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- Emille E. O. Ishida (PI) - CNRS/LPC Clermont, IT department
- Anais Möller (PI) - Swinburne University, Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing
- Julien Peloton (PI) - CNRS/IJCLab, IT department
You can contact us at contact(at)fink-broker.org for more information.
- Julien Peloton (lead) - CNRS/IJCLab, IT department
- Julius Hrivnac (database) - CNRS/IJCLab, IT department
- Fabrice Jammes (Kubernetes) - CNRS/LPC, IT department
- Marco Leoni (machine learning) - Université Paris-Saclay, IT department
- Adrien Ramparison (cloud management, deployment, monitoring) - CNRS/IJCLab, IT department
- International Center for Advanced Studies, Physical Sciences Institute, San Martin University: M. Makler, K. Nowogrodzki
- Astronomy Data And Computing Services: J. Hu
- Australian National University: C. Lidman, B. Schmidt, J. Soon
- ICRAR-Curtin University: A. Goodwin
- Monash University: R. Hirai (also RIKEN, Japan)
- Swinburne University fo Technology: A. Möller, D. Dobie, C. Gately, G. Poole, H. Roxburgh, S. Saleheen, R. Seikel, L. Steinwender, N. Van Bemmel, T. Waterson, S. Webb
- The University of Adelaide: S. Einecke
- The University of Melbourne: K. Auchettl
- The University of New South Wales Canberra: A. Ruiter
- The University of Queensland: N. Khetan
- The University of Sydney: K. Rose
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas: J.P. Correia de França, C.R. De Bom, B. Fraga, J. C. Rodríguez Ramírez, A. Santos
- Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica: I. Jesus Lima
- Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas - Universidade de São Paulo: L. Nakazono, R. Ruiz Valença, G. Schwarz
- Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais: C. V. Rodrigues
- UFRJ - Observatório do Valongo: M. Grossi, L. Ribeiro
- Yunnan University: K. Chatterjee
- CEICO, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences: S. Karpov
- Dark Cosmology Centre (DARK), Niels Bohr Institute - University of Copenhagen: C. Gall
- Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Sezione di Genova: V. Kulikovskiy
- CEA/AIM, Université Paris-Saclay: D. Turpin
- CEA/Irfu, Université Paris-Saclay: F. Schüssler
- CNRS/APC, Université de Paris: B. Biswas, A. Boucaud, A. Coleiro
- CNRS/CC-IN2P3: F. Hernandez
- CNRS/CDS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg: A. Nebot Gomez-Moran
- CNRS/CPPM, Aix Marseille Université: D. Dornic, D. Fouchez, G. Vannoye
- CNRS/IAP, Sorbonne Université: F. Daigne, J.G. Ducoin
- CNRS/IJCLab, Université Paris-Saclay: R. Ansari, J.-E. Campagne, R. Le Montagner, N. Leroy, M. Moniez, J. Neveu
- CNRS/IP2I, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1: M. Rigault, M. Smith
- CNRS/IRAP, Université Paul Sabatier: O. Godet, M.L. Lanza, N. Webb, M. Yassine, H. Yang
- CNRS/LAM, Aix Marseille Université: S. Blondin
- CNRS/LAPP, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc: D. Boutigny, D. Verkindt
- CNRS/LLR: H. Ashkar
- CNRS/LPCA, Université Clermont Auvergne: E. Gangler, C. Mur, P. Gris
- CNRS/LPSC, Université Grenoble-Alpes: J. Bregeon, M. Masson
- CNRS/LUPM, Université de Montpellier: J. Cohen-Tanugi
- CNRS/OCA, Lagrange, Université Côte d'Azur: B. Carry, A. Sergeyev
- COIN: R. Durgesh
- Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa: S. Gonzalez-Gaitan
- Lomonosov Moscow State University: A. Baluta, I. Beschastnov, M. V. Kornilov, T. Pshenichniy, M. Pruzhinskaya
- Industry: I. Ippolitov
- European Space Astronomy Centre: E. Quintin
- Seoul National University: S.W. Chang
- Stockholm University: E. Russeil
- EPFL: V. Savchenko
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: P. Voloshyn
- Centre for Data Intensive Science/MSSL, University College London: T. Allam Jr.
- Queens University Belfast: C. Angus
- University of Edinburgh: R. Williams
- University of Hertfordshire: R. S. de Souza
- University of Sheffield: U. Burhanudin, J. Maund
- University of Southampton: C. Frohmaier
- IPAC: E. Bachelet
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: H. Corbett
- ALeRCE Team - http://alerce.science/
- AMPEL Team - https://ampelproject.github.io/
- ANTARES Team - https://antares.noirlab.edu/
- Lasair Team - https://lasair.roe.ac.uk/
- Pitt-Google - https://pitt-broker.readthedocs.io/
This project is supported by LSST-France, and IN2P3/CNRS.