Package | Description | Compile-Time Option | Default |
ccsds | CCSDS packet processing for command and telemetry systems | USE_CCSDS_PACKAGE | ON |
legacy | Legacy code support for older SlideRule applications | USE_LEGACY_PACKAGE | ON |
aws | S3 reading and writing (cURL) | USE_AWS_PACKAGE | OFF |
h5 | HDF5 reading (H5Coro) | USE_H5_PACKAGE | ON |
geo | Raster and vector image sampling (GDAL) | USE_GEO_PACKAGE | OFF |
arrow | GeoParquet file construction (Arrow) | USE_ARROW_PACKAGE | OFF |
netsvc | Network access to well-known and generic web-services | USE_NETSVC_PACKAGE | OFF |
pistache | Pistache web server and client | USE_PISTACHE_PACKAGE | OFF |