# stable version
pip install asynckivy
# development version
pip install git+https://github.com/gottadiveintopython/asynckivy.git@master#egg=asynckivy
import asynckivy as ak
from asynckivy.process_and_thread import \
thread as ak_thread, process as ak_process
async def some_task(button):
# wait for 1sec
await ak.sleep(1)
# wait until a button is pressed
await ak.event(button, 'on_press')
# wait until 'button.x' changes
__, x = await ak.event(button, 'x')
print(f'button.x is now {x}')
# wait until 'button.x' becomes greater than 100
if button.x <= 100:
__, x = await ak.event(button, 'x', filter=lambda __, x: x>100)
print(f'button.x is now {x}')
# create a new thread, run a function on it, then
# wait for the completion of that thread
r = await ak_thread(some_heavy_task)
print(f"result of 'some_heavy_task()': {r}")
# wait for the completion of subprocess
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(...)
returncode = await ak_process(p)
# wait until EITHER a button is pressed OR 5sec passes
tasks = await ak.or_(
ak.event(button, 'on_press'),
print("The button was pressed" if tasks[0].done else "5sec passed")
# wait until BOTH a button is pressed AND 5sec passes"
tasks = await ak.and_(
ak.event(button, 'on_press'),
# wait for the completion of an animation
await ak.animate(button, width=200, t='in_out_quad', d=.5)
You can easily handle on_touch_xxx
events via asynckivy.rest_of_touch_moves()
import asynckivy as ak
class Painter(RelativeLayout):
def on_touch_down(self, touch):
if self.collide_point(*touch.opos):
return True
async def draw_rect(self, touch):
from kivy.graphics import Line, Color, Rectangle
from kivy.utils import get_random_color
with self.canvas:
line = Line(width=2)
ox, oy = self.to_local(*touch.opos)
async for __ in ak.rest_of_touch_moves(self, touch):
# This part is iterated everytime 'on_touch_move' is fired.
# Don't await anything during this iteration.
x, y = self.to_local(*touch.pos)
min_x = min(x, ox)
min_y = min(y, oy)
max_x = max(x, ox)
max_y = max(y, oy)
line.rectangle = [min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]
# If you want to do something when 'on_touch_up' is fired, do it here.
There is a Trio's Event equivalent.
import asynckivy as ak
async def task_A(e):
await e.wait()
async def task_B(e):
await e.wait()
e = ak.Event()
# A1
# B1
# A2
# B2
- CPython 3.7.1 + Kivy 1.11.1