7 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Every awesome list on every topic, including awesome lists of awesome lists, upd This is list was generated automatically from [awesome.ecosyste.ms](https://awesome.ecosyste.ms/), an open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software. It includes every awesome list with at least 30 items and a description, sorted by most stars first. -Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. +Last generated: 2024-09-19, 7339 lists. ## Contents - [Lists of Lists](#lists-of-lists) @@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-codemods](https://github.com/rajasegar/awesome-codemods) - Awesome list of codemods for various languages, libraries and frameworks. - [awesome-nodejs-streams](https://github.com/thejmazz/awesome-nodejs-streams) - Awesome resources and modules for Streams in Node. - [awesome-bpmn-io](https://github.com/bpmn-io/awesome-bpmn-io) - A curated list of bpmn.io related projects and resources. . +- [awesome-rspack](https://github.com/web-infra-dev/awesome-rspack) - A curated list of awesome things related to Rspack, Rsbuild and Rspress. - [awesome-npm](https://github.com/x-cold/awesome-npm) - Collections for node.js and fe. - [awesome-fastify](https://github.com/israeleriston/awesome-fastify) - A curated list of awesome fastify resources. - [awesome-typescript-ecosystem](https://github.com/itsdouges/awesome-typescript-ecosystem) - 😎 A list of awesome TypeScript transformers, plugins, handbooks, etc. -- [awesome-rspack](https://github.com/web-infra-dev/awesome-rspack) - A curated list of awesome things related to Rspack, Rsbuild and Rspress. - [awesome-nestjs](https://github.com/lvkunpeng/awesome-nestjs) - 🇨🇳中文Awesome NestJS—集合了采用nest.js框架的相关项目以及文档资源. - [awesome-elysia](https://github.com/elysiajs/awesome-elysia) - Community driven curated list of awesome things related to ElysiaJS. - [awesome-react](https://github.com/huaize2020/awesome-react) - React 资源大全中文版。An awesome React packages and resources. @@ -375,8 +375,8 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-semantickernel](https://github.com/geffzhang/awesome-semantickernel) - Awesome list of tools and projects with the awesome semantic kernel framework. - [awesome-unity-games](https://github.com/akinmustafa/awesome-unity-games) - A curated list of useful open-source Unity games. - [Awesome-Sitecore](https://github.com/MartinMiles/Awesome-Sitecore) - Awesome lists of useful Sitecore tools, extensions and GitHub repositories . -- [awesome-dotnet-machine-learning](https://github.com/codingonion/awesome-dotnet-machine-learning) - A collection of some awesome public machine learning framework, tutorial, blogs, library and applications for .NET. - [awesome-vl](https://github.com/chkworks/awesome-vl) - A collection of libraries, resources and tutorials for vvvv and VL. +- [awesome-dotnet-machine-learning](https://github.com/codingonion/awesome-dotnet-machine-learning) - A collection of some awesome public machine learning framework, tutorial, blogs, library and applications for .NET. - [fucking-awesome-dotnet-core](https://github.com/Correia-jpv/fucking-awesome-dotnet-core) - 🐝 A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software. With up-to-date repository stars⭐ and forks🍴. - [awesome-monodevelop](https://github.com/jsuarezruiz/awesome-monodevelop) - A curated list of awesome Visual Studio for macOS and MonoDevelop addins, tools and resources. - [awesome-dnn](https://github.com/DnnFree/awesome-dnn) - Awesome things related to DNN (DotNetNuke). @@ -469,7 +469,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-AI-driven-development](https://github.com/eltociear/awesome-AI-driven-development) - Awesome list of AI-Driven Development. - [awesome-ovos-plugins](https://github.com/OpenVoiceOS/awesome-ovos-plugins) - List of ovos-plugin-manager plugins and projects. - [awesome-fastapi](https://github.com/yshan2028/awesome-fastapi) - 一个基于FastAPI的文档,包含数据库、网关等集成和项目分享,欢迎star或fork. -- [awesome-LLM-resourses](https://github.com/WangRongsheng/awesome-LLM-resourses) - 🧑‍🚀 全世界最好的中文LLM资料总结. - [awesome_medical](https://github.com/yousefis/awesome_medical) - Awesome m. - [awesome-projects](https://github.com/eon01/awesome-projects) - Awesome List of my own!. - [quantum-awesome](https://github.com/hoaiocom/quantum-awesome) - Curated list of awesome quantum resources, focusing on quantum software engineering and quantum applications. @@ -1175,9 +1174,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-regression-testing](https://github.com/mojoaxel/awesome-regression-testing) - 🕶️ A curated list of resources around the topic: visual regression testing. - [awesome-robotics-libraries](https://github.com/jslee02/awesome-robotics-libraries) - :sunglasses: A curated list of robotics libraries and software. - [awesome-opengl](https://github.com/eug/awesome-opengl) - A curated list of awesome OpenGL libraries, debuggers and resources. +- [awesome-canbus](https://github.com/iDoka/awesome-canbus) - :articulated_lorry: Awesome CAN bus tools, hardware and resources for Cyber Security Researchers, Reverse Engineers, and Automotive Electronics Enthusiasts. - [awesome-dash](https://github.com/ucg8j/awesome-dash) - A curated list of awesome Dash (plotly) resources. - [machine-learning-with-ruby](https://github.com/arbox/machine-learning-with-ruby) - Curated list: Resources for machine learning in Ruby. -- [awesome-canbus](https://github.com/iDoka/awesome-canbus) - :articulated_lorry: Awesome CAN bus tools, hardware and resources for Cyber Security Researchers, Reverse Engineers, and Automotive Electronics Enthusiasts. - [awesome-qt-qml](https://github.com/mikalv/awesome-qt-qml) - A curated list of awesome Qt and QML libraries, resources, projects, and shiny things. - [awesome-gpt4](https://github.com/radi-cho/awesome-gpt4) - A curated list of prompts, tools, and resources regarding the GPT-4 language model. - [awesome-jvm](https://github.com/deephacks/awesome-jvm) - A curated list of awesome loosely performance related JVM stuff. Inspired by awesome-python. @@ -1268,9 +1267,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-generative-art](https://github.com/kosmos/awesome-generative-art) - Awesome generative art. - [awesome-crypto-papers](https://github.com/pFarb/awesome-crypto-papers) - A curated list of cryptography papers, articles, tutorials and howtos. - [football_analytics](https://github.com/eddwebster/football_analytics) - 📊⚽ A collection of football analytics projects, data, and analysis by Edd Webster (@eddwebster), including a curated list of publicly available resources published by the football analytics community. +- [awesome-free-software](https://github.com/johnjago/awesome-free-software) - Curated list of free as in freedom software. - [awesome-animation](https://github.com/Animatious/awesome-animation) - :octocat: A great list of open sourced UI Motion Library produced by Animatious Group. - [awesome-transfer-learning](https://github.com/artix41/awesome-transfer-learning) - Best transfer learning and domain adaptation resources (papers, tutorials, datasets, etc.). -- [awesome-free-software](https://github.com/johnjago/awesome-free-software) - Curated list of free as in freedom software. - [awesome-cryptoeconomics](https://github.com/jpantunes/awesome-cryptoeconomics) - An awesome curated list of Cryptoeconomic research and learning materials. - [Awesome-Rust-MachineLearning](https://github.com/vaaaaanquish/Awesome-Rust-MachineLearning) - This repository is a list of machine learning libraries written in Rust. It's a compilation of GitHub repositories, blogs, books, movies, discussions, papers, etc. 🦀. - [awesome-ai-art-image-synthesis](https://github.com/altryne/awesome-ai-art-image-synthesis) - A list of awesome tools, ideas, prompt engineering tools, colabs, models, and helpers for the prompt designer playing with aiArt and image synthesis. Covers Dalle2, MidJourney, StableDiffusion, and open source tools. @@ -1365,6 +1364,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-video](https://github.com/krzemienski/awesome-video) - A curated list of awesome streaming video tools, frameworks, libraries, and learning resources. - [programming-math-science](https://github.com/bobeff/programming-math-science) - This is a list of links to different freely available learning resources about computer programming, math, and science. - [awesome-grid](https://github.com/fancygrid/awesome-grid) - A curated list of grid(table) libraries and resources that developers may find useful. +- [Algorithmic-Resources](https://github.com/hkirat/Algorithmic-Resources) - A Curated list of Topic wise Theory and Questions to Get You Started On Competitive Coding. - [Awesome-LLM-Reasoning](https://github.com/atfortes/Awesome-LLM-Reasoning) - Reasoning in Large Language Models: Papers and Resources, including Chain-of-Thought, Instruction-Tuning and Multimodality. . - [awesome-bilibili-extra](https://github.com/HCLonely/awesome-bilibili-extra) - 收集一些让我们在使用B站时更加方便的浏览器扩展/脚本/程序【月底更新】. - [awesome-tikz](https://github.com/xiaohanyu/awesome-tikz) - A curated list of awesome TikZ documentations, libraries and resources. @@ -1372,7 +1372,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [iOS_ML](https://github.com/alexsosn/iOS_ML) - List of Machine Learning, AI, NLP solutions for iOS. The most recent version of this article can be found on my blog. - [awesome-stable-diffusion](https://github.com/awesome-stable-diffusion/awesome-stable-diffusion) - Curated list of awesome resources for the Stable Diffusion AI Model. - [awesome-ai-ml-dl](https://github.com/neomatrix369/awesome-ai-ml-dl) - Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it. Study notes and a curated list of awesome resources of such topics. -- [Algorithmic-Resources](https://github.com/hkirat/Algorithmic-Resources) - A Curated list of Topic wise Theory and Questions to Get You Started On Competitive Coding. - [awesome-meteor](https://github.com/Urigo/awesome-meteor) - A curated, community driven list of awesome Meteor packages, libraries, resources and shiny things. - [Awesome-Advanced-Windows-Exploitation-References](https://github.com/yeyintminthuhtut/Awesome-Advanced-Windows-Exploitation-References) - List of Awesome Advanced Windows Exploitation References. - [awesome-tiny-object-detection](https://github.com/kuanhungchen/awesome-tiny-object-detection) - 🕶 A curated list of Tiny Object Detection papers and related resources. @@ -1535,12 +1534,12 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-spring](https://github.com/ThomasVitale/awesome-spring) - A curated list of awesome books, tutorials, courses, and resources for the Spring framework ecosystem. - [awesome-glsl](https://github.com/vanrez-nez/awesome-glsl) - :sparkler: Compilation of the best resources to learn programming OpenGL Shaders. - [Awesome-person-re-identification](https://github.com/bismex/Awesome-person-re-identification) - Awesome Person Re-identification. +- [awesome-dbt](https://github.com/Hiflylabs/awesome-dbt) - A curated list of awesome dbt resources . - [awesome-privilege-escalation](https://github.com/m0nad/awesome-privilege-escalation) - A curated list of awesome privilege escalation. - [awesome-mad-science](https://github.com/feross/awesome-mad-science) - Delightful npm packages that make you say "wow, didn't know that was possible!". +- [awesome-multiple-object-tracking](https://github.com/luanshiyinyang/awesome-multiple-object-tracking) - Resources for Multiple Object Tracking (MOT). - [awesome-magento2](https://github.com/run-as-root/awesome-magento2) - Curated list of awesome Magento 2 Extensions, Resources and other Highlights. - [awesome-bazel](https://github.com/jin/awesome-bazel) - A curated list of Bazel rules, tooling and resources. -- [awesome-dbt](https://github.com/Hiflylabs/awesome-dbt) - A curated list of awesome dbt resources . -- [awesome-multiple-object-tracking](https://github.com/luanshiyinyang/awesome-multiple-object-tracking) - Resources for Multiple Object Tracking (MOT). - [awesome-executable-packing](https://github.com/packing-box/awesome-executable-packing) - A curated list of awesome resources related to executable packing. - [GAN-Inversion](https://github.com/weihaox/GAN-Inversion) - [TPAMI 2022] GAN Inversion: A Survey. - [awesome-cs-cloudnative-blockchain](https://github.com/cubxxw/awesome-cs-cloudnative-blockchain) - 📚 菜鸟成长手册🚀 CS系列 、云原生系列、区块链系列、web3系列🔥、Golang系列💡. @@ -1584,14 +1583,15 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [sublime-bookmarks](https://github.com/dreikanter/sublime-bookmarks) - Sublime Text essential plugins and resources. - [non-typical-OSINT-guide](https://github.com/OffcierCia/non-typical-OSINT-guide) - The most unusual OSINT guide you've ever seen. The repository is intended for bored professionals only. PRs are welcome! . - [awesome-gatsby](https://github.com/prayash/awesome-gatsby) - ⚛️ 📄 🚀 Awesome list for the mighty Gatsby.js, a blazing fast React static site generator. +- [ForensicsTools](https://github.com/mesquidar/ForensicsTools) - A list of free and open forensics analysis tools and other resources. - [awesome-smart-tv](https://github.com/vitalets/awesome-smart-tv) - :zap:A curated list of awesome resources for building Smart TV apps. - [javascript-dev-bookmarks](https://github.com/didicodes/javascript-dev-bookmarks) - A collection of articles that will help you get better at JavaScript. - [awesome-pinescript](https://github.com/pAulseperformance/awesome-pinescript) - A Comprehensive Collection of Everything Related to Tradingview Pine Script. . +- [awesome-gbadev](https://github.com/gbadev-org/awesome-gbadev) - A curated list of Game Boy Advance development resources. - [best-of-python-dev](https://github.com/ml-tooling/best-of-python-dev) - 🏆 A ranked list of awesome python developer tools and libraries. Updated weekly. - [awesome-wasm-zh](https://github.com/wasmlang/awesome-wasm-zh) - WebAssembly(wasm)资源精选. - [awesome-sveltekit](https://github.com/janosh/awesome-sveltekit) - Awesome examples of SvelteKit in the wild. - [awesome-information-retrieval](https://github.com/harpribot/awesome-information-retrieval) - A curated list of awesome information retrieval resources. -- [ForensicsTools](https://github.com/mesquidar/ForensicsTools) - A list of free and open forensics analysis tools and other resources. - [awesome-opensource-unity](https://github.com/StefanoCecere/awesome-opensource-unity) - A list of curated opensource Unity packages for future proof Game Developers. - [awesome-nft](https://github.com/gianni-dalerta/awesome-nft) - A curated list of awesome Non Fungible Token (NFT, ERC721) frameworks, libraries and software. - [Awesome-ChatGPT-Prompts-CN](https://github.com/wikieden/Awesome-ChatGPT-Prompts-CN) - ChatGPT调教指南|咒语指南|聊天提示词指南|学习指南. @@ -1649,7 +1649,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-nocode-lowcode](https://github.com/kairichard/awesome-nocode-lowcode) - A curated list of awesome nocode / lowcode applications to build other applications. - [awesome-gemini](https://github.com/kr1sp1n/awesome-gemini) - A collection of awesome things regarding the gemini protocol ecosystem. - [Unreal-Engine-Guide](https://github.com/mikeroyal/Unreal-Engine-Guide) - Unreal Engine 5 Guide. Learn to develop games for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch. +- [Awesome-Deepfakes-Detection](https://github.com/Daisy-Zhang/Awesome-Deepfakes-Detection) - A list of tools, papers and code related to Deepfake Detection. - [best-of-jupyter](https://github.com/ml-tooling/best-of-jupyter) - 🏆 A ranked list of awesome Jupyter Notebook, Hub and Lab projects (extensions, kernels, tools). Updated weekly. +- [Awesome-Image-Quality-Assessment](https://github.com/chaofengc/Awesome-Image-Quality-Assessment) - A comprehensive collection of IQA papers. - [awesome-react-context](https://github.com/diegohaz/awesome-react-context) - 