Idea - GitLab ships with Mattermost chat for developing and crystallizing ideas.
Issue - GitLab includes Issues for recording work.
Plan - Use GitLab Issue Board to plan work.
Code - Reduce developer spin-up time by using Web-based IDE Koding
Commit - commit code to GitLab repositories
Test - run manual (UI- and chat-originated) and automated tests in Docker containers (or in other machines) with GitLab CI and GitLab Container Registry
Code Review - making and handling GitLab Merge Requests; multiple conflict resolution within Gitlab UI. See also Review Apps
Continuous Delivery - deploying an app from GitLab to Docker Cloud (or elsewhere) via CI/CD pipeline
Chatops - Cog chatbot has been integrated with GitLab 8.13
Feedback - Cycle Analytics - analyzing how long it took us to go from idea to deploy to production.