diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 5cbc1f8..8c3a804 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -6,16 +6,13 @@
* Add tests verifying each implementation of an app returns the expected markup
* For Vue, implement getFrameworkFragment(frameworkName) that returns either toHTMLString.Fragment or div depending on if frameworkName supports Fragments
-* Consider changing flight booker to do input validation to demonstrate how that flow works...
- * Would also make it easier to test since using date input in puppeteer is hard
- * Perhaps require dates to match yyyy-mm-dd format (ISO format?) using regex /([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/ + simplified validation logic (month <= 12, day <= 31). Perhaps incorrect values are marked as invalid for date values that don't match parsed date after passing into Date constructor
-* Consider having one page per app with a framework selector? with standalone page option?
-* Add Compare page
- * plus button to add multiple frameworks of one app to view source and Compare
* Consider showing source files inline under app
* Perhaps add toggle for source and js output? Particularly useful for compiler frameworks (Vue, Svelte)
* Add link to framework repl if exists
+* Consider having one page per app with a framework selector? with standalone page option?
+* Add Compare page
+ * plus button to add multiple frameworks of one app to view source and Compare
* Add brotli/gzip radio option to summary page (power radios using /scripts/bundles/summary.js)
* Add rollup-plugin-visualizer html to output
diff --git a/dist/frameworks/preact-hooks/7GUIs-flight-booker.html b/dist/frameworks/preact-hooks/7GUIs-flight-booker.html
index c1ef158..f551241 100644
--- a/dist/frameworks/preact-hooks/7GUIs-flight-booker.html
+++ b/dist/frameworks/preact-hooks/7GUIs-flight-booker.html
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@