Mini-Hackathon: The objective of this experiment is to help a leading retailer forecast the sales.
You need to help predict the RMSE values for the test set; there are 4 datasets:
1. Macro Economic Dataset
2. Events and Holidays Dataset
3. Weather Data Set
4. Train Data (Sales and the Year/Month)
1. Lecture 21: Beyond AlexNet
2. Lecture 22: BP Revisited
3. Lecture 23: Siamese Networks
4. Lecture 24: GANs
GD: Variations
* Batch GD: Update the parameters after the gradients are computed for the entire training set.
* Stochastic GD: Randomly shuffle the training set,and update the parameters after gradients are computed for each training example.
* Mini-Batch Stochastic GD: Update the parameters after gradients are computed for a randomly drawn mini-batch of training examples.
* Nesterov Momentum
Optimization Algorithms
* SGD vs Adam
* Adagrad
* Adadelta
* RMSProp
* Adam
- Regularization
- Data Normalization
- Data Augmentation or Jittering
- Dropout
- Batch Normalization
Beyond AlexNet
* What changed over time?
* VGG-Nets
* GoogleNet and Inception
* Residual Net
* DenseNet
* Performance Indices
• Accuracy
• Model complexity
• Memory usage
• Computational complexity
• Inference time
Siamese Networks
* Siamese and Triplet networks/losses are popular for solving fine grain classification (e.g. Face), capturing subjective needs (eg. Invariance to rotation), rankings etc.
* Recognition Vs Verification
* Siamese: Loss
Face processing pipeline
1. Input Image
2. Detect
3. Transform
4. Crop
5. Recognition
* Hyperface: state of art
* Generative Adversarial Networks
* Discriminator D
* Generator G
* Extension: Deep Convolutional GAN(DCGAN)