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File metadata and controls

218 lines (169 loc) · 9.66 KB


Table of Contents


Norm(No-ORM), as the name suggests, is a library whose idealogy is opposite to that of how standard ORMs work. Norm is designed to avoid two things:

  1. Having to write entity, query and result/response classes by hand
  2. Writing queries/commands which would throw syntax or semantic errors at runtime


It is a library for Kotlin and postgres which enables generating query/command classes at compile time if the query is syntactically and semantically right, and provides methods to execute them on runtime.

Hence, Norm has two packages:

  1. codegen

    Given a postgres sql query or command in the form of a .sql file, this package generates a query class, params class, paramSetter class and resultMapper class in Kotlin.

    How it works:

    a. It needs a postgres connection

    b. Analyzes the sql file by creating a PreparedStatement

    c. If no database errors, creates a SqlModel which acts as an input to CodeGenerator

    d. Kotlin file with classes of Query or Command, ParamSetter and RowMapper are generated from SqlModel

  2. runtime

    What it does:

    a. Provides interfaces which are super types for all query, command, params, row mapper classes.

    b. Provides multiple functions on these interfaces to be able to execute query/command, map result to a list, execute batch commands and queries etc.

    These methods run against a Connection or on a ResultSet or on a PreparedStatement.

Getting Started:

  1. Setup

    • Start postgres server locally
    • Add norm dependencies
          configurations {
          dependencies {
              implementation "org.postgresql:postgresql:$postgresVersion"
              norm 'com.github.medly.norm:codegen:$normVersion'
              norm 'com.github.medly.norm:runtime:$normVersion'

    Pre-requisites: kotlin dependencies

  2. Schema and table creation

    • Create schemas and tables needed for your application or repository.

    • Lets take example of a person table and create it in the default public schema of default postgres database

           psql -p 5432 -d postgres
           postgres=# create table persons(
                           id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
                           name VARCHAR,
                           age INT, 
                           occupation VARCHAR,
                           address VARCHAR
    • All or any table creations and migrations need to be run before using norm to generate classes

  3. Writing query/command and generating classes using norm

    • norm needs paths to two folders defined:

      1. input source directory - contains all sql files
      2. output source directory - would contain all files generated by norm
    • add a task in gradle which would execute norm's code generation

          task compileNorm(type: JavaExec) {
              classpath = configurations.norm  
              main = "norm.MainKt"
              args "${rootProject.rootDir}/sql"   //input dir
              args "${rootProject.rootDir}/gen"   //output dir
              args "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres"      //postgres connection string with db name
              args "postgres"                                  //db username
              args ""                                          //db password (optional for local) 
    • write a query eg that fetches all persons whose age is greater than some number

      • add a folder in sql folder, say eg person

      • add a sql file in this folder with name, say eg get-all-persons-above-given-age

        SELECT * FROM persons WHERE AGE > :age;

      • run ./gradlew compileNorm. It will generate a folder within gen (output dir) with the same name as folder inside sql(input dir), person.

        The generated classes would be within a file named - GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAge (title case name of sql file)

        The content of generated file would look like:

              package person
              import java.sql.PreparedStatement
              import java.sql.ResultSet
              import kotlin.Int
              import kotlin.String
              import norm.ParamSetter
              import norm.Query
              import norm.RowMapper
              data class GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeParams(
                val age: Int?
              class GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeParamSetter : ParamSetter<GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeParams> {
                override fun map(ps: PreparedStatement, params: GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeParams) {
                  ps.setObject(1, params.age)
              data class GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeResult(
                val id: Int,
                val name: String?,
                val age: Int?,
                val occupation: String?,
                val address: String?
              class GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeRowMapper : RowMapper<GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeResult> {
                override fun map(rs: ResultSet): GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeResult =
                id = rs.getObject("id") as kotlin.Int,
                  name = rs.getObject("name") as kotlin.String?,
                  age = rs.getObject("age") as kotlin.Int?,
                  occupation = rs.getObject("occupation") as kotlin.String?,
                  address = rs.getObject("address") as kotlin.String?)
              class GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeQuery : Query<GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeParams,
                  GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeResult> {
                override val sql: String = """
                    |SELECT * FROM persons WHERE AGE > ?;
                override val mapper: RowMapper<GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeResult> =
                override val paramSetter: ParamSetter<GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeParams> =
  4. Executing queries/commands using norm

    • To run any query/command, a DataSource connection of postgres is required.
    • Create an instance of DataSource using the postgresql driver(already added in dependency) methods
          val dataSource = PGSimpleDataSource().also {
                      it.user = "postgres"
                      it.password = ""
    • Execute the query:
          val result = dataSource.connection.use { connection -> 
              GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeQuery().query(connection, GetAllPersonsAboveGivenAgeParams(20))
 { res ->

Command Line Interface

Norm CLI can be used to generate Kotlin files corresponding to SQL files.

we can provide multiple of files using -f some/path/a.sql -f some/path/b.sql. This will generate Kotlin files at some.path.A.kt & some.path.A.kt. If we want to exclude some from package name then we must use -b option with the base dir -f some/path/a.sql -f some/path/b.sql -b some/. Now the kotlin files will be generated in package path.A.kt & path.A.kt inside the output-dir.

If option --in-dir is used, all the *.sql files will be used for code generation.

$ norm-codegen --help

Usage: norm-codegen [OPTIONS] [SQLFILES]...

  Generates Kotlin Source files for given SQL files using the Postgres
  database connection

  -j, --jdbc-url TEXT        JDBC connection URL (can use env var PG_JDBC_URL)
  -u, --username TEXT        Username (can use env var PG_USERNAME)
  -p, --password TEXT        Password (can use env var PG_PASSWORD)
  -b, --base-path DIRECTORY  relative path from this dir will be used to infer
                             package name
  -f, --file FILE            [Multiple] SQL files, the file path relative to
                             base path (-b) will be used to infer package name
  -d, --in-dir DIRECTORY     Dir containing .sql files, relative path from
                             this dir will be used to infer package name
  -o, --out-dir DIRECTORY    Output dir where source should be generated
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit