All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
- Sample and Object types are now linked upon push (where applicable)
- Sample Types now include all their associated Field Types
- Provides more extensive information about conflicts when pushing field types
- 'all' flag for indicating that you'd like to push or pull an entire instance
- Pushing and Pulling no longer defaults to pulling an entire instance (use -a or --all)
- Adds more detail to definition files for Sample Types and Field Types
- Pushing operation types now requires that you indicate a directory name
- New version of pydent (1.0.11)
- Removed requirement for category command line argument for running tests
- Fixed issue where missing types would cause file output to end early
- Functions to create Sample Types when creating a Field Type
- Functions to create Object Types when creating a Field Type
- Command Line flag to override conflict checks and overwrite instance data with local data
- Added more detail to definition files for Sample Types and Field Types
- Pulling now adds more complete information to definition.json file
-- Functions to create Field Types based on Definition Files
-- Update error handling to catch incorrectly formatted/named files -- Allow for pushing/pulling to/from an instance without having to change the default
- Push operation type, if called from test function, now only pushes protocol and test files.
- When running tests, a seperate file is created containing the backtrace
- Function to create libraries
- Functions to pull data about sample and object types when pulling operation types
- Ability to run ruby code tests for operation types
- When pulling operation types, a test file will be created if one doesn't already exist
- Ability to push an entire category/directory
- Functions to show configurations and notify user which configuration they are currently using
- This changelog
- Pushing operation types or libraries that don't already exist will cause them to be created
- pydent version updated to 1.04
- Base Docker Image updated to python 3.9
- Boilerplate code now added to new code objects when creating Operation Types or Libraries
- Fix typos in recent README changes.