A Ruby gem that lets you create slide shows and author slides in plain text using a wiki-style markup language that's easy-to-write and easy-to-read. More Slide Show (S9) Project Site
Note, the package is configured to use the following headers in slides.html.erb
author: Your Name Here
title: Your Slide Show Title Here
profile: Your Profile Here
lang: Your Language Here
If you want to try it yourself, clone the template pack using hg
. Issue the commands:
$ cd ~/.slideshow/templates
$ hg clone ssh://firefly.cr.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/~one/hg/Members/atton/slideshow-s6cr
To check if the new template got installed, use the list
$ slideshow list
Listing something like:
Installed templates include:
s6cr.txt (~/.slideshow/templates/slideshow-cr/s6cr.txt)
Now you're ready to use it using the -t/--template
switch. Example:
$ slideshow build tutorial -t s6cr
That's it.