diff --git a/Assets/WordsData.json b/Assets/WordsData.json index c3068a9..b764cd5 100644 --- a/Assets/WordsData.json +++ b/Assets/WordsData.json @@ -3701,6 +3701,450 @@ "third": "útgöngur" } }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "bardagamaðr", + "englishTranslation": "fighter, warrior", + "russianTranslation": "боец, воин", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "masculine", + "definition": "A person engaged in combat or warfare.", + "examples": [ + "Bardagamaðrinn var reyndur í orrustu. (The fighter was experienced in battle.)", + "Hver bardagamaðr hafði sitt sverð. (Every warrior had his sword.)" + ], + "base": "bardagamaðr", + "cases": { + "nominative": { + "singular": "bardagamaðr", + "plural": "bardagamenn" + }, + "accusative": { + "singular": "bardagamann", + "plural": "bardagamenn" + }, + "dative": { + "singular": "bardagamanni", + "plural": "bardagamönnum" + }, + "genitive": { + "singular": "bardagamanns", + "plural": "bardagamanna" + } + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "gæfumaðr", + "englishTranslation": "lucky person, fortunate one", + "russianTranslation": "удачливый человек, счастливец", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "masculine", + "definition": "A person who is notably successful or fortunate.", + "examples": [ + "Gæfumaðrinn fann fjársjóðinn. (The lucky person found the treasure.)", + "Hann var þekktur sem gæfumaðr í viðskiptum. (He was known as a fortunate one in business.)" + ], + "base": "gæfumaðr", + "cases": { + "nominative": { + "singular": "gæfumaðr", + "plural": "gæfumenn" + }, + "accusative": { + "singular": "gæfumann", + "plural": "gæfumenn" + }, + "dative": { + "singular": "gæfumanni", + "plural": "gæfumönnum" + }, + "genitive": { + "singular": "gæfumanns", + "plural": "gæfumanna" + } + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "doell", + "englishTranslation": "valley dweller, person from the valley", + "russianTranslation": "житель долины, человек из долины", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "masculine", + "definition": "A person living in or originating from a valley.", + "examples": [ + "Doellinn bjó í langri og grónri dal. (The valley dweller lived in a long and verdant valley.)", + "Doelirnir voru þekktir fyrir landbúnað sinn. (The people from the valley were known for their agriculture.)" + ], + "base": "doel", + "nounForms": { + "second": "doelar", + "third": "doelir" + }, + "declension": "i" + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "endi", + "englishTranslation": "end, piece", + "russianTranslation": "конец, кусок", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "masculine", + "definition": "The final part of something; a part or fragment of something larger.", + "examples": [ + "Endi sögunnar var óvæntur. (The end of the story was unexpected.)", + "Hann skar enda af brauðinu. (He cut a piece off the bread.)" + ], + "base": "endi", + "nounForms": { + "second": "enda", + "third": "endar" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "kappi", + "englishTranslation": "warrior, hero", + "russianTranslation": "воин, герой", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "masculine", + "definition": "A person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character.", + "examples": [ + "Kappi sýndi hugrekki í orrustu. (The warrior showed bravery in battle.)", + "Saga fjallar um kappann og ævintýri hans. (The saga tells of the hero and his adventures.)" + ], + "base": "kappi", + "nounForms": { + "second": "kappa", + "third": "kappar" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "ofstopamaðr", + "englishTranslation": "arrogant person", + "russianTranslation": "заносчивый человек", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "masculine", + "definition": "A person exhibiting excessive pride or self-importance.", + "examples": [ + "Ofstopamaðrinn neitaði að hlusta á aðra. (The arrogant person refused to listen to others.)", + "Ofstopamaður í hópnum skapaði spennu. (An arrogant man in the group created tension.)" + ], + "base": "ofstopamaðr", + "cases": { + "nominative": { + "singular": "ofstopamaðr", + "plural": "ofstopamenn" + }, + "accusative": { + "singular": "ofstopamann", + "plural": "ofstopamenn" + }, + "dative": { + "singular": "ofstopamanni", + "plural": "ofstopamönnum" + }, + "genitive": { + "singular": "ofstopamanns", + "plural": "ofstopamanna" + } + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "Skrælingi", + "englishTranslation": "skraeling (Inuit, Native American)", + "russianTranslation": "скрэлинг (эскимос, индеец)", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "masculine", + "definition": "A term used by Norse explorers to refer to the indigenous peoples of Greenland and North America.", + "examples": [ + "Skrælingjar bjuggu á landinu þegar víkingarnir komu. (The skraelings lived on the land when the Vikings arrived.)", + "Skrælingi sýndi þeim hvernig á að veiða. (The skraeling showed them how to hunt.)" + ], + "base": "Skrælingi", + "nounForms": { + "second": "Skrælingja", + "third": "Skrælingjar" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "svarri", + "englishTranslation": "quarrelsome and authoritative woman", + "russianTranslation": "сварливая и властная женщина", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "masculine", + "definition": "A woman who is often involved in arguments and who asserts her authority over others.", + "examples": [ + "Svarri var