All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Bump nanoid to
to resolve CVE CVE-2024-55565 - Bump path-to-regexp to
to resolve CVE CVE-2024-52798 - Override vue dependencies to
to resolve CVE CVE-2024-9506
- Bump cross-spawn to
to resolve CVE-2024-9506
- If a filesystem's stack changes from CREATE_COMPLETE to UPDATE_COMPLETE it no longer lists as managed #229
- Bump http-proxy-middleware to
to resolve CVE-2024-21536 - Bump cookie to
to resolve CVE CVE-2024-47764
- Bump webpack to
to resolve CVE-2024-43788 - Bump serve-static to
to resolve CVE with send CVE-2024-43799 - Bump path-to-regexp to
to resolve CVE-2024-45296 - Bump micromatch to
to resolve CVE-2024-4067 - Remove usage of
(EOL) and migratebootstrap v4
(EOL) tobootstrap v5
to resolve CVE-2024-6531 - Adds file to provide guidance around reporting security vulnerabilities.
- Bump
to resolve CVE-2024-41818 - Update to Vue 3 compat build and replace
to resolve CVE-2024-6783
- Unused
- Bump
to resolve CVE-2024-4068 - Bump
to resolve CVE-2024-37890
- Updated API Handler Python runtime to 3.11 due to Python 3.8 Lambda runtime deprecation
- Updated spoke template descriptions to include suffix
Updated axios sub-dependency to use v0.28.0 to resolve security vulnerabilities:
Re-generated package-lock to resolve security vulnerabilities:
- Updated crypto.js dependency to fix security vulnerabilities CVE-2023-46233
- Updated react-dev-tools dependency to fix security vulnerabilities CVE-2023-5654
- Update urllib3 dependency to v1.26.18
- Fixing Security Vulnerabilities
- Merge Website Bucket policy statements to prevent deployment failures on policy creation slowdowns
- Remove uneeded exit in Unit test script
- Added downline dependencies to NOTICE.txt
- Upgrade Node version to 18
- Upgrade Python runtime to 3.11
- Update NPM packages to fix vulnerabilities
- elasticfilesystem:TagResource permission added to Manager Lambda
- Urllib3 downgraded to < v2
- Enable versioning/encryption on logging bucket
- Enable Amazon S3 ACLs on logging bucket
- Include package-lock.json to prevent incompatibilities with future package versions
- Paginated response for list filesystems that allows greater than 10 EFS filesystems to be displayed
- AppRegistry Integration
- File manager lambda creation now checks for valid security group rules
- Code refactoring to reduce cognitive complexity
- Buildspec upgrades
- Unit tests to 80% overall coverage
- Misc documentation
- Python version bump to handle 3.6 EOL
- Code refactoring to support pylint
- cfn-lint / bandit code cleanup
- General bug fixes
- Misc documentation
- Add delete functionality for SFM created resources #115
- IAM permissions scoped down #114
- Diagrams from previous update
- Detailed architecture diagram #1
- Simplified architecture diagram #1
- Security sequence diagram #1
- Fix rollback issue when file manager lambda is not created successfully #67
- Allow upload modal to be closed if upload fails #79
- Check if file exists before attempting upload #77
- Generate pop up for deleting files instead of an alert #66
- Added Nightly Tests
- IAM permissions scoped down for CloudFormation templates. #61
- CFN Nag changes for Lambdas deployed into a VPC #63
- Changes so uses a minimum of CloudFront TLS 1.2 #62
- EFS-File-Manager.yaml IAM update to use iam:passedtoservice condition key #81
- FS lambda fails to launch due to SG constraint #75
- Diagrams from previous update
- Detailed architecture diagram #1
- Simplified architecture diagram #1
- Security sequence diagram #1
- File manager creation now accepts a custom UID, GID, and Path #22
- File manager lambda automatically attaches to all available mount targets #9
- Added the filesystem name to the filesystems table #41
- Render a message saying no filesystems found when there are no EFS filesystems in the account instead of an empty table #46
- Added a creating state to indicate that the file manager lambda is still being created #42
- User agent string is being sent to identify the application #52
- /download and /upload moved underneath the /objects path #45
- Removed the sign up option on login page which was producing an error #44
- Detailed architecture diagram #1
- Simplified architecture diagram #1
- Security sequence diagram #1
- example-function-js sample microservice
- added unit tests for example-function-js
- example.template to yaml file example with JS.
- updated script to include soltion-name parameter
- updated script to include soltion-name parameter
- updated script to execute example-function-js unit tests
- deployment/buildspec files.
- helper function
- CHANGELOG templated file
- README templated file
- NOTICE file
- LICENSE file