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Poker Simulation


The app uses random Module to generate, table cards, hands of players and function which can determine winnner of various possible winning condition such as Royal Flush, Four of a kind,Straights etc.I have included comments along with the code


card_order_dict = {"2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4, "5": 5, "6": 6, "7": 7, "8": 8, "9": 9, "10": 10, "J": 11, "Q": 12, "K": 13,
                   "A": 14}  
suits = ['C', 'H',  'S', 'D']  
values = ['A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K']  
drawn_cards = []  
table_cards = [] 
Player_Dict = {}  

We start by creating a card rank dictionary to save the displayed value of the cards to the actual rank of the cards , A can be placed as either 1 or 14 ,I put it as 14. Next are 2 lists with saved the various possible suits and card values.drawn_cards saves the cards generated and helps with avoiding duplicates. table_cards saves the table cards for said hand and Player_Dict is a dictionary of all the players hand stored as {"Player{n}":[hand]}.

How the cards are generated:

Short Answer: random module

def generate_card():
    card = random.choice(suits) + '-' + random.choice(values) 
    while card in drawn_cards: 
        card = random.choice(suits) + '-' + random.choice(values)
    return card

The above function generates a card at random using random.choice() which takes an iterable as an argument and returns a random choice from the iterable. the card is generated in the form of "suit-value" Eg: D-10 is 10 of Diamonds. It then checks for that card in drawn_cards if its unique the card is returned else a new card is generated until a unique one is generated.

Below are its uses:

1.Table hands

# Generates 5 cards for the Table
def table_hand():
    for i in range(0, 5):

2. Player hands

# Generates Card for each player
def player_hand(number_of_players):
    if 1 < number_of_players <= 7:  
        for i in range(1, int(number_of_players) + 1):
            Player_Dict[f'Player{i}'] = [generate_card(),
        print("Session could not be formed due to too many or too few players")

The Player hands are stored in the Player_Dict.

Check functions:

1. Flush

def check_flush(number_of_players):
    list_of_flush = []  # maintains list of player with active Flush hand
    for i in range(1, int(number_of_players) + 1):
        hand = table_cards + Player_Dict[f'Player{i}']  # combines table and hand cards
        flush = [h[0] for h in hand]  # strips suits from hand
        if flush.count('C') == 5 or flush.count('H') == 5 or flush.count('A') == 5 or flush.count(
                'S') == 5:  # condition checks count of each suit to confirm Flush
            list_of_flush += [f'Player{i}']
    return list_of_flush

2. Straight

def check_straight(number_of_players):
    list_of_straight = []  # maintains list of player with straight hand
    for i in range(1, int(number_of_players) + 1):
        hand = table_cards + Player_Dict[f'Player{i}']  # combines table and hand cards
        straight = [h[2:] for h in hand]  # strips values from hand
        rank_values = [card_order_dict[j] for j in straight]  # creates new list by replacing value with rank
        rank_values = list(set(rank_values))
        if len(rank_values) > 4:
            # check for 5 consecutive rank values
            for z in range(0, len(rank_values) - 4):
                if rank_values[z + 4] - rank_values[z] == 4:
                    list_of_straight += [f'Player{i}']
                elif rank_values == [2, 3, 4, 5, 14]:  # condition for A 1 2 3 4
                    list_of_straight += [f'Player{i}']
    return list_of_straight

3. Staright flush

def check_straight_flush(number_of_players):
    list_of_straight_flush = []  # maintains list of player with straight flush
    # uses check_straight and check_flush to find intersection between the two
    if check_flush(number_of_players) and check_straight(number_of_players):
        temp = set(check_flush(number_of_players))
        intersect = temp.intersection(check_straight(number_of_players))
        list_of_straight_flush += intersect
    return list_of_straight_flush

4. Royal flush

def check_royal_flush(number_of_players):
    list_of_royal_flush = []
    for i in range(1, int(number_of_players) + 1):
        hand = table_cards + Player_Dict[f'Player{i}']
        #  checks for special case of straight flush
        if check_straight_flush(number_of_players):
            rflush = [h[2:] for h in hand]
            rank_values = [card_order_dict[j] for j in rflush]
            rank_values = list(set(rank_values))
            if len(rank_values) > 4:
                for z in range(0, len(rank_values) - 4):
                    if rank_values[z:z + 5] == [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]:
                        list_of_royal_flush += [f'Player{i}']
    return list_of_royal_flush

5. Four of a kind

def check_four_of_a_kind(number_of_players):
    list_of_four_of_a_kind = []
    for i in range(1, int(number_of_players) + 1):
        hand = table_cards + Player_Dict[f'Player{i}']
        four_kind = [h[2:] for h in hand]
        unique = set(four_kind)
        #  checks for count of any card rank to be 4
        for j in unique:
            if four_kind.count(j) == 4:
                list_of_four_of_a_kind += [f'Player{i}']
    return list_of_four_of_a_kind

