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File metadata and controls

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flow is a statically typed functional language for building software with dynamic user interfaces. It has taken elements primarily from ML & haXe. It is a relatively small and simple language, although it does have first-order functions, polymorphism, closures and simple pattern matching.

Design goals

The main design goals of flow are:

  • Support easy construction of complex user interfaces
  • Allow programmers to use a normal text editor and compiler work flow
  • The language should be easy to implement on multiple platforms, including desktop, iPhone, Android and HTML5. This implies that the runtime needs to be small, because we can not reuse the same implementation on all these targets.

Although flow can be utilized to build server-side functionality, it is primarily used for building complicated UIs. That is the field where it starts shining and shows its real power. Worth keeping in mind when working with it.

The main flow compiler is implemented in flow itself. The compiler produces a simple bytecode, native JavaScript, Java and other targets. See the runtimes.markdown document for an overview of the targets.

Modules, imports, exports, and main

A flow program consists of modules. A module example is defined by a file named example.flow. (It is intentional that you do not to have to write the name of the module inside the file itself. Therefore, you can only use a restricted set of filenames for your flow files. Also be aware that all filenames are case sensitive, because the result needs to run on Unix systems. The convention is to use lower-case only filenames.)

Each module (file) can import any number of modules as dependencies. This is done with

import module1;
import module2;

lines at the top of the file. The import directive supports Unix-path syntax, with the restriction that all path components have to be valid ids.

import formdesigner/types/generator;

If there is no path given in the import, it will look in the lib/ directory of the flow installation, as well as the current directory of the compiler when invoked and any include paths given. You have to use the full path to import files from other places, even if the file you are importing is a file in the same folder as the current file. Effectively, the includes combine into one global, combined path name-space.

Each module exports a set of names. These are declared with an export block:

export {
	foo : int;
	bar(i : int, s : string) -> void;

The intent is that you are only allowed to reference exported names in other modules. (Even though you do not export a name, that name is currently still inserted into a global scope and can cause name conflicts. This might change in the future.)

Execution starts by calling main in the main module compiled. Example command line for the C++ runner that compiles and then calls main in the helloworld module:

flowcpp sandbox/hello.flow

Run from the root of your flow installation, such as c:\flow9\ on Windows.

See windows.markdown, mac.markdown, linux.markdown to learn how to use other targets.


Following the import statements, a flow file consists of one or more declarations. Declarations are either variable declarations, function declarations, type declarations, or native function declarations in arbitrary order. Grammar:

top-level ::= decl {decl}

decl ::= variable-decl | function-decl | type-decl | native-decl

variable-decl ::= id "=" exp ";"
function-decl ::= id "(" id {"," id}) exp ";"
type-decl ::= id ":" type;
native-decl ::= "native" id ":" "(" type {"," type} ")" "->" type "=" id {"." id} ";"

In other words, variables are declared like this:

a = 1;

Functions are declared like this:

fac(n) { if (n <= 1) 1 else n * fac(n-1); }

Notice you can leave out the semicolon if you end with a brace.

Type declarations for functions (and variables) can be declared separately, like in Haskell:

// Haskell style, not as common
fac : (int) -> int;

For documentation reasons, it is possible to include optional names of the parameters in a type declaration:

fac : (n : int) -> int;
// A function that gets the mouse coordinates and a bool
mouseEvent(x : double, y : double, mouseInside : bool) -> flow;

The special type flow is similar to Object in Java, Dynamic in haXe. It is boxed at runtime, and dynamically typed. This is rarely used.

Similarly, the types of variables can be declared, here with a host of different types to give a taste of the type syntax:

a : int;

// Declaring an array uses [type] syntax
intArray : [int];

// References use ref type syntax
referenceToInt : ref int;

/* Structs in flow are special in that they always need a name. */
Text(text : string, style : [[string]]);

Notice that these declarations have the name as the first thing in the syntax. This is intentional in order to make it easy to read the names defined by a module at a glance. Conventionally, the type declarations are put at the top of the files.

Native functions are discussed later, but first, let's introduce the types and values in flow.

Simple types and values

The simple type syntaxes supported along with use are listed here:

b : bool;
b = true || false;

i : int;
i = 1 + 0xdeadbeef;

d : double;
d = 2.0 - 3.0;

s : string;
s = "My string\n";

Names are a sequence of letters, numbers and _, not starting with a number. Variables conventionally start with small letters. ints are digits, or hexadecimal digits with an 0x prefix. doubles are digits with a single . along them. (Currently, we do not support exponents in double syntax.)

Ints are 32-bit. Comparisons and multiplicative operations on ints are signed. Doubles are 64-bit. Strings are UTF-16 encoded (i.e. 16 bit).

