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The Atlas Kubernetes Operator

Manage your database with Kubernetes using Atlas.

What is Atlas?

Atlas is a popular open-source schema management tool. It is designed to help software engineers, DBAs and DevOps practitioners manage their database schemas. Users can use the Atlas DDL (data-definition language) or plain SQL to describe the desired database schema and use the command-line tool to plan and apply the migrations to their systems.

What is the Atlas Kubernetes Operator?

Like many other stateful resources, reconciling the desired state of a database with its actual state can be a complex task that requires a lot of domain knowledge. Kubernetes Operators were introduced to the Kubernetes ecosystem to help users manage complex stateful resources by codifying this domain knowledge into a Kubernetes controller.

The Atlas Kubernetes Operator is a Kubernetes controller that uses Atlas to manage the schema of your database. The Atlas Kubernetes Operator allows you to define the desired schema of your and apply it to your database using the Kubernetes API.


Declarative schema migrations

The Atlas Kubernetes Operator supports declarative migrations. In declarative migrations, the desired state of the database is defined by the user and the operator is responsible for reconciling the desired state with the actual state of the database (planning and executing CREATE, ALTER and DROP statements).

Versioned schema migrations

The Atlas Kubernetes Operator also supports versioned migrations. In versioned migrations, the database schema is defined by a series of SQL scripts ("migrations") that are applied in lexicographical order. The user can specify the version and migration directory to run, which can be located on the Atlas Cloud or stored as a ConfigMap in your Kubernetes cluster.


The Atlas Kubernetes Operator is available as a Helm chart. To install the chart with the release name atlas-operator:

helm install atlas-operator oci:// --create-namespace --namespace atlas-operator


To configure the operator, you can set the following values in the values.yaml file:

  • prewarmDevDB: The Operator always keeps devdb resources around to speed up the migration process. Set this to false to disable this feature.

  • extraEnvs: Used to set environment variables for the operator

  extraEnvs: []
  # extraEnvs:
  #   - name: MSSQL_ACCEPT_EULA
  #     value: "Y"
  #   - name: MSSQL_PID
  #     value: "Developer"
  #   - name: ATLAS_TOKEN
  #     valueFrom:
  #       secretKeyRef:
  #         key: ATLAS_TOKEN
  #         name: atlas-token-secret
  #   - name: BAZ
  #     valueFrom:
  #       configMapKeyRef:
  #         key: BAZ
  #         name: configmap-resource

Note: The SQL Server driver requires the MSSQL_ACCEPT_EULA and MSSQL_PID environment variables to be set for acceptance of the Microsoft EULA and the product ID, respectively.

  • extraVolumes: Used to mount additional volumes to the operator
  extraVolumes: []
  # extraVolumes:
  #   - name: my-volume
  #     secret:
  #       secretName: my-secret
  #   - name: my-volume
  #     configMap:
  #       name: my-configmap
  • extraVolumeMounts: Used to mount additional volumes to the operator
  extraVolumeMounts: []
  # extraVolumeMounts:
  #   - name: my-volume
  #     mountPath: /path/to/mount
  #   - name: my-volume
  #     mountPath: /path/to/mount


If you want use use any feature that requires logging in (triggers, functions, procedures, sequence support or SQL Server, ClickHouse, and Redshift drivers), you need to provide the operator with an Atlas token. You can do this by creating a secret with the token:

kubectl create secret generic atlas-token-secret \

Then set the ATLAS_TOKEN environment variable in the operator's deployment manifest:

    - name: ATLAS_TOKEN
          key: ATLAS_TOKEN
          name: atlas-token-secret

Getting started

In this example, we will create a MySQL database and apply a schema to it. After installing the operator, follow these steps to get started:

  1. Create a MySQL database and a secret with an Atlas URL to the database:
kubectl apply -f


deployment.apps/mysql created
service/mysql created
secret/mysql-credentials created
  1. Create a file named schema.yaml containing an AtlasSchema resource to define the desired schema:
kind: AtlasSchema
  name: atlasschema-mysql
      key: url
      name: mysql-credentials
    sql: |
      create table users (
        id int not null auto_increment,
        name varchar(255) not null,
        email varchar(255) unique not null,
        short_bio varchar(255) not null,
        primary key (id)
  1. Apply the schema:
kubectl apply -f schema.yaml

Result: created
  1. Check that our table was created:
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=mysql -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -- mysql -uroot -ppass -e "describe myapp.users"


| Field     | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id        | int          | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| name      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| email     | varchar(255) | NO   | UNI | NULL    |                |
| short_bio | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |

Hooray! We applied our desired schema to our target database.

Now, let's try versioned migrations with a PostgreSQL database.

