diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7c3eb85..10d0f72 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Silly willy spamming for silly willy people from [okayxairen Community](https://discord.com/invite/cTyWY42Ycb) Goal is one in life.. -![Le counter](https://counter11.freecounterstat.com/private/counter.php?c=pdz4dufhlf9qlk4krksnw7twxbhlez2e&init=1711217274343&init_freecounterstat=0&library=library_counters&coef=0.75&type=193&lenght=9&pv=0) +[WHATHOW Website](https://whathow.neocities.org/) is the website and the counter is in it. Make this counter above go to 999,999,999 and see what happens.. maybe we get choco and who doesn't like choco!