Strings support \n, \t, \ and " escaping, as well as \xHH and \uHHHH where the HH are hexadecimal digits. Notice that it does not support \r out of the box, because those are problematic, and we try to avoid those. If we added this escape, people might forget that we want to avoid them. (You can get it with \x0d).

It is possible to define long strings in external files:

string_constant = "#include path/to/file.txt";

Such constants are inlined at compile time.


Arrays are immutable, and the syntax for declaring types and values is shown:

a : [int] = [1, 2, 3, 4];

aa : [[int]] = [[1], [2,3], [4,5,6]];

ab = [1, 2, 3]; // Type is inferred

// ac_error = [1, 2.0]; // Type error! All elements in an array must be compatible
ad : [flow] = [flow(1), 2.0]; // OK: The type annotation makes it work to be dynamic
ae = [flow(1), 2.0]; // OK in expressions: Type inference will make this [flow]

Array indexing is constant time, and the index is zero-based, and does bounds checking at runtime:

a = [0,1,2,3,4];

zero = a[0];	// Array indexing is 0-based
one = a[1];

crash = a[1000];	// This will crash at runtime. Don't do this.

The runtime defines some pure functions to work with arrays, all of which produce new arrays when applicable. See array.flow.

Concatenation of two arrays:

concat : ([?], [?]) -> [?];

big = concat([1,2],[3,4]);
assert(big == [1,2,3,4], "Error: Big is not big");

The [?] type means that length works on any kind of array. I.e. that the function is polymorphic, somewhat similar to templates in C++ and other languages. See the section on parameterized types below.

Getting the length of an array:

length : ([?]) -> int;

assert(length(big) == 4, "Error: 2 + 2 != 4");

In flow, there is no for or while statement, so map and mapi are used for iteration that produce results, or just iter and iteri for computations without results. As you know it from functional programming, map applies a function to each element of an array to give a new array with the results:

map : ([?], (?)->??) -> [??];

bigger = map(big, \i -> i*i);
assert(bigger == [1,4,9,16], "Error: big is not bigger");

Often you need the iteration number, and in these cases mapi is your friend. mapi applies a function which takes an index and each element of an array to give a new array:

mapi : ([?], (int, ?)->??) -> [??];

doubleFirst = mapi(bigger, \i, v -> if (i == 0) 2 * v else v);
assert(doubleFirst == [2,4,9,16], "Error: First is not doubled");

The indexes are 0 based.

If you need to find an index of the element in an array, use findi. The second argument is function that takes an element from list and returns bool. When this function returns true, findi returns the index of the current element. If function returns false for each element, findi returns None.

findi : (a : [?], fn : (?) -> bool) -> Maybe<int>;

names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"];
index1 = findi(names, \name -> if (name == "Bob") true else false); // = Some(1)
index2 = findi(names, \name -> name == "Mary");// = None() 

Another common operation is to reduce an array to a value, also called folding.

fold : ([?], init : ??, fn : (??, ?)->??) -> ??;

assert(fold(doubleFirst, 0, \x,y -> x+y) == 31, "Error: Sum of all elements should be 31");

This fold is a left-fold, and can used to find the minimum, maximum, sum, product and so on of arrays, although functions for those things often already exist.

There are a bunch of other useful iteration primitives listed in runtime.flow and array.flow.

Mutable arrays can be simulated using replace. This will "replace" a given element at an index in an array with a new value to give a new array:

replace : ([?], int, ?) -> [?];

backAgain = replace(doubleFirst, 0, 1);
assert(backAgain == bigger, "Error: We are not back to basics");

// Can also be used to append to an array
oneMore = replace(backAgain, length(backAgain), 25);
assert(oneMore == [1,4,9,16,25], "Error: Append did not work");

Note that replace has to make a full copy of the original array, so it will not perform well for much replacement work. You can also consider to use the list in list.flow, which is a normal functional list. There are useful native helpers list2array and list2string which provides efficient ways to concatenate lots of elements into one big array or string in linear time.

You can use subrange to extract parts of an array:

subrange : ([?], index : int, length : int) -> [?];

assert(subrange(oneMore, 2, 3) == [9,16,25], "Error: Subrange is borked");

Someday you will need to get an array from some other array without a first element. In this case tail is exactly what you need. tail([1, 2]) returns [2] and tail([2]) returns [].

Besides arrays and structs, there are no other compositional builtin data structures in flow, but several data structures such as lists, binary trees (i.e. maps), double linked lists, and graphs are implemented in flow itself.


The Maybe type is used for when you are not sure you have a value.

For example, you are looking for the index of an element in an array with findi. The index is an int, but what if the array does not contain the element? In that case it will return None(). So the type returned is either int or None. This is encoded with a union:

Maybe<?> ::= None, Some<?>;
    Some(value : ?);

And findi returns Maybe<int>.

There are useful functions in maybe.flow that help working with Maybe.

maybeApply : (m: Maybe<?>, f: (?) -> void) -> void;

maybeApply(m, f) applies f to m if m is really a value; if it is None, nothing is done.

Maybe is similar to boxed objects in Java that can be either Null or some object instance, or pointers in other languages that can be null (or nil).

Another useful function for working with Maybe<?> types is either:

s = Some(1);
n = None();
a = either(s, 0); // a = 1
b = either(n, 0); // b = 0

Maybe seems a very natural solution in many cases, but it has some disadvantages. Code that uses functions that return Maybe becomes more complicated. It would be annoying if / returned Maybe<double> because x/0 is None. So think twice before you return Maybe: Is there a simpler solution? There are at least two alternatives.

  1. In a lot of situations you can find a value which is an alternative to None. For functions returning ints, sometimes 0 or -1 or intMax can meaningfully represent "none". Often the neutral element of another operation can be a good "none", e.g. empty string:

    personToString(maybePerson) + "\n" + addressToString(maybeAddress).

It can also be some default structure like Empty() or TreeEmpty(). The best and the most used example is probably strIndexOf(text, substring) which returns -1 if substring is not found in text. sum([int]) returns 0 for an empty array.

  1. Another way is to pass a default value to the function. Then people who use your function f, can write:

    f(input, defaultvalue)

rather than either(f(input), defaultvalue) or

switch (f(input)) {
    None(): defaultvalue;
    Some(x): ....

It is especially useful in "template" functions where you can't specify a default "none" value for all types. Examples: findDef, firstElement, lookupTreeDef.

The ?? operator for deconstructing Maybe values

Although the use of default values is a common practice which helps avoid the use of Maybe, it is still very common. To help decompose values of type Maybe, the ?? operator is helpful:

foo(m : Maybe<int>) -> int {
	m ?? m + 2 : 0;

This is equivalent to a switch:

foo(m : Maybe<int>) -> int {
	switch (m) {
		Some(v): v + 2;
		None(): 0;

The ?? operator has this form: <var> ?? <exp1> : <exp2>, and it is short for this code:

	switch (<var>) {
		None(): <exp2>;
		Some(<value>): <exp1> where <var> is replaced by <value>;

Here is a list of examples on how this operator can replace some of the Maybe helpers:

m ?? m : a               == either(m, a)
m ?? fn(m) : a           == eitherMap(m, fn, a)
m ?? fn(m) : afn()       == eitherFn(m, fn, afn)
m ?? f(m) : None()       == maybeBind(m, f)
m ?? Some(f(m)) : None() == maybeMap(m, f)
m ?? f(m) : {}           == maybeApply(m, f)
m ?? true : false        == isSome(m)


In flow, all variables are immutable. To support imperative programming, you have to use references, similar to ML:

r : ref double = ref 1.0;

old = ^r; // Dereference
r := 2.0; // Destructive update
assert(old == 1.0, "Error: Assignment by copy");
assert(^r == 2.0, "Error: Reference is not updated");

dr : ref flow = ref 1.0;
dr := "Strange";
assert(^dr == "Strange", "Error: Flow is wild");
dr := 1; // OK

Although flow supports references, their use is discouraged because side effects are a bad thing to deal with. Usually it is better to pass data as function parameters instead of side-effecting it.

Functions and lambdas

As seen before, function types are declared like this:

// Functions
fib(int, int) -> int;

// With names for documentation
fac2(n : int) -> int;

print(f : flow) -> void;

and defined like this:

fib(i1 : int, i2 : int) -> int {

Notice there is no return statement. In fact, there are no statements at all. Flow is an expression based language. At the top-level, we support a special syntax for defining functions, but at the expression level, we do not. Instead, you can use lambdas:

myAddition = \x, y -> x + y;
assert(myAddition(1, 2) == 3, "Error: Lambda addition is broken");

The \x, y -> x + y bit is a declaration of an anonymous function which takes two parameters, x and y, and calculates their sum x + y.

Instead of having a bare return statement, use the empty sequence {} as the void value.

Function call: pipe-forward

Usually, function call uses "f(x)" syntax:

// Function declaration
println : (f : flow) -> void;

// Function call

The language also allows point-free call style using the |> ("pipe-forward") operator to express x |> f:

// Function call with pipe-forward operator
"Hello" |> println;

This is useful to chain a number of sequential function calls:

// Calculate sum of squares of even elements
sumSqr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
	|> (\lst -> filter(lst, \x->x%2==0))
	|> (\filtered -> map(filtered, \x->x*x))
	|> (\squared -> fold(squared, 0, \a, x -> a+x));

// Print the result

This will print "120".