😎 A curated list of stuff related to the new React Context API. - [aprenda-swift](https://github.com/CodandoApple/aprenda-swift) - Uma lista de conteúdos para você aprender Swift. - [awesome-react-framer-x](https://github.com/davo/awesome-react-framer-x) - A collection of awesome links to learn React, ES6 & Framer X. @@ -1668,18 +1670,15 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-privacy](https://github.com/KevinColemanInc/awesome-privacy) - 💡Limiting personal data leaks on the internet. - [awesome-zero-shot-learning](https://github.com/sbharadwajj/awesome-zero-shot-learning) - A curated list of papers, code and resources pertaining to zero shot learning. - [Awesome-Image-Colorization](https://github.com/MarkMoHR/Awesome-Image-Colorization) - :books: A collection of Deep Learning based Image Colorization and Video Colorization papers. +- [llm-hallucination-survey](https://github.com/HillZhang1999/llm-hallucination-survey) - Reading list of hallucination in LLMs. Check out our new survey paper: "Siren’s Song in the AI Ocean: A Survey on Hallucination in Large Language Models". - [awesome-zig](https://github.com/C-BJ/awesome-zig) - 📜Zig Learning Guide & Project Lists. - [awesome-beacon](https://github.com/rabschi/awesome-beacon) - A curated list of awesome Bluetooth beacon software and tools. -- [Awesome-Image-Quality-Assessment](https://github.com/chaofengc/Awesome-Image-Quality-Assessment) - A comprehensive collection of IQA papers. - [awesome-python-security](https://github.com/guardrailsio/awesome-python-security) - Awesome Python Security resources 🕶🐍🔐. - [awesome-subreddits](https://github.com/iCHAIT/awesome-subreddits) - :memo: A curated list of awesome programming subreddits. - [awesome-ios-animation](https://github.com/jzau/awesome-ios-animation) - Curated list of iOS Animation libraries. - [awesome-chatops](https://github.com/exAspArk/awesome-chatops) - :robot: A collection of awesome things about ChatOps – managing operations through a chat. -- [awesome-gbadev](https://github.com/gbadev-org/awesome-gbadev) - A curated list of Game Boy Advance development resources. - [awesome-hcloud](https://github.com/hetznercloud/awesome-hcloud) - A curated list of awesome libraries, tools, and integrations for Hetzner Cloud. - [awesome-sar](https://github.com/RadarCODE/awesome-sar) - A curated list of awesome Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) software, libraries, and resources. -- [Awesome-Deepfakes-Detection](https://github.com/Daisy-Zhang/Awesome-Deepfakes-Detection) - A list of tools, papers and code related to Deepfake Detection. -- [llm-hallucination-survey](https://github.com/HillZhang1999/llm-hallucination-survey) - Reading list of hallucination in LLMs. Check out our new survey paper: "Siren’s Song in the AI Ocean: A Survey on Hallucination in Large Language Models". - [awesome-kubernetes-security](https://github.com/ksoclabs/awesome-kubernetes-security) - A curated list of awesome Kubernetes security resources. - [academics-on-mastodon](https://github.com/nathanlesage/academics-on-mastodon) - A list of various lists consisting of academics on Mastodon. - [dev-resources](https://github.com/marcelscruz/dev-resources) - A collaborative list of resources for developers. @@ -1720,10 +1719,10 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [security-apis](https://github.com/jaegeral/security-apis) - A collective list of public APIs for use in security. Contributions welcome. - [awesome-ui-component-library](https://github.com/anubhavsrivastava/awesome-ui-component-library) - Curated list of framework component libraries for UI styles/toolkit. - [awesome-ionic](https://github.com/Cap-go/awesome-ionic) - An "awesome" list of Ionic resources . +- [web3-awesome](https://github.com/fltenwall/web3-awesome) - Web3百科全书👏🏻 打造 web3 全球第一中文资源. - [awesome-hacktoberfest](https://github.com/OtacilioN/awesome-hacktoberfest) - A curated list of awesome Hacktoberfest 2023 repositories, guides and resources. - [LLM4Rec-Awesome-Papers](https://github.com/WLiK/LLM4Rec-Awesome-Papers) - A list of awesome papers and resources of recommender system on large language model (LLM). - [awesome-github](https://github.com/phillipadsmith/awesome-github) - A curated list of GitHub's awesomeness. -- [web3-awesome](https://github.com/fltenwall/web3-awesome) - Web3百科全书👏🏻 打造 web3 全球第一中文资源. - [awesome-cloud-run](https://github.com/steren/awesome-cloud-run) - 👓 ⏩ A curated list of resources about all things Cloud Run. - [awesome-blockchain](https://github.com/imbaniac/awesome-blockchain) - Curated list of blockchain services and exchanges 🔥🏦🔥🏦🔥🏦🔥. - [awesome-blockchain-ai](https://github.com/steven2358/awesome-blockchain-ai) - A curated list of Blockchain projects for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. @@ -1795,6 +1794,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-autonomous-vehicle](https://github.com/DeepTecher/awesome-autonomous-vehicle) - 无人驾驶的资源列表中文版. - [awesome-openzeppelin](https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/awesome-openzeppelin) - Blockchain educational resources curated by the OpenZeppelin team. - [awesome-zerotier](https://github.com/zerotier/awesome-zerotier) - A collection of things you can do with ZeroTier, how-to guides, and more. +- [Offensive-OSINT-Tools](https://github.com/wddadk/Offensive-OSINT-Tools) - OffSec OSINT Pentest/RedTeam Tools. - [awesome-sass](https://github.com/KittyGiraudel/awesome-sass) - A curated list of awesome Sass. - [awesome-qa](https://github.com/seriousran/awesome-qa) - 😎 A curated list of the Question Answering (QA). - [awesome-js-tooling-not-in-js](https://github.com/RobinCsl/awesome-js-tooling-not-in-js) - A curated list of JavaScript tooling not written in JavaScript. @@ -1808,7 +1808,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-substrate](https://github.com/polkadot-developers/awesome-substrate) - A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to the Substrate blockchain development framework. - [awesome-android-testing](https://github.com/hotchemi/awesome-android-testing) - A curated list of awesome android testing libraries. - [awesome-ue4](https://github.com/terrehbyte/awesome-ue4) - A curated list of resources for working with Unreal Engine 4. (Awesome Unreal Engine 4). -- [Offensive-OSINT-Tools](https://github.com/wddadk/Offensive-OSINT-Tools) - OffSec OSINT Pentest/RedTeam Tools. - [awesome-diffusion-categorized](https://github.com/wangkai930418/awesome-diffusion-categorized) - Collection of diffusion model papers categorized by their subareas. - [awesome-flink](https://github.com/wuchong/awesome-flink) - 😎 A curated list of amazingly awesome Flink and Flink ecosystem resources. - [awesome-opa](https://github.com/StyraInc/awesome-opa) - A curated list of OPA related tools, frameworks and articles. @@ -1818,9 +1817,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-react-graphql](https://github.com/hasura/awesome-react-graphql) - A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with `GraphQL and React/React Native` awesome. - [awesome-wechat-dev-posts-2015](https://github.com/jobbole/awesome-wechat-dev-posts-2015) - 2015 年在微信热传的 100+ 篇经典技术文章. - [awesome-sketch](https://github.com/diessica/awesome-sketch) - :books: delightful stuff for SketchApp students. +- [awesome-biomechanics](https://github.com/modenaxe/awesome-biomechanics) - A curated, public list of resources for biomechanics and human motion analysis: datasets, processing tools, software for simulation, educational videos, lectures, etc. - [awesome-embedded-systems](https://github.com/embedded-boston/awesome-embedded-systems) - A curated list of delightful Embedded Systems libraries, RTOSes, modules, references and more!. - [awesome-chatgpt](https://github.com/Kamigami55/awesome-chatgpt) - Curated list of ChatGPT related resource, tools, prompts, apps / ChatGPT 相關優質資源、工具、應用的精選清單。. -- [awesome-biomechanics](https://github.com/modenaxe/awesome-biomechanics) - A curated, public list of resources for biomechanics and human motion analysis: datasets, processing tools, software for simulation, educational videos, lectures, etc. - [awesome-devops](https://github.com/joubertredrat/awesome-devops) - This is my awesome list with all open source and free applications that you can use in your management. - [awesome-playwright](https://github.com/mxschmitt/awesome-playwright) - A curated list of awesome tools, utils and projects using Playwright. - [Awesome-Deep-Graph-Clustering](https://github.com/yueliu1999/Awesome-Deep-Graph-Clustering) - Awesome Deep Graph Clustering is a collection of SOTA, novel deep graph clustering methods (papers, codes, and datasets). @@ -1861,9 +1860,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-elixir-cqrs](https://github.com/slashdotdash/awesome-elixir-cqrs) - A curated list of awesome Elixir and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) resources. - [awesome-llm-security](https://github.com/corca-ai/awesome-llm-security) - A curation of awesome tools, documents and projects about LLM Security. - [awesome-machine-learning-art](https://github.com/vibertthio/awesome-machine-learning-art) - :robot::art::guitar:A curated list of awesome projects, works, people, articles, and resource for creating art (including music) with machine learning. It's machine learning art. +- [Awesome-Face-Forgery-Generation-and-Detection](https://github.com/clpeng/Awesome-Face-Forgery-Generation-and-Detection) - A curated list of articles and codes related to face forgery generation and detection. - [awesome-self-driving-car](https://github.com/daohu527/awesome-self-driving-car) - An awesome list of self-driving cars. - [awesome-anime-sources](https://github.com/anshumanv/awesome-anime-sources) - A curated list of everything related to anime. -- [Awesome-Face-Forgery-Generation-and-Detection](https://github.com/clpeng/Awesome-Face-Forgery-Generation-and-Detection) - A curated list of articles and codes related to face forgery generation and detection. - [Awesome-Open-Vocabulary](https://github.com/jianzongwu/Awesome-Open-Vocabulary) - (TPAMI 2024) A Survey on Open Vocabulary Learning. - [awesome-algolia](https://github.com/algolia/awesome-algolia) - 🔍👋 START HERE! A curated list of Algolia libraries, resources and projects. - [Awesome-Controllable-T2I-Diffusion-Models](https://github.com/PRIV-Creation/Awesome-Controllable-T2I-Diffusion-Models) - A collection of resources on controllable generation with text-to-image diffusion models. @@ -1884,10 +1883,10 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-pagespeed-metrics](https://github.com/csabapalfi/awesome-pagespeed-metrics) - ⚡Metrics to help understand page speed and user experience. - [awesome-ChatGPT-resource-zh](https://github.com/DeepTecher/awesome-ChatGPT-resource-zh) - 精选 OpenAI 的 [ChatGPT]( 资源清单, 跟随最新资源并添加中文相关Work. - [awesome-log-analysis](https://github.com/logpai/awesome-log-analysis) - A list of awesome research on log analysis, anomaly detection, fault localization, and AIOps. +- [Awesome-Skeleton-based-Action-Recognition](https://github.com/niais/Awesome-Skeleton-based-Action-Recognition) - Skeleton-based Action Recognition. - [awesome-frontend](https://github.com/syaning/awesome-frontend) - Awesome frontend, also my collections. - [awesome-6d-object](https://github.com/ZhongqunZHANG/awesome-6d-object) - Awesome work on object 6 DoF pose estimation. - [Awesome-LLM-3D](https://github.com/ActiveVisionLab/Awesome-LLM-3D) - Awesome-LLM-3D: a curated list of Multi-modal Large Language Model in 3D world Resources. -- [Awesome-Skeleton-based-Action-Recognition](https://github.com/niais/Awesome-Skeleton-based-Action-Recognition) - Skeleton-based Action Recognition. - [awesome-question-answering](https://github.com/dapurv5/awesome-question-answering) - Resources, datasets, papers on Question Answering. - [awesome-redis](https://github.com/JamzyWang/awesome-redis) - A curated list of amazingly awesome redis and redis ecosystem resources. . - [awesome-typescript-korean](https://github.com/typescript-kr/awesome-typescript-korean) - 😎한국어로만 선별된 타입스크립트 리소스 리스트 🇰🇷. @@ -1923,9 +1922,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-roslyn](https://github.com/ironcev/awesome-roslyn) - Curated list of awesome Roslyn books, tutorials, open-source projects, analyzers, code fixes, refactorings, and source generators. - [awesome-wp-speed-up](https://github.com/lukecav/awesome-wp-speed-up) - Plugins and resources to speed up and optimize your WordPress site. - [awesome-seo](https://github.com/teles/awesome-seo) - :star2: A curated list of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) links. +- [awesome-pretrained-models-for-information-retrieval](https://github.com/ict-bigdatalab/awesome-pretrained-models-for-information-retrieval) - A curated list of awesome papers related to pre-trained models for information retrieval (a.k.a., pretraining for IR). - [awesome-isaac-gym](https://github.com/wangcongrobot/awesome-isaac-gym) - A curated list of awesome NVIDIA Issac Gym frameworks, papers, software, and resources. - [awesome-wardley-maps](https://github.com/wardley-maps-community/awesome-wardley-maps) - Wardley maps community hub. Useful Wardley mapping resources. -- [awesome-pretrained-models-for-information-retrieval](https://github.com/ict-bigdatalab/awesome-pretrained-models-for-information-retrieval) - A curated list of awesome papers related to pre-trained models for information retrieval (a.k.a., pretraining for IR). - [awesome-weekly-robotics](https://github.com/msadowski/awesome-weekly-robotics) - A list of projects that were or will be featured in Weekly Robotics newsletter. - [awesome-learn-datascience](https://github.com/siboehm/awesome-learn-datascience) - :chart_with_upwards_trend: Curated list of resources to help you get started with Data Science. - [awesome-livewire](https://github.com/imliam/awesome-livewire) - 🚀 A curated list of awesome resources related to Livewire. @@ -1961,11 +1960,11 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-css-in-js](https://github.com/tuchk4/awesome-css-in-js) - Awesome CSS in JS articles / tutorials / videos / benchmarks / comparision. - [awesome-uxn](https://github.com/hundredrabbits/awesome-uxn) - Awesome things from the community. - [awesome-deep-rl](https://github.com/kengz/awesome-deep-rl) - A curated list of awesome Deep Reinforcement Learning resources. +- [awesome-prisma](https://github.com/catalinmiron/awesome-prisma) - A collection of awesome things regarding Prisma ecosystem. - [awesome-non-financial-blockchain](https://github.com/machinomy/awesome-non-financial-blockchain) - Curated list of projects that build non-financial applications of blockchain. - [awesome-gists](https://github.com/vsouza/awesome-gists) - A collection of amazing gists. - [Cool-Fashion-Papers](https://github.com/lzhbrian/Cool-Fashion-Papers) - 👔👗🕶️🎩 Cool resources about Fashion + AI! (papers, datasets, workshops, companies, .) (constantly updating). - [awesome-parallel-computing](https://github.com/taskflow/awesome-parallel-computing) - A curated list of awesome parallel computing resources. -- [awesome-prisma](https://github.com/catalinmiron/awesome-prisma) - A collection of awesome things regarding Prisma ecosystem. - [awesome-theoretical-computer-science](https://github.com/mostafatouny/awesome-theoretical-computer-science) - The interdicplinary of Mathematics and Computer Science, Distinguisehed by its emphasis on mathemtical technique and rigour. - [awesome-holistic-3d](https://github.com/holistic-3d/awesome-holistic-3d) - A list of papers and resources (data,code,etc) for holistic 3D reconstruction in computer vision. - [awesome-command-control](https://github.com/tcostam/awesome-command-control) - A collection of awesome Command & Control (C2) frameworks, tools and resources for post-exploitation and red teaming assignments. @@ -2100,8 +2099,8 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-fe-study-source](https://github.com/KieSun/awesome-fe-study-source) - :octocat: 获取前端学习资料,随时充电。加入前端学习小组,尽在公众号「前端真好玩」!. - [awesome-open-climate-science](https://github.com/pangeo-data/awesome-open-climate-science) - Awesome Open Atmospheric, Ocean, and Climate Science . - [awesome-ml-privacy-attacks](https://github.com/stratosphereips/awesome-ml-privacy-attacks) - An awesome list of papers on privacy attacks against machine learning. -- [awesome-data-leadership](https://github.com/ronikobrosly/awesome-data-leadership) - A curated list of awesome posts, videos, and articles on leading a data team (small and large). - [awesome-uncopyright](https://github.com/johnjago/awesome-uncopyright) - Curated list of all things public domain. +- [awesome-data-leadership](https://github.com/ronikobrosly/awesome-data-leadership) - A curated list of awesome posts, videos, and articles on leading a data team (small and large). - [Awesome-Noisy-Labels](https://github.com/songhwanjun/Awesome-Noisy-Labels) - A Survey. - [awesome-http](https://github.com/semlinker/awesome-http) - HTTP、HTTP Cache、CORS、HTTPS、HTTP/2、Fiddler、WireShark、Web Crawler. - [awesome-OpenSourcePhotography](https://github.com/ibaaj/awesome-OpenSourcePhotography) - A list of awesome free open source software & libraries for photography. Also tools for video. @@ -2196,9 +2195,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-recruitment](https://github.com/Sjamilla/awesome-recruitment) - List of my favourite recruitment things 💫. - [awesome-pytest](https://github.com/augustogoulart/awesome-pytest) - A curated list of awesome pytest resources. - [awesome-windows-privacy](https://github.com/TemporalAgent7/awesome-windows-privacy) - A list of awesome tools, documentation and scripts for better privacy on Microsoft Windows. +- [Awesome-Best-Papers](https://github.com/familyld/Awesome-Best-Papers) - Collect awesome best papers from top AI conferences. - [awesome-leetcode](https://github.com/tangweikun/awesome-leetcode) - 💄 A collection of awesome leetcode solutions. - [Time-Series-Papers](https://github.com/bighuang624/Time-Series-Papers) - List of awesome papers about time series, mainly including algorithms based on machine learning | 收录时间序列分析中各个研究领域的高水平文章,主要包含基于机器学习的算法. -- [Awesome-Best-Papers](https://github.com/familyld/Awesome-Best-Papers) - Collect awesome best papers from top AI conferences. - [Awesome-LLM-RAG-Application](https://github.com/lizhe2004/Awesome-LLM-RAG-Application) - The resources about the application based on LLM with RAG pattern. - [awesome-federated-computing](https://github.com/tushar-semwal/awesome-federated-computing) - :books: :eyeglasses: A collection of research papers, codes, tutorials and blogs on Federated Computing/Learning. - [awesome-cerebro](https://github.com/cerebroapp/awesome-cerebro) - Curated list of Cerebro plugins and resources. @@ -2223,6 +2222,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [Awesome-Parameter-Efficient-Transfer-Learning](https://github.com/synbol/Awesome-Parameter-Efficient-Transfer-Learning) - Collection of awesome parameter-efficient fine-tuning resources. . - [awesome-ipsum](https://github.com/templeman/awesome-ipsum) - A curated list of awesome lorem ipsum generators. - [awesome-open-hardware-verification](https://github.com/ben-marshall/awesome-open-hardware-verification) - A List of Free and Open Source Hardware Verification Tools and Frameworks. +- [awesome-opensource-email](https://github.com/Mindbaz/awesome-opensource-email) - Awesome Opensource Email Resources. - [awesome-ospo](https://github.com/todogroup/awesome-ospo) - Curated list of awesome tools for managing open source programs. - [awesome-programming-games](https://github.com/readyready15728/awesome-programming-games) - An ultra mega giga curated list of programming games. - [Awesome-Polybar](https://github.com/TiagoDanin/Awesome-Polybar) - Curated list of Polybar . @@ -2245,7 +2245,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-live-reloading](https://github.com/hasura/awesome-live-reloading) - A curated collection of live-reloading / hot-reloading / watch-reloading tools for different languages and frameworks. - [Awesome-Self-hosting-for-the-whole-family](https://github.com/relink2013/Awesome-Self-hosting-for-the-whole-family) - An Awesome List of apps that can be self hosted that your family can actually use without frustration. . - [awesome-iOS-resource](https://github.com/gopalkrishnareddy/awesome-iOS-resource) - :iphone: A curated list of awesome iOS resources, including conferences, books, blogs, articles, websites and documentations. -- [awesome-opensource-email](https://github.com/Mindbaz/awesome-opensource-email) - Awesome Opensource Email Resources. - [awesome-sites-to-test-on](https://github.com/BMayhew/awesome-sites-to-test-on) - A curated list of sites to practice testing on. - [awesome-nodejs-learning](https://github.com/kryz81/awesome-nodejs-learning) - A list limited to the best Node.js Learning Resources. - [awesome-vqa](https://github.com/chingyaoc/awesome-vqa) - Visual Q&A reading list . @@ -2290,6 +2289,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [chrome-extensions](https://github.com/learn-anything/chrome-extensions) - Awesome Chrome Extensions. - [awesome-docs](https://github.com/testthedocs/awesome-docs) - A curated list of awesome documentation tools. - [awesome-public-real-time-datasets](https://github.com/bytewax/awesome-public-real-time-datasets) - A list of publicly available datasets with real-time data maintained by the team at bytewax.io. +- [Awesome-Diffusion-Model-Based-Image-Editing-Methods](https://github.com/SiatMMLab/Awesome-Diffusion-Model-Based-Image-Editing-Methods) - Diffusion Model-Based Image Editing: A Survey (arXiv). - [awesome-web3](https://github.com/ahmet/awesome-web3) - A curated list of awesome Web3 resources, libraries, tools and more. - [Awesome-Arch](https://github.com/PandaFoss/Awesome-Arch) - :sunglasses: A complete list of Arch-based projects. - [Awesome-AGI](https://github.com/EmbraceAGI/Awesome-AGI) - A curated list of awesome AGI frameworks, software and resources. @@ -2304,7 +2304,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-vision-and-language](https://github.com/sangminwoo/awesome-vision-and-language) - A curated list of awesome vision and language resources (still under construction. stay tuned!). - [awesome-msr](https://github.com/dspinellis/awesome-msr) - A curated repository of software engineering repository mining data sets. - [awesome-ad-free](https://github.com/johnjago/awesome-ad-free) - Curated list of ad-free alternatives to popular services on the web. -- [Awesome-Diffusion-Model-Based-Image-Editing-Methods](https://github.com/SiatMMLab/Awesome-Diffusion-Model-Based-Image-Editing-Methods) - Diffusion Model-Based Image Editing: A Survey (arXiv). - [awesome-java8](https://github.com/tedyoung/awesome-java8) - Curated list of useful, if not amazing, resources that take advantage of Java 8 and "Modern Java" thinking. - [awesome-state-of-depth-completion](https://github.com/alexklwong/awesome-state-of-depth-completion) - Current state of supervised and unsupervised depth completion methods. - [awesome-ehr-deeplearning](https://github.com/hurcy/awesome-ehr-deeplearning) - Curated list of awesome papers for electronic health records(EHR) mining, machine learning, and deep learning. @@ -2331,12 +2330,12 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [Best-student-discount-services](https://github.com/OpenGenus/Best-student-discount-services) - Best student discount services one should definitely try out! Contributions and translations are highly encouraged. . - [awesome-random-stuff](https://github.com/ahmadawais/awesome-random-stuff) - Collection of interesting things I find on the World Wide Web. - [Awesome-3D-Detectors](https://github.com/Hub-Tian/Awesome-3D-Detectors) - Paperlist of awesome 3D detection methods. +- [awesome-privacy-chinese](https://github.com/international-explore/awesome-privacy-chinese) - [WIP]国内隐私合规技术交流. - [typescript-tips](https://github.com/jellydn/typescript-tips) - A curated list of awesome 🔥 TypeScript Tips 🔥. - [Awesome-Image-Harmonization](https://github.com/bcmi/Awesome-Image-Harmonization) - A curated list of papers, code and resources pertaining to image harmonization. - [machine-learning-resources](https://github.com/datascienceid/machine-learning-resources) - A curated list of awesome machine learning frameworks, libraries, courses, books and many more. - [Awesome-AIGC-3D](https://github.com/hitcslj/Awesome-AIGC-3D) - A curated list of awesome AIGC 3D papers. - [companies-hiring-security-remote](https://github.com/jaegeral/companies-hiring-security-remote) - This repo is meant to be a list of companies that hire security people full remote. -- [awesome-privacy-chinese](https://github.com/international-explore/awesome-privacy-chinese) - [WIP]国内隐私合规技术交流. - [awesome-devtools](https://github.com/moimikey/awesome-devtools) - 🤖 A curated list of in-browser bookmarklets, tools, and resources for modern full-stack software engineers. - [Awesome-Denoise](https://github.com/oneTaken/Awesome-Denoise) - One-paper-one-short-contribution-summary of all latest image/burst/video Denoising papers with code & citation published in top conference and journal. - [awesome-jscodeshift](https://github.com/sejoker/awesome-jscodeshift) - A curated list of jscodeshift packages and resources. @@ -2386,13 +2385,13 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-h2o](https://github.com/h2oai/awesome-h2o) - A curated list of research, applications and projects built using the H2O Machine Learning platform. - [nlp_thai_resources](https://github.com/kobkrit/nlp_thai_resources) - More than 50+ collections of Thai Natural Language Processing libraries. Update daily. - [awesome-figma](https://github.com/react-figma/awesome-figma) - 💡 A curated list of delightful Figma resources. +- [Awesome-Few-Shot-Image-Generation](https://github.com/bcmi/Awesome-Few-Shot-Image-Generation) - A curated list of papers, code and resources pertaining to few-shot image generation. - [awesome-js-tooling-in-rust](https://github.com/karimould/awesome-js-tooling-in-rust) - A curated list of JavaScript tooling written in Rust. - [awesome-note-taking](https://github.com/tehtbl/awesome-note-taking) - A curated list of awesome note-taking software. - [RGBD-semantic-segmentation](https://github.com/Yangzhangcst/RGBD-semantic-segmentation) - A paper list of RGBD semantic segmentation (processing). - [awesome-free-services](https://github.com/hql287/awesome-free-services) - Awesome free online services for startups and freelancers!. - [awesome-computer-graphics](https://github.com/waitin2010/awesome-computer-graphics) - A curated list of awesome computer graphics. . - [awesome-rxjs](https://github.com/ichpuchtli/awesome-rxjs) - A collection of awesome RxJS resources. -- [Awesome-Few-Shot-Image-Generation](https://github.com/bcmi/Awesome-Few-Shot-Image-Generation) - A curated list of papers, code and resources pertaining to few-shot image generation. - [awesome-rtc-hacking](https://github.com/EnableSecurity/awesome-rtc-hacking) - A list of awesome resources related to security and hacking of VoIP, WebRTC and VoLTE. - [awesome-devcontainers](https://github.com/manekinekko/awesome-devcontainers) - A curated list of awesome tools and resources about dev containers for common programming languages and technology stacks to boost your developer productivity 🚀. - [awesome-books](https://github.com/marmotedu/awesome-books) - 📚 集合各类精品 IT 技术书籍,方便大家进行学习,也会推荐一些书,定期更新,长期维护!. @@ -2401,8 +2400,8 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-kgqa](https://github.com/BshoterJ/awesome-kgqa) - A collection of some materials of knowledge graph question answering. - [awesome-point-cloud-place-recognition](https://github.com/kxhit/awesome-point-cloud-place-recognition) - A list of papers about point cloud based place recognition, also known as loop closure detection in SLAM (processing). - [awesome-learning-resources](https://github.com/csr632/awesome-learning-resources) - 收集最优质的学习资料。专治“学习资料不足恐惧症”。. -- [Awesome-MLLM-Hallucination](https://github.com/showlab/Awesome-MLLM-Hallucination) - 📖 A curated list of resources dedicated to hallucination of multimodal large language models (MLLM). - [Data-Science](https://github.com/ElizaLo/Data-Science) - Projects and awesome list for all Data Science fields. +- [Awesome-MLLM-Hallucination](https://github.com/showlab/Awesome-MLLM-Hallucination) - 📖 A curated list of resources dedicated to hallucination of multimodal large language models (MLLM). - [awesome-storybook](https://github.com/lauthieb/awesome-storybook) - A collection of awesome resources about @storybookjs ecosystem 🎨. - [awesome](https://github.com/trendmicro-frontend/awesome) - A curated list of awesome frontend development resources. - [awesome-mesh](https://github.com/moarpepes/awesome-mesh) - This is a list for mesh networking: Documentation, Free Software mesh protocols, and applications. A mesh network is a network topology in which each node relays data for the network. All mesh nodes cooperate in the distribution of data in the network. @@ -2416,10 +2415,10 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-api-clients](https://github.com/stepci/awesome-api-clients) - List of awesome API clients. Postman and Insomnia alternatives. - [awesome-trilium](https://github.com/Nriver/awesome-trilium) - A collection of interesting Trilium Notes extensions. Including themes, widgets, scripts, API extensions, etc. Trilium插件合集. - [awesome-semiconductor-startups](https://github.com/aolofsson/awesome-semiconductor-startups) - List of awesome semiconductor startups. +- [Awesome-Document-Image-Rectification](https://github.com/fh2019ustc/Awesome-Document-Image-Rectification) - A comprehensive list of awesome document image rectification papers. - [Awesome-Multi-Task-Learning](https://github.com/SimonVandenhende/Awesome-Multi-Task-Learning) - A list of multi-task learning papers and projects. . - [awesome-testing-courses](https://github.com/upgundecha/awesome-testing-courses) - A curated list of awesome online courses and tutorials on software testing, test automation and more. - [awesome-bsd](https://github.com/DiscoverBSD/awesome-bsd) - A collection of awesome BSD related stuff. -- [Awesome-Document-Image-Rectification](https://github.com/fh2019ustc/Awesome-Document-Image-Rectification) - A comprehensive list of awesome document image rectification papers. - [awesome-chess](https://github.com/hkirat/awesome-chess) - Chess!. - [data-matching-software](https://github.com/J535D165/data-matching-software) - A list of free data matching and record linkage software. . - [Computer-Vision-Video-Lectures](https://github.com/kuzand/Computer-Vision-Video-Lectures) - A curated list of free, high-quality, university-level courses with video lectures related to the field of Computer Vision. @@ -2561,10 +2560,10 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-tester](https://github.com/GitDzreal93/awesome-tester) - 测试开发各种资源汇总. - [awesome-vue-graphql](https://github.com/hasura/awesome-vue-graphql) - A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with `GraphQL and Vue.js` awesome. - [awesome-elementor](https://github.com/lukecav/awesome-elementor) - A collection of third party add-ons for the Elementor page builder plugin. +- [awesome-visual-localization](https://github.com/siyandong/awesome-visual-localization) - A curated list of awesome visual localization research works. - [awesome-exploration-rl](https://github.com/opendilab/awesome-exploration-rl) - A curated list of awesome exploration RL resources (continually updated). - [awesome-svelte](https://github.com/rocketlaunchr/awesome-svelte) - Awesome Svelte: Useful resources for developing