Apisearch is implemented by doing CQRS. This means that each time anyone uses Apisearch, a new command is created as a Value Object. This value should not be changed by anyone during it's life. This objects is taken by one and only one handler, and some actions are done by this handler.
For example.
You make a query. Inside the controller, the more external layer of the
application, we create a ValueObject called Query
and we add this object into
an engine called Command Bus. This bus is like a tube, with an start and a
finale. Inside our controller we have the start, and the handler would be the
finale of the tube.
The magic part of this tube is that, between the start and the finale, we have several (as many as we want) holes, where we can intercept all the Commands that we want, read them and even change them.
By default, the CQRS pattern would say that the command should'nt be changeable, but by adding this new plugins layer, some commands can be replaced by new ValueObjects of the same class.
The project uses a specific CQRS pattern implementation, and is not to be a perfect pattern implementation project.
And there's where Apisearch Plugins take their effect. A plugin can basically change the behavior of all actions by creating Middlewares. Let's see an example of a Plugin with one mission. Each time a query is done, we want to add a new Filter that would allow us to only serve those items inside a group. For example, very useful for adding an extra layer of security.
An Apisearch, by default, is a Symfony plugin. You can see some examples of how these plugins are designed in our default set of Plugins, but let's talk about a simple bundle architecture
|-- DependencyInjection/
| |-- CompilerPass/ ..
|-- MyPluginExtension.php
|-- MyPluginConfiguration.php
|-- Domain
| |-- Model/ ..
| |-- Middleware/
| |-- QueryMiddleware.php
| |-- IndexItemsMiddleware.php
| |-- DeleteItemsMiddleware.php
| |-- Repository/
| |-- MyRepository.php
| |-- MyInMemoryRepository.php
|-- Resources/ ..
|-- Redis/
| |-- MyRedisRepository.php
|-- MyPluginBundle.php
As you can see, anything different than other simple bundles inside the Symfony environment.
The difference between a simple Bundle and a Apisearch plugin is an interface. As simple as it sounds.
* Class CallbacksPluginBundle.
class CallbacksPluginBundle extends BaseBundle implements Plugin
* Get plugin name.
* @return string
public function getPluginName(): string
return 'callbacks';
The method that any plugin must implement is the getPluginName
. It will be
used mainly for enabling desired plugins when using an specific token. For
example, this one we're building now, we could configure some tokens where this
filter will be applied by enabling this plugin. But we could have other regular
tokens with all plugins disabled.
Of course, we need to enable the plugin. Again, same strategy that is used inside Symfony environment. Enable the Bundle in our kernel.
- Apisearch\Server\ApisearchServerBundle
- Apisearch\Plugin\Callbacks\CallbacksPluginBundle
Let's add some action in our plugin. And to do that, we are going to create a
new middleware called QueryMiddleware
. We're going to configure the middleware
in order to make some action ONLY when a new Query is done and the command
is passed through the command bus.
* Class QueryApplySomeFiltersMiddleware.
class QueryApplySomeFiltersMiddleware implements PluginMiddleware
* Execute middleware.
* @param CommandWithRepositoryReferenceAndToken $command
* @param callable $next
* @return mixed
public function execute(
CommandWithRepositoryReferenceAndToken $command,
) {
// Do some action before the Command handler is executed. We would place
// the filters here
$result = $next($command);
// Do some action after the Command handler is executed, and before the
// value is returned to the previous middleware
return $result;
* Events subscribed namespace.
* @return string[]
public function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [Query::class];
As you can see, the method getSubscribedEvents
allow us to work with different
commands in the same class. But remember that different actions related to
different commands should be placed in several middleware classes.
After defined our class, we need to create the middleware service and tell
Apisearch that this is a middleware that should be executed inside a plugin. For
such action, let's create a service definition with the tag
# Middlewares
class: Apisearch\Plugin\MetadataFields\Domain\Middleware\IndexItemsMiddleware
- "@apisearch_plugin.metadata_fields.repository"
- { name: apisearch_plugin.middleware }
Apisearch will not ensure you the order between middleware classes, so you should only work with main Apisearch specification, and never have a hard dependency with other plugins.
But what is a Command and a Query? And the most important question, what Commands and Queries can we find here in Apisearch? This project uses
A Command is this Value Object that we generate in all these first layers that we can find around Apisearch. For example, the first layer when we come from the HTTP layer is called Controller, and the first layer when we come from the console is called command. A Command is like an imperative action, and should follow the same format always, no matter the interface we're using, for example.