Be careful: The lambda syntax is greedy, so the following example will report an identifier redefinition error:

// Identifier "l" redefinition error
sumSqr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
	|> \l -> filter(l, \x->x%2==0)
	|> \l -> map(l, \x->x*x)
	|> \l -> fold(l, 0, \a, x -> a+x);

Corrected example:

// No identifier "l" redefinition error
sumSqr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
	|> (\l -> filter(l, \x->x%2==0))
	|> (\l -> map(l, \x->x*x))
	|> (\l -> fold(l, 0, \a, x -> a+x));

The pipe-syntax does obscure the type of the entire expression as such, so we recommend to limit the use to situations where the type is the same throughout or otherwise obvious.


if expressions are like in C, except they are expressions:

if (hungry) {

if (time == money) {
} else {

absi = if (i > 0) {
} else {

If you leave out the else-branch, the result in the then-branch has to be void, also spelled {}:

if (hungry) {
	food = gather();
	meal = cook(food);
	eat(meal); // Might return the number of calories
	{} // To make sure the statement type checks


We emulate statements with the sequence expression:

	exp1; exp2; exp3

The value of the sequence is the last expression:

whatIsTheMeaningOfLife = {

(Thus you can see why we do not need a return statement.)

The grammar is forgiving about end braces and semicolons at the end:

a = {0}
a = {0;}
a = {0;};


All structs in flow are named. To define a struct value, you first have to declare the type at the top level using either of the following syntaxes:

Mystruct(arg1 : int, arg2 : double);
Mystruct : (arg1 : int, arg2 : double);

Either syntax is acceptable. Both are used in our codebases, although the first is most common.

Then to make an instance:

val = Mystruct(1, 2.0);

We have a strong conventions that the names of structs are written in caps, while variables and functions are written in lower-caps. There is an exception about functions that return user-interface elements, like Form and Material, where these functions can have a capitalized initial letter. We should never use a lower case initial letter for structs or unions, though.

The syntax for making instances is intentionally the same as function calls, since when you are programming user interfaces, most often it does not matter if something is a struct or a function that produces a struct.

Languages like Prolog and Pico also have a similar syntax for the corresponding concept called constructors. In those languages, there really is no difference between a call and a constructor, but there is in flow.

This requires some subtleties in the syntax for types. Notice that

  • (int) is an int
  • (n : int) is a struct type
  • (int) -> int and (n : int) -> int are function types.

Having structs as a separate type allows us to get to the contents of a struct easily using the . field syntax. Continuing the code above:

i = val.arg1;
d = val.arg2;

If you have used enums in Haxe, you know that getting things out of an algebraic datatype requires a lot of syntax with switch-statements. In flow, you can also use a switch, but the . syntax is often very handy. If you need to get to the name of a struct, use the special structname syntax: val.structname; which will give you the name as a string. structname is a low-level construct, and the use should be minimized, since it requires comparing against a string. That is not very type safe. Often, a better choice is to use the function isSameStructType defined in flowstructs.flow.

Also there is one more way to make an instance of a struct value:

oldval = Mystruct(1, 2.0);
val = Mystruct(oldval with arg1=1);

It is useful when there is a lot of fields in struct, and you need to make another instance with one or two fields different from the source. You can even make a completely new instance by enumerating all fields after "with":

val = Mystruct(oldval with arg1=5, arg2=3.8);

Notice, that this is just syntactic sugar. The compiler transforms such construction into regular struct instantiation with the respective limitations. Avoid to produce or use any side effects within this construction, since it could work not as expected. E.g:

val = Mystruct(oldval with arg2={globalVar:=1; 5.1;}, arg1={globalVar:=2; 10;});

So you would expect globalVar to have value 2, but it has value 1, because this example will be transformed into:

val = Mystruct({globalVar:=2; 10;}, {globalVar:=1; 5.1;});


Structs can be grouped into unions using the ::= syntax at the top-level:

Form ::= Text, Grid, Picture;
Text : (text : string, style : [[string]]);
Grid : (cells : [[Form]]);
Picture : (url : string, style : [[string]]);

Form is introduced as a typing relationship between the different structs, and is used for static type checks, as well as exhaustiveness checks in switches.

You can not create values of Form - only of the subtypes of it. For type-checking reasons, you can cast a value to a union, but it has no runtime consequence.

A union can include other unions as a short-hand:

MegaForm ::= Form, Mega;
Mega : (big : double);

This is the same as listing all subtypes explicitly:

MegaForm ::= Text, Grid, Picture, Mega;


You can switch on a struct value using the switch statement. First, let's define some struct types:

Form ::= Text, Grid, Picture;
Text : (text : string, style : [[string]]);
Grid : (cells : [[Form]]);
Picture : (url : string, style : [[string]]);

Then, given some Form, we can dispatch based on the type:

switch (form : Form) {
	Text(text, style): println(text);
	Grid(cells) : iter(cells, \row -> map(row, println));
	default: println("Not implemented yet?");

Note the use of default as a catch-all case (as in C and Java). Normally, we recommend not using a default case, since that turns off exhaustiveness checking, even if that means listing 10-20 cases for structs with identical behaviour. You can also often match a union to reduce boilerplate, but notice that the body on match on unions is duplicated for each struct in the union in the background, causing code bloat if your body is big.

switch can not dispatch on ints and other basic types. Just use if-statements instead.

So contrary to switch in languages like C, C# and Java, the switch in flow does two things: It implements the normal "if/goto" like behaviour, but also, it "deconstructs" the value given into the switch and extracts the values of the struct into local variables. Example:

Pair : (first : ?, second : ??);
a = Pair(1, "text");
switch (a : Pair) {
	Pair(f, s):  {
		println(f); // Prints 1
		println(s); // Prints "text"

This code is practically equivalent to

Pair : (first : ?, second : ??);
a = Pair(1, "text");
if (a.structname == "Pair") {
	f = a.first;
	s = a.second;
	println(f); // Prints 1
	println(s); // Prints "text"

although it is more efficient with the switch.

Since flow is an expression-based language, switch works just like any other expression and it's result may be assigned.

StructSign ::= Plus(), Minus();
sign : string = 
	switch (structSign) {
		Plus(): "+";
		Minus(): "-";

Mutable fields

As a special optimization feature intended for reducing the memory usage caused by certain data structures, struct fields can be declared as mutable:

DLink(v : ?, mutable before : DNode, mutable after : DNode);

Such fields behave exactly as any other struct field, except that it is possible to use the following syntax to change the value after the initial creation of the struct.

link.before ::= node;

No special accommodations are made to ensure stable comparison order when the values in the fields change. The comparison order may change after garbage collection on some platforms. (If you have a struct A with mutable, and compare it with a function or something like that, it might give A < fn at one point, but fn < A at another point. It is a rare edge case, but worth knowing about. The problem arises from the combination of a copying garbage collector and the use of memory addresses for comparison. Note that comparison won't change unless you actually mutate the mutable field.)

With mutable you can create struct cycles that will cause infinite recursion during comparison operations. So generally when you use mutable you should only use the isSameObj native function to compare them, which does a simple pointer comparison for equality without looking at the fields.

mutable should only be used after a careful evaluation for structures that are proven by profiling to consume a noticeable percentage of memory because of the refs. In ordinary circumstances, refs should be the first choice.

An example of the use of mutable in the Flow standard library is in the implementation of behaviours (see the Form documentation). It was introduced only after memory usage issues were observed in practice.


There are no implicit casts in flow, not even between double and int. Instead, you have to use the type-cast function:

a : double;
a = cast(1 : int -> double);

The number of casts supported is currently limited to int <-> double, int/double -> string, and everything can be casted to/from flow. Also, casts can be used to convert from subtypes to union types for type checking reasons only.

To help with common casts, the following functions are defined:

- `i2d`, `d2i`
- `i2s`, `s2i`
- `d2s`, `s2d`
- `b2s`

where i stands for int, d for double, s for string, and b for bool. For that reason, you rarely ever need to use cast directly.

When you switch on a value v, the type of v will automatically be downcasted to whatever case is matched in the case body of the switch:

U ::= Foo, Bar;
	Foo(foo : int);
	Bar(bar : int);

foobar(v : U) {
	switch (v) {
		Foo(a): {
			// Here, v is of type Foo;
		Bar(a): {
			// Here, v is of type bar;

Special types `flow` and `native`

The flow type means "any type":

dynamic : flow;
dynamic = "Anything"; // Could be anything

This is similar to Dynamic in Haxe, Object in Java, and so on. The flow type is untyped and boxed at runtime, so use it sparingly.

flow was added to the language to be able to give a type to built-in functions that get data from the "outside world", e.g., unstreaming binary data. It is not meant to be used for other purposes.

Specifically, if you have a type that can be several types, use unions to model this in your datatypes, NOT flow. Or model this union of types with other types. And consider, whether you need this type. Is there ever a time where you should use flow? Probably not.

For casting to/from flow, there are a range of helpers in the dynamic.flow module.

There is another type native, which can only be constructed by native functions, but you can use the type in declarations, as well as pass values of these around. Of course, they are meant to be consumed by other native functions.

native currentClip : () -> native = RenderSupport.currentClip;
renderTo : (clip : native, form : Form) -> () -> void;

To provide information to flow optimizers, we have a type annotation "io" which marks that a given (native) function is impure and can not be calculated at compile time.

Parameterized types

flow supports parameterizing types, similar to what exists in ML, Haxe, Java, C# and similar language. Let's look at an example:

max(?, ?) -> ?;

This declares a function which takes 2 arguments, which have to be the same type, and returns a value, which also is required to be of the same type.

(The same would be written something like max<N>(n1 : N, n2 : N) : N; in Haxe. Notice that our syntax is shorter, and arguably clearer.)

Another example is concat, which concatenates arrays of the same type, and gives an array of the same type:

concat([?], [?]) -> [?];

Parameterized type-declaration only have scope of the single declaration. So for every declaration, the ? type introduces a new type parameter with no direct relation to other declarations.

A more complicated example fold:

fold : ([?], init : ??, fn : (??, ?) -> ??) -> ??;

This takes an array of some type, then an initial value of another type. The third argument is a function that combines these two values, and returns a result which is "folded" back in the next iteration. You can see that the return type of that function has to match the initial value for this threading to work.

You can also parameterize structs, which is useful for container-style code:

myTree : Tree<int, string>;

This declares a dictionary from ints to strings. The implementation of the binary tree declares the general binary tree like this:

Tree<?, ??> ::= TreeNode<?, ??>, TreeEmpty;
	TreeNode : (key : ?, value : ??, left : Tree<?, ??>, right : Tree<?, ??>, depth : int);
	TreeEmpty : ();

Additional type safety around type parameters is based on the fact that all functions that work on binary trees do have those parameters, and as long as each of those are disciplined about transferring the types around the parameters in and out of itself, the effect is that everything works out.

Secondly, the relation between the angle and the ? syntax is given by the number of question marks: The first parameter in a bracketed list of types corresponds to the ? type. The second parameter corresponds to the ??, and so on. This trick is what saves us from having to declare the type parameters and give them names.

However, it is good style to explicitly add type parameters to the union itself:

Ast<?> ::= Node1<?>, Node2<?>;

This is a mechanism which can be used to make sure that the type parameter in Node1 and Node2 is the same when they are considered as an Ast.

Impure functions

All of flow is pure, except for native functions marked with the io type modifier. If a function uses a function marked with io, it itself becomes impure as well. The following are examples of impure functions:

// Crashes the program when not satisfied. Normally only used in console-programs,
// since we do not want interactive programs to crash.
assert(b : bool, errorMessage : string) -> void;

// Pretty-prints any value on the console
println : (flow) -> void;

// A random number between 0 and 1
random : () -> double;

// Get the current time, in seconds since epoch 1970
timestamp : () -> double;

// Get a callback in x milliseconds
timer : (int, () -> void) -> void;

Any impure function can not be evaluated at compile time.

Native functions

In order to interface with the surrounding runtime environment, it is possible to declare native functions implemented in the hosting code:

native random : () -> double = Native.random;

// The call is just like a normal function call
assert(0.0 <= random() && random() < 1.0, "Error: Random should give values between 0 and 1");

The Native.random part of the declaration is the name of the function in the native language. In the Haxe target, a call to this function roughly translates to:

// haXe code
return new Native(interpreter).random();

// ...we would have this supporting code to implement this method:
class Native {
    public function random(args : Array<Flow>, pos : Position) : flow {
        return ConstantDouble(Math.rand(), pos);

Notice that adding new natives is done rarely. In many cases, we try to avoid it, because it comes with a promise for the future. It makes porting flow to new platforms more expensive.

However, if a new native is required, it needs to be implemented in all runtimes. This includes at least 2 different Haxe runtimes, C++, and Java.

When the native is needed only for optimization purposes, or makes sense only for one target, it is possible to define a fallback body for the native as an ordinary flow function:

native add_10 : (int) -> int = Native.optimized_add_10;

add_10(x : int) -> int {
    x + 10

The body definition must be placed in the same source file after the actual native declaration, and have the same number and types of arguments and return value. This pair of definitions is compiled in such a way that any targets that actually implement the native would use it, while those that don't will fall back to the flow implementation instead of signalling an error. Targets that cannot detect if they implement a native without causing an error always use the fallback.

Quoting and unquoting

There is support for quoting expressions in flow. This provides a way to use flow syntax to construct an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) structure directly in the source code.

This is done with the @<exp> syntax:

import qexp;	// You have to add this import yourself for quoting to work
import runtime;

foo() {
	@1;	// This is short for QInt(1)
	@1+2; // This is short for QCallPrim(QAddPrim(), [QInt(1), QInt(2)]);

	println(QInt(1) == @1); // Will print 'true'

The type of a @ expression is thus the union QExp. This type defines an (untyped) AST of all flow expression constructs (except for cast, which is not supported). It is mirrored exactly after the type FiExp used inside the flowc compiler, except that it is untyped and does not contain position information.

The quoting feature is thus a way to shortly and naturally write constants that define code instead of writing a lot of structs manually.

