Fork of Athey et al’s MCPanel package with additional imputation methods for causal inference in panel data. Supported imputation methods:
- matching (via
) - kernel matching (kernel PCA via
followed byfilling
) - dynamic factor model (
) - sparse dynamic factor model (
) - matrix completion
- two-way FE / DID
- synthetic control
- horizontal ridge regression
- vertical ridge regression
These methods can all be implemented using the imputation_ATT
function. Inference can be performed using the bootstrap / jack-knife
(when number of treated units > 1) using the boot
[implementation in progress].
using Abadie, Diamond, Hainmueller (2010) California Prop 99 data.
# install.packages("apoorvalal/MCPanel")
pacman::p_load(MCPanel, synthdid) # for data
takes a panel data set, identifiers for unit, time,
treatment, and outcome, and a vector of method names (must be supported
by imputationY
: includes
"did", "dfm", "sdfm", "knn", "kknn", "nuclear", "hardimpute", "svdimpute", "optspace", "mc", "sc", "env", "enh"
# call all with defaults
est = imputation_ATT(
"State", "Year", "treated", "PacksPerCapita",
# method specific arguments are passed as lists
# check docs for imputationY for details
dfm_args = list(r = 4, p = 1),
sdfm_args = list(r = 4, q = 2)
## Converged after 67 iterations.
# The print method returns ATT estimates.
## ATT estimates
## DFM sparse DFM knn kernel KNN
## -55.30 -55.42 -26.69 -23.23
## did matrix completion synthetic control elastic net (V)
## -27.35 -20.00 -19.46 -11.49
## elastic net (H)
## -18.86
The plot method makes an event study figure. The legend contains ATT estimates, and its width may need to be customized.
plot(est, prec = 2, twd = 5.5)
Factor models perform poorly here, as does difference in differences. Most other methods have good pre-trends and broadly agree.
Susan Athey, Mohsen Bayati, Nikolay Doudchenko, Guido Imbens, and Khashayar Khosravi. Matrix Completion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models [link]
Licheng Liu, Ye Wang, and Yiqing Xu. “A Practical Guide to Counterfactual Estimators for Causal Inference with Time‐Series Cross‐Sectional Data.” American Journal of Political Science (2022). link