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Release process (post 0.4.1)

Paulo Martins edited this page Aug 12, 2020 · 5 revisions


  1. Make sure you're on the master branch and have no changes.
  2. git checkout -b {version}-prerelease
  3. Run yarn run update-version-to {version}
  4. Update pom.xml of kie-bc-editors-unpacked with the version to be used for BPMN, DMN and TestScenario editors.
  5. yarn run init && yarn run build:prod
  6. git add .
  7. git commit -am "Release {version}"


  1. git push origin {version}-prerelease⚠ This will trigger a GitHub Workflow
    • Create draft release - prerelease.yml

This workflow will create a Draft Release on GitHub with the artifacts ready. It will also update the kogito-online GitHub page to contain the resources for the next version of the Chrome Extension. If something's wrong, you can push again and the kogito-online GitHub page will be updated again and a new Draft Release will be created on GitHub.

  1. Wait for GitHub Workflow "Create draft release" to be complete.
  2. Perform sanity checks with the artifacts
  3. Change the target branch for the release to {version}-prerelease
  4. Write the release text
  5. Publish release ⟶ ⚠ This will trigger two GitHub Workflows
    • Publish release artifacts - publish_artifacts.yml
    • Publish Chrome Extension to the Chrome Web Store - publish_chrome_ext.yml

The first Workflow will finish updating kogito-online GitHub Page. That means updating the /editors/latest URI to point to the version that was just released. It will also publish the artifacts to NPM, so it cannot be re-run.

The second Workflow will publish the Chrome Extension to the Chrome Store. It'll probably not be available instantly, but you can check it on the Google Dev Console


  1. Wait for "Publish release artifacts" to be ready
  2. git push origin master
  3. Run yarn run update-version-to {next-version}
  4. git commit -am "Bump version to {next-version}"
  5. git push origin master


After all that, you should have two commits on master:

1. Release {version}
2. Bump version to {next-version}

You should also have a tag called {version} with non-empty packages/kie-bc-editors-unpacked/[bpmn/dmn] folders and a yarn.lock on the repository root dir.

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