If you want to have variables in the resulting AST, then you can unquote expressions inside a quote, using the $<atom> syntax. This can be used like this:

import qexp;	// You have to add this import yourself for quoting to work

foo(a : int) {
	@1+$a; // This is short for QCallPrim(QAddPrim(), [QInt(1), QInt(a)]);

This works for any expression:

import qexp;	// You have to add this import yourself for quoting to work

foo(a : int) {
	@1+$(a+2*3); // This is short for QCallPrim(QAddPrim(), [QInt(1), QInt(a+2*3)]);

When you unquote, we only support unquoting expressions of type bool, int, double, string, or array types of these. (We might later allow structs of type QExp to be unquoted, but so far there has been no need for this.)

Quoting and unquoting is an advanced feature, which is not often used. It can be used to make embedded DSLs that naturally interact with flow. That will often be done by having an interpreter of the DExp union that implements whatever semantics you desire. (There is currently no implementation of a flow interpreter based on the QExp type.)

Coding conventions

To make sure all code is uniform, we have to have some coding conventions. This is a reference to the recommended way to format code in flow:

// Spacing around : and ->, because horizontal space is plentiful
fac(n : int) -> int;

// Space after // in comment, because it looks better

// Start brace on same line to conserve vertical space
fac(n) {
	if (n <= 1) {
	} else {
		n * fac(n - 1);

// Space around operators
a = 1;

// Space before ( in if, { brace on same line
if (a == 1) {
	// Function call without space before (
	println("a is 1");

// No space after \, space around ->
lambda = \v -> i;

// Camel humping identifiers
myReference = ref 1;


// Space after comma
array = [1, 2, 3, 4];

// Always space after comma
big = concat([1, 2], [3, 4]);
test = \a, b -> 1;

// A function call that spreads over many lines
result = makeList([

// These are also acceptable - we do not want to be ridiculous
f : (x : flow, y: (int)->int, z : double) : int;
seven = 1 + 2*3;

Data structures

Besides the builtin array and structs, some useful data structures have been implemented in flow itself. Most useful is arguably the binary tree implemented in ds/tree.flow.

This implements a key/value store organized in a binary tree. This data structure implements dictionaries (setTree) as well as heaps using popmax and popmin. It is also the basis of the Set data structure. It also has useful helpers when you need to store multiple values per key in the form of the treePushToArrayValue and getTreeArrayValue helpers. These allow you to add any number of items to a key, and then extract those as an array as a multi-map.

If you need to build data structures one element at a time, use a List declared in ds/list.flow. This is a traditional functional list, implemented using structs. It supports constant time append (Cons), contrary to an array where append is linear time. You can convert a List to an array using list2array. (You can also convert to a string using list2string.)

Have a look in the ds/ folder to find other useful data structures.


Loop constructs are an indispensable feature in many imperative languages. Flow being an imperative language, it certainly makes sense to have loops as well. You can iterate both with loop constructs and using recursion. Both ways have their pros & cons. I think the programmer who knows both the imperative and the functional style of programming will find that in most cases recursion expresses his intent better than loops.

In some cases, still, loops are the right thing to do. A while loop is, however, not included in flow. One reason is, it is important to keep the complexity of a programming language down. Another is that we would like to promote the use of map and other functional constructs that arguably are clearer, and easier to optimize.

Here is a tough example of something hard to change to recursion:

foo(i : int, j : int, n : int) -> int {
	while(true) {
		if (i > j) return n;
		if (! cons(i)) break; i++;
	while(true) {
		while(true) {
			if (i > j) return n;
			if (cons(i)) break;
		while(true) {
			if (i > j) return n;
			if (! cons(i)) break;

Lots of control flow (return & break) going everywhere. That does not prove anything other than code that is hard to read is hard to rewrite. If you really tried rewriting it using recursion, you would probably produce code much easier to read & debug & maintain. Nevertheless, that is not always convenient. For instance, if you are porting code with while loops, you do not want to rewrite every loop. In that case, you can still convert loops to recursion using a mechanical, almost textual conversion, as follows:

Convert every while to a function:

while (true) { BODY; }
while1() {

Convert return statements to just the expression:

return n;     ---->    n

In general, convert every jump in the code to a function call, e.g., breaks too. Here, as an example, is the code above converted to functions:

main() {
	while1(0, 10, 15);  // start the first while loop
while1(i, j, n) {
	if (i > j) n
	else if (! cons(i)) break1(i, j, n)    // Call break1() to break from the first while loop
	else {while1(i + 1, j, n);}
break1(i, j, n) {   // define function break1() to mark where the first while loop ends
	while2(i + 1, j, n);
while2(i, j, n) {
	while3(i, j, n);
while3(i, j, n) {
	if (i > j) n;
	else if (cons(i)) break3(i, j, n)
	else {while3(i + 1, j, n);}
break3(i, j, n) {
	while4(i + 1, j, n +1);
while4(i, j, n) {
	if (i > j) n;
	else if (! cons(i)) break4(i, j, n)
	else {while4(i + 1, j, n);}
break4(i, j, n) {
	while2(i + 1, j, n);

Structs of functions

Flow does not have a special construct supporting multiple implementations of the same API, like interfaces in Java, functors in ML, or typeclasses in Haskell.