þekkt fyrir sitt skap. (The quarrelsome woman was known for her temper.)", + "Hann kvæntist svarra sem stjórnaði heimilinu. (He married a quarrelsome and authoritative woman who ruled the household.)" + ], + "base": "svarri", + "nounForms": { + "second": "svarra", + "third": "svarrar" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "deila", + "englishTranslation": "dispute, quarrel", + "russianTranslation": "спор, ссора", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A heated or angry disagreement; an argument.", + "examples": [ + "Deila þeirra varð hávær. (Their dispute became loud.)", + "Deilur risu um arfleifðina. (Quarrels arose over the inheritance.)" + ], + "base": "deila", + "nounForms": { + "second": "deilu", + "third": "deilur" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "drápa", + "englishTranslation": "drápa, panegyric poem", + "russianTranslation": "драпа, хвалебное стихотворение", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A type of Norse skaldic poetry consisting of a series of stanzas, typically in praise of a notable person.", + "examples": [ + "Drápa var saminn til heiðurs konungi. (The drápa was composed in honor of the king.)", + "Í drápunni eru lýst hetjudáðir hans. (In the drápa, his heroic deeds are described.)" + ], + "base": "drápa", + "nounForms": { + "second": "drápu", + "third": "drápur" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "fegrð", + "englishTranslation": "beauty", + "russianTranslation": "красота", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "The quality of being pleasing to the senses or to the mind.", + "examples": [ + "Fegrð hennar var þekkt um allt land. (Her beauty was known throughout the land.)", + "Fegrð náttúrunnar var óviðjafnanleg. (The beauty of nature was incomparable.)" + ], + "base": "fegrð", + "declension": "i", + "nounForms": { + "second": "fegrðar" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "gerðr", + "englishTranslation": "woman", + "russianTranslation": "женщина", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "An adult female human being.", + "examples": [ + "Gerðr í þorpinu voru þekktar fyrir handverk sitt. (The women in the village were known for their handicraft.)", + "Gerðr hennar var af mikilli ætt. (Her womanhood was of great lineage.)" + ], + "base": "gerð", + "nounForms": { + "second": "gerðar", + "third": "gerðar" + }, + "declension": "a" + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "hetja", + "englishTranslation": "hero, heroine", + "russianTranslation": "герой, героиня", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.", + "examples": [ + "Hetja sögunnar bjargaði bænum. (The heroine of the story saved the town.)", + "Hetjur þessarar sögu eru dáðlausar. (The heroes of this tale are fearless.)" + ], + "base": "hetja", + "nounForms": { + "second": "hetju", + "third": "hetjur" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "kviða", + "englishTranslation": "epic poem", + "russianTranslation": "эпическое стихотворение", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A long, narrative poem, typically detailing heroic deeds and events that are significant to a culture or nation.", + "examples": [ + "Kviða um Þorstein var full af ævintýrum. (The epic poem about Thorstein was full of adventures.)", + "Í kviðunni eru lýst fornar hetjur. (In the epic, ancient heroes are described.)" + ], + "base": "kviða", + "nounForms": { + "second": "kviðu", + "third": "kviður" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "lausn", + "englishTranslation": "redemption, release", + "russianTranslation": "выкуп, освобождение", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil; the action of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression.", + "examples": [ + "Lausn fangans var keypt fyrir gull. (The prisoner's redemption was bought with gold.)", + "Lausn þrælsins markaði nýtt upphaf. (The slave's release marked a new beginning.)" + ], + "base": "lausn", + "nounForms": { + "second": "lausnar", + "third": "lausnir" + }, + "declension": "i" + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "móðir", + "englishTranslation": "mother", + "russianTranslation": "мать", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A woman in relation to her child or children.", + "examples": [ + "Móðir hans var kona af miklum dyggðum. (His mother was a woman of great virtues.)", + "Móðir umhyggju sinnar veitti börnunum hlýju. (The mother provided warmth to her children with her care.)" + ], + "base": "móð", + "nounForms": { + "second": "móður", + "third": "moeðr" + }, + "declension": "r" + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "orrusta", + "englishTranslation": "battle, fight", + "russianTranslation": "бой, битва", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A sustained fight between large, organized armed forces.", + "examples": [ + "Orrusta stóð við Hafrsfjörð. (A battle took place at Hafrsfjord.)", + "Í orrustunni sýndu þeir mikla hugrekki. (In the fight, they showed great bravery.)" + ], + "base": "orrusta", + "nounForms": { + "second": "orrustu", + "third": "orrustur" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "rún", + "englishTranslation": "rune, mystery", + "russianTranslation": "руна, тайна", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A letter of an ancient Germanic alphabet or something secret or mysterious.", + "examples": [ + "Rún var rist á steininn. (A rune was carved on the stone.)", + "Rúnar