Name | Type | Description | Notes |
MaxDockableShipVolume | float32 | max_dockable_ship_volume number | [default to null] |
Name | string | name string | [default to null] |
OfficeRentalCost | float32 | office_rental_cost number | [default to null] |
Owner | int32 | ID of the corporation that controls this station | [optional] [default to null] |
Position | GetUniverseStationsStationIdPosition | [default to null] | |
RaceId | int32 | race_id integer | [optional] [default to null] |
ReprocessingEfficiency | float32 | reprocessing_efficiency number | [default to null] |
ReprocessingStationsTake | float32 | reprocessing_stations_take number | [default to null] |
Services | []string | services array | [default to null] |
StationId | int32 | station_id integer | [default to null] |
SystemId | int32 | The solar system this station is in | [default to null] |
TypeId | int32 | type_id integer | [default to null] |