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56 lines (52 loc) · 4.98 KB

File metadata and controls

56 lines (52 loc) · 4.98 KB

Language Pack

Syntax highlighting and more for about 40 programming languages and file formats taken from Visual Studio Code

TextMate grammars and language configurations taken from Visual Studio Code and provided as a plugin based on Eclipse tm4e for the Eclipse IDE.

Do not edit the files in this project! Run _update/pom.xml instead.

Language/Format File Associations
Batch File *.bat, *.cmd
Clojure *.clj, *.cljs, *.cljc, *.cljx, *.clojure, *.edn
CoffeeScript *.coffee, *.cson, *.iced
C *.c, *.i
C++ *.cpp, *.cc, *.cxx, *.c++, *.hpp, *.hh, *.hxx, *.h++, *.h, *.ii, *.ino, *.inl, *.ipp, *.ixx, *.tpp, *.txx, *, *
CUDA C++ *.cu, *.cuh
C# *.cs, *.csx, *.cake
CSS *.css
Dart *.dart
Docker .dockerfile, .containerfile, Dockerfile, Containerfile, Dockerfile., Containerfile.
Go *.go
Groovy *.groovy, *.gvy, *.gradle, *.jenkinsfile, .nf, Jenkinsfile, Jenkinsfile.
Handlebars *.handlebars, *.hbs, *.hjs
High-Level Shader Language *.hlsl, *.hlsli, *.fx, *.fxh, *.vsh, *.psh, *.cginc, *.compute
HTML *.html, *.htm, *.shtml, *.xhtml, *.xht, *.mdoc, *.jsp, *.asp, *.aspx, *.jshtm, *.volt, *.ejs, *.rhtml
INI File *.ini
Java *.java, *.jav
JavaScript React *.jsx
JavaScript *.js, *.es6, *.mjs, *.cjs, *.pac, jakefile
JSON *.json, *.bowerrc, *.jscsrc, *.webmanifest, *, *, *, *.har, *.jslintrc, *.jsonld, *.geojson, *.ipynb, composer.lock, .watchmanconfig
JSON with Comments *.jsonc, *.eslintrc, *.eslintrc.json, *.jsfmtrc, *.jshintrc, *.swcrc, *.hintrc, *.babelrc, babel.config.json, .babelrc.json, .ember-cli
Julia *.jl
Less *.less
Lua *.lua
Makefile *.mak, *.mk, Makefile, makefile, GNUmakefile, OCamlMakefile
Objective-C *.m
Objective-C++ *.mm
Perl *.pl, *.pm, *.pod, *.t, *.PL, *.psgi
Perl 6 *.p6, *.pl6, *.pm6, *.nqp
PowerShell *.ps1, *.psm1, *.psd1, *.pssc, *.psrc
Pug *.pug, *.jade
Python *.py, *.rpy, *.pyw, *.cpy, *.gyp, *.gypi, *.pyi, *.ipy, *.pyt, Snakefile, SConstruct, SConscript
R *.r, *.rhistory, *.rprofile, *.rt
ASP.NET Razor *.cshtml, *.razor
Rust *.rs
SCSS *.scss
ShaderLab *.shader
SQL *.sql, *.dsql
Swift *.swift
TypeScript *.ts, *.cts, *.mts
TypeScript React *.tsx
Visual Basic .NET *.vb, *.brs, *.vbs, *.bas, *.vba