Svelte applications. - [Awesome-Extensions](https://github.com/runningcheese/Awesome-Extensions) - Awesome Extensions for Chrome, Edge and Firefox. -- [awesome-visual-localization](https://github.com/siyandong/awesome-visual-localization) - A curated list of awesome visual localization research works. - [Awesome-Federated-Learning-on-Graph-and-GNN-papers](https://github.com/huweibo/Awesome-Federated-Learning-on-Graph-and-GNN-papers) - Federated learning on graph, especially on graph neural networks (GNNs), knowledge graph, and private GNN. - [awesome-cli](https://github.com/Kikobeats/awesome-cli) - A curated list of awesome resources for building immersive CLI experiences. - [awesome-cloud-native-security](https://github.com/Metarget/awesome-cloud-native-security) - Awesome resources about cloud native security 🐿. @@ -2590,6 +2589,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-java-security](https://github.com/guardrailsio/awesome-java-security) - Awesome Java Security Resources 🕶☕🔐. - [awesome-amazon-seller](https://github.com/ScaleLeap/awesome-amazon-seller) - A curated list of tools and resources for Amazon sellers. - [awesome-raspberry-pi-zh](https://github.com/1021683053/awesome-raspberry-pi-zh) - 树莓派工具,镜像,教程,文章. +- [Awesome-Differential-Privacy-and-Meachine-Learning](https://github.com/JeffffffFu/Awesome-Differential-Privacy-and-Meachine-Learning) - 机器学习和差分隐私的论文笔记和代码仓. - [awesome-cs-tutorial](https://github.com/sanbuphy/awesome-cs-tutorial) - A collection of ComputerScience and DeepLearning tutorial and tools. ⭐ 自收集整理的有关各类计算机与深度学习课程网站、工具、使用技巧的合集 . - [awesome-domain-adaptation-object-detection](https://github.com/wangs311/awesome-domain-adaptation-object-detection) - A collection of papers about domain adaptation object detection. Welcome to PR the works (papers, repositories) that are missed by the repo. - [awesome-tca](https://github.com/antranapp/awesome-tca) - Awesome list for The Composable Architecture. @@ -2600,7 +2600,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-platform-engineering](https://github.com/shospodarets/awesome-platform-engineering) - Curated list of tools and resources for Platform Engineering. - [flutter-resources](https://github.com/awesome-tips/flutter-resources) - Flutter 开发资源聚集地. - [awesome-cordova](https://github.com/busterc/awesome-cordova) - :iphone: A curated list of amazingly awesome Cordova libraries, resources and shiny things. -- [Awesome-Differential-Privacy-and-Meachine-Learning](https://github.com/JeffffffFu/Awesome-Differential-Privacy-and-Meachine-Learning) - 机器学习和差分隐私的论文笔记和代码仓. - [awesome-trustworthy-deep-learning](https://github.com/MinghuiChen43/awesome-trustworthy-deep-learning) - A curated list of trustworthy deep learning papers. Daily updating. - [awesome-alice](https://github.com/sameoldmadness/awesome-alice) - Библиотеки и ресурсы для Яндекс.Диалогов. - [awesome-gpt4](https://github.com/taranjeet/awesome-gpt4) - Curated list of awesome resources, use cases and demos for GPT-4. @@ -2717,9 +2716,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-AR](https://github.com/dharmeshkakadia/awesome-AR) - A curated list of awesome AR (Augmented Reality) resources. - [awesome-linux-dev](https://github.com/madbob/awesome-linux-dev) - A collection of awesome Linux applications and tools for developers. - [awesome-autonomous-gpt](https://github.com/ScarletPan/awesome-autonomous-gpt) - A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to autonomous AI agents. +- [awesome-cell-detection-segmentation](https://github.com/blakeliu/awesome-cell-detection-segmentation) - Nucleus/cell and histopathology image classification,detection,segmentation. - [awesome-software-supply-chain-security](https://github.com/bureado/awesome-software-supply-chain-security) - A compilation of resources in the software supply chain security domain, with emphasis on open source. - [awesome-web-dev-resources](https://github.com/mrmartineau/awesome-web-dev-resources) - 👌 My collection of go-to web development resources. -- [awesome-cell-detection-segmentation](https://github.com/blakeliu/awesome-cell-detection-segmentation) - Nucleus/cell and histopathology image classification,detection,segmentation. - [awesome-forests](https://github.com/blutjens/awesome-forests) - 🌳 A curated list of ground-truth forest datasets for the machine learning and forestry community. - [awesome-neo](https://github.com/CityOfZion/awesome-neo) - Resources for working with the NEO blockchain. - [awesome-code-formatters](https://github.com/rishirdua/awesome-code-formatters) - A curated list of awesome code formatting tools and libraries. @@ -2740,12 +2739,12 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-iconjar](https://github.com/pluwen/awesome-iconjar) - 44 Collect free icon sets for iconjar. 收集免费的图标包,iconjar 格式(44套)。. - [awesome-inspiration](https://github.com/swapagarwal/awesome-inspiration) - :fire: A curated list of content worth sharing to help you get inspired! :zap:. - [arctic](https://github.com/zc-alexfan/arctic) - [CVPR 2023] Official repository for downloading, processing, visualizing, and training models on the ARCTIC dataset. +- [awesome-supply-chain](https://github.com/Funkmyster/awesome-supply-chain) - A curated list of awesome supply chain blogs, podcasts, standards, projects, and examples. - [awesome-mythx-smart-contract-security-tools](https://github.com/muellerberndt/awesome-mythx-smart-contract-security-tools) - A curated list of resources and tools for the MythX smart contract security API. - [awesome-causality](https://github.com/napsternxg/awesome-causality) - Resources related to causality. - [awesome-steam-deck](https://github.com/airscripts/awesome-steam-deck) - A curated list of awesome Steam Deck software, resources and more. - [awesome-engineering-blogs](https://github.com/crispgm/awesome-engineering-blogs) - A curated list of awesome engineering blogs. - [Awesome-CV-Team](https://github.com/extreme-assistant/Awesome-CV-Team) - 国内外优秀的计算机视觉团队汇总,极市团队整理. -- [awesome-supply-chain](https://github.com/Funkmyster/awesome-supply-chain) - A curated list of awesome supply chain blogs, podcasts, standards, projects, and examples. - [awesome-privacy-on-blockchains](https://github.com/Mikerah/awesome-privacy-on-blockchains) - A curated list of privacy on blockchains resources. - [awesome-rust-cloud-native](https://github.com/awesome-rust-cloud-native/awesome-rust-cloud-native) - A curated list of awesome Cloud Native Rust frameworks, libraries and software. - [awesome-webex](https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/awesome-webex) - A curated list of Cisco Webex resources for developers. @@ -2756,9 +2755,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-voip](https://github.com/onmyway133/awesome-voip) - 🤙Learning VoIP, RTP, pjsip and SIP. - [awesome-programming-presentations](https://github.com/techgaun/awesome-programming-presentations) - Presentations that programmers should watch. - [build-your-own-x-zh](https://github.com/buhe/build-your-own-x-zh) - 🤓 Build your own (insert technology here) simplified chinese version. +- [awesome-odoo](https://github.com/desdelinux/awesome-odoo) - A curated list of awesome Odoo resources. - [Awesome-LLM](https://github.com/MLNLP-World/Awesome-LLM) - This project collects awesome resources (e.g., papers, open-source models) for large language model (LLM). - [awesome-uniswap-hooks](https://github.com/ora-io/awesome-uniswap-hooks) - A curated list of awesome Uniswap v4 hooks resources. -- [awesome-odoo](https://github.com/desdelinux/awesome-odoo) - A curated list of awesome Odoo resources. - [Awesome-Indonesia-NLP](https://github.com/irfnrdh/Awesome-Indonesia-NLP) - Resource NLP & Bahasa . - [awesome-platform-engineering-tools](https://github.com/seifrajhi/awesome-platform-engineering-tools) - A curated list of Platform Engineering Tools. - [awesome-video-object-detection](https://github.com/zhanghengdev/awesome-video-object-detection) - This is a list of awesome articles about object detection from video. @@ -2787,11 +2786,11 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-storj](https://github.com/storj/awesome-storj) - A curated list of projects, tools, and resources for Storj. - [urban-and-regional-planning-resources](https://github.com/APA-Technology-Division/urban-and-regional-planning-resources) - Community list of data & technology resources concerning the built environment and communities. 🏙️🌳🚌🚦🗺️. - [awesome-danmaku](https://github.com/OpenDanmakuCommunity/awesome-danmaku) - A collaborative list of awesome danmaku resources. 开源弹幕资源列表。. +- [awesome-nanopore](https://github.com/GoekeLab/awesome-nanopore) - A curated list of awesome nanopore analysis tools. - [Awesome-Multi-Task-Learning](https://github.com/WeiHongLee/Awesome-Multi-Task-Learning) - An up-to-date list of works on Multi-Task Learning. - [awesome-switching](https://github.com/deapplization/awesome-switching) - Switching from the *pple ecosystem to Windows / Linux / Android or BSD. - [awesome-macropad](https://github.com/prcutler/awesome-macropad) - A curated list of awesome applications, macros, 3D printed cases, guides, and more for the Adafruit CircuitPython rp2040 MacroPad. - [awesome-dev-advocacy](https://github.com/dmitryvinn/awesome-dev-advocacy) - 🥑 List of Awesome Developer Advocacy Resources. -- [awesome-nanopore](https://github.com/GoekeLab/awesome-nanopore) - A curated list of awesome nanopore analysis tools. - [awesome-sgx](https://github.com/Jim8y/awesome-sgx) - A curated list of SGX code and resources. - [awesome-zero-knowledge-proofs](https://github.com/sCrypt-Inc/awesome-zero-knowledge-proofs) - A curated list of awesome Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) resources. - [awesome-esbuild](https://github.com/egoist/awesome-esbuild) - A curated list of awesome esbuild resources. @@ -2841,6 +2840,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-MLSecOps](https://github.com/RiccardoBiosas/awesome-MLSecOps) - A curated list of MLSecOps tools, articles and other resources on security applied to Machine Learning and MLOps systems. - [awesome-video-object-segmentation](https://github.com/suhwan-cho/awesome-video-object-segmentation) - A list of video object segmentation (VOS) papers. - [awesome-buaa](https://github.com/buaahub/awesome-buaa) - Buaa 北航 收集优秀的buaaer创造的实用的工具和脚本. +- [awesome-embedded-linux](https://github.com/fkromer/awesome-embedded-linux) - A curated list of awesome Embedded Linux resources. - [awesome-container-security](https://github.com/kai5263499/awesome-container-security) - Awesome list of resources related to container security. - [awesome-document-similarity](https://github.com/malteos/awesome-document-similarity) - A curated list of resources on document similarity measures (papers, tutorials, code, .). - [awesome-lists](https://github.com/mthcht/awesome-lists) - Security lists for SOC detections . @@ -2854,20 +2854,19 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-foundations-of-DeFi](https://github.com/Mikerah/awesome-foundations-of-DeFi) - An Awesome List for resources on the foundations of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). - [awesome-command-palette](https://github.com/stefanjudis/awesome-command-palette) - A list of awesome command palette implementations. - [awesome-identicons](https://github.com/drhus/awesome-identicons) - A curated list of "Visual Hashs" (Identicon, Avatar, Fractal, RandomArt and general Hash Visualization). -- [awesome-embedded-linux](https://github.com/fkromer/awesome-embedded-linux) - A curated list of awesome Embedded Linux resources. - [analytics-readings](https://github.com/flpezet/analytics-readings) - Readings for Analytics Engineers. - [Transformer_Tracking](https://github.com/Little-Podi/Transformer_Tracking) - This repository is a paper digest of Transformer-related approaches in visual tracking tasks. - [awesome-digital-history](https://github.com/maehr/awesome-digital-history) - Find primary sources online and learn how to research history digitally. - [awesome-deep-phenomena](https://github.com/MinghuiChen43/awesome-deep-phenomena) - A curated list of papers of interesting empirical study and insight on deep learning. Continually updating. +- [awesome-snowflake](https://github.com/Snowflake-Labs/awesome-snowflake) - A curated list of resources about Snowflake. - [awesome-camouflaged-object-detection](https://github.com/visionxiang/awesome-camouflaged-object-detection) - A curated list of awesome resources for camouflaged/concealed object detection (COD). - [awesome-webdav](https://github.com/fstanis/awesome-webdav) - A curated list of awesome apps that support WebDAV and tools related to it. - [resources](https://github.com/Graphics-Programming-Virtual-Meetup/resources) - Graphics Programming Resources List. - [awesome-redwood](https://github.com/redwoodjs/awesome-redwood) - A community-driven collection of Redwood related plugins, config, themes, build scripts, tutorials, podcasts, and more. -- [awesome-snowflake](https://github.com/Snowflake-Labs/awesome-snowflake) - A curated list of resources about Snowflake. - [awesome-dnd](https://github.com/flamableconcrete/awesome-dnd) - Resources for Dungeons & Dragons. +- [awesome-IoT-security-article](https://github.com/H4lo/awesome-IoT-security-article) - Collect some iot-related security articles, including vulnerability analysis, security conferences and papers, etc. - [awesome-brasil](https://github.com/vinicius73/awesome-brasil) - Uma lista de projetos Open Source Brasileiros!. - [awesome-dendron](https://github.com/dendronhq/awesome-dendron) - A big list of Dendron docs, talks, tools, examples, articles, extensions, vaults, showcases, and more that the internet has to offer. -- [awesome-IoT-security-article](https://github.com/H4lo/awesome-IoT-security-article) - Collect some iot-related security articles, including vulnerability analysis, security conferences and papers, etc. - [Awesome-Computer-Vision](https://github.com/haofanwang/Awesome-Computer-Vision) - Awesome Resources for Advanced Computer Vision Topics. - [awesome-atmos](https://github.com/MeteoAI/awesome-atmos) - A curated list of awesome Python libraries, software and resources in Atmosphere, Environment and Machine Learning. - [awesome-headless-commerce](https://github.com/notrab/awesome-headless-commerce) - A community curated list of headless commerce APIs, products, and services. A heads-up for modern store builders. @@ -2923,13 +2922,13 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-ops-system](https://github.com/yjq635/awesome-ops-system) - 收集了一些运维管理系统. - [awesome-proxy](https://github.com/dariubs/awesome-proxy) - A collaborative list of awesome proxy servers and resources. Feel free to contribute!. - [awesome-kafka](https://github.com/dharmeshkakadia/awesome-kafka) - Everything about Apache Kafka. +- [fake-news-detection](https://github.com/ICTMCG/fake-news-detection) - This repo is a collection of AWESOME things about fake news detection, including papers, code, etc. - [awesome-infinidash](https://github.com/joenash/awesome-infinidash) - An awesome list for the awe-inspiring power of Infinidash, an imaginary product. . - [awesome-github-wiki](https://github.com/MyHoneyBadger/awesome-github-wiki) - :neckbeard: Awesome list GitHub Wikis. - [awesome-curriculum-learning](https://github.com/Openning07/awesome-curriculum-learning) - Some bravo or inspiring research works on the topic of curriculum learning. - [awesome-smartnic](https://github.com/opensmartnic/awesome-smartnic) - A curated list of awesome smartnic tutorials, papers and projects. - [awesome-webxr-development](https://github.com/Pico-Developer/awesome-webxr-development) - Building blocks for WebXR apps. - [awesome-arcgis-developers](https://github.com/Esri/awesome-arcgis-developers) - A curated list of resources to help you with ArcGIS development, APIs, SDKs, tools, and location services. -- [fake-news-detection](https://github.com/ICTMCG/fake-news-detection) - This repo is a collection of AWESOME things about fake news detection, including papers, code, etc. - [awesome-taxonomy](https://github.com/mickeysjm/awesome-taxonomy) - A curated resource for taxonomy research. - [awesome-cryptocurrency-security](https://github.com/nongiach/awesome-cryptocurrency-security) - 😎 Curated list about cryptocurrency security (reverse / exploit / fuzz.). - [awesome-seo-tools](https://github.com/serpapi/awesome-seo-tools) - Curated list of awesome SEO tools. @@ -2983,12 +2982,12 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-kaitai](https://github.com/kaitai-io/awesome-kaitai) - A curated list of Kaitai Struct tools and resources. - [awesome-ssm-ml](https://github.com/AvivBick/awesome-ssm-ml) - Reading list for research topics in state-space models. - [Awesome-ICCV2023-Low-Level-Vision](https://github.com/DarrenPan/Awesome-ICCV2023-Low-Level-Vision) - A Collection of Papers and Codes in ICCV2023/2021 about low level vision. -- [awesome-reactive-programming](https://github.com/lucamezzalira/awesome-reactive-programming) - A repository for sharing all the resources available on Reactive Programming and Reactive Systems. - [awesome-netbox](https://github.com/netbox-community/awesome-netbox) - A curated list of awesome NetBox resources. - [awesome-state](https://github.com/tnfe/awesome-state) - Collection of state management lib. - [awesome-drones-zh](https://github.com/apachecn/awesome-drones-zh) - 无人机资源汇总. - [Awesome-Shadow-Removal](https://github.com/GuoLanqing/Awesome-Shadow-Removal) - Collection of recent shadow removal works, including papers, codes, datasets, and metrics. - [awesome-optimal-transport](https://github.com/kilianFatras/awesome-optimal-transport) - A list of awesome papers and cool resources on optimal transport and its applications in general! As you will notice, this list is currently mostly focused on optimal transport for machine learning topics. +- [awesome-reactive-programming](https://github.com/lucamezzalira/awesome-reactive-programming) - A repository for sharing all the resources available on Reactive Programming and Reactive Systems. - [Pop_OS-Guide](https://github.com/mikeroyal/Pop_OS-Guide) - Pop!