- Set the theme
- Set the path
- S1 MNase HiChIP vs Intact Hi-C
- S2 Observed ligations
- S3 Replicates
- S4 Fig 4 companion figure
- S5 Short fragments
- S6 Figure 5 companion figure
- S7 Fbn2
- S8 CAMEL statistic
- S9 Nucleosomes
num_cores = 8
my_theme <- theme_classic() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
This is where we stored all those files in the protocol.
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
K562_CTCF_2_5kb_interactions_FitHiC_Q0_01 <- read_table("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_2.5kb.interactions_FitHiC_Q0.01.bed")
top_loops <- K562_CTCF_2_5kb_interactions_FitHiC_Q0_01 %>%
filter(chr1 == "chr1") %>%
first <- top_loops %>%
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(seqnames = "chr1",
start.field = "s1",
end.field = "e1")
second <- top_loops %>%
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(seqnames = "chr2",
start.field = "s2",
end.field = "e2")
gi <- GInteractions(first,second)
hic <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_MicroC_GSE237898_chr1.mcool",
format = 'mcool', focus = 'chr1:30500000-31000000',resolution = 4000)
aggr_centros <- HiContacts::aggregate(
hic, targets = gi,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam()
#> Going through preflight checklist...
#> Parsing the entire contact matrice as a sparse matrix...
#> Modeling distance decay...
#> Filtering for contacts within provided targets...
aggr_centros, use.scores = 'detrended',
limits = c(-1,1),
scale = 'linear',
cmap = bgrColors()
) +
xlab("Right Anchor (CTCF)") +
ylab("Left Anchor (CTCF)")
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_aggregated_intact_hic.png"), width=8, height=8)
HiC_loops <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/GSE237898_ENCFF256ZMD_loops_GRCh38.bedpe")
hichip_loops <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_loops.bedpe")
hichip_LA <- hichip_loops@first
hichip_LA$ID <- 1:length(hichip_LA)
hichip_RA <- hichip_loops@second
hichip_RA$ID <- 1:length(hichip_RA)
HIC_LA <- HiC_loops@first
HIC_LA$ID <- 1:length(HiC_loops)
HIC_RA <- HiC_loops@second
HIC_RA$ID <- 1:length(HiC_loops)
length(subsetByOverlaps(hichip_LA, HIC_LA))/ length(hichip_LA)
length(subsetByOverlaps(hichip_RA, HIC_RA))/ length(hichip_RA)
LA_OVL<- subsetByOverlaps(hichip_LA, HIC_LA)
RA_OVL<- subsetByOverlaps(hichip_RA, HIC_RA)
nrow(data.frame(LA_OVL) %>% filter(ID %in% RA_OVL$ID)) / length(hichip_loops)
loop observed in both datasets
K562_CTCF_2_5kb_interactions_FitHiC_Q0_01 <- read_table("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_2.5kb.interactions_FitHiC_Q0.01.bed")
K562_CTCF_2_5kb_interactions_FitHiC_Q0_01 %>%
filter(dplyr::between(s1, 30717500, 30720000)) %>%
data.frame(HiC_loops) %>%
filter(first.seqnames == "chr1") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(first.start, 30717500, 30720000)) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(second.start, 30777500, 30780000))
hichip_loops <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_loops.bedpe")
hichip_loops <- hichip_loops[seqnames(hichip_loops@first) == "chr1"]
data.frame(hichip_loops) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(`first.start`, 30717500, 30720000)) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(`second.start`,30777500, 30780000))
hic_1 <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_MicroC_GSE237898_chr1.mcool",
format = 'mcool', focus = 'chr1:30500000-31000000',resolution = 2000)
hic_2 <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf_chr1.mcool",
format = 'mcool', focus = 'chr1:30500000-31000000',resolution = 2000)
bw <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_pval_ENCFF168IFW.bigWig")
CTCF_bw <- data.frame(bw) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(start, 30500000,31000000)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start, y = score))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma_format())+
geom_area(color = "lightseagreen",
fill = "lightseagreen")+
xlab("Position (chr1)") +
ggtitle("CTCF ChIP-seq")+
plot_grid(plotlist = list(
compare.to = hic_1,
use.scores = 'balanced',
caption = FALSE,
scale = 'log10')+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(30500000,31000000),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n =3),
labels = comma_format())+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(30500000,31000000))+
xlab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
ylab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
CTCF_bw +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
xlab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(30500000,31000000),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n =3),
labels = comma_format())+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(30500000,31000000))),
align = "hv",
axis = "tblr",
rel_heights = c(4,1))
#path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_hichip_intact_hic_balanced_contact_map.png"), width=8, height=8)
ctcf_gr <- readRDS(file = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
chip <- read_tsv("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_peaks_ENCFF736NYC.bed", col_names = FALSE)
colnames(chip) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "signalValue", "pval", "qval", "peak")
chip_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(chip)
chip_gr$qval <- chip$qval
chip_gr$peak_mid <- (start(chip_gr) + end(chip_gr))/2
ovl <- findOverlaps(ctcf_gr,chip_gr)
out <- as.data.frame(ctcf_gr[queryHits(ovl)]) %>%
cbind(motif_id = queryHits(ovl),
chip_id = subjectHits(ovl),
chip_start = start(chip_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)],
chip_end = end(chip_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)])
motifs <- out %>%
mutate(motif_mid = (start+end)/2) %>%
mutate(chip_mid = (chip_start+chip_end)/2) %>%
mutate(dist = abs(chip_mid-motif_mid)) %>%
filter(dist < 30) %>%
group_by(chip_id) %>%
arrange(dist) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
arrange(dist) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
CBSPLUS <- motifs %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
filter(dplyr::between( start, 30717500, 30720000)) %>%
CBSMINUS <-motifs %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
filter(dplyr::between( start, 30777500, 30780000)) %>%
filter(strand == "-") %>%
#W <- 1500
W <- 5000
left_anchor <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(CBSPLUS-W, CBSPLUS+W))
right_anchor <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(CBSMINUS-W, CBSMINUS+W))
x1 <- 30775000-1000
x2 <- 30785000+1000
chr <- "chr1"
pairs <- readRDS(paste0("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/CTCF_chr_pairs/k562_ctcf_",chr, ".RDS"))
p <- pairs %>%
filter(dplyr::between(pos1, start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor))) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(pos2, x1,x2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(y = pos1, x = pos2))+
geom_point() +
geom_pointdensity(adjust = 1000) +
scale_color_distiller(direction =1, palette = "Blues")+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(30775000,30780000,30785000),
labels = comma_format())+
scale_y_continuous(labels = comma_format(),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3)) +
geom_vline(xintercept =CBSMINUS, col = "grey") +
geom_hline(yintercept = CBSPLUS, col = "grey") +
# theme(legend.position = "none")+
my_theme +
xlab("Right Fragment (chr1)")+
ylab("Left Fragment (chr1)")
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))
cols <- c("chr1", "pos1","chr2", "pos2")
pairs_hic <- read_table("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_MicroC_GSE237898_chr1_R.pairs",
col_names = cols, comment="#",
col_types = "-cici----")
x1 <- 30775000-1000
x2 <- 30785000+1000
p1 <- pairs_hic %>%
filter(dplyr::between(pos1, start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor))) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(pos2, x1,x2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(y = pos1, x = pos2))+
geom_point() +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(30775000,30780000,30785000),
labels = comma_format())+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
scale_y_continuous(labels = comma_format(),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3)) +
geom_pointdensity(adjust = 1000) +
scale_color_distiller(direction =1, palette = "Blues")+
geom_vline(xintercept =CBSMINUS, col = "grey") +
geom_hline(yintercept = CBSPLUS, col = "grey") +
my_theme +
#theme(legend.position = "none")+
xlab("Right Fragment (chr1)")+
ylab("Left Fragment (chr1)")
# geom_vline(xintercept = c(30778700))
# geom_vline(xintercept = c(30778700))
motifs_gr <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
motifs <- data.frame(motifs_gr) %>%
mutate(symbol = ifelse(strand == "+", ">", "<")) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
mutate(motif_mid = (start+end)/2)
motif_plot <-data.frame(motifs_gr) %>%
mutate(symbol = ifelse(strand == "+", ">", "<")) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
geom_text(aes(x = (start+end)/2, y = 1, fontface=2,
label = symbol,color=symbol),
family = "Times New Roman", size=8)+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1,x2))+
scale_color_manual(values = c("darkblue","darkred")) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
x1 <- 30775000-1000
x2 <- 30785000+1000
bw <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_pval_ENCFF168IFW.bigWig")
CTCF_bw <- data.frame(bw) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(start, x1,x2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start, y = score))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma_format())+
geom_area(color = "lightseagreen",
fill = "lightseagreen")+
xlab("Position (chr1)") +
ggtitle("CTCF ChIP-seq")+
bw <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_RNAPII_ENCFF914WIS.bigWig")
bw_RNAPII <- data.frame(bw) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(start, x1,x2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start, y = score))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma_format())+
geom_area(color = "darkred",
fill = "darkred")+
xlab("Position (chr1)") +
ggtitle("RNAPII ChIP-seq")+
x1 <- 30775000-1000
x2 <- 30785000+1000
plot_grid(plotlist = list(
CTCF_bw +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(30775000,30780000,30785000),
labels = comma_format())+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm")),
motif_plot +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 2))+
breaks = c(30775000,30780000,30785000),
limits = c(x1, x2),
labels = comma_format())+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm")),
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(30775000,30780000,30785000),
labels = comma_format())+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm"))
align = "hv",
axis = "tblr",
rel_heights = c(1,0.5,1))
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_hichip_intact_hic_chipseq.png"), width=8, height=4)
plot_grid(plotlist = list(
theme(legend.position = "none"),
type = "density", color = "darkblue",
fill = "royalblue",alpha = 0.5),
theme(legend.position = "none"),
type = "density", color = "darkblue",
fill = "royalblue",alpha = 0.5)
align = "hv",axis = "tblr",ncol=1)
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_hichip_intact_hic_scatterplot_marginal.png"), width=8, height=8)
Files I’m using: stats_50bp.txt, stats_75bp.txt, stats_100bp.txt, stats_125bp.txt, stats_150bp.txt