geyma fornar sögur og visku. (Runes hold ancient tales and wisdom.)" + ], + "base": "rún", + "nounForms": { + "second": "rúnar", + "third": "rúnar" + }, + "declension": "a" + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "tunga", + "englishTranslation": "tongue, language", + "russianTranslation": "язык, речь", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "The muscular organ in the mouth or the system of spoken or written communication used by a particular country or people.", + "examples": [ + "Tunga hennar var fljót að mæla. (Her tongue was quick to speak.)", + "Forn tunga var notuð í ritum. (An ancient language was used in writings.)" + ], + "base": "tunga", + "nounForms": { + "second": "tungu", + "third": "tungur" + } + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "vísa", + "englishTranslation": "verse, stanza", + "russianTranslation": "виса, стих", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A group of lines forming a unit in a poem or song; a stanza.", + "examples": [ + "Vísa þessi var sungin við hátíðir. (This verse was sung at festivals.)", + "Í hverri vísu felst sérstök saga. (Each stanza contains a unique story.)" + ], + "base": "vísa", + "nounForms": { + "second": "vísu", + "third": "vísur" + }, + "declension": "a" + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "lausavísa", + "englishTranslation": "free verse, epigram", + "russianTranslation": "строфа, эпиграмма", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A verse or stanza of a poem that stands alone or independently.", + "examples": [ + "Lausavísa þessi var vinsæl meðal skálda. (This free verse was popular among poets.)", + "Lausavísa getur verið hvöss og hnyttin. (An epigram can be sharp and witty.)" + ], + "base": "lausavísa", + "nounForms": { + "second": "lausavísu", + "third": "lausavísur" + }, + "declension": "a" + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "øx", + "englishTranslation": "axe, hatchet", + "russianTranslation": "топор, секира", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A tool used for chopping wood, typically consisting of a steel blade and a handle.", + "examples": [ + "Øx var notuð til að höggva við. (The axe was used for chopping wood.)", + "Hann bar øx í belti sínu. (He carried a hatchet in his belt.)" + ], + "base": "øxj", + "nounForms": { + "second": "øxar", + "third": "øxar" + }, + "declension": "a" + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "blóðøx", + "englishTranslation": "Bloodaxe", + "russianTranslation": "Блодёкс («Кровавая Секира»)", + "type": "noun", + "gender": "feminine", + "definition": "A nickname or epithet, often used to denote a fierce or violent individual.", + "examples": [ + "Blóðøx var nafn gefið ógnarstjórnanda. (Bloodaxe was a name given to a formidable ruler.)", + "Saga Blóðøxar er þekkt í norrænum goðsögum. (The saga of Bloodaxe is known in Norse mythology.)" + ], + "base": "blóðøxj", + "nounForms": { + "second": "blóðøxar", + "third": "blóðøxar" + }, + "declension": "a" + }, + + { "oldNorseWord": "hann", "englishTranslation": "he", @@ -6166,6 +6610,17 @@ "Skjóttu undan borðinu. (Push it aside from the table.)" ] }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "þó", + "englishTranslation": "however, but, yet", + "russianTranslation": "однако, но, всё же", + "type": "adverb", + "definition": "Used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.", + "examples": [ + "Þó var veðrið slæmt, fóru þeir út. (However bad the weather was, they went out.)", + "Hann var ungur, þó var hann vitur. (He was young, yet he was wise.)" + ] + }, { "oldNorseWord": "ok", "englishTranslation": "and, also", @@ -9735,5 +10190,38 @@ "Hann komst undan refsingu. (He escaped punishment.)", "Með snilld tókst henni að komast undan. (With skill, she managed to slip away.)" ] + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "annars staðar", + "englishTranslation": "elsewhere, in another place", + "russianTranslation": "в другом месте", + "type": "phrase", + "definition": "In or to another place.", + "examples": [ + "Þeir leituðu að betra landi annars staðar. (They sought better land elsewhere.)", + "Hann fann frið annars staðar. (He found peace in another place.)" + ] + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "eiga í", + "englishTranslation": "to be involved in, to participate in", + "russianTranslation": "быть занятым (чем-либо), принимать участие (в чём-либо)", + "type": "phrase", + "definition": "To be engaged or involved in an activity or affair.", + "examples": [ + "Þeir áttu í orrustu við óvininn. (They were involved in a battle with the enemy.)", + "Hann átti í viðræðum við kaupmenn. (He participated in negotiations with the merchants.)" + ] + }, + { + "oldNorseWord": "koma við", + "englishTranslation": "to appear, to pertain to", + "russianTranslation": "появляться, касаться", + "type": "phrase", + "definition": "To be relevant to; to affect or involve someone or something.", + "examples": [ + "Sagan kom við alla þá sem hlustuðu. (The story touched all those who listened.)", + "Þessi málefni koma við marga. (These issues pertain to many.)" + ] } ] diff --git a/Source/Models/Word.swift b/Source/Models/Word.swift index 251ab2a..5376403 100644 --- a/Source/Models/Word.swift +++ b/Source/Models/Word.swift @@ -1226,7 +1226,9 @@ struct Word: Codable, Identifiable { genitiveCase?.removeLast() } - genitiveCase! += "a" + if genitiveCase?.last != "a" { + genitiveCase! += "a" + } } case .neuter: