Releases: aws/amazon-ecs-agent
Releases · aws/amazon-ecs-agent
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.31.0 - 2019-09-19
- Feature - Add support for showing container's ImageDigest Pulled from ECR in ECS DescribeTasks #2201
- Enhancement - Add more functionalities to firelens (log router) feature: allow including external config from s3 and local file; add fluent logger support for bridge and awsvpc network mode; add health check support for aws-for-fluent-bit image
- Enhancement - Add support for Windows Named Pipes in volumes @ericdalling #2185
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.30.0 - 2019-08-22
- Feature - Add log router support (beta)
- Feature - Add elastic inference support
- Feature - Add support for showing container's Docker ID in ECS DescribeTasks and StopTask APIs #2138
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.29.1 - 2019-07-11
- Enhancement - Update task cleanup wait logic to clean task resources immediately instead of waiting 3 hours #2084
- Bug - Fixed Agent reporting incorrect capabilities on Windows #2070
- Bug - Fixed a bug where Agent fails to invoke IPAM DEL command when cleaning up AWSVPC task #2085
- Bug - Fixed a bug where task resource unmarshal error was ignored rather than returned #2098
- Bug - Update amazon-vpc-plugins that allows AWSVPCTrunking to work without ec2-net-utils #2093
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.29.0 - 2019-06-13
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.28.1 - 2019-06-06
- Enhancement - Non-ECS images cleanup: clean up dangling images with image ID #2023
- Bug - Pick up latest version of amazon-vpc-cni-plugins and amazon-ecs-cni-plugins to include recent bug fixes (f09fd7c, d90eebe, 06cbba2)
- Bug - Fixed error detection case when image that is being deleted does not exist @bendavies #2008
- Bug - Fixed a bug where docker volume deletion resulted in nullpointer #2059
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.28.0 - 2019-05-16
- Feature - Introduce high density awsvpc tasks support
- Enhancement - Introduce
to make cgroup cpu period configurable @boynux #1941 - Enhancement - Add Private Host IPv4 address to container metadata @bencord0 #2000
- Enhancement - Set terminal reason for volume task resource #2004
- Bug - Fixed a bug where container health status is not updated when container status isn't changed #1972
- Bug - Fixed a bug where containers in 'dead' or 'created' status are not cleaned up by the agent #2015
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.27.0 - 2019-04-17
- Feature - Add secret support for log drivers
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.26.1 - 2019-03-21
- Enhancement - Set up pause container user the same as proxy container when App Mesh enabled and pause container not using default image
- Bug - Fixed a bug where network stats are not presented in container stats #1932
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.26.0 - 2019-02-28
- Feature - Startup order can now be explicitly set via DependsOn field in the Task Definition #1904
- Feature - Containers in a task can now have individual start and stop timeouts #1904
- Feature - AWS App Mesh CNI plugin support #1898
- Enhancement - Containers with links and volumes defined will now shutdown in the correct order #1904
- Bug - Image cleanup errors fixed #1897