Hi there! Welcome to the project. We're glad you're here.
yarn git submodule init
yarn && yarn watch (takes a minute or so) Build with cmd+shift+b (or go to command palette and run build task) ./scripts/code.sh
yarn gulp vscode-darwin-arm64
- Wrap rpc calls in useCallback. This one should not have empty dependency array (but don't omit it entirely, or it will run on every render!)
- The useCallback result is a function. Assign it to a constant
- Call the function from inside useEffect. Dependency array will include the function -- that's okay, the function never changes, so it won't trigger the effect.
Do not put rpcClient into any dependency arrays (just in case).
Actually, pure event handlers don't need to be wrapped (I think). But anything called from inside a useCallback does need to be wrapped.
Problem: Unable to launch browser: Could not connect to debug target at http://localhost:9222: Could not find any debuggable target
Solution: restart vscode
Solution: run yarn watch
Solution ???