to close current pane<leader>qa
to quit vim
<leader> 1 through 9
to switch to buffer 1 through 9<leader>]
to switch to next buffer<leader>[
to switch to previous buffer<leader>s
to save current buffer<leader>w
to close the current buffer by trying not to mess up the layout<leader>wo
to close all buffers except the current one<leader>wa
to close all buffers
to switch to next tab<leader>l[
to switch to previous tab<leader>lw
to close current tab<leader>ln
to open a new tab<leader>l1 through 5
to switch to tab 1 through 5
fuzzy finding file names<ctrl-l>
fuzzy find in current file<ctrl-g>
fuzzy find in workspace (ripgrep)<ctrl-b>
fuzzy find through buffers<ctrl-\>
fuzzy find through neovim commands<leader>fk
fuzzy find through keymaps- When open,
, sends matches to the quickfix list - See plugin.fzf.vim for more
go to declarationgd
go to definitiongi
find all implementationsgo
go to type definitonK
Displays hover information about a symbol<space>rn
rename symbol<space>ca
code action on code or block (ex: extract function)gr
list all references of a symbol (to quickfix)<space>f
format code<leader>cc
go back to previous cursor<ctrl>i
go forward to next cursor
show status pane<leader>gu
undo hunk<leader>gs
stage hunk<leader>gdo
diff view open<leader>gdb
diff view open, diffing against main branch<leader>gdq
diff view close:Git
git status<leader>fgb
git branches:Gdiff
to see diff:Gwrite
stages current file:Gcommit
to commit:Glog
to show log:Gblame
to show blame
Open diagnostic float<leader>xn
Go to next diagnostic<leader>xp
Go to previous diagnostic<leader>xo
Open diagnostic panel (Trouble)<leader>xq
Close diagnostic panel (Trouble)
to toggle filetree- In tree
to show help<ctrl>]
to CD into directory-
go up one directory<ctrl>v
Open in vertical split<ctrl>x
Open in horizontal splitI
Toggle hidden filesr
Rename filed
Delete filea
Add file or directory if it ends with/
to copy, cut, paste filesf
to find file,F
to clearq
to close treeE
to expand all,W
to collapse
to open quickfix<leader>kq
to close quickfix<leader>kn
to go to next quickfix<leader>kp
to go to prev quickfix<leader>kf
to find in quickfix
to run nearest / under cursor<leader>tdc
to debug nearest<leader>tf
to run file<leader>tdf
to debug file<leader>tl
to run last<leader>tdl
to debug last<leader>ts
to stop test<leader>to
to open output panel<leader>tk
to clear output panel<leader>tq
to close output panel
to execute current buffer in a shell (normal mode)<leader>r
to execute current visual selection in a shell (visual mode)<leader>ym
to toggle mouse support (useful to allow select + copy)<leader>y
to yank to clipboard using bin/pbcopy util<leader>yp
to paste from clipboard using bin/pbpaste util
Rename <file name>
to rename current fileNew <file name>
to create a file in current buffer dirDelete
to delete current file