_OS Guide. Pop!_OS is an Operating System developed by System76. - [fucking-awesome-incident-response](https://github.com/Correia-jpv/fucking-awesome-incident-response) - A curated list of tools for incident response. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴. - [awesome-programming-resources](https://github.com/DogerRain/awesome-programming-resources) - 收集优秀的编程资源(Java为主),涵盖:Java面试、求职、电子书籍、计算机网络、操作系统、前端、 Redis、Mysql、Nginx、ZK、MQ、机器学习、NPL、架构、算法. @@ -3052,6 +3051,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-orclapex](https://github.com/Dani3lSun/awesome-orclapex) - A curated list of awesome Oracle APEX resources. - [awesome-rescript](https://github.com/fhammerschmidt/awesome-rescript) - A collection of materials about the ReScript programming language and toolchain. - [awesome-scholarly-data-analysis](https://github.com/napsternxg/awesome-scholarly-data-analysis) - A curated collection of resources on scholarly data analysis ranging from datasets, papers, and code about bibliometrics, citation analysis, and other scholarly commons resources. . +- [awesome-data-poisoning-and-backdoor-attacks](https://github.com/penghui-yang/awesome-data-poisoning-and-backdoor-attacks) - A curated list of papers & resources linked to data poisoning, backdoor attacks and defenses against them (no longer maintained). - [awesome-elm-gamedev](https://github.com/rofrol/awesome-elm-gamedev) - A curated list of useful Elm tutorials, libraries and software for Game Development. Inspired by awesome list. Feel free to contribute. - [awesome-edtech-tools](https://github.com/hkalant/awesome-edtech-tools) - An ongoing curated list with awesome tools and resources for instructional designers. - [awesome-food](https://github.com/jzarca01/awesome-food) - A curated list of food related projects on GitHub. @@ -3071,7 +3071,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-policy-as-code](https://github.com/hysnsec/awesome-policy-as-code) - A curated list of policy-as-code resources like blogs, videos, and tools to practice on for learning Policy-as-Code. - [awesome-brazil-data](https://github.com/juliohm/awesome-brazil-data) - Curated list of Brazilian datasets for anyone interested in studying the country. - [learn-crypto-trading.github.io](https://github.com/learn-crypto-trading/learn-crypto-trading.github.io) - Valuable sources for TA, FA, Algorithmic \ Quant Trading. -- [awesome-data-poisoning-and-backdoor-attacks](https://github.com/penghui-yang/awesome-data-poisoning-and-backdoor-attacks) - A curated list of papers & resources linked to data poisoning, backdoor attacks and defenses against them (no longer maintained). - [awesome-techforgood](https://github.com/TechforgoodCAST/awesome-techforgood) - A selection of projects, organisations and useful tools for social-impact tech. - [awesome-passive-income](https://github.com/yourincomehome/awesome-passive-income) - A curated list of ways to make money online. - [awesome-cairo](https://github.com/auditless/awesome-cairo) - Resources for Cairo 1.0 development. @@ -3097,6 +3096,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-webshell](https://github.com/alphaSeclab/awesome-webshell) - Awesome webshell collection. Including 150 GitHub repo, and 200+ blog posts. - [Awesome_BigData_AI_DrugDiscovery](https://github.com/Bin-Chen-Lab/Awesome_BigData_AI_DrugDiscovery) - A collection of resources useful for leveraging big data and AI for drug discovery. It mainly serves as an orientation for new lab folks. It may be biased towards my lab interest. - [awesome-handbooks](https://github.com/hkdobrev/awesome-handbooks) - A curated list of awesome company handbooks. +- [awesome-readwise](https://github.com/Scarvy/awesome-readwise) - A curated list of awesome Readwise libraries, plugins, software, and resources. - [awesome-tensorflow-js](https://github.com/aaronhma/awesome-tensorflow-js) - Awesome TensorFlow.js - A curated list of dedicated resources to master TensorFlow.js. - [awesome-learn-to-code](https://github.com/mike-north/awesome-learn-to-code) - A list of awesome resources for learning to code. - [awesome-catholic](https://github.com/servusdei2018/awesome-catholic) - A curated list of awesome open-source Catholic projects, libraries and software. @@ -3105,7 +3105,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-web-you-should-know](https://github.com/freyhill/awesome-web-you-should-know) - 🌎awesome web you should know. - [awesome-rust-testing](https://github.com/hoodie/awesome-rust-testing) - 😎 Curated list of awesome things regarding Rust Testing. - [awesome-data-science-viz](https://github.com/quantmind/awesome-data-science-viz) - :boom: :chart_with_upwards_trend: A curated list of data science, analysis and visualization tools. -- [awesome-readwise](https://github.com/Scarvy/awesome-readwise) - A curated list of awesome Readwise libraries, plugins, software, and resources. - [awesome-stellar](https://github.com/stellar/awesome-stellar) - 👨‍🚀 A curated list of Stellar applications, blog posts, educational resources, tools, and more. . - [awesome-tuist](https://github.com/tuist/awesome-tuist) - A community-driven collection of Tuist related posts, plugins, talks, and much more. - [Awesome-Contrastive-Learning](https://github.com/VainF/Awesome-Contrastive-Learning) - Awesome Contrastive Learning for CV & NLP. @@ -3164,6 +3163,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [Awesome-Radar-Camera-Fusion](https://github.com/Radar-Camera-Fusion/Awesome-Radar-Camera-Fusion) - Radar Camera Fusion in Autonomous Driving. - [awesome-hydrogen](https://github.com/shopify/awesome-hydrogen) - A curated list of awesome Hydrogen things. - [awesome-web-styling](https://github.com/Dev-Jeromebaek/awesome-web-styling) - Awesome Web Styling with CSS Animation Effects ⭐️. +- [awesome-football-analytics](https://github.com/diegopastor/awesome-football-analytics) - A curated list of football analytics awesome resources, articles, books and more!. - [awesome-qsharp](https://github.com/ebraminio/awesome-qsharp) - A curated list of Q# code and resources. - [awesome-danish](https://github.com/fnielsen/awesome-danish) - A curated list of awesome resources for Danish language technology. - [Awesome-ML-SP-Papers](https://github.com/gnipping/Awesome-ML-SP-Papers) - A curated list of Meachine learning Security & Privacy papers published in security top-4 conferences (IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, USENIX Security and NDSS). @@ -3176,7 +3176,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-machine-learning-fluid-mechanics](https://github.com/ikespand/awesome-machine-learning-fluid-mechanics) - Curated list for ML in FM. - [awesome-acnh](https://github.com/skullface/awesome-acnh) - 🏝 Curated list of resources and tips for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. - [Awesome-Crypto-Trading](https://github.com/SpiralDevelopment/Awesome-Crypto-Trading) - An awesome curated list of resources, software and tools for crypto traders. -- [awesome-football-analytics](https://github.com/diegopastor/awesome-football-analytics) - A curated list of football analytics awesome resources, articles, books and more!. - [awesome-bayes](https://github.com/dimenwarper/awesome-bayes) - List of resources for bayesian inference. - [awesome-android-libraries](https://github.com/thanhtoan1196/awesome-android-libraries) - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome Android libraries. - [Reading-Comprehension-Question-Answering-Papers](https://github.com/xanhho/Reading-Comprehension-Question-Answering-Papers) - Survey on Machine Reading Comprehension. @@ -3203,20 +3202,20 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-jamstack](https://github.com/BolajiAyodeji/awesome-jamstack) - :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Curated list of resources: books, videos, articles, speaker decks, tools about using the Jamstack. - [learning-resources](https://github.com/evilfactorylabs/learning-resources) - A curated list of "basic" knowledge that "good to know" by evilfactorylabs members. But feel free to take a look and learn together!. - [awesome-python-blogs](https://github.com/mikeyny/awesome-python-blogs) - A curated list of Awesome Python Blogs and Newsletters for Python Developers and Newbies. +- [awesome-fmi](https://github.com/traversaro/awesome-fmi) - A curated list of Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) libraries, tools and resources. - [awesome-tabletop-rpgs](https://github.com/Zireael07/awesome-tabletop-rpgs) - Awesome list of free and/or open source tabletop RPGs. +- [awesome-startup-resources](https://github.com/ahmadnassri/awesome-startup-resources) - A curated list of useful resources for building a new startup business. - [Awesome-KAPE](https://github.com/AndrewRathbun/Awesome-KAPE) - A curated list of KAPE-related resources. - [awesome-theravada](https://github.com/johnjago/awesome-theravada) - Curated list of Theravada Buddhist teachings. - [awesome-yolov8-models](https://github.com/keremberke/awesome-yolov8-models) - Easy-to-use finetuned YOLOv8 models. - [youtube](https://github.com/learn-anything/youtube) - Awesome YouTube channels. - [awesome-beam](https://github.com/pabloem/awesome-beam) - A curated list of awesome resources for Apache Beam. - [Pentest-Bookmarkz](https://github.com/SofianeHamlaoui/Pentest-Bookmarkz) - A collection of useful links for Pentesters. -- [awesome-fmi](https://github.com/traversaro/awesome-fmi) - A curated list of Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) libraries, tools and resources. -- [awesome-startup-resources](https://github.com/ahmadnassri/awesome-startup-resources) - A curated list of useful resources for building a new startup business. +- [Awesome-AI](https://github.com/VidyasagarMSC/Awesome-AI) - The guide to master Artificial Intelligence (machine learning & deep learning) from beginner to advance. - [awesome-angr](https://github.com/degrigis/awesome-angr) - A collection of resources/tools and analyses for the angr binary analysis framework. - [awesome-program](https://github.com/shaohua0116/awesome-program) - A curated list of papers related to program synthesis, program induction, program execution, program and code repair, and programmatic reinforcement learning. - [awesome-backend-architecture](https://github.com/TFdream/awesome-backend-architecture) - 后端开发常用技术框架、数据库、开源中间件、微服务、系统架构集合。. - [Awesome-Deception](https://github.com/tolgadevsec/Awesome-Deception) - An awesome list of resources on deception-based security with honeypots and honeytokens. -- [Awesome-AI](https://github.com/VidyasagarMSC/Awesome-AI) - The guide to master Artificial Intelligence (machine learning & deep learning) from beginner to advance. - [awesome-nativescript-vue](https://github.com/Gonzalo2310/awesome-nativescript-vue) - Resources for nativescript vue. - [awesome-complexity](https://github.com/sellisd/awesome-complexity) - An awesome list of complex systems science resources. - [awesome-fastai](https://github.com/ucalyptus/awesome-fastai) - Curated lists of fastai resources: blog posts, twitter threads etc. @@ -3225,13 +3224,13 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [Awesome-cross-modality-person-re-identification](https://github.com/bismex/Awesome-cross-modality-person-re-identification) - Awesome Cross-modality Person Re-identification. - [awesome-vector-database](https://github.com/dangkhoasdc/awesome-vector-database) - A curated list of awesome works related to high dimensional structure/vector search & database. - [Awesome-Stride](https://github.com/Doprez/Awesome-Stride) - Awesome resources for the fully open source Stride game engine. +- [awesome-gradient](https://github.com/Gradients/awesome-gradient) - 😎 A curated list of awesome Gradient frameworks, libraries and software and resources. - [awesome-powertoys-run-plugins](https://github.com/hlaueriksson/awesome-powertoys-run-plugins) - 🗂️🔎 Delightful PowerToys Run community plugins 🔌. - [awesome-android](https://github.com/Mike-bel/awesome-android) - A better way to collect the awesome repositories on GitHub for android developers. - [awesome-nostr-japan](https://github.com/nostr-jp/awesome-nostr-japan) - Awesome nostr in Japan. Software, Web service, Clients, Bots created by Japanese. - [Awesome-IT-Books](https://github.com/piggsoft/Awesome-IT-Books) - 旨在维护一个目录,集合各个优秀的IT技术书籍,方便大家进行检索。. - [Awesome_AI4Finance](https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/Awesome_AI4Finance) - Resources. - [awesome](https://github.com/feature-sliced/awesome) - A curated list of delightful 🍰 FSD resources. -- [awesome-gradient](https://github.com/Gradients/awesome-gradient) - 😎 A curated list of awesome Gradient frameworks, libraries and software and resources. - [awesome-chef](https://github.com/obazoud/awesome-chef) - A curated list of amazingly awesome Chef resources. - [awesome-helix](https://github.com/rajasegar/awesome-helix) - Awesome list of resources for the Helix editor. - [awesome-gsoc-roadmap](https://github.com/realabbas/awesome-gsoc-roadmap) - A comprehensive curated list of available GSOC 2020 Guides, Write-ups and Tutorials 🤠 🏆. @@ -3245,14 +3244,15 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-cuda-and-hpc](https://github.com/codingonion/awesome-cuda-and-hpc) - 🔥🔥🔥 A collection of some awesome public CUDA, cuBLAS, TensorRT and High Performance Computing (HPC) projects. - [amazing-deployment](https://github.com/delirehberi/amazing-deployment) - A curated list of amazing Deployment libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources. - [awesome-TDA](https://github.com/FatemehTarashi/awesome-TDA) - A