From cfe4461de4990be4e0291af87340887f126ab1f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: bryan-aguilar <> Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2022 14:54:48 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] bump version to v0.16.0 (#931) --- VERSION | 2 +- docs/releases/ | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 docs/releases/ diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION index 86dd09abce..cfe6c00945 100644 --- a/VERSION +++ b/VERSION @@ -1 +1 @@ -v0.15.0 +v0.16.0 diff --git a/docs/releases/ b/docs/releases/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..371877b868 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/releases/ @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +# Changelog + +## [v0.16.0]( (2022-01-27) + +[Full Changelog]( + +**Upstream release notes:** +- [v0.43.1]( +- [v0.43.0]( +- [v0.42.0]( +- [v0.41.0]( +- [v0.40.0]( + +**Implemented enhancements:** + +- Create github page for benchmarking [\#811]( +- Publish nightly releases to docker hub [\#516]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Docker image build failing [\#691]( +- The latest version of Logzio exporter failed to be started on EC2 and OnPremise hosts [\#574]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Histograms in CloudWatch [\#918]( +- Agent cpu/memory when idle [\#914]( +- Sidecar deployment definition aws-otel-fargate-sidecar-deployment-cfn.yaml errors [\#906]( +- It's possible that InstanceId label can be collected in task/container level metrics? [\#895]( +- Naming convention for binary [\#880]( +- Dockerfile mass copy config [\#879]( +- Fix broken benchmarking links in README [\#871]( +- Refactor AWS emf cloudwatch pusher logic into new cloudwatch package [\#869]( +- Unspecified pod metrics landing in CloudWatch [\#847]( +- Remove usages of docker load from workflows [\#846]( +- Replace soaking tests with performance tests. [\#833]( +- Many examples still using old aws-otel-emitter image [\#831]( +- SSL not supported on OTLP/gRPC port 4317 [\#817]( +- 403 UnrecognizedClientException Python Tracing [\#814]( +- Environment variables are not getting resolved when passing config through SSM [\#808]( +- Merging from PR is needed when testing with integration test [\#793]( +- Some of the integration tests in CD are failing [\#785]( +- Possible to collect the metrics from the cluster where the task is located [\#776]( +- Dockerfile should build from alpine instead of scratch [\#770]( +- Datadog Exporter Key Validation Fails in latest version [\#759]( +- Is AWS-OTEL-Collector generally available and link to download docker tar ball [\#737]( +- Use CWCI as the abbreviation for CloudWatch Container Insights [\#736]( +- Add docker image to public ecr on ci pass [\#729]( +- Metrics exporting issue, unknown field "doubleSum" in v1.Metric [\#707]( +- Label job on file\_sd\_configs produces unknown errors on ADOT [\#665]( +- Replace free GitHub Ubuntu runner by fixed AWS EC2 host [\#656]( +- Allow metric type overrides for prometheus scrape [\#629]( +- Combine ECR and DockerHub download rate metrics into one [\#622]( +- Allow collector to run as a different user [\#618]( +- AWS Prometheus Remote Write Exporter - Retry [\#605]( +- Collector on ECS Fargate not showing the correct environment in X-Ray [\#590]( +- Collector container showing error about unable to resolve host or service. [\#585]( +- latest otel collector version for ec2 and fargate [\#579]( +- Prometheus Counter has 0 value in CW [\#576]( +- Prometheus histogram is translated to CW MinMaxSumCount with no Min and Max fields populated [\#575]( +- Configure Logs Group for OTEL Metrics [\#573]( +- otel errors [\#568]( +- sending Java application custom metrics using OTEL to Cloudwatch [\#555]( +- From which month AWS OTEL going to be supported in Production environment? [\#554]( +- Sending springboot application custom metrics using OTEL [\#553]( +- Exporter for AMP Credential error [\#520]( +- Add steps to configure collector to send data to a different account [\#82]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Upgrade OTel dependencies to v0.43.1. [\#925]( ([bryan-aguilar]( +- Fix cfn-lint for aws-otel-fargate-sidecar-deployment-cfn.yaml. \(\#906\) [\#909]( ([sethAmazon]( +- EKS ARM64 test case matrix creation. [\#903]( ([sethAmazon]( +- Update aws-otel-emitter in all examples. [\#900]( ([vasireddy99]( +- Change build path for linux binaries to match GOARCH. [\#890]( ([jefchien]( +- Add tests for ARM64 cluster. [\#889]( ([sethAmazon]( +- Simplify Dockerfile copy. [\#885]( ([jefchien]( +- Support buildx for amd64 and arm64 builds. \(\#766\) [\#870]( ([sethAmazon]( +- Upgrade OTel dependencies to v0.42.0. [\#868]( ([jefchien]( +- Upgrade containerd. [\#863]( ([jefchien]( +- Add BuildKit for ADOT collector image. [\#860]( ([khanhntd]( +- Fix the lumberjack logger to ensure that all context fields are recorded. [\#849]( ([Aneurysm9]( +- Remove version filter and trigger performance tests on all passing runs. [\#842]( ([sethAmazon]( +- Convert private ECR to public ECR. [\#840]( ([khanhntd]( +- Change operation per runs to cover all the issues. [\#837]( ([khanhntd]( +- Destroy var file For Operator E2E tests. [\#835]( ([sethAmazon]( +- Remove soaking test workflow. [\#832]( ([jefchien]( +- Add test case for OTLP and send metrics,traces to cloudwatch, AMP, XRAY with ECS on EC2. [\#824]( ([khanhntd]( +- Trigger performance test after successful CI run. [\#818]( ([jefchien]( +- Upgrade OTel dependencies to v0.41.0. [\#798]( ([jefchien]( +- Upgrade OTel dependencies to v0.40.0. [\#778]( ([jefchien]( +- Add OTLP to AMP Metric Test. [\#762]( ([sethAmazon]( + + + +\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*