1115W |
10:sa: BP 1x2 195 SpB shoulder not 100% 1️⃣ 4x15/s 1A rhy row 90 2️⃣ 2x30 pec fly machine 120 |
1114 |
1113M |
9:sa: BT 1x3 280 lowbox :one: 3x40 hamstring curl 50 |
1112 |
1111 |
1110 |
1109 |
1108W |
8:sa: DL 5x12 185 :one: 2x20 leg ext (deep) 70 |
1107 |
1106M |
7:sa: SQ 1x5 135 :one: 3x1min bike high resistance: :two: 4x20: rhy 50, RDL straight 2x50d, Lunge raised leg on BP 10/s |
1105 |
1104 |
1103 |
1102 |
1101 |
1031 |
1030M |
🈂️ BP 1x1 275 1️⃣ 7x30 rear delt fly 50 2️⃣ 4x25: inc BP 20d, tri kickback 10d/s, rear delt fly |
1029S |
🈂️ BP 8x3 95 3 chains 1️⃣ 7x15 tri psd pink band doubled 2️⃣ 5x10/s rhy row 100 |
1023M |
🈂️ SQ 1x1 315 SpB lowbox 1️⃣ 4x10 straight leg sumo DL 135 2️⃣ 2xfail dec ab curl w/ 35d 🖕 4x20: BQ, hamstring curl, back ext |
1022 |
1021S |
🈂️ SQ 1x1 265 SSB 5s pse 1️⃣ 4x: 25x kb swing 25kb, 15x/leg hamstring curl, 20x stir the pot |
1020F |
🈂️ BP 8x3 95 2x2 chains 1️⃣ 3x8 tri ext 30d 2️⃣ 3x8 BO 1A rhy row 90 🖕 4x25 tri psd pink band, BO row 2x20d |
1019 |
1018W |
🈂️ SQ 10x3 155 SsB 1&1/4 1️⃣ KB 6x30 swing 50kb |
0927W |
🈂️ BP 5x3 155 McB 5s pse 1️⃣ 4x25 rear delt fly 70 2️⃣ 4x25: Rear delt fly 70, 1A rhy row 50, inc BP tri ext 20d |
0925M |
🈂️ BP 1x1 225 got scared on 275 1️⃣ 4x15 ghr 2️⃣ 4x20: BQ 135, Back ext, Hs curl 40 |
0923S |
🈂️ BP 10x3 135 brick 1️⃣ 5x10/s 1A row 60d 2️⃣ 4x: 25 fly 50, 25/s tri kickback, 10 psu |
0916S |
🈂️ FP 10x10 95 1️⃣ 5x25 rear delt fly 50 2️⃣ 4x25: rear delt fly 50, tri kickback 15d, floor press 25d |
0904M |
🈂️ BP 5x50 20d 1️⃣ 4x25: rear delt fly 25, inc seal row 15d, pull appart pink band |
0902S |
🈂️ BT 30x3 195 downslow, 2s pse 1️⃣ 3x10 walking lunge w 2x20d 2️⃣ 3x10 GHR 🖕 4x: 25 lying hamstring curl, 25 back exts, 15 leg press 315 |
0830W |
🈂️ IP 1x1 235 1️⃣ IP 2x20 2x30d 2️⃣ 3x30 rhy row 180 🖕 4x25: rear delt fly 50, BP 2x25d, x-body tri ext w pink band |
0828M |
🈂️ BT 5x5 180 1️⃣ 3x10/s stability ball rotation 2️⃣ 4x: 12/leg press 20, 12/leg hamstring curl 9, rhy row on ball |
0826S |
🈂️ BP 1x1 286 86 wrl 1️⃣ 4x25: floor press 30d, rear fly machine, BP tri ext 15d |
0823W |
🈂️ BT 1x1 385 SSB box Missed 405 1️⃣ 4x20: good morning w pink band, SQ 90, sidebend 30d |
0821X |
🈂️ BP 1x1 225 BfB missed 245 1️⃣ 4x12 BO Row 50d 2️⃣ 5x10 Elbow out tri ext 25d 🖕 4x20: BO Rows 35d, Fly machine, tri kickback 12d |
