Visit the deployed site: Found in Translation
Testing was ongoing throughout the entire build. We utilised Chrome developer tools whilst building to pinpoint and troubleshoot any issues as we went along.
Each page has been inspected using google chrome developer tools & Firefox inspector tool to ensure that each page is fully responsive on a variety of different screen sizes and devices. We have also physically tested the responsiveness of the site on a number of different devices.
W3C was used to validate the HTML on all pages of the website. It was also used to validate the CSS.
A warning relating to the use of the aria-label in the <i>
tag was flagged as being a possible misuse of the label. This is due to the bootstrap class for the icons to allow the icons to be accessible friendly (taken from the documentation for bootstrap5), and can therefore be ignored.
Update September 2022
Further research into this matter suggests that moving the aria-label into the parent <a>
tag will remove the above error relating to the misuse of the label.
- Index Page W3C HTML Validation - Pass
- Login Page W3C HTML Validation - Pass
- [Sign Up Page W3C HTML Validation]
- Admin Page W3C HTML Validation - Pass
- All threads Page W3C HTML Validation - Pass
- Privacy Page W3C HTML Validation - Pass
- Terms & Conditions Page W3C HTML Validation - Pass
- 404 Page W3C HTML Validation - Pass
- style.css CSS Validation - Pass
jshint was used to validate the JavaScript.
PEP8was used to validate the python files.
I used Lighthouse within the Chrome Developer Tools to test the performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO of the website.
First Time Visitors
Registered/Returning Visitors
Admin User
Goals | How are they achieved? | Image |
As an admin user, I want to be able to view flagged posts | :--- | :--- |
As an admin user, I want to be able to delete messages that have been flagged that are offensive | :--- | :--- |
As an admin user, I want to be able to unflag posts that are not offensive | :--- | :--- |
Full testing was performed on the following devices:
- Laptop:
- Macbook Pro 2021 14 inch screen
- Mobile Devices:
- iPhone 13 pro.
- iPhone 11 pro.
- Phone X.
Each device tested the site using the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
Additional testing was taken by friends and family on a variety of devices and screen sizes.
Feature | Expected Outcome | Testing Performed | Result | Pass/Fail |
Navbar |
Site logo | Redirects to the home page | Click logo | Redirects to home page | Pass |
Site Name | Redirects to home page | Click site name | Redirects to home page | Pass |
Home Link | Redirects to home page | Click home link | Redirects to home page | Pass |
Login Link (user not logged in) | Redirect to Login page | Click log in link | Redirected to log in page | Pass |
Sign up Link (user not logged in) | Redirect to Sign up page | Click sign up link | Redirected to sign up page | Pass |
View all posts link | Redirects the user to the all threads page | Click view all posts link | Redirected to all posts page | Pass |
Admin View | Redirects to the admin view page | Click admin view link | Redirected to admin view page | Pass |
Logout link (user logged in) | User will be logged out | Click log out link | Redirected to home page - login link available | Pass |
Home Page |
View threads button | Redirects to the threads page | Click button | Redirected to the thread | Pass |
Start a new thread button | Modal popup to create new thread | Click button | New thread modal popped up | Pass |
Login Page |
Form - link to sign up page | Redirects user to sign in page | Click link | Redirected to sign up page | Pass |
Form - Submission with no information | User prompted to fill in information | clicked submit button with no fields filled out | Form highlighted first empty field | Pass |
Signup Page |
Form - Submission with no information | User prompted to fill in information | clicked submit button with no fields filled out | Form highlighted first empty field | Pass |
New Post Page |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
New Thread Page |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Threads Page |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Admin Posts Page |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Privacy Policy Page |
Link to Terms & Conditions Page | Redirects user to the Terms & Conditions page | Click link | Redirected to the terms & conditions page | Pass |
Get Safe Online link | Redirects the user to the get safe online website in a new browser tab | Click link | site opens, but in same browser tab | Fail |
Link to Rocket Lawyer site in Attribution section | User is taken to the Rocket Lawyer site in a new browser tab | Click link | Rocket Lawyer site opens, but in same tab | Fail |
Terms and Conditions Page |
Link to Rocket Lawyer site in Attribution section | User is taken to the Rocket Lawyer site in a new browser tab | Click link | 404 page opens | Fail |
404 Page |
(User Logged in) Home Button | User will be redirected to the home page | Click home button | Redirected to the home page | Pass |
(Guest User) Login Button | User redirected to the login page | Click login button | Redirected to the login page | Pass |
(Guest User) Sign Up Button | User redirected to the sign up page | Click sign up button | Redirected to sign up page | Pass |
Footer |
Footer - Join now button | Redirects user to the sign up page | Click button | Redirected to sign up page | Pass |
Footer - Social media links | Opens new tab to the social media site | Clicked each icon | New tabs opened for each site | Pass |
Footer - Privacy Policy link | Redirects to the privacy policy page | Clicked link | Redirected to privacy policy page | Pass |
footer - Terms and conditions link | Redirects to the terms and conditions page | Clicked link | Redirected to terms and conditions page | Pass |
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