- Add PostUp adapter @zatchheems (#1015)
- Implement loops.so adapter @caioaao (#1012)
- Fix broken attachments on Scaleway adapter @olivermt (#1003)
- fix assets path prefix
- improve static serving config
- fix priv path for css file @princemaple (#1001)
- fix: add csp nonce @yordis (#996)
- Compile tailwind instead of using cdn @princemaple (#998)
- Sendgrid: Support Mail Body Compression @luhagel (#971)
- Document how to change base_url for CustomerIO adapter @sheharyarn (#987)
- Add JSON section to README @princemaple (#985)
- Fix doc typo in test_assertions.ex @sevab (#983)
This release fixes a bug introduced in 1.17.4
- mua: fix mail.from @ruslandoga (#982)
- Adapters: Add documentation about setting the base_url for ZeptoMail … @reimeri (#981)
- mua: fix default message-id @ruslandoga (#978)
- mua: cleanup test @ruslandoga (#938)
- feat(mailjet): add event_payload to provider options @mrdotb (#965)
- Handle direct URL specification on MSGraph.deliver @LetThereBeDwight (#967)
- Complete Swoosh.X.TestAssertions @edgarlatorre (#924)
- Add CSS labels to email detail elements @alexslade (#956)
- fix: download attachment with the filename @RETFU (#957)
- Update the MSGraph Adapter Dependency @LetThereBeDwight (#955)
A new adapter for Postal, thanks to @onvlt
- Implement Postal adapter @onvlt (#949)
- Add toggle for text preview @andreicek (#947)
- mua: add Date and Message-ID headers when missing @ruslandoga (#945)
- Write docs for functions in Mailer __using__ macro @ivanhercaz (#946)
- Explain how to recompile after installing gen_smtp @aj-foster (#944)
- Fix typos and improve language @preciz (#943)
- mua: no mx when relay @ruslandoga (#934)
- mua: update docs @ruslandoga (#935)
- Fix ex_aws region override @hellomika (#914)
is bumped to 0.2.0
, and brings some breaking changes. The change in v0.2.0 is splitting transport_opts
into tcp
and ssl
specific ones since :gen_tcp.connect
complains when it receives opts for :ssl.connect
- update mua to v0.2.0 @ruslandoga (#911)
- Add support for tracking and return path domains for Mandrill @cenavarro (#906)
- add Swoosh.Adapters.ZeptoMail @gBillal (#905)
- Fix typo in docs @pguillory (#898)
- Add config options for AmazonSES adapter @otlaitil (#897)
- Add support for allow_nil_from @bernardd (#895)
- remove unstable assertion @princemaple (#892)
- Mailbox Preview: more space for the HTML preview @justincy (#882)
- Fix Mailgun adapter incompatibility with Finch @AndrewDryga (#883)
- Update
exclusions [MultiPart.Part
] @jbcaprell (#880)
With #877 Mailgun adapter now supports API Clients other than Hackney. Mailgun users,
please add :multipart
to your dependency list.
- Rewrite multipart functionality to use a encoding builder @krainboltgreene (#877)
- Fix Req header handling @wojtekmach (#879)
Thank you @ruslandoga very much for throwing in this gem.
- Add Swoosh.Adapters.Mua, an alternative SMTP adapter @ruslandoga (#870)
- [SMTP2GO] Pass more info down from the API response
- Add support of subaccount and tags for Mandrill @cenavarro (#860)
- Clarify Postmark docs about template model @TheArrowsmith (#859)
- Add support for Bandit @mtrudel (#857)
- Support multiple reply_to in sendgrid @princemaple (#853)
- Support reply_to in smtp2go @princemaple (#852)
- Feat mailgun multiple reply to @ghostdsb (#850)
- Improve docs on adapter functions and deliver_many in general
- AmazonSES: add :ses_source option to set Source API parameter @adamu (#846)
- fix comma issues on adapter config samples @SirWerto (#842)
- Add template options @princemaple (#839)
- mention proton smtp, close #837 @princemaple (#840)
- Do not send subject to customer.io when empty @caioaao (#834)
- Add information about Mailtrap adapter in README.md @kalys (#833)
- Add req docs to Api Client section @krns (#831)
- Add Swoosh.ApiClient.Req @matthewlehner (#830)
- Implement Mailtrap adapter @kalys (#827)
- Add a note about the Tailwindcss cdn when using a CSP @Hermanverschooten (#828)
- Add Scaleway adapter @andreh11 (#825)
- Update the UI for the mailbox viewer @dsincl12 (#822)
- Implement Swoosh.Adapters.MsGraph @justindotpub (#815)
- Update return value in docs @princemaple (#813)
- Add
as an explicit dependency though still optional
- Deprecate system env tuples @josevalim (#800)
- Use concatenation to build sup children @josevalim (#801)
- Compute docs lazily @josevalim (#802)
- Race condition on @on_load callback (#792) (quick fix in aef9cccbd)
- Update Mailgun docs for sandbox mode @stjhimy (#787)
- Fix sections on CHANGELOG @nelsonmestevao (#781)
- SendInBlue -> Brevo @princemaple (#783)
- Fix BCC for adapters that depend on SMTP helper @princemaple (#779)
- Remove unnecessary sentence from README @adamu (#776)
- Do not include Bcc header in delivered email @adamu (#773) Thanks heaps for the discussion and PR!