0819S |
🈂️ DL 12x2 245 1️⃣ 4x20: KB DL 24kg, Back exts, 10/leg step up |
0816W |
🈂️ BP 12x3 95 + pink band 1️⃣ 4x15 tri psd green band 2️⃣ 4x25: rhy Row 50, tri kickback 10d, Pr 30d |
0814M |
🈂️ FS 1x3 225 1️⃣ 5 min BQ "walks" 2️⃣ 4x: 12/leg 1L Pr 135, 3x hurdles, hamstring curls 20 |
0812S |
🈂️ BP 10x10 50d 1A 1️⃣ 50 Seal Row empty bar 2️⃣ 4x20 d Pr 25d, BO Row 25d, tri kickback pink band |
0809W |
🈂️ DL 10x10 155 1️⃣ Rock lunges 2 chains 2️⃣ 3x5 GHR 🖕 4x20: KB swing 45, calf raises, stir the pot |
0807M |
🈂️ BP 6x3 225 black slingshot 1️⃣ 2x10/arm BO Row on BP w deadstop 2️⃣ 2x8/arm tri kickback 45d 🖕 4x20: B.O.Row 35d, psu w slingshot, tri kickback 10d |
0805X |
🈂️ SQ 8x10 135 mrb 1️⃣ 1x20 mrb SQ 135 |
0802X |
🈂️ BP 4x8 135 McB 1️⃣ 4x10 tri psd Blue Band (Thick) 2️⃣ 4x20 Pr 30d, tri psd black band, 1-arm row 45d |
0731X |
🈂️ SQ 3x5 205 mrb 1️⃣ 10,10,7 GHR 2️⃣ 4x20: Leg Pr 135 (3 plates), lunges, hip thrust on ball |
0729X |
🈂️ IP 3x5 100 1️⃣ 7x15 Seal Row empty bar 2️⃣ 4x20: BO Row 45d, tri kickbacks 10d, Floor press 30d |
0726X |
🈂️ BT 6x3 195 3s pse 1️⃣ 10 "Tony Abs" 2️⃣ 4x: 25 straight-leg sumo DL 2x15d, 12/s step up, 25 rhy on Ball |
0724X |
🈂️ BP 10x6 85 + chains 1️⃣ 4x20: psu w slingshots, seal row, tri kickback 10d |
0722X |
🈂️ SQ 8x8 115 SSB, 3s rps 1️⃣ 4x20: Leg Pr 225, Back exts, Seated Hamstring Curl 45 |
0719X |
🈂️ BP 1x5 245 slingshot + board 1️⃣ 4x: 20 psu w slingshot, 25 BO Row w black band, 25 tri kickback 10 |
0717X |
🈂️ DL 6x3 225 1️⃣ 4x: 25 Leg press 225, 12/s hip lifts, 12/s stir the pot |
0715X |
🈂️ BP 2x5 205 slingshot 1️⃣ 5x15 Facedown Seal Row empty bar 2️⃣ 4x25: Pr 20d, rhy Row 90, tri psd x-body pink band |
0712X |
🈂️ BT 10x10 275 1️⃣ 5x15 HS Curl 80 2️⃣ 4x20 Back Ext, HS curl 30, lunges |
0710X |
🈂️ BP 10x5 135 1️⃣ 5x10 Seal Row 70d 2️⃣ 4x: 25x Tri psd w pink band, 25x Lat pulls on GHR, 25x Pr 30d |
0705W |
🈂️ psu 10x10 w/ Darius 1️⃣ 5x15 barbell curl (empty) 2️⃣ 5x15 seal row 50d 🖕 4x: 25 dec press 30d, 25x BQ row (empty), 15/s tri kickback 10d |
0703M |
🈂️ BT 10x10 225 1️⃣ 5x10 hamstring curl 50 2️⃣ 4x20: back ext, lunges, 20s plank |
0701X |
🈂️ BT 10x10 135 box 1️⃣ 10x4 jumps over BP 2️⃣ 4x: 20 BQ on box, 10/s hamstring curl, 20 back extention |