curated list of topological data analysis (TDA) resources and links. +- [awesome-php-jobs](https://github.com/filhodanuvem/awesome-php-jobs) - 🐘A curated list of companies using php . - [image2svg-awesome](https://github.com/fromtheexchange/image2svg-awesome) - All about image tracing and vectorization—the conversion of a raster image (jpg/png) to a vector image (svg). - [awesome-supermemo](https://github.com/supermemo/awesome-supermemo) - A list of resources which can be used with SuperMemo. - [awesome-open-source-power-electronics](https://github.com/upb-lea/awesome-open-source-power-electronics) - Lists open source power electronic tools. +- [awesome-Large-MultiModal-Hallucination](https://github.com/xieyuquanxx/awesome-Large-MultiModal-Hallucination) - 😎 up-to-date & curated list of awesome LMM hallucinations papers, methods & resources. - [awesome-macOS](https://github.com/AndrewSB/awesome-macOS) - A curated list of awesome macOS open source projects and libraries. - [ai-directories](https://github.com/best-of-ai/ai-directories) - An awesome list of best top AI directories. - [awesome-dataviz-education](https://github.com/datavis-tech/awesome-dataviz-education) - A curated collection of open educational content for data visualization and related topics. - [awesome-dhall](https://github.com/dhall-lang/awesome-dhall) - A curated list of awesome dhall-lang. -- [awesome-php-jobs](https://github.com/filhodanuvem/awesome-php-jobs) - 🐘A curated list of companies using php . - [Awesome-vehicle-re-identification](https://github.com/bismex/Awesome-vehicle-re-identification) - Awesome Vehicle Re-identification. - [Product-Management-and-Leadership](https://github.com/ElizaLo/Product-Management-and-Leadership) - Product Management and Leadership Guide. - [awesome-voice-conversion](https://github.com/JeffC0628/awesome-voice-conversion) - A curated list of awesome voice conversion, projects and communities. @@ -3268,7 +3268,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-php](https://github.com/skykingf/awesome-php) - 最有用的开源PHP资源。. - [awesome-sound_event_detection](https://github.com/soham97/awesome-sound_event_detection) - Reading list for research topics in Sound AI. - [awesome-visjs](https://github.com/visjs/awesome-visjs) - 🕶️ A curated list of resources around vis.js. -- [awesome-Large-MultiModal-Hallucination](https://github.com/xieyuquanxx/awesome-Large-MultiModal-Hallucination) - 😎 up-to-date & curated list of awesome LMM hallucinations papers, methods & resources. - [awesome-serverless-framework](https://github.com/yugasun/awesome-serverless-framework) - Serverless Framework 开发资源汇总 🚀. - [awesome-subgraphs](https://github.com/balakhonoff/awesome-subgraphs) - A curated list of awesome resources related to The Graph powered subgraph development. - [awesome-ai-cancer](https://github.com/cbailes/awesome-ai-cancer) - Awesome artificial intelligence in cancer diagnostics and oncology. @@ -3373,6 +3372,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-manga](https://github.com/farwang/awesome-manga) - Manga resources for manga fans 漫画爱好者的实用资源合集. - [frrrenchies](https://github.com/frrrenchies/frrrenchies) - Liste de ressources R utiles pour les Français. - [awesome-authentication](https://github.com/gitcommitshow/awesome-authentication) - Resources to learn and implement authentication in your application. +- [awesome-leetcode](https://github.com/kiranpalsingh1806/awesome-leetcode) - A curated list of awesome Leetcode problems, algorithms and data structures. - [awesome-few-shot-object-detection](https://github.com/lxn96/awesome-few-shot-object-detection) - Collect some papers and datastes about few-shot object detection for computer vision. - [awesome-ros-deliberation](https://github.com/ros-wg-delib/awesome-ros-deliberation) - A curated list of awesome tools and libraries for deliberation in ROS 2. - [awesome-software-engineering](https://github.com/Alliedium/awesome-software-engineering) - A curated list of awesome software engineering resources. @@ -3382,7 +3382,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [discord-resources](https://github.com/DTinker/discord-resources) - A curated list of awesome Discord modding resources. - [awesome-few-shot-gnn](https://github.com/kaize0409/awesome-few-shot-gnn) - An index of algorithms for few-shot learning/meta-learning on graphs. - [awesome-dataops](https://github.com/kelvins/awesome-dataops) - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome DataOps tools. -- [awesome-leetcode](https://github.com/kiranpalsingh1806/awesome-leetcode) - A curated list of awesome Leetcode problems, algorithms and data structures. - [awesome-swift-and-tutorial-resources](https://github.com/MaxChen/awesome-swift-and-tutorial-resources) - A curated list of awesome Swift resources and tutorial websites. Feel free to contribute!. - [awesome-ml](https://github.com/sdukshis/awesome-ml) - Machine Learning Awesome List. - [awesome-python-primer](https://github.com/zkqiang/awesome-python-primer) - 自学入门 Python 优质中文资源索引,包含 书籍 / 文档 / 视频,适用于 爬虫 / Web / 数据分析 / 机器学习 方向. @@ -3464,6 +3463,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-electronic-engineering](https://github.com/SergioGasquez/awesome-electronic-engineering) - Awesome Electronic Engineering . - [awesome-cloudnative](https://github.com/wh211212/awesome-cloudnative) - 💯An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Cloud Native.💻 . - [awesome-algeria](https://github.com/algeriatech/awesome-algeria) - A curated list of awesome things and projects built by Algerian developpers. +- [roadmap-java-sng](https://github.com/borymskyi/roadmap-java-sng) - 🚀Структурированный список ресурсов для изучения Java. - [awesome-ads](https://github.com/cenoura/awesome-ads) - A curated list of awesome advertising content, resources and libraries. - [Awesome-Myanmar](https://github.com/chanmratekoko/Awesome-Myanmar) - Awesome Myanmar Projects and Resources. - [awesome-mlp-papers](https://github.com/haofanwang/awesome-mlp-papers) - Recent Advances in MLP-based Models (MLP is all you need!). @@ -3491,7 +3491,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-suricata](https://github.com/satta/awesome-suricata) - A curated list of awesome things related to Suricata. - [awesome-frc](https://github.com/andrewda/awesome-frc) - A curated list of packages and resources regarding the FIRST Robotics Competition. - [awesome-1c](https://github.com/artbear/awesome-1c) - Awesome list for 1C Enterprise. -- [roadmap-java-sng](https://github.com/borymskyi/roadmap-java-sng) - 🚀Структурированный список ресурсов для изучения Java. - [awesome-e2k](https://github.com/e2k-community/awesome-e2k) - Awesome-e2k. - [awesome-japan-opendata](https://github.com/japan-opendata/awesome-japan-opendata) - Awesome Japan Open Data - 日本のオープンデータ情報一覧・まとめ. - [awesome-front-posts](https://github.com/jobbole/awesome-front-posts) - 让你受益匪浅的前端技术干货系列. @@ -3677,7 +3676,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-milligram](https://github.com/milligram/awesome-milligram) - A curated list of Milligram resources. - [awesome-spanner](https://github.com/rakyll/awesome-spanner) - A curated list of awesome Google Cloud Spanner references, tools, libraries and more. - [awesome-georgia](https://github.com/Stichoza/awesome-georgia) - 🇬🇪 A curated list of awesome libraries and packages specific/related to Georgia (country). +- [awesome-ngo](https://github.com/thiras/awesome-ngo) - A curated list of FOSS (Free and Open-source Software), freemium tools and guides for NGOs. - [awesome-openai-whisper](https://github.com/ancs21/awesome-openai-whisper) - A curated list of awesome OpenAI's Whisper. +- [GPA-LM](https://github.com/BAAI-Agents/GPA-LM) - This repo is a live list of papers on game playing and large multimodality model - "A Survey on Game Playing Agents and Large Models: Methods, Applications, and Challenges". - [awesome-capacitorjs](https://github.com/capawesome-team/awesome-capacitorjs) - ⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Capacitor. - [awesome-humanities-ontologies](https://github.com/CLARIAH/awesome-humanities-ontologies) - A curated list of ontologies for Digital Humanities. - [awesome-learning-collections](https://github.com/johnpaulada/awesome-learning-collections) - ✨ A curated list of awesome learning collections on various topics. @@ -3686,7 +3687,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-drupal](https://github.com/nirgn975/awesome-drupal) - Useful resources for Drupal CMS 💧. - [awesome-social-enterprise](https://github.com/RayBB/awesome-social-enterprise) - 📗Resources to dive into the world of social enterprises 🌼 . - [awesome-azure-static-web-apps](https://github.com/staticwebdev/awesome-azure-static-web-apps) - Curated list of resources for Azure Static Web Apps. -- [awesome-ngo](https://github.com/thiras/awesome-ngo) - A curated list of FOSS (Free and Open-source Software), freemium tools and guides for NGOs. - [Awesome-Mixup](https://github.com/Westlake-AI/Awesome-Mixup) - Awesome List of Mixup Augmentation Papers for Visual Representation Learning. - [awesome-face-generation](https://github.com/zhangzjn/awesome-face-generation) - Basic GAN frameworks and approaches for face swap, reenactment, and stylizing. - [awesome-defi-product-management](https://github.com/0xvadym/awesome-defi-product-management) - A curated list of DeFi product management resources . @@ -3763,7 +3763,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-regl](https://github.com/regl-project/awesome-regl) - List of resources, projects and tools for regl. - [awesome-micro-expression-recognition](https://github.com/Vision-Intelligence-and-Robots-Group/awesome-micro-expression-recognition) - A GitHub repository about micro-expression recognition, micro-expression detection, and micro-expression analysis. - [awesome-NILM-with-code](https://github.com/zhgqcn/awesome-NILM-with-code) - A repository of awesome Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring(NILM) with code. -- [GPA-LM](https://github.com/BAAI-Agents/GPA-LM) - This repo is a live list of papers on game playing and large multimodality model - "A Survey on Game Playing Agents and Large Models: Methods, Applications, and Challenges". - [awesome-list](https://github.com/beerandcodeteam/awesome-list) - Lista de links úteis. - [awesome-asynchronous-federated-learning](https://github.com/beiyuouo/awesome-asynchronous-federated-learning) - 📦 Collect some Asynchronous Federated Learning papers. - [awesome-helium](https://github.com/dansku/awesome-helium) - Awesome list related to the helium ecosystem. @@ -3838,6 +3837,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-eosio](https://github.com/DanailMinchev/awesome-eosio) - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome EOSIO resources for users and developers. - [awesome-debrid](https://github.com/debridmediamanager/awesome-debrid) - 🆓 Download and stream in an instant. - [awesome-calculus](https://github.com/donovanglover/awesome-calculus) - :tropical_drink: A list of awesome resources I used to study Calculus. +- [awesome-key-information-extraction](https://github.com/entropy2333/awesome-key-information-extraction) - A curated list of papers about key information extraction. - [awesome-social-robots](https://github.com/jcarolinares/awesome-social-robots) - A list of resources and projects to create Open Source Social Robots. - [awesome-kubernetes](https://github.com/lukecav/awesome-kubernetes) - A collection of tools for Kubernetes. - [awesome_ImageAesthetics](https://github.com/miyamotty/awesome_ImageAesthetics) - A list of Image Aesthetics papers and resources. @@ -3855,7 +3855,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-cytodata](https://github.com/cytodata/awesome-cytodata) - A curated list of awesome cytodata resources. - [awesome-desci](https://github.com/DeSciWorldDAO/awesome-desci) - A curated list of awesome DeSci resources, projects, events, articles and more . - [awesome-cloudinary](https://github.com/Developerayo/awesome-cloudinary) - :notebook_with_decorative_cover: :books: A curated list of awesome resources : books, videos, articles about getting started and using Cloudinary (A comprehensive cloud-based image and video management platform). -- [awesome-key-information-extraction](https://github.com/entropy2333/awesome-key-information-extraction) - A curated list of papers about key information extraction. - [awesome-nn-optimization](https://github.com/harsh306/awesome-nn-optimization) - Awesome list for Neural Network Optimization methods. - [awesome-react-testing](https://github.com/infinitered/awesome-react-testing) - React and React Native testing tools and strategies. - [awesome-AIGC-tools](https://github.com/jiji262/awesome-AIGC-tools) - AIGC information including ChatGPT , GPT-4 and others. @@ -3879,6 +3878,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome_vr](https://github.com/thejourneydude/awesome_vr) - List of curated articles on VR for developers and designers. - [awesome-dragonruby](https://github.com/awesome-dragonruby/awesome-dragonruby) - A collection of awesome DragonRuby example apps, libraries, tools, frameworks, software and resources. - [awesome-corda](https://github.com/chainstacklabs/awesome-corda) - A curated list of awesome Corda resources. +- [awesome-hledger](https://github.com/edkedk99/awesome-hledger) - Guides and Tools for hledger. - [awesome-gitpod](https://github.com/gitpod-samples/awesome-gitpod) - 🍊 Awesome Gitpod | A curated list of awesome Gitpod resources. - [solana-awesome](https://github.com/helius-labs/solana-awesome) - The "Solana-Awesome" repository serves as a comprehensive, factual resource hub for anyone interested in learning about the Solana blockchain and its underlying technology. It is meticulously curated to include a wide array of informative materials such as articles, videos, and Twitter threads, as well as insightful blog posts. - [awesome-multibody-dynamics-simulation](https://github.com/jslee02/awesome-multibody-dynamics-simulation) - :sunglasses: A curated list of resources for multibody dynamics simulation papers. @@ -3899,7 +3899,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-io_uring](https://github.com/noteflakes/awesome-io_uring) - Awesome io_uring. - [awesome-puppet](https://github.com/rnelson0/awesome-puppet) - A curated list of amazingly awesome puppet resources inspired by @bayandin's awesome-awesomeness. - [awesome-micro-frontends](https://github.com/semlinker/awesome-micro-frontends) - An Awesome list of posts, videos and tutorials on Micro Frontends. +- [SLAM-Resources-for-Beginner](https://github.com/Taeyoung96/SLAM-Resources-for-Beginner) - Highly recommended resources for SLAM newbies (Lecture, Reviewed paper, Books, Tutorial, etc). - [BNN-ANN-papers](https://github.com/takyamamoto/BNN-ANN-papers) - Papers : Biological and Artificial Neural Networks. +- [super-awesome-mac](https://github.com/tonnoz/super-awesome-mac) - A curated collection of my favorite (free) apps for MacOs. - [awesome-iac-testing](https://github.com/ultral/awesome-iac-testing) - A list of awesome IaC testing articles, speeches & links. Especially about Ansible. - [awesome-chromebook](https://github.com/UseWebPlatform/awesome-chromebook) - Chromebook as development machine. - [hub](https://github.com/YuniorZen/hub) - 好用的工具、资源收集库, 好记性不如破键盘. @@ -3907,14 +3909,12 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-arco](https://github.com/arco-design/awesome-arco) - Awesome Arco Design resources list. - [awesome-ai-brain-computer-interface](https://github.com/atonkamanda/awesome-ai-brain-computer-interface) - Must-read papers on machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning and other learning methods for brain-computer interfaces. - [awesome-B-R](https://github.com/br-automation-com/awesome-B-R) - A curated list of awesome B&R frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-. stuff. -- [awesome-hledger](https://github.com/edkedk99/awesome-hledger) - Guides and Tools for hledger. - [awesome-software-analytics](https://github.com/feststelltaste/awesome-software-analytics) - Curated list of awesome resources and links about Software Analytics. - [awesome-tjsse-project](https://github.com/jwyjohn/awesome-tjsse-project) - 收集的同济软院的项目目录。. - [awesome-human-label-variation](https://github.com/mainlp/awesome-human-label-variation) - A curated list of awesome datasets with human label variation (un-aggregated labels) in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, accompanying The 'Problem' of Human Label Variation: On Ground Truth in Data, Modeling and Evaluation (EMNLP 2022). - [awesome-astronomy](https://github.com/mbiesiad/awesome-astronomy) - 😎 Awesome lists about Astronomy stuff. ⭐ Databases, sites, Twitter accounts, projects, NASA, ESA, JAXA, and more 🚀. - [Chrome-OS-Guide](https://github.com/mikeroyal/Chrome-OS-Guide) - Chrome OS Guide. - [awesome-disfluency-detection](https://github.com/pariajm/awesome-disfluency-detection) - A curated list of awesome disfluency detection publications along with the released code and bibliographical information. -- [super-awesome-mac](https://github.com/tonnoz/super-awesome-mac) - A curated collection of my favorite (free) apps for MacOs. - [templates](https://github.com/tsparticles/templates) - TsParticles website templates collection. - [awesome-game-production](https://github.com/vhladiienko/awesome-game-production) - A curated list of awesome resources, related to game production process: books, articles, tools, project management stuff etc. - [awesome-wintercms](https://github.com/wintercms/awesome-wintercms) - A curated list of awesome things related to WinterCMS. @@ -3993,7 +3993,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-git-cn](https://github.com/hylerrix/awesome-git-cn) - :dragon_face: 收集整理一些常用 Git 教程、工具 の 资源库,以便在工作中迅速的查找所需. - [awesome-loopring](https://github.com/Loopring/awesome-loopring) - A curated list of awesome things built on Loopring. - [awesome-combine](https://github.com/riteshhgupta/awesome-combine) - A collaborative list of awesome Combine resources and libraries. Feel free to contribute!. -- [SLAM-Resources-for-Beginner](https://github.com/Taeyoung96/SLAM-Resources-for-Beginner) - Highly recommended resources for SLAM newbies (Lecture, Reviewed paper, Books, Tutorial, etc). - [bevy_awesome_prod](https://github.com/Vrixyz/bevy_awesome_prod) - My curated list of projects using bevy in production, preferably with a company or a business model in mind. - [awesome-multiversx-dev-resources](https://github.com/xdevguild/awesome-multiversx-dev-resources) - Awesome MultiversX dev resources: Smart contracts, SDKs, dev libraries, articles, tutorials, all other dev stuff. - [awesome-xmtp](https://github.com/xmtp/awesome-xmtp) - A curated list of awesome resources and projects built using XMTP. @@ -4034,6 +4033,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-portable](https://github.com/shnbwmn/awesome-portable) - Curated list of awesome portable apps. - [Awesome-CV-Paper-Review](https://github.com/Sophia-11/Awesome-CV-Paper-Review) - 计算机视觉各个方向论文速览. - [awesome-hwd-tools](https://github.com/TM90/awesome-hwd-tools) - A curated list of awesome open source hardware design tools. +- [awesome-spiking-neural-networks](https://github.com/vvvityaaa/awesome-spiking-neural-networks) - A curated list of materials for Spiking Neural Networks, 3rd generation of artificial neural networks. - [awesome-glasgow-tech](https://github.com/AddJam/awesome-glasgow-tech) - 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 A collection of awesome things for the tech community in Glasgow. - [awesome-rubykaigi2016](https://github.com/angdev/awesome-rubykaigi2016) - A list of awesome RubyKaigi 2016 slides, repositories, blogs. - [Awesome-Mix](https://github.com/ChengtaiCao/Awesome-Mix) - A curated list of awesome Mix. @@ -4051,7 +4051,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-hyperledger](https://github.com/skcript/awesome-hyperledger) - A curated list of Hyperledger Resources, Articles, Talks and Applications, all in one place. - [awesome-osquery](https://github.com/sttor/awesome-osquery) - Osquery Resources. - [awesome-tidalcycles](https://github.com/tidalcycles/awesome-tidalcycles) - List of awesome things related to the live coding system TidalCycles and its close relatives. -- [awesome-spiking-neural-networks](https://github.com/vvvityaaa/awesome-spiking-neural-networks) - A curated list of materials for Spiking Neural Networks, 3rd generation of artificial neural networks. - [Awesome-Literature-ILoGs](https://github.com/Xtra-Computing/Awesome-Literature-ILoGs) - Awesome literature on imbalanced learning on graphs. - [awesome-ecommerce](https://github.com/zachary/awesome-ecommerce) - Collect and develop Open Source or Free Projects for building ecommerce platform easy and fast and free. - [awesome-ml-fairness](https://github.com/brandeis-machine-learning/awesome-ml-fairness) - Papers and online resources related to machine learning fairness. @@ -4075,9 +4074,11 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-solana](https://github.com/hokage-candidates/awesome-solana) - A curated list of awesome Solana protocols, repos & community tools. - [awesome-oneplus-3t](https://github.com/huihut/awesome-oneplus-3t) - 一加 3T ROM、内核(Kernel)、固件(Firmware)、Recovery、框架(Framework)、软件(APP). - [awesome-computational-biology](https://github.com/inoue0426/awesome-computational-biology) - Awesome list of computational biology. +- [Awesome-Crystal-GNNs](https://github.com/kdmsit/Awesome-Crystal-GNNs) - This repository contains a collection of resources and papers on GNN Models on Crystal Solid State Materials. - [awesome-blockchain-scalability](https://github.com/lucadonnoh/awesome-blockchain-scalability) - A curated list of awesome resources about blockchain scalability. - [awesome-nlp-resource](https://github.com/luyaojie/awesome-nlp-resource) - Awesome nlp resource. - [awesome-osx](https://github.com/marceloboeira/awesome-osx) - :package: Awesome stuff for macOS. +- [awesome-tello](https://github.com/Matthias84/awesome-tello) - A list of Free Software to interact with Ryzen / DJI Tello drones. - [well-documented](https://github.com/MaxwellBo/well-documented) - 📖 A collection of analyses, tutorials, walkthroughs and literate implementations of moderately complex standalone applications. - [DSP-Guide](https://github.com/mikeroyal/DSP-Guide) - Digital Signal Processing(DSP) Guide. - [Metal-Guide](https://github.com/mikeroyal/Metal-Guide) - Metal Guide. @@ -4099,11 +4100,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-free-and-essential-products-for-startups](https://github.com/jitenbansal/awesome-free-and-essential-products-for-startups) - Curated list of free and essential products. - [mobile-design-resources](https://github.com/josephgoksu/mobile-design-resources) - 📱 A curated list of mobile design resources. - [awesome-ev-charging](https://github.com/juherr/awesome-ev-charging) - Awesome list of tools for Electric Vehicul. -- [Awesome-Crystal-GNNs](https://github.com/kdmsit/Awesome-Crystal-GNNs) - This repository contains a collection of resources and papers on GNN Models on Crystal Solid State Materials. - [awesome-psychedelics](https://github.com/kianenigma/awesome-psychedelics) - A curated list of resources about the emerging renaissance of psychedelics drugs and their potential benefits. - [awesome-code-streamers](https://github.com/lucasfloriani/awesome-code-streamers) - List of code streamers from multiples plataforms like Twitch, YouTube, etc. - [awesome-se-bots](https://github.com/mairieli/awesome-se-bots) - A curated list of awesome SE bots :robot:. -- [awesome-tello](https://github.com/Matthias84/awesome-tello) - A list of Free Software to interact with Ryzen / DJI Tello drones. - [Zorin-OS-Guide](https://github.com/mikeroyal/Zorin-OS-Guide) - Zorin OS Guide . - [awesome-lm-system](https://github.com/ModelTC/awesome-lm-system) - Summary of system papers/frameworks/codes/tools on training or serving large model. - [awesome-spacecraft-engineering-datasets](https://github.com/patrickfleith/awesome-spacecraft-engineering-datasets) - A list of awesome and diverse datasets related to space vehicle engineering for industry and research. @@ -4383,6 +4382,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-rmarkdown](https://github.com/harryprince/awesome-rmarkdown) - An awesome rmarkdown related package collection. - [awesome-sparklyr](https://github.com/harryprince/awesome-sparklyr) - An awesome sparklyr related package collection. - [awesome-architecture](https://github.com/i5ar/awesome-architecture) - A curated list of awesome software, libraries, resources and shiny things used in the architecture industry. +- [awesome-vim-llm-plugins](https://github.com/jkitching/awesome-vim-llm-plugins) - An exhaustive list of vim plugins which make use of Large Language Models. - [awesome-klaytn](https://github.com/klaytn/awesome-klaytn) - This page introduces all links related to Klaytn’s core development and ecosystem. - [awesome-arduino](https://github.com/m8/awesome-arduino) - A curated list of awesome Arduino tools and projects. - [awesome-machine-learning-atomistic-simulation](https://github.com/m-k-S/awesome-machine-learning-atomistic-simulation) - An overview of literature that discusses the use of machine learning for atomistic simulations. @@ -4403,7 +4403,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-datree](https://github.com/datreeio/awesome-datree) - ⚙️ A curated list of resources for using Datree's CLI tool. - [awesome-axure](https://github.com/duzyn/awesome-axure) - Collection of awesome Axure resources. - [awesome-digital-twins](https://github.com/edt-community/awesome-digital-twins) - Curated repository of awesome Digital Twin resources. -- [awesome-vim-llm-plugins](https://github.com/jkitching/awesome-vim-llm-plugins) - An exhaustive list of vim plugins which make use of Large Language Models. - [awesome-kiss](https://github.com/kiss-community/awesome-kiss) - Awesome KISS repos, spins, commands, etc. - [awesome-deliberative-prompting](https://github.com/logikon-ai/awesome-deliberative-prompting) - Awesome deliberative prompting: How to ask LLMs to produce reliable reasoning and make reason-responsive decisions. . - [awesome-tools](https://github.com/lotapp/awesome-tools) - 逆天开发常用库(整理更新ing). @@ -4493,6 +4492,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-knowleges](https://github.com/wmenjoy/awesome-knowleges) - 汇总有用的知识. - [awesome-gnuradio](https://github.com/ysk256/awesome-gnuradio) - Awesome gnuradio / SDR software. - [awesome-rgb-protocol](https://github.com/22388o/awesome-rgb-protocol) - A curated list of RGB projects and resources . +- [awesome-sc2-ai](https://github.com/aiarena/awesome-sc2-ai) - A curated list of SC2 AI code and resources. - [awesome-aleo](https://github.com/aleohub/awesome-aleo) - A curated list of awesome things related to ALEO. - [AwesomeResponsibleAI](https://github.com/AthenaCore/AwesomeResponsibleAI) - A curated list of awesome academic research, books, code of ethics, data sets, institutes, newsletters, principles, podcasts, reports, tools, regulations and standards related to Responsible AI and Human-Centered AI. - [awesome-vue-refactor](https://github.com/brillout/awesome-vue-refactor) - A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js. @@ -4541,7 +4541,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-js](https://github.com/serhiisol/awesome-js) - Сurated list of awesome js extensions, tutorials, resources and other nice things. - [awesome-python-re](https://github.com/Svenskithesource/awesome-python-re) - A curated list of awesome Python reverse engineering libraries, tools and resources. - [awesome-smart-contracts](https://github.com/transmute-industries/awesome-smart-contracts) - Awesome Ethereum Projects List. -- [awesome-sc2-ai](https://github.com/aiarena/awesome-sc2-ai) - A curated list of SC2 AI code and resources. - [awesome-feature-flag-management](https://github.com/andrewdmaclean/awesome-feature-flag-management) - A curated list of awesome resources related to feature flagging & management 🚩. - [awesome-generative-ai](https://github.com/chaosreactor/awesome-generative-ai) - An awesome list of low- and no-code generative AI resources. . - [awesome-devrant](https://github.com/devRant-Community/awesome-devrant) - A curated list of awesome devRant projects, libraries, software and resources. @@ -4600,6 +4599,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-drug-discovery](https://github.com/xnuohz/awesome-drug-discovery) - A collection of drug discovery, classification and representation learning papers with deep learning. - [awesome-edge](https://github.com/yarncraft/awesome-edge) - A qualitative compilation of production-ready frameworks, services and repositories with a focus on Edge Computing & IoT. - [awesome_roadmaps](https://github.com/aboelkassem/awesome_roadmaps) - A curated list of roadmaps for the software industry and other technologies from GitHub and other resources. +- [awesome-productivity-software](https://github.com/areknawo/awesome-productivity-software) - Community-curated list of awesome life-management & productivity software. - [awesome-ai-models](https://github.com/dariubs/awesome-ai-models) - A curated list of top AI models and LLMs. - [awesome-ble](https://github.com/dotintent/awesome-ble) - A collaborative list of Awesome Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) resources. Feel free to contribute!. - [awesome-dtn](https://github.com/dtn7/awesome-dtn) - A curated list of awesome delay- and disruption-tolerant networking. @@ -4625,7 +4625,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-chaos-engineering](https://github.com/adriannovegil/awesome-chaos-engineering) - Awesome chaos engineering page. - [awesome-starknet-security](https://github.com/amanusk/awesome-starknet-security) - A curated list of awesome Starknet Security Resources. Tools, audits, CTFs and more. - [awesome](https://github.com/amorist/awesome) - Manage my GitHub star. -- [awesome-productivity-software](https://github.com/areknawo/awesome-productivity-software) - Community-curated list of awesome life-management & productivity software. - [awesome-merakiapis](https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/awesome-merakiapis) - Collection point for all the awesome Meraki APIs. - [fucking-awesome-unity](https://github.com/Correia-jpv/fucking-awesome-unity) - A curated list of awesome Unity assets, resources, and more. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴. - [awesome-parasite](https://github.com/ecohealthalliance/awesome-parasite) - A curated list of host-parasite information. @@ -4895,6 +4894,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-web-frontend](https://github.com/huogerac/awesome-web-frontend) - A curated list of awesome web frontend related resources 😎. - [awesome-helio](https://github.com/i4Ds/awesome-helio) - A curated list of datasets, tools and papers for machine learning in heliophysics. - [awesome-circom](https://github.com/iamsahu/awesome-circom) - A curated list of awesome resources for learning and programming with Circom. +- [awesome-selfhosted-product](https://github.com/kiarafbickers/awesome-selfhosted-product) - A list of free product focused services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers. - [awesome-artificial-intelligence-ethics](https://github.com/marikyu7/awesome-artificial-intelligence-ethics) - An (awesome) list of content reltated to Artificial Intelligence Ethics. - [awesome-codejam-resources](https://github.com/mcgill-ecsess/awesome-codejam-resources) - 💫 A curated list of pattern recognition resources for CodeJam 2019. - [OpenGL-Guide](https://github.com/mikeroyal/OpenGL-Guide) - OpenGL Guide. @@ -4933,7 +4933,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [314-or-so-awesome-raspberry-pi-resources](https://github.com/grantwinney/314-or-so-awesome-raspberry-pi-resources) - Here's a huge list of Raspberry Pi resources I put together for Pi Day - interesting people to follow, material to read, projects to try out. You've no excuse for not learning the Pi now! :wink:. - [awesome-geometry-dash](https://github.com/iAndyHD3/awesome-geometry-dash) - A curated list of awesome Geometry Dash mods, libraries, frameworks, resources and more. - [awesome-blockchain](https://github.com/iNiKe/awesome-blockchain) - Awesome of Blockchain, ICO, ₿itcoin, Cryptocurrencies. -- [awesome-selfhosted-product](https://github.com/kiarafbickers/awesome-selfhosted-product) - A list of free product focused services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers. - [awesome-post-scarcity](https://github.com/lorepieri8/awesome-post-scarcity) - A curated list of Post-Scarcity links, books and resources. - [awesome-sql](https://github.com/mbiesiad/awesome-sql) - 😎 Awesome lists about SQL stuff! :computer: Tutorials, docs, formatters, online education, tools and more :fire:. - [Algorithms-and-Data-Structures](https://github.com/mikeroyal/Algorithms-and-Data-Structures) - Algorithms & Data Structures Guide. @@ -5010,7 +5009,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-dotnet-core-education](https://github.com/mjebrahimi/awesome-dotnet-core-education) - ⚡ Collection of useful articles and resources to learning and practicing about .Net Core and its related technologies. 😉. - [awesome-package-management](https://github.com/nilsding/awesome-package-management) - A curated list of package managers for most languages/systems!. - [awesome-hyperspectral](https://github.com/Nrevyw/awesome-hyperspectral) - Awesome projects, papers, and tools for working with hyperspectral imagery. -- [awesome-ux-engineer](https://github.com/obetomuniz/awesome-ux-engineer) - A repository of resources and knowledge for and about UX Engineers. - [awesome-assistivetech](https://github.com/openassistive/awesome-assistivetech) - A curated list of 😎 awesome assistive-technology frameworks to help you develop your AT tool/system. - [awesome-computer-science](https://github.com/perfectplug/awesome-computer-science) - Collect computer related materials and codes. - [awesome-october-cms](https://github.com/prismify/awesome-october-cms) - A curated list of awesome things related to OctoberCMS. @@ -5057,6 +5055,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-gnn-privacy](https://github.com/NDS-VU/awesome-gnn-privacy) - This repository aims to provide links to works about privacy attacks and privacy preservation on graph data with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). - [Awesome-AIML-Data-Ops](https://github.com/nellaivijay/Awesome-AIML-Data-Ops) - Awesome AI -ML-Data Ops. - [awesome-chemical-data](https://github.com/neo-chem/awesome-chemical-data) - Curated list of known efforts in collecting and/or curating of chemical/materials data . +- [awesome-ux-engineer](https://github.com/obetomuniz/awesome-ux-engineer) - A repository of resources and knowledge for and about UX Engineers. - [Awesome-LLM-Productization](https://github.com/oscinis-com/Awesome-LLM-Productization) - Awesome-LLM-Productization: a curated list of tools/tricks/news/regulations about AI and Large Language Model (LLM) productization. - [awesome-dynamic-NeRF](https://github.com/pdaicode/awesome-dynamic-NeRF) - A curated list of awesome neural radiance fields for dynamic scenes. - [awesome-documentation](https://github.com/pengqun/awesome-documentation) - 📃 A curated and up-to-date list of resources on software documentation templates, tools, guides, examples, etc. @@ -5083,6 +5082,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-machine-learning-engineering](https://github.com/d18s/awesome-machine-learning-engineering) - A curated list of articles, papers and tools for managing the building and deploying of machine learning models, aka machine learning engineering. - [magento2-handy-snippets](https://github.com/dev-jq/magento2-handy-snippets) - Magento 2 – useful Code Snippets for Front-end Developer. - [Fine-grained-Entity-Typing-Papers](https://github.com/drogozhang/Fine-grained-Entity-Typing-Papers) - Must-read papers on Fine-grained Entity Typing. +- [Deep-Learning](https://github.com/ElizaLo/Deep-Learning) - Implementation of Deep Learning Algorithms and useful information (courses, books, videos, etc.). - [awesome-xai](https://github.com/fawazsammani/awesome-xai) - Papers about Explainable AI (Deep Learning-based). - [awesome-pl-concepts](https://github.com/glyh/awesome-pl-concepts) - An menu/quick reference for Programming Language concepts. - [awesome-ia](https://github.com/IAARhub/awesome-ia) - Lista curada de recursos en Inteligencia Artificial. @@ -5129,9 +5129,9 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-cardano](https://github.com/CardanoUmbrella/awesome-cardano) - A curated list of awesome things related to the Cardano project. - [awesome-2048-and-beyond](https://github.com/cstrap/awesome-2048-and-beyond) - Waste at least 8 hours of your life. then **multiply** it. ;-). - [awesome-free-courses](https://github.com/danilolmoura/awesome-free-courses) - A collection of all amazing free courses. +- [awesome-statistics](https://github.com/dariubs/awesome-statistics) - A curated list of awesome statistics resources. - [awesome-dlab](https://github.com/dlab-berkeley/awesome-dlab) - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of topics and tools interesting to D-Labbers. - [awesome-maps](https://github.com/drushadrusha/awesome-maps) - 🗺️ A curated list of awesome interactive maps. -- [Deep-Learning](https://github.com/ElizaLo/Deep-Learning) - Implementation of Deep Learning Algorithms and useful information (courses, books, videos, etc.). - [awesome-webextension](https://github.com/gasolin/awesome-webextension) - A curated list of awesome articles, tutorials and resources dealing with web extention. - [awesome-embedded-security](https://github.com/hexsecs/awesome-embedded-security) - Awesome list for embedded security tools and knowledge. - [mens-liberation](https://github.com/hng/mens-liberation) - A curated list of ressources regarding the pro-feminist Men's liberation movement, feminism, masculinity and adjacent topics. @@ -5171,7 +5171,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [fucking-build-your-own-x](https://github.com/Correia-jpv/fucking-build-your-own-x) - Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴. - [awesome-drupal-jsonapi](https://github.com/d34dman/awesome-drupal-jsonapi) - A collection of Json:API resources for Drupal . - [awesome-iOS-security](https://github.com/Dado1513/awesome-iOS-security) - A collection of iOS tools designed for security purposes. -- [awesome-statistics](https://github.com/dariubs/awesome-statistics) - A curated list of awesome statistics resources. - [awesome-openxr](https://github.com/Elameri/awesome-openxr) - A curated list of awesome OpenXR resources. - [awesome-banking-tech](https://github.com/gtonic/awesome-banking-tech) - A curated list of banking technologies and resources. - [awesome-SLAM-algorithm](https://github.com/Hardy-Uint/awesome-SLAM-algorithm) - SLAM algorithm. @@ -5631,6 +5630,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-embedded-blockchain](https://github.com/maksimdrachov/awesome-embedded-blockchain) - A curated list of blockchain resources for embedded developers. - [awesome-italian-public-datasets](https://github.com/mariaclaudia/awesome-italian-public-datasets) - A selection of interesting Open dataset from the Italian Public Administration and Civic Data use cases. - [awesome-hrv](https://github.com/mintisan/awesome-hrv) - A comprehensive collection of HRV-related resources, including libraries, datasets, tutorials, papers, and more, for researchers and developers in the Heart Rate Variability field. +- [awesome-ppg](https://github.com/mintisan/awesome-ppg) - A comprehensive collection of PPG-related resources, including libraries, datasets, tutorials, papers, and more, for researchers and developers in the Photoplethysmography(HR/SpO2/BP) field. - [awesome-autonolas](https://github.com/N0xMare/awesome-autonolas) - The Autonolas Encyclopedia. - [awesome-ec2-spot](https://github.com/nadaahm/awesome-ec2-spot) - A curated list of awesome AWS EC2 Spot related updates, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources. - [awesome-andrewid](https://github.com/nshutijean/awesome-andrewid) - 📃 A curated list of all possible resources (tools, tutorials, platforms, etc) an andrew email can get you. @@ -5717,7 +5717,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-tk](https://github.com/mardukbp/awesome-tk) - A curated list of awesome Tk apps and resources for developers. - [awesome-metaljs](https://github.com/matuzalemsteles/awesome-metaljs) - 😎 A collection of awesome things regarding Metal.js ecosystem. - [Xaramin-Guide](https://github.com/mikeroyal/Xaramin-Guide) - Xaramin Guide. -- [awesome-ppg](https://github.com/mintisan/awesome-ppg) - A comprehensive collection of PPG-related resources, including libraries, datasets, tutorials, papers, and more, for researchers and developers in the Photoplethysmography(HR/SpO2/BP) field. - [awesome-time-travel](https://github.com/mstuttgart/awesome-time-travel) - A curated list of awesome books, films and wherever about time travel. - [graphics-and-vision-well-explained](https://github.com/mwtarnowski/graphics-and-vision-well-explained) - A list of high-quality Computer Graphics & Computer Vision learning resources. - [TYPO3-knowledge-resources](https://github.com/nextmotion/TYPO3-knowledge-resources) - Awesome list of TYPO3 knowledge resources. @@ -5876,6 +5875,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-computer-science](https://github.com/Hypervision-UPES/awesome-computer-science) - A curated list of computer science related courses, resources, libraries and frameworks. - [mobile-ios](https://github.com/it-shark-pro/mobile-ios) - 📚Materials about development for iOS. - [awesome-web-developer](https://github.com/ivqonsanada/awesome-web-developer) - My Web Developer Awesome List. +- [telegram-list](https://github.com/j2a1ck/telegram-list) - List of good Telegram channel (Persian). - [awesome-website-shortcuts](https://github.com/JiangWeixian/awesome-website-shortcuts) - Awesome website shortcuts collective like `repo.new`. - [awesome-puppeteer](https://github.com/jiji262/awesome-puppeteer) - A collection of awesome Google's Headless Chrome Node API tool, tutorials, resources and shiny things. - [awesome-openbsd](https://github.com/joakinen/awesome-openbsd) - A curated list of resources about OpenBSD :blowfish:. @@ -5921,6 +5921,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-BTC-embedded](https://github.com/valerio-vaccaro/awesome-BTC-embedded) - A list of projects using Bitcoin on embedded devices. - [awesome-id](https://github.com/vck/awesome-id) - Kumpulan link komunitas pemrograman yang ada di Indonesia. - [awesome-viur](https://github.com/viur-framework/awesome-viur) - Awesome lists about all kinds of things related to ViUR. +- [awesome-LLM-resourses](https://github.com/WangRongsheng/awesome-LLM-resourses) - 🧑‍🚀 全世界最好的中文LLM资料总结. - [awesome-osint-thai](https://github.com/wasdee/awesome-osint-thai) - A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT for Thai 😋. - [awesome-discoveries](https://github.com/whitone/awesome-discoveries) - A curated list of awesome discoveries based on repositories found using GitHub Trending. - [awesome-nodejs](https://github.com/xiaqijian/awesome-nodejs) - 这个仓库主要是收集 Node生态 好用的中间件、新闻资讯、网站等,欢迎star. @@ -5970,7 +5971,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [backpacking](https://github.com/IgorRozani/backpacking) - Websites useful for backpackers. - [awesome-hyperspectral-image-classification](https://github.com/immortal13/awesome-hyperspectral-image-classification) - An comprehensive list of hyperspectral image classification resources (papers & codes & related websites) collected by Jiaqi Zou (immortal@whu.edu.cn). - [awesome-llm-projects](https://github.com/InfiniteAICreations/awesome-llm-projects) - 😎 A list of awesome projects related to LLM. -- [telegram-list](https://github.com/j2a1ck/telegram-list) - List of good Telegram channel (Persian). - [awesome-hacking-tools](https://github.com/Jackelele/awesome-hacking-tools) - 😱An awesome curated list for hacking & pentesting tools!. - [NLP-Bubble](https://github.com/JackHCC/NLP-Bubble) - 🖨 Natural Language Processing Learning Blog,a Study Bubble to recording learning. - [awesome-runes](https://github.com/jade98-io/awesome-runes) - A curated list of #runes ecosystem on #bitcoin. @@ -6088,6 +6088,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [awesome-it-architect](https://github.com/gtonic/awesome-it-architect) - A curated list of IT architecture technologies and resources. - [awesome-administration](https://github.com/hacklschorsch/awesome-administration) - A curated list of open government initiatives - public money, public code!. - [awesome-gcp](https://github.com/hrvolapeter/awesome-gcp) - A curated list of awesome Google Cloud Platform (GCP) libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources. +- [awesome-ttgo-vga](https://github.com/iandstanley/awesome-ttgo-vga) - List of TTGO-VGA stuff. - [awesome-generative-nfts](https://github.com/iChoake/awesome-generative-nfts) - A curated list of generative Non Fungible Tokens (NFT, ERC721) organized into themes / categories. - [awesome-fastai](https://github.com/isymbo/awesome-fastai) - A personal curated list for learning fast.ai and the related. - [mobile-android](https://github.com/it-shark-pro/mobile-android) - 📚 Materials about development for Android. @@ -6244,7 +6245,6 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [my-awesome-tools](https://github.com/huixisheng/my-awesome-tools) - 我的常用工具列表. - [awesome-robot-combat](https://github.com/IainIsCreative/awesome-robot-combat) - A list of resources, links, and tips for people who want to building fighting robots. - [awesome-qa-links](https://github.com/iammike/awesome-qa-links) - A curated list of blogs, articles, videos, and podcasts on software testing. -- [awesome-ttgo-vga](https://github.com/iandstanley/awesome-ttgo-vga) - List of TTGO-VGA stuff. - [awesome-atom](https://github.com/iawia002/awesome-atom) - Some useful Atom packages. - [awesome-resources-risk-assessment-in-AVs](https://github.com/IEEE-ITSS-OpenHub/awesome-resources-risk-assessment-in-AVs) - Awesome resources risk assessment in AVs; subjective and objective risk in AVs; human-centric automated driving. . - [awesome-wasteof](https://github.com/imadeanaccount1/awesome-wasteof) - ⭐ Awesome list of wasteof.money bots, clients, and resources. @@ -6443,6 +6443,7 @@ Last generated: 2024-09-18, 7338 lists. - [chatgpt-awesome](https://github.com/JornShen/chatgpt-awesome) - Chatgpt GitHub 项目指南. - [awesome-gemm](https://github.com/jssonx/awesome-gemm) - A curated list of awesome matrix-matrix multiplication (A * B = C) frameworks, libraries and software. - [awesome-specs](https://github.com/jugaadi/awesome-specs) - For all specs/protocols that are currently in use. +- [awesome-blog-bioinformatics](https://github.com/Juke34/awesome-blog-bioinformatics) - A curated list of awesome blog in bioinformatics and affiliated areas. . - [awesome-test-time-adaptation](https://github.com/junha1125/awesome-test-time-adaptation) - Awesome-test-time-adaptation. - [awesome-causal-inference](https://github.com/jw1212/awesome-causal-inference) - Causal inference reading list. - [awesome-train-europe](https://github.com/JWDobken/awesome-train-europe) - Resources for train travel through Europe. Because it is fast, fun and slow.