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Provide access to the browse system (SOLR based). It returns the list of available browse indexes.
Provide detailed information about a specific browse index and access to the list of items and entries in the index. The JSON response document is as follow
"metadataBrowse": false,
"sortOptions": [
"name": "title",
"metadata": "dc.title"
"name": "dateissued",
"metadata": ""
"name": "dateaccessioned",
"metadata": ""
"order": "ASC",
"type": "browse",
"metadata": [
- metadataBrowse: true if the browse index have two level, the 1st level shows the list of entries like author names, subjects, types, etc. the second level is the actual list of items linked to a specific entry
- sortOptions: the sort options available for this index
- order: the default order applied to the index
- metadata: the list of metadata used to build this index
Exposed links:
- items: link to get the actual list of items associated with the index
- entries (only for metadata browse index): link to get the list of entries in the metadata index
Error codes:
404 if the browse index doesn't exist
It returns a collection of BrowseEntryResource the JSON document looks like
"_embedded": {
"browseEntries": [
"authority": null,
"value": "Arulmozhiyal, Ramaswamy",
"type": "browseEntry",
"valueLang": null,
"count": 1,
"_links": {
"items": {
"href": ", Ramaswamy"
"_link": ...,
"page": ...
- authority: is the unique ID of the entry if the index is authority based. If not null it musts be used to retrieve the associated list of items. Please note that HAL compliant client should follow the link "items" instead to build the link theirself
- value: is the entry value to use, only if authority is null, to get the associated list of items. See also the above warning
- count: is the number of items associated with this entry
The supported parameters are:
- page, size & sort see pagination: the sort parameter must be specified as default,(asc|desc) as 1st level browse doesn't support sorting by option other than the natural sorting of the entries
- startsWith: the value to use to calculate the offset. Each value in the page will be greater or equals than the specified value
- scope: limit the browse to the items included in a specific DSpace container. It could be the UUID of a community or a collection. For example scope=9076bd16-e69a-48d6-9e41-0238cb40d863
Error codes:
404 if the browse index is not a metadata browse or the browse index doesn't exist at all 422 if both the page and startsWith parameters are present in the request
2nd level metadata browse: <, Ramaswamy>
The supported parameters are:
- page, size & sort see pagination: the sort name must be one of the name specified in the of the browse index or default, followed by a comma and the order direction. For example sort=default,asc or sort=dateissued,desc
- startsWith: the value to use to calculate the offset. Each value in the page will be greater or equals than the specified value
- scope: limit the browse to the items included in a specific DSpace container. It could be the UUID of a community or a collection. For example scope=9076bd16-e69a-48d6-9e41-0238cb40d863
On metadata browse exactly one of the following parameter must be specified
- value
- authority Please note that HAL compliant client should follow the link "items" in the browse entry resource instead to build the link theirself
Error codes:
404 if the browse index doesn't exist 422 if both the page and startsWith parameters are present in the request 500
- if a value or authority parameter has been specified and the browse index is NOT a metadata browse
- if a value or authority parameter has NOT been specified and the browse index IS a metadata browse