The JakartaEE Test Compatibility Kit (TCK) is conformed by a Compatibility Test Suite (CTS).
CTS is a set of tools and tests used to verify that a licensee’s implementation of Java EE 8 technology conforms to the applicable specification.
Java EE 8 CTS includes version 5.0 of the JT harness.
The JakartaEE TCK is conformed by a total of 47,219 tests that can be divided in two subset: one set for Web Profile and other for Full Profile.
Each test has a set of attributes like id, keyword, testName, test_directory and classname among others.
The keyword
attribute can be used to differentiate the test that belong to a Web and/or Full Profile, and if they are optional base on the type of profile.
The following are the keywords
related with Web Profile:
javaee_web_profile, ejb_web_profile, jacc_web_profile, jaspic_web_profile, javamail_web_profile, jaxr_web_profile, xa_web_profile, jaxrpc_web_profile, jaxws_web_profile
This is a useful UI tool that comes in handy when one needs to know if a specific test is or not part of a specific profile.