Thank you for showing an interest and taking the time to contribute!
- Before reporting an issue/bug please ensure it hasn't already been reported by searching on GitHub under Issues
- If it hasn't already been reported then open a new issue. Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and if necessary a code sample demonstrating the problem.
- Open a new GitHub pull request with a clear list of what you've done as well as including the relevant issue number if applicable.
- All component names are prefixed with OryUI.
- All function names are prefixed with OryUI.
- All function parameter names are prefixed with oryUI.
- All type names are prefixed typeOryUI.
- Global, local and parameter variable names are all lower camel case (except component names).
- The framework has been designed to work with projects that have #option_explicit which means variables in and outside of function should be initiated as lock or global.
is used at the end of each float/decimal variable name i.e.var1# = 0.1
, notvar1 = 0.1
is used at the end of each string variable name i.e.var2$ = "Hello"
, notvar2 = "Hello"
.- Spaces are added after each comma in function parameters i.e.
FunctionName(1, 2, 3)
, notFunctionName(1,2,3)
. - Spaces are also added around all operators i.e.
x = x + y
, notx=x+y
. - Indents are tabbed and the width of a single indent is 4 spaces.
- New widgets should follow the same/similar style as the others. A OryUITemplate.agc file has been provided as a starting point.
- Function names in a single widget file should be sorted in alphabetical order.