Note to self: files moved from “/data/aryee/corri/CTCF_paper_fastq_dif_length/” to /aryeelab/users/corri/data/
dir <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/"
stats_files <- (vector(mode = "list", length = 5))
iter <- 1
for (read_len in c(50,75,100,125,150)){
stats <- read_table2(paste0(dir,"stats_",read_len,"bp.txt"), col_names = FALSE)
stats$read_length <- read_len
stats_files[[iter]] <- stats
iter <- iter + 1
stats_df <- bind_rows(stats_files)
colnames(stats_df) <- c("Name","Number","Read_Length")
obs_lig <- stats_df %>%
filter(Name %in% c("pair_types/uu","pair_types/Uu","pair_types/uU","pair_types/UR","pair_types/RU")) %>%
group_by(Read_Length) %>%
summarize(obs_lig = sum(Number))
unobs_lig <- stats_df %>%
filter(Name %in% c("pair_types/UU")) %>%
group_by(Read_Length) %>%
summarize(unobs_lig = sum(Number))
all_types <- cbind(obs_lig,unobs_lig)[,c(1,2,4)]
all_types <- all_types %>%
mutate(obs_lig_freq = obs_lig / (obs_lig + unobs_lig))
RL_obs_lig <- all_types %>%
mutate(perc_obs_lig = obs_lig_freq * 100) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Read_Length, y = perc_obs_lig,label =paste0(round(perc_obs_lig, 1), "%" ))) +
geom_point(col = "royalblue") +
geom_text(hjust=0.5, vjust=-1.2, colour = "black", family = "Times New Roman",size = 5) +
geom_line(col = "darkblue", linetype = "dashed") +
xlab("Read Length (bp)") +
ylab("Percent Observed Ligations")+
theme_classic() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 16,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
ylim(c(0,37)) +
ggtitle("% Observed Ligations Increases with Read Length")
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_obs_lig.png"), width=8, height=4)
ctcf_motifs<- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
data.frame(ctcf_motifs) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
filter(start == 30779763)
pairs <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf/pairs_CTCF_chr1_sample_id_Oct24_2022.RDS")
ctcf_loc <- (30779763+30779781)/2
left_anchor <- pairs %>%
dplyr::filter(type %in% c("uu", "uU", "UR")) %>%
dplyr::select(chr1, pos1, strand1, type, sample_id) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = chr1, pos = pos1, strand = strand1)
right_anchor <- pairs %>%
dplyr::filter(type %in% c("uu", "Uu", "RU")) %>%
dplyr::select(chr2, pos2, strand2, type, sample_id) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = chr2, pos = pos2, strand = strand2)
pairs <- rbind(left_anchor, right_anchor)
r1_gr <- pairs %>%
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(seqnames.field = "chr",
start.field = "pos",
end.field = "pos",
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
width <- 200
right_anchor <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(ctcf_loc - 200, ctcf_loc + 200))
idx2 <- queryHits(findOverlaps(r1_gr, right_anchor))
pos_density <- (vector(mode = "list", length = 4))
neg_density <- (vector(mode = "list", length = 4))
iter <- 1
for (sample_id1 in levels(as.factor(pairs$sample_id))){
summ <- pairs[idx2,] %>%
filter(sample_id == sample_id1) %>%
mutate(pos2 = pos- ctcf_loc)
pos_density[[iter]] <- density(summ$pos2[summ$strand == "+"])
neg_density[[iter]] <- density(summ$pos2[summ$strand == "-"])
iter <- iter + 1
# plot the results of the density call
linetype <- "solid"
alpha <- 1
ggplot(data.frame(x = pos_density[[1]]$x, y = pos_density[[1]]$y)) +
aes(x = x, y = y) +
geom_line(color = "darkred", alpha = alpha, linetype = linetype) +
geom_line(aes(x = neg_density[[1]]$x, y = -1 * neg_density[[1]]$y), color="darkblue", alpha = alpha, linetype = linetype) +
geom_line(aes(x = neg_density[[2]]$x, y = -1 * neg_density[[2]]$y), color="darkblue", alpha = alpha, linetype = linetype) +
geom_line(aes(x = neg_density[[3]]$x, y = -1 * neg_density[[3]]$y), color="darkblue", alpha = alpha, linetype = linetype) +
geom_line(aes(x = neg_density[[4]]$x, y = -1 * neg_density[[4]]$y), color="darkblue", alpha = alpha, linetype = linetype) +
geom_line(aes(x = pos_density[[2]]$x, y = pos_density[[2]]$y), color="darkred", alpha = alpha, linetype = linetype) +
geom_line(aes(x = pos_density[[3]]$x, y = pos_density[[3]]$y), color="darkred", alpha = alpha, linetype = linetype) +
geom_line(aes(x = pos_density[[4]]$x, y = pos_density[[4]]$y), color="darkred", alpha = alpha, linetype = linetype) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 75, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_vline(xintercept = -75, linetype = "dashed") +
annotate("text", x = -180, y = -0.025, label = "CTCF",family = "Times New Roman",size = 5,fontface =2) +
annotate("text", x = -180, y = 0.015, label = "+ Reads", color="darkred",family = "Times New Roman",size = 5,fontface =2) +
annotate("text", x = -180, y = -0.015, label = "- Reads", color="darkblue",family = "Times New Roman",size = 5,fontface =2) +
xlab("Distance from CTCF Motif") +
ylab("Density") +
annotate("text", x = 0, y = -0.025, label = "<", color="black",family = "Times New Roman",size = 8,fontface =2) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype=2) +
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma_format(), limits=c(-200,200),breaks = c(-150,-75,0,75,150)) +
annotate("text",x = 60, y = 0.015, label = "Q1", size=5, col = "darkred",family = "Times New Roman",fontface =2) +
annotate("text",x = -60, y = 0.015, label = "Q2", size=5, col = "darkred",family = "Times New Roman",fontface =2) +
annotate("text",x = -60, y = -0.015, label = "Q3", size=5, col = "darkblue",family = "Times New Roman",fontface =2) +
annotate("text",x = 60, y = -0.015, label = "Q4", size=5, col = "darkblue",family = "Times New Roman",fontface =2) +
annotate("text",x = -100, y = -0.005, label = "-75", size=5, col = "black",family = "Times New Roman",fontface =2)+
annotate("text",x = 100, y = -0.005, label = "+75", size=5, col = "black",family = "Times New Roman",fontface =2)+
annotate("text",x = 0, y = -0.034, label = "150 bp", size=5, col = "black",family = "Times New Roman",fontface =2)+
annotate("segment", x=-75, xend=75, y = -0.04, yend=-0.04, colour = "black", arrow=arrow(ends='both'),size = 2)+
ylim(c( -0.04, 0.04))+
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, col = "magenta", linetype = "dashed")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_replicate_density.png"), width=8, height=5)
Made these files in the protocol RMD.
rep1 <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf/K562_CTCF_DTG_1_heatmap_sort_readcounts.RDS")
rep1$sample <- "rep1"
rep2 <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf/K562_CTCF_DTG_2_heatmap_sort_readcounts.RDS")
rep2$sample <- "rep2"
rep3 <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf/K562_CTCF_ET_1_heatmap_sort_readcounts.RDS")
rep3$sample <- "rep3"
rep4 <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf/K562_CTCF_ET_2_heatmap_sort_readcounts.RDS")
rep4$sample <- "rep4"
results_anc1 <- rbind(rep1,rep2,rep3,rep4)
#results_anc1 <- readRDS(file = paste0(path,"heatmap_sort_readcounts.RDS"))
results_anc1$log_min_max_thresh <- results_anc1$log_min_max
results_anc1$log_min_max_thresh[results_anc1$log_min_max_thresh > 3] <- 3
results_anc1$log_min_max_thresh[results_anc1$log_min_max_thresh < -3] <- -3
results_anc1 %>%
ggplot(aes(dist, order, fill=log_min_max_thresh )) +
geom_tile() +
ylab("log2 (min/max)") +
xlab("Distance from CTCF Motif")+
labs(fill = "log2 (min/max)")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
# scico::scale_fill_scico(palette = "vik")+
low = "darkblue",
mid = "white",
high = "darkred")+
geom_vline(xintercept = c(0))+
#ggsave("/aryeelab/users/corri/plots/3A_min_max_replicate_heatmap.png", width=16, height=8)
loops <-read_tsv("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_2.5kb.interactions_FitHiC_Q0.01.bed")
loops <- loops %>%
filter(chr1 != "chrX") %>%
filter(chr2 != "chrX")
LA <- loops %>%
dplyr::select(chr1, s1, e1) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = chr1, start = s1, end = e1)
RA <- loops %>%
dplyr::select(chr2, s2, e2) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = chr2, start = s2, end = e2)
anchors <- rbind(LA,RA) %>%
mutate(loc = paste0(chr, ":",start)) %>%
distinct(loc, .keep_all = TRUE)
anchors_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(anchors,
keep.extra.columns = TRUE,
seqnames.field = "chr",
start.field = "start",
end.field = "end")
ctcf_motifs<- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
gr_motifs <- ctcf_motifs[width(ctcf_motifs)==19]
gr_motifs$motif_mid <- round( ( start(gr_motifs) + end(gr_motifs) )/2)
ovl <- findOverlaps(gr_motifs, anchors_gr, maxgap = 0)
out <- as.data.frame(gr_motifs[queryHits(ovl)]) %>%
cbind(motif_id = queryHits(ovl),
loop_id = subjectHits(ovl),
loop_start = start(anchors_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)],
loop_end = end(anchors_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)])
out %>%
group_by(loop_id) %>%
dplyr::summarize(count =dplyr::n()) %>%
filter(count < 10) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = count))+
geom_histogram(fill = "darkblue", col = "white")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
xlab("Number of CTCF motifs per 2.5kb loop anchor")+
ylab("Count") +
temp<- out %>%
group_by(loop_id) %>%
dplyr::summarize(count =dplyr::n())
# 70% have more than one CTCF motif
temp %>%
filter(count >1) %>%
dplyr::summarize(RN = max(row_number())) %>%
mutate(freq = RN / nrow(temp))
filter to loop anchors with only one CTCF motif
uniq<- out %>%
dplyr::group_by(loop_id) %>%
dplyr::mutate(count = max(dplyr::row_number())) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(count == 1) %>%
uniq_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(uniq,
keep.extra.columns = FALSE,
seqnames.field = "seqnames",
start.field = "start",
end.field = "end")
uniq_gr$motif_mid <- uniq$motif_mid
uniq_gr$loop_start <- uniq$loop_start
uniq_gr$loop_end <- uniq$loop_end
chip <- read_tsv("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_peaks_ENCFF736NYC.bed", col_names = FALSE)
colnames(chip) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "signalValue", "pval", "qval", "peak")
chip_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(chip)
chip_gr$qval <- chip$qval
chip_gr$peak_mid <- (start(chip_gr) + end(chip_gr))/2
anchors <- chip_gr %>%
plyranges::anchor_center() %>%
plyranges::mutate(width = 301)
ovl <- findOverlaps(uniq_gr, anchors, maxgap = 0)
out <- as.data.frame(uniq_gr[queryHits(ovl)]) %>%
cbind(motif_id = queryHits(ovl),
chip_id = subjectHits(ovl),
chip_start = start(anchors)[subjectHits(ovl)],
chip_mid = anchors$peak_mid[subjectHits(ovl)],
chip_end = end(anchors)[subjectHits(ovl)],
qval_score = anchors$qval[subjectHits(ovl)]) %>%
mutate(dist = chip_mid - motif_mid)
out <- out %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(chip_id) %>%
arrange(abs(dist)) %>%
out <- out %>%
filter(abs(dist) < 30)
# going to use this dataset for precision-recall curve later
ctcf_chip <- out %>%
PR_function <- function(path, ctcf_chip){
df <- readRDS(file =paste0(path, "GW_pvals.RDS"))
peaks_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df,
seqnames.field = "chr",
start.field = "window_mid",
end.field = "window_mid",
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
peaks_gr$FF_pval <- df$pvalue
peaks_gr$window_mid <- df$window_mid
chip_motif <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ctcf_chip,
seqnames.field = "seqnames",
start.field = "motif_mid",
end.field = "motif_mid")
ovl <- findOverlaps(chip_motif, peaks_gr, maxgap = 40)
TP <- as.data.frame(chip_motif[queryHits(ovl)]) %>%
cbind(motif_id = queryHits(ovl),
peak_id = subjectHits(ovl),
peak = start(peaks_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)],
FF_pval = peaks_gr$FF_pval[subjectHits(ovl)],
q1 = peaks_gr$q1[subjectHits(ovl)],
q2 = peaks_gr$q2[subjectHits(ovl)],
q3 = peaks_gr$q3[subjectHits(ovl)],
q4 = peaks_gr$q4[subjectHits(ovl)],
num_reads = peaks_gr$num_reads[subjectHits(ovl)],
min24 = peaks_gr$min24[subjectHits(ovl)],
max13 = peaks_gr$max13[subjectHits(ovl)],
log_min_max = peaks_gr$log_min_max[subjectHits(ovl)]) %>%
mutate(dist = start-peak) %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
filter(abs(dist) < 30) %>%
arrange(desc(log_min_max)) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
out <- ctcf_chip
out <- out %>%
mutate(s1 = loop_start+20,
e1 = motif_mid - 200,
s2 = motif_mid + 200,
e2 = loop_end-20)
check <- out %>%
chip_motif1 <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(check,
seqnames.field = "seqnames",
start.field = "s1",
end.field = "e1")
check <- out %>%
chip_motif2 <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(check,
seqnames.field = "seqnames",
start.field = "s2",
end.field = "e2")
chip_motif<- c(chip_motif1, chip_motif2)
ovl <- findOverlaps(chip_motif, peaks_gr, maxgap = 0)
FP <- as.data.frame(chip_motif[queryHits(ovl)]) %>%
cbind(loop_id = queryHits(ovl),
peak_id = subjectHits(ovl),
peak = start(peaks_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)],
FF_pval = peaks_gr$FF_pval[subjectHits(ovl)],
q1 = peaks_gr$q1[subjectHits(ovl)],
q2 = peaks_gr$q2[subjectHits(ovl)],
q3 = peaks_gr$q3[subjectHits(ovl)],
q4 = peaks_gr$q4[subjectHits(ovl)],
num_reads = peaks_gr$num_reads[subjectHits(ovl)],
min24 = peaks_gr$min24[subjectHits(ovl)],
max13 = peaks_gr$max13[subjectHits(ovl)],
log_min_max = peaks_gr$log_min_max[subjectHits(ovl)])
FP$group <- floor(FP$peak/150)
FP <- FP %>%
mutate(group = paste0(seqnames, ":", group))
num_TP<- 4523 # number of TP motifs
thresh_vec <- seq(1,10, by = 1)
PR <- data.frame(thresh= thresh_vec,
lik_precision = rep(NA, length(thresh_vec)),
lik_recall = rep(NA, length(thresh_vec)))
iter <- 1
for (score_val in thresh_vec){
thresh <- 10^(-1 * score_val)
### False positives
num_FP_lik <- FP %>%
filter(FF_pval<= thresh) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
dplyr::summarize(FP = max(dplyr::row_number())) %>%
if(num_FP_lik == "-Inf"){
num_FP_lik <- 0
### True positives
lik_TP <- TP %>%
filter(FF_pval <= thresh) %>%
dplyr::summarize(truepos = max(dplyr::row_number())) %>%
# recall
PR$lik_recall[iter] <- lik_recall <- lik_TP /num_TP
# precision
PR$lik_precision[iter] <- lik_prec <- lik_TP / (lik_TP + num_FP_lik)
iter <- iter + 1
combined_reps <- PR_function(path = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/",
ctcf_chip = ctcf_chip)
Great, this exactly matches our figure in our paper. Now let’s make it for each replicate.
combined_reps %>%
filter(thresh <= 8) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = lik_recall, y = lik_precision)) +
geom_line(color = "royalblue", size = 1.5) +
geom_point(color = "darkblue", size = 2) +
geom_text_repel(aes(x = lik_recall, y = lik_precision, label = 10^(-1*thresh)),family = "Times New Roman",size = 5,fontface =2)+
geom_hline(yintercept = 1, col = "firebrick3", linetype = "dashed") +
xlab("Recall") +
ylab("Precision") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(seq(0.8,1,0.02)))+
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(seq(0.2,1,0.1)))+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
rep1 <- PR_function(path = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf/K562_CTCF_DTG_1/",
ctcf_chip = ctcf_chip)
rep1$sample <- "rep1"
rep2 <- PR_function(path = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf/K562_CTCF_DTG_2/",
ctcf_chip = ctcf_chip)
rep2$sample <- "rep2"
rep3 <- PR_function(path = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf/K562_CTCF_ET_1/",
ctcf_chip = ctcf_chip)
rep3$sample <- "rep3"
rep4 <- PR_function(path = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf/K562_CTCF_ET_2/",
ctcf_chip = ctcf_chip)
rep4$sample <- "rep4"
reps <- rbind(rep1,rep2,rep3,rep4)
reps %>%
mutate(point_color = ifelse(thresh ==5, "firebrick3","black"))
reps %>%
mutate(point_color = ifelse(thresh ==5, "firebrick3","black")) %>%
#filter(thresh <= 8) %>%
filter(thresh <= 6) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = lik_recall, y = lik_precision)) +
geom_line(aes(col=sample),size = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("steelblue","steelblue1","steelblue3","steelblue4"))+
geom_point(aes(shape = as.factor(10^(-1*thresh)))) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 1, col = "firebrick3", linetype = "dashed") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(seq(0.4,1,0.1)))+
xlab("Recall") +
ylab("Precision") +
labs(col = "Sample",
shape = "Threshold")+
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(seq(0.2,1,0.1)))+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =12,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 12,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_replicate_precision_recall.png"), width=8, height=5)
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
left_plus <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "left_plus_annot_cluster.RDS"))
left_plus <- left_plus %>%
LR = ifelse(interaction_length> 10000,"Long-range","Short-range")) %>%
mutate(short_motif_start =motif_mid - 9) %>%
mutate(long_motif_start = motif_mid - 25) %>%
mutate(motif_end= motif_mid + 9) %>%
mutate(LR =factor(LR, levels = c("Short-range","Long-range"))) %>%
mutate(start_centered = start-long_motif_start,
end_centered = end - long_motif_start) %>%
filter(start_centered < (16-5)) %>%
filter(end_centered > (35+5)) %>%
mutate(fragment_type = case_when(
width>= 120 ~ "Long",
width < 120 ~ "Short"
)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
dplyr::rename(start1 = start, end1 = end)
p1 <- left_plus %>%
ggplot(aes(interaction_length/1000, fill = fragment_type, col = fragment_type)) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.5, linewidth = 1.5)+
theme_classic() +
limits = c(10^-2,10^4),
scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkblue", "violetred4")) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("darkblue", "violetred4")) +
ylab("Density") +
xlab("Interaction Length (kb)")+
labs(color = "Fragment Type")+
guides(fill = FALSE)+
theme_classic() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 16,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_IL_density_short_long.png"), width=8, height=5)
d1 <- data.frame(IL_start = seq(0, 1e7, 1000)) %>%
mutate(IL_mid = IL_start + 500,
IL_end = IL_start + 1000,
type = "Short")
d2 <- data.frame(IL_start = seq(0, 1e7, 1000)) %>%
mutate(IL_mid = IL_start + 500,
IL_end = IL_start + 1000,
type = "Long")
dat<- rbind(d1,d2)
dat<- dat %>%
mutate(bin_type = paste0(type, ":", IL_mid))
check <- left_plus %>%
mutate(cohesin_fragment = factor(fragment_type, levels=c("Short","Long"))) %>%
filter(interaction_length < 1e7) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(cohesin_fragment) %>%
mutate(count_per_CA = max(row_number())) %>%
mutate(interaction_length_bin = cut(interaction_length, breaks = seq(0, 1e7, 1000))) %>%
mutate(lower = as.numeric( sub("\\((.+),.*", "\\1", interaction_length_bin)),
upper = as.numeric( sub("[^,]*,([^]]*)\\]", "\\1", interaction_length_bin))) %>%
mutate(mid_IL_bin = (lower + upper)/2) %>%
group_by(cohesin_fragment, interaction_length_bin) %>%
summarize(type = dplyr::first(cohesin_fragment),
interaction_length_bin = dplyr::first(mid_IL_bin),
count = n(),
count_per_CA = dplyr::first(count_per_CA),
count_norm = count / count_per_CA)
check <-check %>%
mutate(bin_type = paste0(type, ":", interaction_length_bin))
out <- left_join(dat, check, by = "bin_type")
dat<- out %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(log_interaction_length = log10(IL_mid)) %>%
mutate(log_IL_bin = cut(log_interaction_length, breaks = 50)) %>%
group_by(type.x, log_IL_bin) %>%
summarize(num_bins = max(row_number()),
LC_sum = sum(count_norm, na.rm = TRUE),
avg_LC = LC_sum / num_bins) %>%
mutate(lower_log_bin = as.numeric( sub("\\((.+),.*", "\\1", log_IL_bin)),
upper_log_bin = as.numeric( sub("[^,]*,([^]]*)\\]", "\\1", log_IL_bin))) %>%
mutate(mid_log_bin = (lower_log_bin + upper_log_bin)/2) %>%
mutate(log_avg_LC = log10(avg_LC))
p2 <- dat %>%
mutate(bin = 10^mid_log_bin) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = bin/1000, y = avg_LC, color = type.x, group = type.x)) +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE,span = 0.3, linewidth = 1.5)+
scale_y_log10(breaks=c(0, 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6))+
scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkblue", "violetred4")) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("darkblue", "violetred4")) +
theme(legend.position = "none")+
xlab("Interaction Length (kb)")+
ylab("Contact Probability") +
theme_classic() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 16,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
theme(legend.position = "none")
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_P(S)_short_long.png"), width=8, height=5)
plot_grid(plotlist = list(p1 +
theme(legend.position = "none"),
p2 +
theme(legend.position = "none")))
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_short_long.png"), width=14, height=8)
# 3.9
left_plus %>%
filter(interaction_length > 10000) %>%
group_by(fragment_type) %>%
summarize(count = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(freq = count / dplyr::first(count))
left_plus<-left_plus %>%
mutate(LR = ifelse(interaction_length > 10000,1,0))
tbl = table(left_plus$LR, left_plus$fragment_type)
chisq.test(tbl) # p-value < 2.2e-16
0.3892667 /0.1774298
left_plus %>%
filter(fragment_type == "Short") %>%
dplyr::group_by(LR) %>%
dplyr::summarize(count = n()) %>%
mutate(freq = 100*(count / sum(count)))
jaspar_MA0139.1 <- read_meme("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/MA0139.1.meme")
jaspar_MA1930.1 <- read_meme("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/MA1930.1.meme")
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 10),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
theme(legend.position = "none")
#ggsave(paste0(path,"Supplement_both_motifs_PWM_Sep2024.png"), width=8, height=4)
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
left_plus <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "left_plus_annot.RDS"))
LR <- left_plus %>%
filter(width < 120) %>%
LR = ifelse(interaction_length> 10000,"Long-range","Short-range")) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(short_motif_start =motif_mid - 9) %>%
mutate(long_motif_start = motif_mid - 25) %>%
mutate(motif_end= motif_mid + 9)
LR %>%
mutate(LR =factor(LR, levels = c("Short-range","Long-range"))) %>%
mutate(start_centered = start-long_motif_start,
end_centered = end - long_motif_start) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start_centered, y = end_centered)) +
stat_density_2d(aes(fill = ..density..), geom = "raster", contour = FALSE)+
scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu")+
geom_vline(xintercept = c(16),linetype = "dashed",color="black") +
geom_hline(yintercept = c(35),linetype = "dashed",color="black")+
