Mathjax plugin for math formula insertion has an extensive documentation.
In Mathjax quick sintax reference tutorial and reference are available.
Symbol | Code |
Inline formulas enclose | |
Displayed formulas | |
Curly braces {} to group pieces of formulas |
Superscripts (^ ) and subscripts (_ ) |
-------------------- | Fractions |
\frac {a} {b} |
{ {x} \over {y} } |
-------------------- | Unscaled parentheses |
(...) |
[...] |
\{ ... \} |
\vert ... \vert |
\Vert ... \Vert |
\langle ... \rangle |
\lceil ... \rceil |
\lfloor ... \rfloor |
-------------------- | Scaled parentheses |
\left( ... \right) |
\left[ ... \right] |
\left\{ ... \right\} |
\left\vert ... \right\vert |
\left\Vert ... \right\Vert |
\left\langle ... \right\rangle |
\left\lceil ... \right\rceil |
\left\lfloor ... \right\rfloor |
-------------------- | Hidden parentheses |
\left\{ ... \right. |
\left. ... \right] |
-------------------- | Logical Symbols |
\lt |
\gt |
\le |
\leq |
\leqq |
\leqslant |
\ge |
\geq |
\geqq |
\geqslant |
\neq |
\land |
\lor |
\lnot |
\forall |
\exists |
\nexists |
\top |
\bot |
\vdash |
\vDash |
\approx |
\sim |
\simeq |
\cong |
\equiv |
\prec |
\lhd |
\therefore |
-------------------- | Operators |
\times |
\div |
\pm |
\mp |
\cdot |
\star |
\ast |
\oplus |
\circ |
\bullet |
-------------------- | Set Symbols |
\cup |
\cap |
\setminus |
\subset |
\subseteq |
\subsetneq |
\supset |
\in |
\notin |
\emptyset |
\varnothing |
-------------------- | Arrows |
\to |
\rightarrow |
\leftarrow |
\Rightarrow |
\Leftarrow |
\Leftrightarrow |
\mapsto |
-------------------- | Special Symbols |
\infty |
\nabla |
\partial |
\Im |
\Re |
\ldots |
\cdots |
\ell |
-------------------- | Trigonometry |
\sin x |
\cos x |
\tan x |
\cot x |
\sec x |
\csc x |
\arcsin x |
\arccos x |
\arctan x |
-------------------- | Functional Symbols |
\sqrt{x^3} |
\sqrt[3]{\frac xy} |
\ln(x) |
\log_{2}(x) |
\sum_{n=1} ^{N} n |
\prod_{n=1} ^{N} n |
\int_{0} ^{\infty} x dx |
\iint_{0} ^{\infty} x dx |
\iiint_{0} ^{\infty} x dx |
\lim_{x \to \infty} {1 \over x } |
\max(1,2,3) |
\min(3,4,5) |
{n+1 \choose 2k} |
\binom{n+1}{2k} (n+12k) |
-------------------- | Greek Letters |
\alpha |
\beta |
\gamma |
\delta |
\epsilon |
\varepsilon |
\zeta |
\eta |
\theta |
\vartheta |
\iota |
\kappa |
\lambda |
\mu |
\nu |
\xi |
\omicron |
\pi |
\varpi |
\rho |
\varrho |
\sigma |
\varsigma |
\tau |
\upsilon |
\phi |
\varphi |
\chi |
\psi |
\omega |
-------------------- | Uppercase Greek |
\Gamma |
\Delta |
\Theta |
\Lambda |
\Xi |
\Pi |
\Sigma |
\Upsilon |
\Psi |
\Omega |
-------------------- | Fonts |
\mathbb{N} |
\mathbb{Z} |
\mathbb{Q} |
\mathbb{I} |
\mathbb{R} |
\mathbb{C} |
\text{ is an even number}
\Bbb{blackboard bold} |
\mathbf{boldface} |
\mathit{italics} |
\pmb{boldfaced italics} |
\mathtt{ for typewriter} |
\mathrm{roman font} |
\mathsf{sans-serif font} |
\mathcal{calligraphic letters} |
\mathscr{script letters} |
\mathfrak{Fraktur (old German style) letters} |
-------------------- | Spaces |
Thin \ space |
Normal \; space |
Big \quad space |
Bigger \qquad space |
-------------------- | Accents & Marks |
\hat{x} |
\overline{xyz} |
\vec{x} |
\widehat{xy} |
\bar{x} |
\overrightarrow{xy} |
\overleftrightarrow{xy} |
\dot{x} |
\ddot{x} |
- Note: other greek uppercase letters == Roman letter.
- Plain text:
$$\left{ x \in \mathbb{N} \mid x \text{ is an even number} \right}$$
- The Einstein field equations (EFE)
$$R_{\mu \nu} - {1 \over 2} g_{\mu \nu},R g_{\mu \nu} \Lambda = {8 \pi G \over c^4} T_{\mu \nu}$$