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Odyssey Engineering |
Guide to engineering suits and on-foot weapons |
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2024-05-02 16:45:48 UTC |
engineering, guide |
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2021-06-10 12:19:05 UTC |
Find a “impact site” PoI (use DSS on a landable planet) - these will generally have a crashed satellite with a habitat data port. Check & download Manufacturing Instructions. Relog. Rinse and repeat.
Find a “two containers plus crashed skimmer” or “three containers plus wrecked SRV” instance at “Irregular Markers” with a threat level. Arc Cutter and Overload container doors, cases inside will have weapon schematics aplenty (and drugs aplenty too.) Relog, rinse and repeat. “Larceny” type missions also spawn these instances - if you use a mission-spawned PoI, make sure to NOT pick up the mission item, or instance will de-spawn upon relog.
These are an absolute pain. There’s no fast way to do it. They are only found in large and small locked lockers in OPS rooms within command centers, and in small locked lockers in PWR rooms, but they are relatively rare. Missions can also give 1-2 suit schematics, but these are also uncommon. If anyone finds a faster way, please let me know.
Pick up 5-10 restore missions. Immediately abandon them. You now have 5-10 power regulators, for the moderate price (in fines) of 100k each. Repeat until you have as many as you need.
These spawn in small/large locked Industrial lockers and occasionally in small locked PWR lockers. Some “disrupt production” missions also give you one, which you can keep as per regulators above if you abandon the mission. Rarely, also available in 1-2 batches from mission boards.
Financial Projections, Opinion Polls, Cat Literature, Multimedia Entertainment, Classic Entertainment (For engineer unlocks)
These are a pain. Best way I’ve found is go to one of the tourist settlements in Robigo. These have 8 habitat ports each. Assuming you already have the Sirius permit / Marco Qwent unlocked, just go to town and slaughter everyone and scan the data ports. Then hop in your ship, supercruise and drop right back and repeat. It’s terribly slow but still the fastest method by a mile, and it will also quickly drop your Sirius Corp reputation which is required for one of the final engineer unlocks.
Once you're happy with how much you've gotten on the wrong side of Sirius Corp, you can also do this at an Anarchy settlement, avoiding the bounties hassle.
Go to LHS 1541 - Chon Tourist Hotel. Check Habitat data ports. Usually 2-3x per run, very fast. Gidey's Armoury in Vesper-M4 is also a great source for these.
These drop with about 16% chance per relog from the "crashed skimmer" data port which is spawned in irregular markers PoI - look for the "two container" instance with the crahed skimmer, NOT for the the "three container" instance with the crashed SRV.
Power regulators can be easily farmed from landed Eagles from Distress Signals. The eagle will have power regulators which can be shot, and the site can be relogged. You are looking for non degraded cores. If you don't see them, relog.
Fastest way for most other data is as mission rewards. Board missions can give up to 5 each of any given type, and NPC-issued missions can double that if you have enough rep and rank to negotiate effectively.
Mats that can be cross-traded at the bartender are usually a non-issue, as any of the relog and/or supercruise methods above will yield huge amounts of them.
Assuming you’ll buy Artemis/Dominator/Maverick G3s from stores, and you’ll keep the Artemis at G3 (who needs a G5 Artemis?!), taking your Maverick and Dominator both from G3->G5 will require:
- 50 suit schematics
- 50 health monitors
- 50 power regulators
- 50 manufacturing instructions
- 120 graphene
- 60 carbon fibre plating
- 60 titanium plating
For Plasma, assuming you’ll buy Executioner/Oppressor/Intimidator/Tormentor at G3 from stores, and that you will set aside and utterly ignore the pathetic Oppressor rifle (currently the worst weapon in the game), and take G3->G5 the other three, you will need:
- 75 manufacturing instructions
- 75 ionized gas
- 75 weapon schematics
- 180 chemical superbase
- 180 microelectrode
Replace chemical superbase with optical fiber for TK weapons.
Replace Ionized Gas with Compression-Liquified gas, Chemical Superbases with Tungsten Carbide, and microelectrodes with weapon components for Karma weapons.