geom_hline(yintercept = c(35+20),linetype = "dashed",color="grey")+ # 55bp CTCF + cohesin estimate
geom_hline(yintercept = c(35+6),linetype = "dashed",color="grey")+ # 41bp CTCF estimate
facet_wrap(~LR,ncol=2) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-60,40),
breaks= c(-60,-40,-20,0,20,40))+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,100),
breaks = c(0,20,40,60,80))+
xlab("Fragment Start")+
ylab("Fragment End")+
theme_classic() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
CTCF and CTCF + cohesin fragment end are ~15bp apart ( (35+20) - (35+6))
LR %>%
mutate(LR =factor(LR, levels = c("Short-range","Long-range"))) %>%
mutate(start_centered = start-long_motif_start,
end_centered = end - long_motif_start) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start_centered, y = end_centered)) +
stat_density_2d(aes(fill = ..density..), geom = "raster", contour = FALSE)+
scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu")+
geom_vline(xintercept = c(16),linetype = "dashed",color="black") +
geom_hline(yintercept = c(35),linetype = "dashed",color="black")+
geom_vline(xintercept = c(16-5),color="cornflowerblue") +
geom_hline(yintercept = c(35+5),color="cornflowerblue")+
geom_hline(yintercept = c(35+6+(14/2)),linetype = "dashed",color="violetred4")+
facet_wrap(~LR,ncol=2) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-60,40),
breaks= c(-60,-40,-20,0,20,40))+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,100),
breaks = c(0,20,40,60,80))+
xlab("Fragment Start")+
ylab("Fragment End")+
theme_classic() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
#ggsave(paste0(path,"Fig4_Cohesin_footprint_HiChIP_annotated_Sep2024.png"), width=8, height=4)
loops <-read_tsv("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_2.5kb.interactions_FitHiC_Q0.01.bed")
loops %>%
arrange(`Q-Value_Bias`,desc(cc)) %>%
chr1 30717500 30720000 chr1 30777500 30780000
ctcf_gr <- readRDS(file = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
chip <- read_tsv("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_peaks_ENCFF736NYC.bed", col_names = FALSE)
colnames(chip) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "signalValue", "pval", "qval", "peak")
chip_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(chip)
chip_gr$qval <- chip$qval
chip_gr$peak_mid <- (start(chip_gr) + end(chip_gr))/2
ovl <- findOverlaps(ctcf_gr,chip_gr)
out <- as.data.frame(ctcf_gr[queryHits(ovl)]) %>%
cbind(motif_id = queryHits(ovl),
chip_id = subjectHits(ovl),
chip_start = start(chip_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)],
chip_end = end(chip_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)])
motifs <- out %>%
mutate(motif_mid = (start+end)/2) %>%
mutate(chip_mid = (chip_start+chip_end)/2) %>%
mutate(dist = abs(chip_mid-motif_mid)) %>%
filter(dist < 30) %>%
group_by(chip_id) %>%
arrange(dist) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
arrange(dist) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
CBSPLUS <- motifs %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
filter(dplyr::between( start, 30717500, 30720000)) %>%
CBSMINUS <-motifs %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
filter(dplyr::between( start, 30777500, 30780000)) %>%
filter(strand == "-") %>%
bw <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_pval_ENCFF168IFW.bigWig")
CTCF_bw <- data.frame(bw) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(start, 30500000,31000000)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start, y = score))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma_format())+
geom_area(color = "lightseagreen",
fill = "lightseagreen")+
xlab("Position (chr1)") +
ggtitle("CTCF ChIP-seq")+
Balanced contact map (all fragments)
hic_2 <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf_chr1.mcool",
format = 'mcool', focus = 'chr1:30500000-31000000',resolution = 2000)
plot_grid(plotlist = list(
use.scores = 'balanced',
caption = FALSE,
scale = 'log10')+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(30500000,31000000),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n =3),
labels = comma_format())+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(30500000,31000000))+
xlab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
ylab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
CTCF_bw +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
xlab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(30500000,31000000),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n =3),
labels = comma_format())+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(30500000,31000000))),
# theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm"))),
align = "hv",
axis = "tblr",
rel_heights = c(4,1))
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_hichip_balanced_contact_map.png"), width=8, height=8)
Raw contact map (all fragments)
hic_2 <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf_chr1.mcool",
format = 'mcool', focus = 'chr1:30700000-30800000',resolution = 1000)
plot_grid(plotlist = list(
use.scores = 'count',
caption = FALSE,
scale = 'log10')+
geom_vline(xintercept = CBSMINUS, linetype = "dashed", col = "grey")+
geom_hline(yintercept = CBSPLUS, linetype = "dashed", col = "grey")+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(30700000,30800000),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n =3),
labels = comma_format())+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(30700000,30800000))+
xlab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
ylab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
CTCF_bw +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
xlab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
# geom_vline(xintercept = c(CBSPLUS,CBSMINUS), linetype = "dashed", col = "grey")+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(30700000,30800000),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n =3),
# breaks = c(30775000,30780000,30785000),
labels = comma_format())+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(30700000,30800000))),
# theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm"))),
align = "hv",
axis = "tblr",
rel_heights = c(4,1))
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_hichip_raw_contact_map.png"), width=8, height=8)
hic_1 <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf_short_fragment_chr1.cool",
format = 'cool', focus = 'chr1:30700000-30800000')
plot_grid(plotlist = list(
use.scores = 'count',
caption = FALSE,
scale = 'log10')+
geom_vline(xintercept = CBSMINUS, linetype = "dashed", col = "grey")+
geom_hline(yintercept = CBSPLUS, linetype = "dashed", col = "grey")+
# limits = c(-4,0))+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(30700000,30800000),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n =3),
labels = comma_format())+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(30700000,30800000))+
xlab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
ylab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
# theme(legend.position = "none"),
CTCF_bw +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
xlab("Genomic location (chr1)")+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(30700000,30800000),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n =3),
labels = comma_format())+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(30700000,30800000))),
#theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm"))),
align = "hv",
axis = "tblr",
rel_heights = c(4,1))
# path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_hichip_SF_raw_contact_map.png"), width=8, height=8)
pairs <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf_mapped.pairs.rds")
nrow(pairs) # 386,874,029
pairs <- pairs %>%
filter(chr1 == "chr1") %>%
filter(chr2 == "chr1") %>%
mutate(f1_mid = (start1+end1)/2,
f2_mid = (start2+end2)/2,
FL1 = end1-start1,
FL2 = end2-start2)
#W <- 1000
W <- 1500
left_anchor <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(CBSPLUS-W, CBSPLUS+W))
right_anchor <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(CBSMINUS-W, CBSMINUS+W))
p1 <- pairs %>%
filter(dplyr::between(f1_mid, start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor))) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(f2_mid, start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor))) %>%
ggplot(aes(y = f1_mid, x = f2_mid))+
geom_pointdensity(adjust =1000,size=2) +
scale_color_distiller(direction =1, palette = "Blues")+
# scale_color_viridis()+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor)),
labels = comma_format(),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor)),
labels = comma_format(),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor)),
ylim = c(start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor)))+
geom_vline(xintercept =CBSMINUS, col = "grey") +
geom_hline(yintercept = CBSPLUS, col = "grey") +
my_theme +
xlab("Right Fragment (chr1)")+
ylab("Left Fragment (chr1)")
# ggtitle("Original Plot")
# geom_vline(xintercept = c(30777000, 30778700))
theme(legend.position = "none"), type = "density", color = "darkblue",
fill = "royalblue")
p2 <- pairs %>%
filter(FL1 < 120) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(f1_mid, start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor))) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(f2_mid, start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor))) %>%
ggplot(aes(y = f1_mid, x = f2_mid))+
geom_pointdensity(adjust =1000,size=2) +
scale_color_distiller(direction =1, palette = "Blues")+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor)),
labels = comma_format(),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor)),
labels = comma_format(),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor)),
ylim = c(start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor)))+
geom_vline(xintercept =CBSMINUS, col = "grey") +
geom_hline(yintercept = CBSPLUS, col = "grey") +
my_theme +
xlab("Right Fragment (chr1)")+
ylab("Left Fragment (chr1)")
# geom_vline(xintercept = c(30777000, 30778700))
theme(legend.position = "none"), type = "density", color = "darkblue",
fill = "royalblue")
p3 <- pairs %>%
filter(FL2 < 120) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(f1_mid, start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor))) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(f2_mid, start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor))) %>%
ggplot(aes(y = f1_mid, x = f2_mid))+
geom_pointdensity(adjust =1000,size=2) +
scale_color_distiller(direction =1, palette = "Blues")+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor)),
labels = comma_format(),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor)),
labels = comma_format(),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor)),
ylim = c(start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor)))+
geom_vline(xintercept =CBSMINUS, col = "grey") +
geom_hline(yintercept = CBSPLUS, col = "grey") +
my_theme +
xlab("Right Fragment (chr1)")+
ylab("Left Fragment (chr1)")
# geom_vline(xintercept = c(30777000, 30778700))
theme(legend.position = "none"), type = "density", color = "darkblue",
fill = "royalblue")
p4 <- pairs %>%
filter(FL1 < 120) %>%
filter(FL2 < 120) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(f1_mid, start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor))) %>%
filter(dplyr::between(f2_mid, start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor))) %>%