  1. Create a PostgresQL database and a secret with an Atlas URL to the database:
kubectl apply -f


deployment.apps/postgres created
service/postgres unchanged
  1. Create a file named migrationdir.yaml to define your migration directory
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: migrationdir
  20230316085611.sql: |
    create sequence users_seq;
    create table users (
      id int not null default nextval ('users_seq'),
      name varchar(255) not null,
      email varchar(255) unique not null,
      short_bio varchar(255) not null,
      primary key (id)
  atlas.sum: |
    20230316085611.sql h1:ldFr73m6ZQzNi8q9dVJsOU/ZHmkBo4Sax03AaL0VUUs=
  1. Create a file named atlasmigration.yaml to define your migration resource that links to the migration directory.
kind: AtlasMigration
  name: atlasmigration-sample
      key: url
      name: postgres-credentials
      name: "migrationdir"

Alternatively, we can define a migration directory inlined in the migration resource instead of using a ConfigMap:

kind: AtlasMigration
  name: atlasmigration-sample
      key: url
      name: postgres-credentials
      20230316085611.sql: |
        create sequence users_seq;
        create table users (
          id int not null default nextval ('users_seq'),
          name varchar(255) not null,
          email varchar(255) unique not null,
          short_bio varchar(255) not null,
          primary key (id)
      atlas.sum: |
        20230316085611.sql h1:ldFr73m6ZQzNi8q9dVJsOU/ZHmkBo4Sax03AaL0VUUs=
  1. Apply migration resources:
kubectl apply -f migrationdir.yaml
kubectl apply -f atlasmigration.yaml

Result: created
  1. Check that our table was created:
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=postgres -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -- psql -U root -d postgres -c "\d+ users"


  Column   |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |            Default             | Storage  | Compression | Stats target | Description
 id        | integer                |           | not null | nextval('users_seq'::regclass) | plain    |             |              |
 name      | character varying(255) |           | not null |                                | extended |             |              |
 email     | character varying(255) |           | not null |                                | extended |             |              |
 short_bio | character varying(255) |           | not null |                                | extended |             |              |

Please refer to this link to explore the supported API for versioned migrations.

API Reference

Example resource:

kind: AtlasSchema
  name: atlasschema-mysql
      key: url
      name: mysql-credentials
    # Fail if the diff planned by Atlas contains destructive changes.
        error: true
      # Omit any DROP INDEX statements from the diff planned by Atlas.
        drop_index: true
    sql: |
      create table users (
        id int not null auto_increment,
        name varchar(255) not null,
        primary key (id)
    - ignore_me

This resource describes the desired schema of a MySQL database.

  • The urlFrom field is a reference to a secret containing an Atlas URL to the target database.
  • The schema field contains the desired schema in SQL. To define the schema in HCL instead of SQL, use the hcl field:
        hcl: |
          table "users" {
            // ...
    To learn more about defining SQL resources in HCL see this guide.
  • The policy field defines different policies that direct the way Atlas will plan and execute schema changes.
    • The lint policy defines a policy for linting the schema. In this example, we define a policy that will fail if the diff planned by Atlas contains destructive changes.
    • The diff policy defines a policy for planning the schema diff. In this example, we define a policy that will omit any DROP INDEX statements from the diff planned by Atlas.

Version checks

The operator will periodically check for new versions and security advisories related to the operator. To disable version checks, set the SKIP_VERCHECK environment variable to true in the operator's deployment manifest.


In successful reconciliation, the conditon status will look like this:

    Last Transition Time: 2024-03-20T09:59:56Z
    Message: ""
    Reason: Applied
    Status: True
    Type: Ready
  Last Applied: 1710343398
  Last Applied Version: 20240313121148
  observed_hash: d5a1c1c08de2530d9397d4

In case of an error, the condition status will be set to false and reason field will contain the type of error that occurred (e.g. Reconciling, ReadingMigrationData, Migrating, etc.). To get more information about the error, you can check the message field.

For AtlasSchema resource:

Reason Description
Reconciling The operator is reconciling the desired state with the actual state of the database
ReadSchema There was an error about reading the schema from ConfigMap or database credentials
GettingDevDB Failed to get a Dev Database, which used for normalization the schema
VerifyingFirstRun Occurred when a first run of the operator that contain destructive changes
LintPolicyError Occurred when the lint policy is violated
ApplyingSchema Failed to apply to database

For AtlasMigration resource:

Reason Description
Reconciling The operator is reconciling the desired state with the actual state of the database
GettingDevDB Failed to get a Dev Database which is required to compute a migration plan
ReadingMigrationData Failed to read the migration directory from ConfigMap, Atlas Cloud or invalid database credentials
ProtectedFlowError Occurred when the migration is protected and the operator is not able to apply it
ApprovalPending Applying the migration requires manual approval on Atlas Cloud. The URL used for approval is provided in the approvalUrl field of the status object
Migrating Failed to migrate to database


Need help? File issues on the Atlas Issue Tracker or join our Discord server.


Start MiniKube

minikube start

Install CRDs

make install

Start Skaffold

skaffold dev


The Atlas Kubernetes Operator is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.