This is the Apisearch item structure.
"id": "ID",
"ti": "Title",
"d": "Description",
"b": "Brand",
"p": "Price, 9.34 (float)",
"op": "Old price, 13.47 (float)",
"p_c": "Price with currency, 9.34€ (string)",
"op_c": "Price with currency, 13.47€ (string)",
"e": "Ean",
"sku": "Sku",
"u": "Url",
"i": "Image",
"wv": "Product has variants (boolean)",
"iv": "Product is a variant (boolean)",
"tg": "Tags",
"c": "Category",
"c1": "Category level 1",
"c2": "Category level 2",
"c3": "Category level 3",
"c4": "Category level 4",
"c5": "Category level 5",
"o": "Options",
"rs": "Review stars (integer)",
"rc": "Number of reviews (integer)"
For multisite, you can work with both sites and languages. A site can hold a
language, and a language can be held by multiple sites. Fields ID
and image
are required. Site and language names have no standard,
so you can choose your own codes.
"id": "ID",
"ti": "Title",
"u": "Url",
"i": "Image",
"languages": {
"ca": {
"ti": "Title in catalan",
"d": "Description in catalan"
"es": {
"ti": "Title in spanish",
"d": "Description in spanish"
"sites": {
"site_in_cat": {
"language": "ca",
"p": 1.32,
"p_c": "1.32 €",
"op": 2.01,
"op_c": "2.01 €"
"site_in_esp": {
"language": "es",
"p": 4.32,
"p_c": "USD 4.32",
"op": 5.01,
"op_c": "USD 5.01"
Using languages is not a must, and should be used when some sites share the same language. The main goal for languages is to reduce both the feed and the index sizes.
"id": "ID",
"ti": "Title",
"u": "Url",
"i": "Image",
"sites": {
"site_in_cat": {
"ti": "Title in catalan",
"d": "Description in catalan",
"language": "ca",
"p": 1.32,
"p_c": "1.32 €",
"op": 2.01,
"op_c": "2.01 €"
"site_in_esp": {
"ti": "Title in spanish",
"d": "Description in spanish",
"p": 4.32,
"p_c": "USD 4.32",
"op": 5.01,
"op_c": "USD 5.01"
The feed will be served in JSONL
format. As simple as
a file when you write a json representation of an item.