ggplot(aes(y = f1_mid, x = f2_mid))+
#geom_point() +
geom_pointdensity(adjust =1000,size=2) +
scale_color_distiller(direction =1, palette = "Blues")+
# scale_color_distiller(direction =1, palette = "Reds")+
#scico::scale_color_scico(palette = "acton",direction =-1)+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor)),
labels = comma_format(),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor)),
labels = comma_format(),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start(right_anchor), end(right_anchor)),
ylim = c(start(left_anchor), end(left_anchor)))+
geom_vline(xintercept =CBSMINUS, col = "grey") +
geom_hline(yintercept = CBSPLUS, col = "grey") +
my_theme +
xlab("Right Fragment (chr1)")+
ylab("Left Fragment (chr1)")
# geom_vline(xintercept = c(30777000, 30778700))
ggMarginal(p4 +
theme(legend.position = "none"), type = "density", color = "darkblue",
fill = "royalblue")
plot_grid(plotlist = list(
ggMarginal(p1 +
theme(legend.position = "none"), type = "density", color = "darkblue",
fill = "royalblue",
alpha = 0.5),
ggMarginal(p2 +
theme(legend.position = "none"), type = "density", color = "darkblue",
fill = "royalblue",
alpha = 0.5),
ggMarginal(p3 +
theme(legend.position = "none"), type = "density", color = "darkblue",
fill = "royalblue",
alpha = 0.5),
ggMarginal(p4 +
theme(legend.position = "none"), type = "density", color = "darkblue",
fill = "royalblue",
alpha = 0.5)
align = "hv",axis = "tblr",ncol=2)
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_hichip_scatterplot_marginal.png"), width=15, height=12)
left_plus <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "left_plus_annot_cluster.RDS"))
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
uniq_motif<- uniq_motif %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(type, Active) %>%
mutate(order = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
dplyr::select(order, MB_1_TssA,MB_2_TssAFlnk, MB_3_TxFlnk,MB_4_Tx,MB_5_TxWk,MB_6_EnhG,
uniq_motif <- rev(uniq_motif)
x <- strsplit(colnames(uniq_motif)[2:16], "_")
cols <- sapply( x, "[", 3 )
colnames(uniq_motif)[2:16]<- cols
UM_scaled <- scale(uniq_motif[,2:16])
temp<- data.frame(cbind(UM_scaled,uniq_motif$order, as.character(uniq_motif$type)))
colnames(temp)[16:17] <- c("order", "type")
temp %>%
filter(type == "Quiescent") %>%
arrange(desc(as.numeric(order))) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
pull(order) # 3595
temp %>%
filter(type == "Biv_Polycomb") %>%
arrange(desc(as.numeric(order))) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
pull(order) # 6751
UM_scaled<- data.frame(cbind(UM_scaled,uniq_motif$order))
colnames(UM_scaled)[16] <- c("order")
UM_scaled <- UM_scaled %>%
pivot_longer(TssA:Quies, names_to="chrom_type")
UM_scaled$value_thresh <- UM_scaled$value
UM_scaled$value_thresh[UM_scaled$value_thresh > 2] <- 2
UM_scaled$value_thresh[UM_scaled$value_thresh < -2] <- -2
#png(file=paste0(path,"5_full_cluster.png"), width=12, height=8, units="in", res=500)
UM_scaled %>%
mutate(chrom_type = factor(chrom_type, levels=cols)) %>%
ggplot(aes(chrom_type, order, fill=as.numeric(value_thresh) )) +
geom_tile() +
high = "royalblue",
mid = "black",
low = "firebrick3")+
geom_hline(yintercept = 3595, linetype = "dashed", col = "white")+
geom_hline(yintercept = 6751, linetype = "dashed", col = "white")+
labs(fill="Chromatin State")+
xlab("Chromatin State")+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"))+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
left_plus <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "left_plus_annot_cluster.RDS"))
left_plus <- left_plus %>%
mutate(short_motif_start =motif_mid - 9) %>%
mutate(long_motif_start = motif_mid - 25) %>%
mutate(motif_end= motif_mid + 9) %>%
mutate(start_centered = start-long_motif_start,
end_centered = end - long_motif_start) %>%
filter(start_centered < (16-5)) %>%
filter(end_centered > (35+5)) %>%
mutate(fragment_type = case_when(
width>= 120 ~ "Nucleosome",
((end_centered < 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF",
((end_centered >= 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF & Cohesin"
)) %>%
mutate(interaction_length = abs(end2-start))
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$MB_15_Quies, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$MB_15_Quies, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
quiescent <- levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(9,10)) %>%
filter(cluster ==3)
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$Active, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$Active, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
active <- levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(9,10)) %>%
filter(cluster ==1)
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$Biv_Polycomb, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$Biv_Polycomb, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
biv_poly <- levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(9,10)) %>%
filter(cluster ==2)
out <- rbind(active, quiescent,biv_poly)
plot_data <- out %>%
filter(fragment_type == "CTCF & Cohesin") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(interaction_length, 1e4, 1e7))
plot_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = interaction_length/1000, fill = type,col = type)) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.75) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkred","darkblue", "skyblue4")) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("firebrick3","royalblue", "skyblue")) +
ylab("Density") +
xlab("Interaction Length (kb)")+
labs(fill = "Chromatin annotation")+
scale_x_log10(breaks=c(10,100,1000,10000), labels = scales::comma)+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain")) +
theme(legend.position ="none")+
guides(col = FALSE)
#ggsave(paste0(path,"Fig5_density_Sep2024.png"), width=8, height=4)
med <- plot_data %>%
group_by(type) %>%
summarize(med = 10^(mean(log10(interaction_length)))) %>%
mutate(level = c(1,2,3))
plot_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = interaction_length/1000, y = type, fill = type,col = type)) +
stat_density_ridges(quantile_lines = TRUE, scale = 2,quantile_fun = mean)+
scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkred","darkblue", "skyblue4")) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("firebrick3","royalblue", "skyblue")) +
ylab("") +
xlab("Interaction Length (kb)")+
labs(fill = "Chromatin annotation")+
scale_x_log10(breaks=c(10,100,1000,10000), labels = scales::comma)+
guides(col = FALSE) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "plain"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain")) +
theme(legend.position ="none")+
geom_text(data = med, aes(x = med/1000, y = c(1.5,3,4.3), label = scales::comma(med)),
color = "white", family = "Times New Roman",size=6, fontface = "bold")
#ggsave(paste0(path,"Fig5_ridge_Sep2024.png"), width=8, height=4)
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
left_plus <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "left_plus_annot_cluster.RDS"))
CBSPLUS <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
filter(type == "Active") %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr1")
LA <- LA %>%
dplyr::select(seqnames, motif_mid) %>%
mutate(type = "CTCF") %>%
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(start.field = "motif_mid",
end.field = "motif_mid",
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
chip <- read_tsv("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/K562_H3K27ac_peaks_ENCFF544LXB.bed")
#chip <- read_tsv("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_RNAPII_ENCFF355MNE.bed", col_names = FALSE)
colnames(chip) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "signalValue", "pval", "qval", "peak")
RA <- chip %>%
filter(chr == "chr1") %>%
RA$type <- "RNAPII"
RA <- RA %>%
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
all.regions<- c(LA,RA)
#all.regions <- as.data.frame(all.regions)
sim <- expand.grid(all.regions,all.regions)
ctcf_chip <- as_tibble(sim) %>%
filter(`Var1.X.start`!= `Var2.X.start` ) %>%
filter(`Var2.X.start` > `Var1.X.start`) %>%
mutate(start1 = 1000*floor(`Var1.X.start`/1000),
start2 = 1000*floor(`Var2.X.start`/1000)) %>%
mutate(end1=start1 + 1000,
end2 = start2 + 1000) %>%
dplyr::select(Var1.X.seqnames, Var2.X.seqnames, start1, end1, Var1.X.type,
start2,end2, Var2.X.type) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr1 = Var1.X.seqnames,
chr2 = Var2.X.seqnames,
type1 = Var1.X.type,
type2 = Var2.X.type)
ctcf_chip <- ctcf_chip %>%
mutate(IL = start2-start1) %>%
filter(type1 == "CTCF" & type2 == "RNAPII") %>%
filter(IL>10000) %>%
filter(IL< 100000)
LA <- ctcf_chip %>%
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(seqnames.field = "chr1",
start.field = "start1",
end.field = "end1")
RA <- ctcf_chip %>%
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(seqnames.field = "chr2",
start.field = "start2",
end.field = "end2")
gi <- GInteractions(LA,RA)
hic <- import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_MicroC_GSE237898_chr1.mcool",
format = 'mcool', focus = 'chr1',resolution = 4000)
aggr_centros <- HiContacts::aggregate(
hic, targets = gi,
aggr_centros, use.scores = 'detrended',
scale = 'linear',
caption = FALSE,
cmap = bgrColors()
) +
xlab("Right Anchor (H3K27ac)") +
ylab("Left Anchor (CTCF (+))") +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-50000,50000))+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-50000,50000)) +
scale_y_reverse(limits = c(50000,-50000))+
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "royalblue",
mid = "white",
high = "firebrick3")
# rev(c("#BD202D", "#DE614D", "#F19374", "#F6BA9E", "#EAD5CB",
# "#CEDBEB", "#AFC5E6", "#8FA7D6", "#677CBD", "#495BA9"))
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_aggregated_CTCF_H3K27ac.png"), width=8, height=8)
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
left_plus <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "left_plus_annot_cluster.RDS"))
left_plus <- left_plus %>%
mutate(short_motif_start =motif_mid - 9) %>%
mutate(long_motif_start = motif_mid - 25) %>%
mutate(motif_end= motif_mid + 9) %>%
mutate(start_centered = start-long_motif_start,
end_centered = end - long_motif_start) %>%
filter(start_centered < (16-5)) %>%
filter(end_centered > (35+5)) %>%
mutate(fragment_type = case_when(
width>= 120 ~ "Nucleosome",
((end_centered < 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF",
((end_centered >= 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF & Cohesin"
)) %>%
mutate(interaction_length = abs(end2-start))
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$MB_15_Quies, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$MB_15_Quies, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
quiescent <- levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(9,10)) %>%
filter(cluster ==3)
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$Active, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$Active, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
active <- levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(9,10)) %>%
filter(cluster ==1)
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$Biv_Polycomb, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$Biv_Polycomb, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
biv_poly <- levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(9,10)) %>%
filter(cluster ==2)
