Currently all these documents are in Spanish.
AT Matrix.
- Our collection of free-online Assistive Tecnologies for Moodle. AT-Matrix-data
- Version used as Annex in our Questionnaries. AT-Matrix-pdf
Web Accessibility Assessment.
- Report from the Wave tool Wave-Assessment-pdf
- Excel with detailed data from the Wave tool Wave-Assessment-data
Usability Test:
- Backup copy (1.4MB) of the Moodle course used Moodle-Course
- List of activities/tasks of the usability test. Usability-Test-pdf
- Excel with University of Atlántico (UA) and University of Granada (UGR) assessment data. Usability-Test-data
Focus groups:
- Handwritten documents used in the sessions as feedback-capture-grids. focus-group-data
- University of Atlantico focus group report. focus-group-pdf
Questionnaires. We have designed seven closed questionnaries.
- Questionnaire Q1: Coordinators/Managers of Moodle platform Q1-managers-pdf Q1-managers-data
- Questionnaire Q1: Technical Team or administrators of Moodle platform Q1-admin-pdf Q1-admin-data
- Questionnaire Q2: Moodle user teachers Q2-teachers-pdf Q2-teachers-data
- Questionnaire Q2: Moodle user students Q2-students-pdf Q2-students-data
- Questionnaire Q3: Usability experts Q3-experts-pdf Q3-experts-data
- Questionnaire Q4: MOOC participants with experience in a Moodle teaching role Q4-MOOC-teachers-pdf Q4-MOOC-teachers-data
- Questionnaire Q4: MOOC Moodle participants Q4-MOOC-pdf Q4-MOOC-data