This is a quick-start guide for running Jupyter on AWS.
It is an example to show what you can do with aws-jupyter
You can also try this example by running launch-aws-jupyter
in the command line,
which will prompt a step-by-step guide to walk you through this example.
Please read README for more information.
- Check configuration
aws-jupyter config
- Start the cluster
aws-jupyter create -c 1 --name jupyter
To speicify a custom AMI image, append "--ami <ami_id>" to the cluster creation command above.
- Check the cluster is up
aws-jupyter check --name jupyter
Open the URL printed out in the Step 3.
Shut down the instance
aws-jupyter terminate --name jupyter
- To SSH into the first node, run
aws-jupyter ssh --name jupyter
- First run the tmsn example
aws-jupyter run -s examples/
- Retrieve outputs from the nodes in the cluster
mkdir _files
aws-jupyter retrieve --remote /tmp/std* --local _files
- Check the outputs
cat _files/worker-0/stdout.log
cat _files/worker-1/stdout.log
- Print diagnose information to debugging
aws-jupyter diagnose