out <- rbind(active, quiescent,biv_poly)
plot_data <- out %>%
filter(fragment_type != "CTCF") %>%
mutate(fragment_type = factor(fragment_type, levels=c("Nucleosome", "CTCF & Cohesin")))
# plot_data <- out %>%
# mutate(cohesin_fragment = factor(cohesin_fragment, levels=c(0, 1)))
temp <- plot_data %>%
filter(type == "Active")
m1 <-lme(log10(interaction_length+1)~ fragment_type, random=~1 | as.factor(motif_id), data = temp,
control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))
confint <- intervals(m1)
m1 <- data.frame(confint$fixed)[2,]
rownames(m1) <- "Active"
temp <- plot_data %>%
filter(type == "Quiescent")
m2 <-lme(log10(interaction_length+1)~ fragment_type , random=~1 | as.factor(motif_id), data = temp,
control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))
confint <- intervals(m2)
m2 <- data.frame(confint$fixed)[2,]
rownames(m2) <- "Quiescent"
temp <- plot_data %>%
filter(type == "Biv_Polycomb")
m3 <-lme(log10(interaction_length+1)~ fragment_type , random=~1 | as.factor(motif_id), data = temp,
control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))
confint <- intervals(m3)
m3 <- data.frame(confint$fixed)[2,]
rownames(m3) <- "Biv_Polycomb"
out <- rbind(m1,m2,m3)
out$annot <- rownames(out)
colnames(out)[2] <- "estimate"
p1 <- out %>%
ggplot(aes(x = annot, y = estimate)) + # ggplot2 plot with confidence intervals
geom_point(col = "magenta") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper)) +
theme_classic() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 16,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
ggtitle("95% CIs: cohesin effect for different chromatin states") +
xlab("Chromatin Annotation") +
ylab("95% Confidence Interval")
#ggsave(paste0(path,"Fig5_LME_Sep2024.png"), width=8, height=3)
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
left_plus <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "left_plus_annot_cluster.RDS"))
left_plus <- left_plus %>%
mutate(short_motif_start =motif_mid - 9) %>%
mutate(long_motif_start = motif_mid - 25) %>%
mutate(motif_end= motif_mid + 9) %>%
mutate(start_centered = start-long_motif_start,
end_centered = end - long_motif_start) %>%
filter(start_centered < (16-5)) %>%
filter(end_centered > (35+5)) %>%
mutate(fragment_type = case_when(
width>= 120 ~ "Nucleosome",
((end_centered < 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF",
((end_centered >= 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF & Cohesin"
)) %>%
mutate(interaction_length = abs(end2-start)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
dplyr::rename(start1 = start, end1 = end)
gr_fragment <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(left_plus,
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
ctcf_motifs<- readRDS(file = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
minus_motifs <- ctcf_motifs[strand(ctcf_motifs)=="-"]
keep <- subsetByOverlaps(gr_fragment, minus_motifs,
maxgap = 1000,
left_plus <- left_plus %>%
filter(!(pair_ID %in% keep$pair_ID))
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$MB_15_Quies, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$MB_15_Quies, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
quiescent <- levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(9,10)) %>%
filter(cluster ==3)
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$Active, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$Active, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
active <- levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(9,10)) %>%
filter(cluster ==1)
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$Biv_Polycomb, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$Biv_Polycomb, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
biv_poly <- levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(9,10)) %>%
filter(cluster ==2)
out <- rbind(active, quiescent,biv_poly)
plot_data <- out %>%
filter(fragment_type == "CTCF & Cohesin") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(interaction_length, 1e4, 1e7))
plot_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = interaction_length/1000, fill = type,col = type)) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.75) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkred","darkblue", "skyblue4")) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("firebrick3","royalblue", "skyblue")) +
ylab("Density") +
xlab("Interaction Length (kb)")+
labs(fill = "Chromatin annotation")+
scale_x_log10(breaks=c(10,100,1000,10000), labels = scales::comma)+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain")) +
theme(legend.position ="none")+
guides(col = FALSE)
med <- plot_data %>%
dplyr::group_by(type) %>%
dplyr::summarize(med = 10^(mean(log10(interaction_length)))) %>%
mutate(level = c(1,2,3))
plot_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = interaction_length/1000, y = type, fill = type,col = type)) +
stat_density_ridges(quantile_lines = TRUE, scale = 2,quantile_fun = mean)+
scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkred","darkblue", "skyblue4")) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("firebrick3","royalblue", "skyblue")) +
ylab("") +
xlab("Interaction Length (kb)")+
labs(fill = "Chromatin annotation")+
scale_x_log10(breaks=c(10,100,1000,10000), labels = scales::comma)+
guides(col = FALSE) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "plain"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain")) +
theme(legend.position ="none")+
geom_text(data = med, aes(x = med/1000, y = c(1.5,3,4.3), label = scales::comma(med)),
color = "white", family = "Times New Roman",size=6, fontface = "bold") +
ggtitle("No overlap CTCF (+/- 1000bp)")
#ggsave(paste0(path,"Fig5_ridge_noCTCF_Sep2024.png"), width=8, height=4)
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
RNAPII <- read_tsv(paste0(path, "K562_RNAPII_peaks_ENCFF355MNE.bed"), col_names = FALSE)
colnames(RNAPII) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "signalValue", "pval", "qval", "peak")
RNAPII_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(RNAPII)
RNAPII_gr$qval <- RNAPII$qval
RNAPII_gr$peak_mid <- (start(RNAPII_gr) + end(RNAPII_gr))/2
# H3K27ac
H3K27ac <- read_tsv(paste0(path, "K562_H3K27ac_peaks_ENCFF544LXB.bed"), col_names = FALSE)
colnames(H3K27ac) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "signalValue", "pval", "qval", "peak")
H3K27ac_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(H3K27ac)
H3K27ac_gr$qval <- H3K27ac$qval
H3K27ac_gr$peak_mid <- (start(H3K27ac_gr) + end(H3K27ac_gr))/2
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
left_plus <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "left_plus_annot_cluster.RDS"))
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
left_plus <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "left_plus_annot_cluster.RDS"))
left_plus <- left_plus %>%
mutate(long_motif_start = motif_mid - 25) %>%
mutate(start_centered = start-long_motif_start,
end_centered = end - long_motif_start) %>%
filter(start_centered < (16-5)) %>%
filter(end_centered > (35+5)) %>%
mutate(fragment_type = case_when(
width>= 120 ~ "Nucleosome",
((end_centered < 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF",
((end_centered >= 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF & Cohesin"
)) %>%
mutate(interaction_length = abs(end2-start))
uniq_motif<- left_plus %>%
distinct(motif_id, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::select(seqnames, motif_mid, motif_id) %>%
uniq_motif$MB <- uniq_motif$motif_mid + 1e6
uniq_motif_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(uniq_motif, keep.extra.columns=TRUE,
left_plus <-left_plus %>%
dplyr::rename(start1 = start, end1 = end)
gr_fragment <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(left_plus,
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
ctcf_motifs<- readRDS(file = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
minus_motifs <- ctcf_motifs[strand(ctcf_motifs)=="-"]
keep <- subsetByOverlaps(gr_fragment, minus_motifs,
maxgap = 1000,
left_plus <- left_plus %>%
filter(!(pair_ID %in% keep$pair_ID)) %>%
dplyr::rename(start = start1, end = end1)
fragment_motif_annot <- function(plus_fragment, uniq_motif_gr, chrom_stat){
ovl <- findOverlaps(uniq_motif_gr, chrom_stat)
chrom_stat_signal <- data.frame(
# pairs file columns
motif_id = uniq_motif_gr$motif_id[queryHits(ovl)],
start_pairs = start(uniq_motif_gr)[queryHits(ovl)],
end_pairs = end(uniq_motif_gr)[queryHits(ovl)],
# chromatin annotation file columns
start_chrom = start(chrom_stat)[subjectHits(ovl)],
end_chrom = end(chrom_stat)[subjectHits(ovl)],
qval= chrom_stat$qval[subjectHits(ovl)])
chrom_stat_signal$start_vec <- pmax(chrom_stat_signal$start_pairs,chrom_stat_signal$start_chrom)
chrom_stat_signal$end_vec <- pmin(chrom_stat_signal$end_pairs,chrom_stat_signal$end_chrom)
chrom_stat_signal$width <- (chrom_stat_signal$end_vec - chrom_stat_signal$start_vec)
# get total amount of each chromatin annotation for each region
chrom_stat_signal_annot <- chrom_stat_signal %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
motif_id = dplyr::first(motif_id),
tot_bp = sum(width),
num_peaks = n()) %>%
mutate(perc_bp = 100* (tot_bp / 1e6))
plus_fragment <- plus_fragment %>%
mutate(interaction_length = abs(end2-start))
# annotate each fragment by motif-level chromatin annotation
plus_fragment_annot <- left_join(plus_fragment,chrom_stat_signal_annot, by = "motif_id") %>%
plus_fragment_annot["perc_bp"][is.na(plus_fragment_annot["perc_bp"])] <- 0
plus_fragment_annot["num_peaks"][is.na(plus_fragment_annot["num_peaks"])] <- 0
left_plus <- fragment_motif_annot(left_plus, uniq_motif_gr, RNAPII_gr)
colnames(left_plus)[43:45] <- paste0("RNAPII_", colnames(left_plus)[43:45])
left_plus <- fragment_motif_annot(left_plus, uniq_motif_gr, H3K27ac_gr)
colnames(left_plus)[46:48] <- paste0("H3K27ac_", colnames(left_plus)[46:48])
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$H3K27ac_perc_bp, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$H3K27ac_perc_bp, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
levels <- levels %>%
mutate(level = factor(level, levels=c(1:10))) %>%
filter(fragment_type == "CTCF & Cohesin") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(interaction_length, 1e4, 1e7))
med <- levels %>%
group_by(level) %>%
med = median((interaction_length)),
avg = 10^(mean(log10(interaction_length))))
med<- med[c(1,10),]
ridge1 <- levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(1,10)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = (interaction_length/1000),
y = level,
fill = level,
col=level)) +
stat_density_ridges(quantile_lines = TRUE, scale = 2,quantile_fun = mean)+
labs(fill="H3K27ac Peak Quantiles")+
xlab("Interaction Length (kb)")+
ylab("") +
guides(col = FALSE) +
scale_x_log10(breaks=c(10,100,1000,10000), labels = scales::comma)+
scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkred", "skyblue4")) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("firebrick3","skyblue")) +
geom_text(data = med, aes(x = avg/1000, y = c(1.5,3), label = scales::comma(avg)),
color = "white", family = "Times New Roman",size=6, fontface = "bold")+
guides(col = FALSE) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "plain"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain"))
uniq_motif <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
probs <- quantile(uniq_motif$RNAPII_num_peaks, probs = seq(0,1,0.1), na.rm = FALSE)
