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+ # using the `main` branch as the default branch.
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+# However, do NOT cancel in-progress runs as we want to allow these production deployments to complete.
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+ - name: Instantiate NPM
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+ ],
+ footer: {
+ message: 'Made with Documenter.jl & VitePress
+ copyright: `© Copyright ${new Date().getUTCFullYear()}.`
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+import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme'
+import { enhanceAppWithTabs } from 'vitepress-plugin-tabs/client'
+import './style.css'
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+ extends: DefaultTheme,
+ Layout() {
+ return h(DefaultTheme.Layout, null, {
+ // https://vitepress.dev/guide/extending-default-theme#layout-slots
+ })
+ },
+ enhanceApp({ app, router, siteData }) {
+ enhanceAppWithTabs(app)
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\ No newline at end of file
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+/* Customize default theme styling by overriding CSS variables:
+ */
+ /* Layouts */
+ :root {
+ --vp-layout-max-width: 1440px;
+} */
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+ white-space: pre;
+ max-width: 500px;
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+ monospace;
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+ /*
+ Disable contextual alternates (kind of like ligatures but different) in monospace,
+ which turns `/>` to an up arrow and `|>` (the Julia pipe symbol) to an up arrow as well.
+ This is pretty bad for Julia folks reading even though copy+paste retains the same text.
+ */
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+ 120deg,
+ #9558B2 30%,
+ #CB3C33
+ );
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+ -45deg,
+ #9558B2 30%,
+ #389826 30%,
+ #CB3C33
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+ }
+/* Component: Custom Block */
+:root.dark {
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+ --vp-c-gray-dark-4: hsl(220 14% 17%);
+ --vp-c-gray-dark-5: hsl(220 16% 13%);
+ /* // Backgrounds */
+ /* --vp-c-bg: hsl(240, 2%, 11%); */
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+ --vp-c-bg-alt: hsl(220 20% 9%);
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+ --vp-c-bg-mute: hsl(220 12% 23%);
+ */
+ /* Component: Algolia */
+.DocSearch {
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+/* Component: MathJax */
+mjx-container > svg {
+ display: block;
+ margin: auto;
+mjx-container {
+ padding: 0.5rem 0;
+mjx-container {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin: auto 2px -2px;
+mjx-container > svg {
+ margin: auto;
+ display: inline-block;
+ * Colors links
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ :root {
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+ --vp-c-brand-3: #CB3C33;
+ --vp-c-sponsor: #ca2971;
+ --vitest-c-sponsor-hover: #c13071;
+.dark {
+ --vp-c-brand-1: #91dd33;
+ --vp-c-brand-2: #91dd33;
+ --vp-c-brand-3: #91dd33;
+ --vp-c-sponsor: #91dd33;
+ --vitest-c-sponsor-hover: #e51370;
\ No newline at end of file
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index 92757b7..456d246 100644
--- a/docs/src/index.md
+++ b/docs/src/index.md
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ close(lg)
## Examples
-To see the logging in action go [here](https://wandb.ai/avikpal/Wandb.jl). Detailed code for
-these examples can be accessed via the navigation menu.
+To see the logging in action go [here](https://wandb.ai/avikpal/Wandb.jl). Detailed code
+for these examples can be accessed via the navigation menu.
## Running into Issues