- Donations - create, edit, view and delete
- Events (Retreats) - Create, edit, view and delete, email retreat participants
- Participants (aka Registrations - Retreat) - (add, edit, view and delete)
- Contacts (Retreatants, Donors, Parishes, Dioceses, Vendors, Organizations, etc.) - (add, edit, view and delete)
- Rooms - (add, edit, view and delete)
- Locations (Buildings) - (add, edit, view and delete)
- Touchpoints - Create, edit, view, delete
- Reports - Retreatant Information Report, Retreat Roster, Retreat Listing
- Permissions, Users and Roles - ability to define permissions and assign to roles, ability to assign users to multiple role(s)
- Unit Testing - functional tests of all controller methods, database seeds and factories
--upcoming (major)
- Kitchen - easy access to desired reports; list of dietary accommodations
- Maintenance - Equipment, Tasks, Work Order system to show preferred vendors and work done on equipment, rooms, etc.
--tweaks and improvements
- Diocese: add ability to select more than one Bishop for a diocese using is_active as the primary bishop
- Registration: allow custom arrival and departure times for participants