Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Capacity | float32 | capacity number | [optional] [default to null] |
Description | string | description string | [default to null] |
DogmaAttributes | []GetUniverseTypesTypeIdDogmaAttribute | dogma_attributes array | [optional] [default to null] |
DogmaEffects | []GetUniverseTypesTypeIdDogmaEffect | dogma_effects array | [optional] [default to null] |
GraphicId | int32 | graphic_id integer | [optional] [default to null] |
GroupId | int32 | group_id integer | [default to null] |
IconId | int32 | icon_id integer | [optional] [default to null] |
MarketGroupId | int32 | This only exists for types that can be put on the market | [optional] [default to null] |
Mass | float32 | mass number | [optional] [default to null] |
Name | string | name string | [default to null] |
PackagedVolume | float32 | packaged_volume number | [optional] [default to null] |
PortionSize | int32 | portion_size integer | [optional] [default to null] |
Published | bool | published boolean | [default to null] |
Radius | float32 | radius number | [optional] [default to null] |
TypeId | int32 | type_id integer | [default to null] |
Volume | float32 | volume number | [optional] [default to null] |