6. Full house

def check_full_house(number_of_players):
    list_of_full_house = []
    for i in range(1, int(number_of_players) + 1):
        threeofkind = False
        twoofkind = False
        hand = table_cards + Player_Dict[f'Player{i}']
        full_house = [h[2:] for h in hand]
        unique = set(full_house)
        #  separately checks for 2 of a kind and 3 of a kind
        for j in unique:
            if full_house.count(j) == 3:
                threeofkind = True
            elif full_house.count(j) == 2:
                twoofkind = True
        if threeofkind and twoofkind:
            list_of_full_house += [f'Player{i}']
    return list_of_full_house

7. Three of a kind

def check_three_of_kind(number_of_players):
    list_of_three_of_kind = []
    for i in range(1, int(number_of_players) + 1):
        hand = table_cards + Player_Dict[f'Player{i}']
        threeofkind = [h[2:] for h in hand]
        unique = set(threeofkind)
        #  checks for count of any card to be three
        for j in unique:
            if threeofkind.count(j) == 3:
                list_of_three_of_kind += [f'Player{i}']
    return list_of_three_of_kind

8. Two pair

def check_two_pair(number_of_players):
    list_of_two_pair = []
    for i in range(1, int(number_of_players) + 1):
        hand = table_cards + Player_Dict[f'Player{i}']
        twopair = [h[2:] for h in hand]
        unique = set(twopair)
        counter = 0
        #  checks for count of any card to be two and updates counter
        for j in unique:
            if twopair.count(j) == 2:
                counter += 1
        if counter == 2:
            list_of_two_pair += [f'Player{i}']
    return list_of_two_pair

9. pair

def check_pair(number_of_players):
    list_of_pair = []
    for i in range(1, int(number_of_players) + 1):
        hand = table_cards + Player_Dict[f'Player{i}']
        pair = [h[2:] for h in hand]
        unique = set(pair)
        highofcur = 0
        for j in unique:
            if pair.count(j) == 2:
                highofcur = j
        if highofcur:
            list_of_pair += [f'Player{i}']
    return list_of_pair

10.high card

def check_highcard(number_of_players, eligible_player_list):
    highcard = 0
    sec_high_card = 0
    list_of_highcard = []
    eligible_player_dict = {key: Player_Dict[key] for key in eligible_player_list}
    for i in eligible_player_dict:
        hand = eligible_player_dict[i]
        high = [h[2:] for h in hand]
        rank_values = [card_order_dict[j] for j in high]
        temp_highcard = max(rank_values)
        sec_temp_highcard = min(rank_values)
        if temp_highcard > highcard:
            highcard = temp_highcard
            sec_high_card = sec_temp_highcard
            list_of_highcard += [i]
        elif temp_highcard == highcard:
            if sec_temp_highcard > sec_high_card:
                list_of_highcard += [i]
    return list_of_highcard

Determination of Winner:

def determine_winner(number_of_players):
    list_of_winners = []
    if potent_list := check_royal_flush(number_of_players):
        if len(potent_list) == 1:
            list_of_winners = potent_list
            list_of_winners = check_highcard(number_of_players, potent_list)
    elif potent_list := check_straight_flush(number_of_players):
        if len(potent_list) == 1:
            list_of_winners = potent_list
            list_of_winners = check_highcard(number_of_players, potent_list)
    elif potent_list := check_four_of_a_kind(number_of_players):
        if len(potent_list) == 1:
            list_of_winners = potent_list
            list_of_winners = check_highcard(number_of_players, potent_list)
    elif potent_list := check_full_house(number_of_players):
        if len(potent_list) == 1:
            list_of_winners = potent_list
            list_of_winners = check_highcard(number_of_players, potent_list)
    elif potent_list := check_flush(number_of_players):
        if len(potent_list) == 1:
            list_of_winners = potent_list
            list_of_winners = check_highcard(number_of_players, potent_list)
    elif potent_list := check_straight(number_of_players):
        if len(potent_list) == 1:
            list_of_winners = potent_list
            list_of_winners = check_highcard(number_of_players, potent_list)
    elif potent_list := check_three_of_kind(number_of_players):
        if len(potent_list) == 1:
            list_of_winners = potent_list
            list_of_winners = check_highcard(number_of_players, potent_list)
    elif potent_list := check_two_pair(number_of_players):
        if len(potent_list) == 1:
            list_of_winners = potent_list
            list_of_winners = check_highcard(number_of_players, potent_list)
    elif potent_list := check_pair(number_of_players):
        if len(potent_list) == 1:
            list_of_winners = potent_list
            list_of_winners = check_highcard(number_of_players, potent_list)
    elif potent_list := check_highcard(number_of_players, Player_Dict.keys()):
        list_of_winners = potent_list
    return list_of_winners

The function determines a list of winners by checking for each win criteria in order using and if..elif ladder. It checks for all player that won in said criteria and compares thier highcards to determine the winner.

Note: The following App is not indented to be used anywhere and is in noway bug-free enough to be used in app. Its only purpose is as an exercise to improve my understanding of random library and Python fudanmentals.