If you find yourself missing this, consider using a struct of functions. This is a standard technique in functional programming.

For example, in Java we might write:

// interface
interface Animal {
  String name();
  void speak();
void testAnimal(Animal a) {
// implementation
class Dog implements Animal {
  String name;
  Dog(String name) { = name; }
  public String name() { return name; }
  public void speak() { System.out.println("woof"); }
class Duck implements Animal {
  String name;
  Duck(String name) { = name; }
  public String name() { return name; }
  public void speak() { System.out.println("quack"); }
public static void main(...) {
  testAnimal(new Dog("Rover"));
  testAnimal(new Duck("Ping"));

In Flow this becomes:

// interface
    name : () -> string,
    speak : () -> void,
testAnimal(a : Animal) {
// implementation
Dog(name : string);
dogAsAnimal(d : Dog) -> Animal {
    Animal(\ ->, \ -> println("woof"));
Duck(name : string);
duckAsAnimal(d : Duck) -> Animal {
    Animal(\ ->, \ -> println("quack"));
main() {
    myDog = Dog("Rover");
    myDuck = Duck("Ping");

Or perhaps, if we want Dog and Duck to be more closely related types:

// interface
    name : () -> string,
    speak : () -> void,
testAnimal(a : Animal) {
// implementation
Pet ::= Dog, Duck;
Dog(name : string);
Duck(name : string);
petAsAnimal(p : Pet) -> Animal {
    switch (p) {
      Dog(name) :
          Animal(\ -> name, \ -> println("woof"));
      Duck(name) :
          Animal(\ -> name, \ -> println("quack"));
main() {
    myDog = Dog("Rover");
    myDuck = Duck("Ping");

This technique is used often in flow codebases. The pattern is usually signaled by "Api" or "API" in the name of a type.

Not all uses of structs of functions require all this machinery. Just as in Java I can implement the interface directly in an anonymous class:

new Animal() {
  public String name() { return "Tiger"; }
  public void speak() { System.out.println("meow"); }

so in Flow I can directly write:

  \ -> "Tiger",
  \ -> println("meow")

This shorter form is the preferred way to do it.

Language finesses

Flow as any other language has some unobvious moments. Let's consider some of them:

Example 1

println("Value is " + if (value) {""} else {"not "} + "true");

Here program will print just "Value is " in case of value=true, since flow parser grabs "true" within the else block. Because {"not" } is considered as basic block as well as "true", and then they are processed as the arguments of + operator, which serves as final expression for the else block. Fix will look like this

println("Value is " + (if (value) {""} else {"not "}) + "true");

Example 2

func() -> [string] {
	t = if (b) {
	} else {

Similar to previous example. Code will not be compiled, since parser grabs [t] and gives final expression for else block as "qwe"[t], while t isn't declared yet. Fix will look like

func() -> [string] {
	t = if (b) {
	} else {

flow vs. javascript

// Javascript // flow
var constant = 1;                        constant = 1;

var s = "Hello world";                   s = "Hello world";
var s2 = "#" + 1;                        s2 = "#" + i2s(1);
var ar = [1,2,3];                        ar = [1,2,3];

var n = 1 + 1.5;                         n = 1.0 + 1.5;

var a = 1;                               a = ref 1;
var b = a;                               b = ^a;
a = 2;                                   a := 2;
var c = a;                               c = ^a;
a++;                                     a := 1 + ^a;

if (meaning) 42 else -1;                 if (meaning) 42 else -1;
var d = 1 < 2 ? 0 : 1;                   d = if (1 < 2) 0 else 1;

function one() { return 1; }             one() { 1 }
function twice(n) { return 2 * n; }      twice(n) { 2 * n }
var zero = function() return 0;          zero = \ -> 0;
var neg = function(n) return -n;         neg = \n -> -n;

var ar2 =;                 ar2 = map(ar, twice);

switch (grade) {
case 'A': document.write("Good job");    if (grade == "A") println("Good job")
case 'B': document.write("OK");          else if (grade == "B") println("OK")
default: document.write("Hmm");          else println("Hmm");

var i;                                   fori(1, 10, \i -> println(i2s(i) + " beers"));
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {              // See other similar helpers in runtime.flow and array.flow
	document.write(i + " beers");

function log2(n) {                       log2(n) {
  var divs = 0;                            if (n <= 1) 0;
  while (n > 1) {                          else 1 + log2(n / 2);
	n / 2;                               }
	divs++;                              // See also section on loops above
  return divs;

                                         import ds/tree;
var dict = new Hash();                   dict = makeTree();
dict[1] = 2;                             dict2 = setTree(dict, 1, 2);
var two = dict[1];                       two = lookUpTreeDef(dict2, 1, -1);