left_plus$cat <- cut(left_plus$RNAPII_num_peaks, breaks = probs, include.lowest = TRUE)
key <- data.frame(cbind(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)), 1:length(levels(as.factor(left_plus$cat)))))
colnames(key) <- c("cat", "level")
levels <- left_join(left_plus, key, by = "cat")
levels <- levels %>%
mutate(level = factor(level, levels=c(1:10))) %>%
filter(fragment_type == "CTCF & Cohesin") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(interaction_length, 1e4, 1e7))
med <- levels %>%
group_by(level) %>%
med = median((interaction_length)),
avg = 10^(mean(log10(interaction_length))))
med<- med[c(1,10),]
ridge2 <-levels %>%
filter(level %in% c(1,10)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = interaction_length/1000,
y = level,
fill = level,
col=level)) +
stat_density_ridges(quantile_lines = TRUE, scale = 2,quantile_fun = mean)+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "plain"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "plain")) +
xlab("Interaction Length (kb)")+
ylab("") +
guides(col = FALSE) +
scale_x_log10(breaks=c(10,100,1000,10000), labels = scales::comma)+
scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkred", "skyblue4")) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("firebrick3","skyblue")) +
geom_text(data = med, aes(x = avg/1000, y = c(1.5,3), label = scales::comma(avg)),
color = "white", family = "Times New Roman",size=6, fontface = "bold")
plot_grid(plotlist = list(ridge1,ridge2), align = "hv", axis = "tblr", ncol = 1)
#ggsave(paste0(path,"Fig5_K27ac_RNAPII_ridge_noCTCF_Sep2024.png"), width=8, height=5)
loops <-read_tsv("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/K562_CTCF_2.5kb.interactions_FitHiC_Q0.01.bed")
loops <- loops %>%
filter(chr1 != "chrX") %>%
filter(chr2 != "chrX")
LA <- loops %>%
dplyr::select(chr1, s1, e1) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = chr1, start = s1, end = e1)
RA <- loops %>%
dplyr::select(chr2, s2, e2) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = chr2, start = s2, end = e2)
anchors <- rbind(LA,RA) %>%
mutate(loc = paste0(chr, ":",start)) %>%
distinct(loc, .keep_all = TRUE)
anchors_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(anchors,
keep.extra.columns = TRUE,
seqnames.field = "chr",
start.field = "start",
end.field = "end")
ctcf_motifs<- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
gr_motifs <- ctcf_motifs[width(ctcf_motifs)==19]
gr_motifs$motif_mid <- round( ( start(gr_motifs) + end(gr_motifs) )/2)
ovl <- findOverlaps(gr_motifs, anchors_gr, maxgap = 0)
out <- as.data.frame(gr_motifs[queryHits(ovl)]) %>%
cbind(motif_id = queryHits(ovl),
loop_id = subjectHits(ovl),
loop_start = start(anchors_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)],
loop_end = end(anchors_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)])
out %>%
group_by(loop_id) %>%
dplyr::summarize(count =dplyr::n()) %>%
filter(count < 10) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = count))+
geom_histogram(fill = "darkblue", col = "white")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
xlab("Number of CTCF motifs per 2.5kb loop anchor")+
ylab("Count") +
#ggsave(paste0(path,"3C_loop_hist.png"), width=8, height=5)
temp<- out %>%
group_by(loop_id) %>%
dplyr::summarize(count =dplyr::n())
# 70% have more than one CTCF motif
temp %>%
filter(count >1) %>%
dplyr::summarize(RN = max(row_number())) %>%
mutate(freq = RN / nrow(temp))
cis contacts
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
left_plus <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "left_plus_annot_cluster.RDS"))
left_plus <- left_plus %>%
LR = ifelse(interaction_length> 10000,"Long-range","Short-range")) %>%
mutate(short_motif_start =motif_mid - 9) %>%
mutate(long_motif_start = motif_mid - 25) %>%
mutate(motif_end= motif_mid + 9) %>%
mutate(LR =factor(LR, levels = c("Short-range","Long-range"))) %>%
mutate(start_centered = start-long_motif_start,
end_centered = end - long_motif_start) %>%
filter(start_centered < (16-5)) %>%
filter(end_centered > (35+5)) %>%
mutate(fragment_type = case_when(
width>= 120 ~ "Nucleosome",
((end_centered < 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF",
((end_centered >= 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF & Cohesin"
)) %>%
mutate(interaction_length = abs(end2-start)) %>%
filter(interaction_length>10000) %>%
filter(fragment_type == "CTCF & Cohesin") %>%
ungroup() %>%
dplyr::rename(start1 = start, end1 = end)
gr_fragment <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(left_plus,
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
ctcf_motifs<- readRDS(file = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
minus_motifs <- ctcf_motifs[strand(ctcf_motifs)=="-"]
keep <- subsetByOverlaps(gr_fragment, minus_motifs, ignore.strand=TRUE)
0.5* (length(keep) / length(gr_fragment)*100) # 4.5%
left_plus$convergent = 0
left_plus$convergent[left_plus$pair_ID %in% keep$pair_ID] <- 1
freq <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
summarize(type = dplyr::first(type),
num_convergent = sum(convergent),
num_fragments = max(row_number())) %>%
mutate(perc_conv = 100*(num_convergent / num_fragments)) %>%
quantile(0.5*freq$perc_conv, c(0.01, .5, 0.99))
cis <- left_plus %>%
dplyr::group_by(motif_id) %>%
dplyr::summarize(type = dplyr::first(type),
num_convergent = sum(convergent),
num_fragments = max(row_number())) %>%
dplyr::mutate(perc_conv = 0.5 * (100*(num_convergent / num_fragments))) %>%
mutate(type = "cis")
cis %>%
dplyr::filter(num_fragments>50) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = perc_conv))+
geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..),
colour = "black", fill = "white", binwidth = 1) +
geom_density(lwd = 1, colour = "royalblue",
fill = "royalblue", alpha = 0.25)+
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 12, 5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold")) +
xlab("Percent fully extruded")
#ggsave(paste0(path,"Fig5perc_FE_Sep2024.png"), width=6, height=5)
pairs <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/k562_ctcf_trans_pairs.RDS")
chrs <- paste("chr", 1:22, sep="")
pairs <- pairs %>%
dplyr::filter( (chr1 %in% chrs & chr2 %in% chrs )) %>%
dplyr::mutate(start1 = pmin(pos3_R1, pos5_R1), end1 = pmax(pos3_R1, pos5_R1),
start2 = pmin(pos3_R2, pos5_R2), end2 = pmax(pos3_R2, pos5_R2)) %>%
dplyr::select(chr1, start1, end1, chr2, start2, end2)
path <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/replicate_FF_results/"
ctcf_motifs<- readRDS(file = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
peaks <- readRDS(paste0(path, "GW_peaks_1e-05.RDS"))
anchors <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(peaks,
# Subset to 19bp (vs 34bp, 35bp) CTCF motifs that overlap a hires anchor
# NOTE: In the current input file, they are all 19bp
gr_motifs <- ctcf_motifs[width(ctcf_motifs)==19]
# Remove overlapping motifs
keep <- countOverlaps(gr_motifs, gr_motifs, ignore.strand=TRUE)==1
gr_motifs <- gr_motifs[keep]
# subset to motifs overlapping peaks
keep <- countOverlaps(gr_motifs, anchors, maxgap = 0)==1
table(keep) # 21595
gr_motifs <- gr_motifs[keep]
gr_motifs$motif_mid <- round(start(gr_motifs) + width(gr_motifs)/2)
# left fragment
gr_fragment1 <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(pairs,
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
gr_fragment1$pair_ID <- 1:nrow(pairs)
# CTCF motifs on + strand
plus_motifs <- gr_motifs[strand(gr_motifs)=="+"]
fragment_motif_ovl <- function(gr_fragment1, plus_motifs){
ovl <- findOverlaps(gr_fragment1, plus_motifs)
left_plus <-
as.data.frame(gr_fragment1[queryHits(ovl)]) %>%
cbind(motif_id = subjectHits(ovl),
motif_mid = plus_motifs$motif_mid[subjectHits(ovl)]) %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
frag_id = dplyr::row_number(),
start_centered = start - motif_mid,
end_centered = end - motif_mid,
num_frags_at_motif = max(dplyr::row_number()),
downstream_frags = sum(end_centered>60),
upstream_frags = sum(start_centered<(-60)),
skew = log2((downstream_frags+1)/(upstream_frags+1)))
left_plus <- fragment_motif_ovl(gr_fragment1, plus_motifs)
left_plus$fragment_motif <- "left_plus"
left_plus <- left_plus %>%
left_plus <- left_plus %>%
mutate(short_motif_start =motif_mid - 9) %>%
mutate(long_motif_start = motif_mid - 25) %>%
mutate(motif_end= motif_mid + 9) %>%
mutate(start_centered = start-long_motif_start,
end_centered = end - long_motif_start) %>%
filter(start_centered < (16-5)) %>%
filter(end_centered > (35+5)) %>%
mutate(fragment_type = case_when(
width>= 120 ~ "Nucleosome",
((end_centered < 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF",
((end_centered >= 48) & (width < 120)) ~ "CTCF & Cohesin"
)) %>%
mutate(interaction_length = abs(end2-start)) %>%
filter(interaction_length>10000) %>%
filter(fragment_type == "CTCF & Cohesin") %>%
ungroup() %>%
dplyr::rename(start1 = start, end1 = end)
gr_fragment <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(left_plus,
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
ctcf_motifs<- readRDS(file = "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/ALL_FIMO_CTCF_hg38.RDS")
minus_motifs <- ctcf_motifs[strand(ctcf_motifs)=="-"]
keep <- subsetByOverlaps(gr_fragment, minus_motifs, ignore.strand=TRUE)
0.5* (length(keep) / length(gr_fragment)*100) # 4.5%
left_plus$convergent = 0
left_plus$convergent[left_plus$pair_ID %in% keep$pair_ID] <- 1
freq <- left_plus %>%
group_by(motif_id) %>%
summarize(num_convergent = sum(convergent),
num_fragments = max(row_number())) %>%
mutate(perc_conv = 100*(num_convergent / num_fragments)) %>%
quantile(0.5*freq$perc_conv, c(0.01, .5, 0.99))
trans <- left_plus %>%
dplyr::group_by(motif_id) %>%
dplyr::summarize(num_convergent = sum(convergent),
num_fragments = max(row_number())) %>%
dplyr::mutate(perc_conv = 0.5 * (100*(num_convergent / num_fragments))) %>%
mutate(type = "trans")
rbind(cis,trans) %>%
dplyr::filter(num_fragments>50) %>%
group_by(type) %>%
dplyr::summarize(med = median(perc_conv),
mean = mean(perc_conv))
rbind(cis,trans) %>%
dplyr::filter(num_fragments>50) %>%
dplyr::rename("Contact Type" = "type") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = perc_conv))+
geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..,fill = `Contact Type`, col=`Contact Type`),position = "identity",
alpha = 0.5,binwidth = 1)+
geom_density(aes(y = ..density..,fill = `Contact Type`, col=`Contact Type`),position = "identity",
alpha = 0.5)+
scale_fill_manual(values = c("darkblue","darkred"))+
scale_color_manual(values = c("royalblue","firebrick3"))+
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 12, 5))+
# limits = c(-2,13))+
xlab("Percent fully extruded")
#geom_vline(xintercept = 2)
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_cis_trans_Sep2024.png"), width=7, height=5)
LA_gr <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/RCMC_WT_IAA_DMSO_captured_pairs_LA_gr.RDS")
LA_gr <- LA_gr[seqnames(LA_gr) == "chr18"]
motifs_gr <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/mm10_CTCF_chip_seq_motifs_gr.RDS")
motifs_gr <- motifs_gr %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr18") %>%
ovl <- findOverlaps(LA_gr,motifs_gr)
out <- as.data.frame(LA_gr[queryHits(ovl)]) %>%
cbind(motif_start = start(motifs_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)],
motif_end = end(motifs_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)],
motif_strand = strand(motifs_gr)[subjectHits(ovl)])
x1 <- 57960000
x2 <- 58550000
