issues Search Results · repo:ankitapuri/pixelvibe language:HTML
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inankitapuri/pixelvibe (press backspace or delete to remove)Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Host the website on any platform like , and share a link .
- 10
- Opened on Jan 15, 2022
- #417
I see a Docker File here, I would like to add on Docker-Compose file , then it would be more convenient to start this
application in container, with just one command. Should I go for it, If you want?
- 7
- Opened on Dec 25, 2021
- #416
when we sign with google this project show us DoesNotExist at /accounts/google/login/ and second issue is sign with
facebook when we sign with facebook it show us DoesNotExist at /accounts/facebook/login/ ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 22, 2021
- #415
you have to build a feature to let the users upload images and save it , later on the project we will be working with
this uploaded image so keep it in mind. Image models will have fields like , image,name,date-uploaded ...
- 6
- Opened on Dec 17, 2021
- #411
The existing color is complete pink .Change color of Pre-loader to such which matches with theme of the project.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
- 7
- Opened on Dec 17, 2021
- #410
Dockerize the project and also create proper docs for it and add it to a section of the file
- 4
- Opened on Dec 15, 2021
- #409
@ankitapuri Please assign this task to me! I will add google authentication for login page which will be easier for
person to login Thanks
- 2
- Opened on Dec 7, 2021
- #407
In the readme add about the ongoing open source program .
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
- 2
- Opened on Dec 6, 2021
- #406
In the paint page, we need some kind of better design in terms of the position of the pencil size, delete buttons, so
you can come up with a better design format for that page that will be more user-friendly ...
good first issue
- 16
- Opened on Dec 6, 2021
- #405
As of now, the website is loading normally with a preloader, make changes in the current preloader which should match
the overall design of the website also with a faded effect.
good first issue
- Opened on Dec 6, 2021
- #404

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