- Bump mime from 2.0.3 to 2.0.5 @dependabot (#771)
- Add experimental new test assertion module @jakub-gonet (#747)
- Fix inline attachment showing up twice as both inline and attachment @Hermanverschooten (#769)
- Corrects typo in ex_aws_amazon_ses.ex @paynegreen (#766)
- Allow Regexp assertions for subjects @aronisstav (#764)
- Bump finch from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0 @dependabot (#762)
- Add assert_emails_sent @geeksilva97 (#757)
- Add postmark inline_css option @matehat (#759)
- Make Adapters.ExAwsAmazonSES easier to discover @nathanl (#749)
- Add notes about API Client @Shadowbeetle (#743)
- Move docs above maintenance @princemaple (#760)
- Add support for Protonmail Bridge @Raphexion (#739)
- Fix more typos @kianmeng (#736)
- Add customer.io adapter @lucacorti (#734)
potential breaking change, fixing an unexpected behaviour
- Make return type of deliver_many consistent @princemaple (#733)
- Fix typo in contributor guidelines @nickcampbell18 (#727)
- Swoosh.Adapters.Test.delivery_many/2 returns a list @markthequark (#721)
- Add missing double quote to mandrill template content sample @alvarezloaiciga (#726)
- Bump ex_doc from 0.28.5 to 0.29.0 @dependabot (#725)
- Postmark: Support per email tracking options @Wijnand (#722)
- Bump jason from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 @dependabot (#719)
- Prevent crashes caused by the memory GenServer restarts @KiKoS0 (#717)
- Bump ex_aws from 2.3.4 to 2.4.0 @dependabot (#715)
Bump to require Elixir 1.11. Now official support has been updated to Elixir 1.11+ with OTP 23+
- doc: correct tags example for Adapters.Sendinblue @03juan (#711)
- Set attachment's ContentId in Mailjet @marcinkoziej (#709)
- Fix typos in gmail and socket labs adapters @zusoomro (#706)
- Fix markdown issues and typos @kianmeng (#705)
- Support assertions for headers @MatheusBuss (#702)
- add schedule_at provider param for sendinblue @moperacz (#700)
- Update Telemetry example to mention errors on
@lucasmazza (#698)
- Bump ex_aws from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 @dependabot (#699)
- sendgrid add support for scheduling emails @shravanjoopally (#696)
- Test otp 25 @princemaple (#695)
- SMTP: Allow send email without 'To' @Danielwsx64 (#694)
- Add SMTP2GO adapter @princemaple (#687)
- fix module name in ExAwsAmazonSES module doc @SteffenDE (#689)
- Suppress warning about
introduced in 1.6.5 as optional dependency
- Add
adapter @ascandella (#684)
- Add message_stream documentation to Postmark adapter @ntodd (#674)
- Rename Mime-Version header to MIME-Version @tcitworld (#681)
- Migrate OhMySmtp to Mailpace @princemaple (#672)
- SMTP can now utilize the new
addition in attachments, if:cid
it will fallback to original behavior and use:filename
- Fixed filename for inline images sent via SMTP
- Add fields to Postmark
response @zporter (#668)
- allow custom CIDs for inline attachments @taobojlen (#665)
- add OhMySMTP adapter @taobojlen (#663)
- Config bypass only on test @nallwhy (#650)
- Mention E2E tests @princemaple (#664)
- Add configuration options to Mailgun documentation @Zurga (#652)
- Add example to Dyn adapter @kianmeng (#647)
- Add provider options for Sparkpost @kianmeng (#646)
- Add provider options doc for socketlabs @kianmeng (#645)
- Update provider options doc for Sendinblue @kianmeng (#644)
- Update provider options doc for Sendgrid @kianmeng (#643)
- Update provider options doc for Postmark @kianmeng (#642)
- Add provider options doc for Mandrill adapter @kianmeng (#641)
- Add provider options doc for Mailjet @kianmeng (#640)
- Update provider options doc for Mailgun adapter @kianmeng (#639)
- Add provider options doc for Amazon SES adapter @kianmeng (#638)
- Correct sample configuration for gmail adapter @aarongraham (#637)
- Clarify that you need to add :gen_smtp as a dependency @Hermanverschooten (#635)
- @Hermanverschooten made their first contribution in swoosh#635
- @aarongraham made their first contribution in swoosh#637
- @nallwhy made their first contribution in swoosh#650
- @Zurga made their first contribution in swoosh#652
- @taobojlen made their first contribution in swoosh#663
Full Changelog: https://github.com/swoosh/swoosh/compare/v1.5.2...v1.6.0
- Fix closing tag @feld (#634)
- Adding support for inline attachments preview in MailboxPreview @theodowling (#628)
- Fixing Typo @Orijhins (#629)
- Further cleanup async section @josevalim (#621)
- Build upon async emails section @josevalim (#620)
- Fix typos @kianmeng (#618)
- Fix a few typos in the docs @nickjj (#617)
- Add telemetry to
@joshnuss (#614)
- Improve README.md - mention
as false @philss (#610)
You can configure what API Client to use by setting the config. Swoosh comes with
and Swoosh.ApiClient.Finch
config :swoosh, :api_client, MyAPIClient
It defaults to use :hackney
with Swoosh.ApiClient.Hackney
. To use Finch
add the below config
config :swoosh, :api_client, Swoosh.ApiClient.Finch
To use Swoosh.ApiClient.Finch
you also need to start Finch
, either in your
supervision tree
children = [
{Finch, name: Swoosh.Finch}
or somehow manually, and very rarely dynamically
Finch.start_link(name: Swoosh.Finch)
If a name different from Swoosh.Finch
is used, or you want to use an existing
Finch instance, you can provide the name via the config.
config :swoosh,
api_client: Swoosh.ApiClient.Finch,
finch_name: My.Custom.Name