TF<- out %>%
filter(width< 120)
bw <- 20000
n = 5000
WT_dens <- density(TF$IP[TF$sample == "WT"],
bw=bw,n = n)
IAA_dens <- density(TF$IP[TF$sample == "IAA"],
bw=bw,n = n)
DMSO_dens <- density(TF$IP[TF$sample == "DMSO"],
bw=bw,n = n)
# plot the results of the density call
dens_1d <- ggplot(data.frame(x = DMSO_dens$x, y = DMSO_dens$y)) +
aes(x = x, y = y) +
geom_area(color = "darkblue",fill = "royalblue",
alpha=0.1,size=1) +
geom_area(aes(x = IAA_dens$x, y = IAA_dens$y), color="lightseagreen",
fill = "lightseagreen",
alpha=0.1,size=1) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1,x2),
breaks = c(58000000, 58250000, 58500000),
labels = comma_format())
motifs_gr <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/mm10_CTCF_chip_seq_motifs_gr.RDS")
motifs_gr <- motifs_gr %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr18") %>%
right_ctcf <- (58481866+58481884 )/2
W <- c(1000,2500,5000)
res <- data.frame(width = W, DMSO = rep(NA, length(W)), IAA = rep(NA, length(W)), WT = rep(NA, length(W)))
for (sample_idx in c("DMSO", "WT","IAA")){
for(ind in 1:length(W)){
width_idx <- W[ind]
check <- out %>%
filter(sample == sample_idx) %>%
filter(width< 120) %>%
mutate(IL = IP-start) %>%
filter(IL > 10000) %>%
filter(IP < right_ctcf+width_idx) %>%
mutate(FE = ifelse (dplyr::between(IP, right_ctcf-width_idx, right_ctcf+width_idx), 1, 0)) %>%
dplyr::summarize(tot = max(dplyr::row_number()),
totFE = sum(FE)) %>%
mutate(perc = 100 * (totFE / tot)) %>%
mutate(adj_perc = 0.5*perc)
res[[sample_idx]][ind] <- check$adj_perc
res %>%
mutate(depletion = 100*((DMSO-IAA)/DMSO))
WT estimate: 1-5%
CBS (+) 19bp coordinates: chr18:57976797-57976815 CBS (-) 19bp coordinates: chr18:58481866-58481884
# just graphing the Fbn2 TAD
mcool_file_1 <- "/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/RCMC_WT_1kb_Fbn2.mcool"
hic1 <- HiCExperiment::import(mcool_file_1, format = 'mcool', focus = 'chr18:57960000-58550000', resolution = 1000)
x1 <- 57960000
x2 <- 58550000
x1 <- 57960000
x2 <- 58550000
bw <- rtracklayer::import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/GSM3508478_C59_CTCF.bw")
bw_CTCF <- data.frame(bw) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr18") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(start, x1,x2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start, y = score))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma_format())+
geom_line(color = "lightseagreen")+
xlab("Position (chr18)") +
ggtitle("CTCF ChIP-seq")+
bw <- rtracklayer::import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/GSE98390_E14_ATAC_MERGED.DANPOS.bw")
bw_ATAC <- data.frame(bw) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr18") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(start, x1,x2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start, y = score))+
geom_line(color = "royalblue")+
theme_classic() +
my_theme +
xlab("Position (chr18)") +
bw <- rtracklayer::import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/GSM2417096_ESC_H3K27ac_mm10.wig.bw")
bw_H3K27ac <- data.frame(bw) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr18") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(start, x1,x2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start, y = score))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma_format())+
geom_line(color = "darkblue")+
xlab("Position (chr18)") +
ggtitle("H3K27ac ChIP-seq")+
bw <- rtracklayer::import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/MM10_GSM6809981_WT_PolII_xChIP_r2_MERGED_rmdup_downsampled.bw.bw")
bw_RNAPII <- data.frame(bw) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr18") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(start, x1,x2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start, y = score))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma_format())+
geom_line(color = "darkred")+
xlab("Position (chr18)") +
ggtitle("RNAPII ChIP-seq")+
bw <- rtracklayer::import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/GSE137272_Rad21-ChIPseq.bw")
bw_RAD21 <- data.frame(bw) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr18") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(start, x1,x2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start, y = score))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma_format())+
geom_line(color = "plum")+
xlab("Position (chr18)") +
ggtitle("RAD21 ChIP-seq")+
bw <- rtracklayer::import("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/GSE137272_SMC1A-ChIPseq.bw")
bw_SMC1A <- data.frame(bw) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr18") %>%
filter(dplyr::between(start, x1,x2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = start, y = score))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma_format())+
geom_line(color = "violetred")+
xlab("Position (chr18)") +
ggtitle("SMC1A ChIP-seq")+
motifs_gr <- readRDS("/aryeelab/users/corri/data/Hansen_RCMC/mm10_CTCF_chip_seq_motifs_gr.RDS")
motifs <- data.frame(motifs_gr) %>%
mutate(symbol = ifelse(strand == "+", ">", "<")) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr18") %>%
mutate(motif_mid = (start+end)/2)
motif_plot<- data.frame(motifs_gr) %>%
mutate(symbol = ifelse(strand == "+", ">", "<")) %>%
filter(seqnames == "chr18") %>%
geom_text(aes(x = (start+end)/2, y = 1, fontface=2,
label = symbol,color=symbol),
family = "Times New Roman", size=8)+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1,x2))+
scale_color_manual(values = c("darkblue","darkred")) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
CBS (+) 19bp coordinates: chr18:57976797-57976815 CBS (-) 19bp coordinates: chr18:58481866-58481884 Fbn2 chr18:58008623-58209926 (-) id = NM_010181.2
x1 <- 57960000
x2 <- 58550000
plot_grid(plotlist = list(
use.scores = 'balanced',
scale = "log10",
caption = FALSE,
limits = c(-4,-2),
maxDistance = 58550000-57960000)+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(58000000, 58250000, 58500000),
labels = comma_format())+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
xlab("Genomic location (chr18)")+
#geom_vline(xintercept = c(58209926, (58481866+58481884)/2) )+
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(58000000, 58250000, 58500000),
labels = comma_format())+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
xlab("Genomic location (chr18)")+
bw_CTCF +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(58000000, 58250000, 58500000),
labels = comma_format())+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm")),
motif_plot +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 2))+
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(58000000, 58250000, 58500000),
limits = c(x1, x2),
labels = comma_format())+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm")),
bw_SMC1A +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(58000000, 58250000, 58500000),
labels = comma_format())+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,25),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm")),
bw_RAD21 +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(58000000, 58250000, 58500000),
labels = comma_format())+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,15),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm")),
# geom_vline(xintercept = c(58209926, (58481866+58481884)/2) )+
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(58000000, 58250000, 58500000),
labels = comma_format())+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm")),
bw_H3K27ac +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 3))+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(58000000, 58250000, 58500000),
labels = comma_format())+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm")),
bw_ATAC +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 2))+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x1, x2),
breaks = c(58000000, 58250000, 58500000),
labels = comma_format())+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(x1, x2))+
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5), "cm"))
align = "v",
axis = "tblr",
rel_heights = c(5,5,1,0.5,1,1,1,1,1)
#ggsave(paste0(path,"Supplement_Fbn2_Sep8_2024.png"), width=9, height=15)
x1 <- 58000000
x2 <- 58500000
#pdf(file=paste0(path,"Supplement_Fbn2_gene_Sep8_2024.pdf"),width=9, height=5)
## Set genomic coordinates
paramssmall <- pgParams(
chrom = "chr18",
chromstart = x1, chromend = x2,
assembly = "mm10", width = 7.5
## Set colors
cols <- c("darkred","darkblue")
## Create page
pageCreate(width = 7.5, height = 3, default.units = "inches",
showGuides = FALSE)
## Plot genes small
genesPlot <- plotGenes(
params = paramssmall,
fill = c("darkred","darkblue"),
fontcolor = c("darkred","darkblue"),
x = 0, y = 0, height = 1.5,
fontsize = 14,
just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "inches"
## Annotate genome label
plot = genesPlot, x = 0, y = 1.5, scale = "bp",
just = c("left", "top"),
df_p <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "df_p_1e8.RDS"))
min/max ratio by num_reads p-value grid:
p1 <- df_p %>%
mutate(log_pval = -log10(p)) %>%
ggplot(aes(num_reads, log_min_max, fill=log_pval)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_viridis(option = "mako")+
ylab("log2 (min/max)") +
xlab("Read Count")+
labs(fill = "-log10(p-value)")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
Which log(min/max) value to choose for a given p-value cutoff?
p2 <- df_p %>%
filter(p != 0) %>%
mutate(log_p = -log10(p)) %>%
filter(num_reads %in% c(10, 25, 50,100,200,300,400, 450,500)) %>%
mutate(num_reads=factor(num_reads)) %>%
ggplot(aes(-log10(p), log_min_max, group=num_reads, color=num_reads)) +
geom_line() +
scale_color_viridis_d(option = "mako")+
ylab("log2 (min/max)") +
labs(color = "Read Count")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
plot_grid(plotlist = list(p1,p2), align = "hv", axis = "tblr")
#ggsave(paste0(path,"S_FF_statistic.png"), width=16, height=5)
We previously made this file in Figure 1 RMD.
df_LR <- readRDS(file = paste0(path, "k562_ctcf_coverage_1000bp_fragment_length_LR.rds"))
df_LR %>%
filter(size == "(120,151]") %>%
mutate(dist_to_motif_center = pos_in_window-500) %>%
group_by(fragment, motif_strand) %>%
mutate(motif_tot = sum(cov, na.rm = T)) %>%
mutate(cov = (cov / motif_tot)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(dist_to_motif_center, size,fragment, motif_strand) %>%
summarise(cov=sum(cov, na.rm=T)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(motif_strand = factor(motif_strand, levels=c("+ Motif", "- Motif"))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = dist_to_motif_center, y=cov, col = motif_strand)) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color="black", linetype ="dashed") +
scale_color_manual(values=c("darkblue", "darkred")) +
facet_grid(size ~ fragment,scales = "free")+
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-600, 600, 200)) +
xlab("Distance to CTCF motif center") +
ylab("Total Coverage") +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "#f0f0f0",
size = 0.5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 16,face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
legend.text=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size =18,face = "bold"),
legend.title=element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(color = "black", family = "Times New Roman", size = 18,face = "bold"),
labs(col = "Motif Strand")
#ggsave(paste0(path,"Supplement_DN.png"), width=10, height=5)