So, the difference between a Command and a Query? Well, a Command is an action that will change the internal status of the application, a write operation. The status before and after applying this command could be barely different.
And can a Command have a response? Not at all. Only changes the state, and because this operation could be asynchronous, we must assume that we will not receive any response.
So, the question is, how can we retrieve information from Apisearch? Well, by using Queries. A Query is a type of Command that instead of changing the status of the application, only gets information from it and returns it.
- So, if I need to make a change into Apisearch and return it's new value, can I do it by using Commands?
- Nopes. You can't. A single action means a single action, and this can be a write action, what could be executed asynchronously sometime from a queue, or a read action, which in this case you would return the value instantly.
This is the main list of Apisaerch Commands. As you will see, all these actions could be applied by using a queue, in an asynchronous way, and don't really need to return any value.
Some of these Commands application action is reduced to an specific app_id, an index, and always previous verification of a valid token.
- AddInteraction - A new interaction has been inserted in the system
- AddToken - Adds a new token
- ConfigureIndex - Configures an existing and previously created index. This action may require to stop the index some time
- CreateIndex - Creates a new index
- DeleteAllInteractions - Deletes all available interactions
- DeleteIndex - Deletes an existing index
- DeleteItems - Deletes a set of Items defined by their identifiers
- DeleteToken - Deletes an existing token
- DeleteTokens - Deletes all existing tokens
- IndexItems - Indexes a set of items.
- ResetIndex - Resets the index. Removed all existing information.
- UpdateItems - Applies some updates over the existing items
- PauseConsumers - Pause all existing consumers given an array of types
- ResumeConsumers - Resume all existing consumers given an array of types
This is the main list of Apisearch Queries. As you will see, all these actions don't change the status of the application, and only ask for some information from inside the system
Some of these Query application action is reduced to an specific app_id, an index, and always previous verification of a valid token.
- CheckHealth - Checks the cluster health
- CheckIndex - Checks if an index is available
- GetTokens - Return all the existing tokens given an app i
- GetIndices - Return all the existing indices given an app id
- Ping - Makes a simple ping
- Query - Makes a query over all the existing Items
- GetCrontab - Crontab lines are required for local configuration
By using Middlewares what we do is to change the compositions of the Commands themselves or the results that the associated handlers produce. But this is only one part of the Plugins environment. What happens if we want to add an specific action when Items are indexed in the system? Here some options for you.
- Add a middleware before these items are really indexed, and pray for not to have an exception. Otherwise you'll have inconsistent data.
- Add a middleware after these items are really indexed, but this point is specially designed for response manipulation. What if this action creates several related actions, and you need one of them? For sure, you'll not be able to access to this data
In order to take some actions at the same moment these happen, we introduce you the Apisearch Domain Events. These are specially created to make sure you have all needed information of what happen inside the project. And Event Subscribers are the right way of subscribing to these events.
If you define Apisearch to consume events, instead of a default inline mode, in an asynchronous way, you will not recieve these events once they happen, but when they are taken from the queue
Let's see a simple event subscriber implementation.
* Class MyEventSubscriber.
class MyEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriber
* Subscriber should handle event.
* @param DomainEventWithRepositoryReference $domainEventWithRepositoryReference
* @return bool
public function shouldHandleEvent(DomainEventWithRepositoryReference $domainEventWithRepositoryReference): bool
return Query::class;
* Handle event.
* @param DomainEventWithRepositoryReference $domainEventWithRepositoryReference
public function handle(DomainEventWithRepositoryReference $domainEventWithRepositoryReference)
// Do something when a new Query is handled by Apisearch
$repositoryReference = $domainEventWithRepositoryReference->getRepositoryReference();
$domainEvent = $domainEventWithRepositoryReference->getDomainEvent();
The first method would return if, given a Domain Event, the subscribe is valid. One Domain Event, one subscriber. That will help us the split between files all our domain logic.
After we created the class, we need to publish it as an event subscriber.
class: My\Event\Subscriber
- { name: apisearch_server.domain_event_subscriber }
These are the available Domain Events inside Apisearch.
- IndexWasConfigured - An existing Index has been configured
- IndexWasReset - Index has been reset and all Items inside were removed
- InteractionWasAdded - A new interaction has been added
- ItemsWereDeleted - Some items have been deleted from the engine
- ItemsWereAdded - Some items have been added in the engine
- ItemsWereUpdated - Some items have been updated
- QueryWasMade - A new Query has been done
- TokensWereDeleted - All tokens were deleted
- TokenWasAdded - A new token has been added
- TokenWasDeleted - An existing token was deleted