Releases: aws/amazon-ecs-agent
Releases · aws/amazon-ecs-agent
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.78.0
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.77.0
- Feature - ECS_TASK_PIDS_LIMIT for setting the task-level PIDs limit. #3923
- Enhancement - Add interface for csi client #3899
- Enhancement - Add new network data structures #3909
- Enhancement - Update Managed Daemon to allow for privilege and mount propagation #3910
- Enhancenent - Add NodeStageVolume to common CSI client library 3905
- Enhancement - Add a default wait timeout for attachment payload messages 3914
- Enhancement - Add CNI to ecs-agent/netlib/model and update dependencies 3897
- Enhancement - Update Minimal CSI Driver with NodeStage method 3918
- Enhancement - Add support to handle task payload with EBS volume attachments 3917
- Enhancement - Bump cgroups and containernetworking/plugins version 3903
- Enhancement - Add AgentConfigAccessor interface to ecs-agent/ #3928
- Enhancement - Adding new container metadata to the introspection response #3926
- Enhancement - Support AttachmentType for the attachment payload for EBS Attach #3911
- Bug - Fix flaky EBS watcher test for windows #3904
- Bug - Add fix for the failing functional gMSA S3 test #3886
- Code Quality Improvement - Update PR template and enable dependabot for ecs-agent module 3908
- Code Quality Improvement - Move container/task statuses to ecs-agent module 3924
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.76.0
- Feature - Adding EBS watcher implementation #3866
- Feature - Added the implementation for EBS volume discovery on Windows #49
- Enhancement - Update GetVolumeMetrics in the CSI client #3884
- Enhancement - Migrate Agent to use vpc-eni plugin for awsvpc mode instead of ecs-eni plugin on Linux #3873
- Enhancement - Move periodic timeout implementation to wsclient library #3883
- Enhancement - Redact ECR layer URLs from container pull errors #3885
- Enhancement - Update TACS model #3889
- Enhancement - Move ACS session to ecs-agent module and refactor #3887
- Enhancement - Model transformer: model reconciliation for agent upgrades #3878
- Ehhancement - Cosmetic improvements to ACS code #3890
- Enhancement - Tcs api modification #3893
- Enhancement - Skip Task resource accounting for Fargate 1.3.0 launch type #3896
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.75.3
- Enhancement - Update Read Me for the environment variable ECS_POLLING_METRICS_WAIT_DURATION #3863
Changes included from discarded v1.75.2 release:
- Enhancement - Update SSM GPG key for ECS anywhere installation #3875
- Enhancement - Update ECS anywhere installation script to use the SSM Agent GPG key and ECS Agent GPG key from amazon-ecs-agent repository #3869
Changes included from discarded v1.75.1 release:
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.75.0
- Enhancement - Add task stop verification ack to ecs-agent module #3820
- Enhancement - Increase test coverage of some ACS responders #3826
- Enhancement - Refactor ACS refresh credentials message handling #3830
- Enhancement - Move appnet client interface to ecs-agent #3827
- Enhancement - Add gpu-driver-version ECS attribute #3836
- Enhancement - Modify ResourceAttachment and integrate into Docker task state engine #3832
- Enhancement - Add negative integration tests for gmsa on Linux #3752
- Enhancement - Upgrade Golang version to 1.20.6 #3842
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.74.1
- Enhancement - Update amazon linux build spec to match current ecs agent golang version #3817
- Bug - Merge Feature/task-resource-accounting to dev #3819
- Code Quality Improvement - Add Snapshotter field to V4 Container Response #3818
- Code Quality Improvement - Add some unit tests for config parsers where coverage was missing #3809
Changes included from discarded v1.74.0 release:
- Enhancement - Update go version to 1.19.10 #3799
- Enhancement - Add EBS volume stats implementation in the csi driver daemon and add one makefile rule to build the tar file #3774
- Enhancement - Add daemon manager package with initial daemon task creation methods #3789
- Enhancement - Enable FSx capability by default for Windows #3780
- Enhancement - Update error prefix of v4 container stats endpoint for task lookup failure case #3794
- Enhancement - Update Agent to be more resilient in case of unauthenticated timeouts with IMDS #3795
- Bug - Always report service connect metrics when both health and task metrics are disabled #3786
- Bug - Allow variables to be set to empty string in envFiles #3797
- Code Quality Improvement - Move task protection handler to ecs-agent module #3779
- Code Quality Improvement - Move TMDS v4 container stats types to ecs-agent module #3785
- Code Quality Improvement - Move v4 TMDS container and task stats endpoint handlers to ecs-agent module #3791
- Code Quality Improvement - Integrate with tcsHandler in ecs-agent module #3743
- Code Quality Improvement - Update metrics interface to couple metric completion and publish #3803
- Code Quality Improvement - Add ACS attach resource responder to ecs-agent #3807 #3810
- Code Quality Improvement - Add attribution file to ecs-agent #3808
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.73.1
- Fix - Revert task resource accounting to avoid tasks stuck in PENDING on oversubscribed instance. #3781
- Code Quality Improvement - Improve test coverage of v2, v3, and v4 container stats endpoints #3758
- Code Quality Improvement - Improve test coverage of v2, v3, and v4 task stats endpoints. #3761
- Code Quality Improvement - Move ECSTaskProtectionSDK interface to ecs-agent #3756
- Code Quality Improvement - Downgrade the docker version used in the ecs-agent/go.mod to v20.10.24 #3767
- Enhancement - Add the EBS volume metrics collector to ecs-agent. #3766
- Code Quality Improvement - Refactor ACS attach instance ENI message handling #3765
- Bug - Skip sending internal task events to ECS control plane #3772
- Code Quality Improvement - Move TMDS task protection types to ecs-agent (refactoring only). #3764
- Code Quality Improvement - Add missing copyright header to files #3777
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.73.0
- Feature - Task Resource Accounting - Adds host resource manager in docker task engine which keeps account of host resources for tasks started on the host. Removes task serialization and uses host resource manager to start tasks on the host as soon as resources become available for a task. #3684 #3706 #3700 #3723 #3741 #3747 #3750
- Enhancement - Update containernetworking/cni dependency to v1.1.2 and the vpc-cni plugin version #3702
- Code Quality Improvement - Refactor ACS attach task ENI message handling #3744
- Code Quality Improvement - Add "more than one ECS failure" case to Task Protection TMDS tests #3749
- Code Quality Improvement - Move eventstream to /ecs-agent and remove /agent/wsclient #3746
- Code Quality Improvement - Move TCS Client to ecs-agent module, and switch to use wsclient in ecs-agent module #3726
- Code Quality Improvement - Add tests for GetTaskProtection API and UpdateTaskProtection API to high-level TMDS tests 3739 #3740
- Code Quality Improvement - Refactor ACS heartbeat message handling #3724
- Code Quality Improvement - Move v4 task metadata handler to ecs-agent module with a more generic implementation #3733
- Fix - Make task not found error message for task protection endpoint consistent with Fargate #3748
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.72.0
- Feature - Add domainless gMSA support on windows/linux #3735
- Enhancement - Update to v0.8.0 #3730
- Enhancement - Change a log.Info message to log.Debug #3713
- Code Quality Improvement - Add more tests for v2, v3, and v4 container metadata handlers #3708
- Code Quality Improvement - Move utils/retry and api/errors to ecs-agent #3711
- Code Quality Improvement - Move v4 metadata models to ecs-agent module #3715
- Code Quality Improvement - Move ACS client to ecs-agent module and refactor #3710
- Code Quality Improvement - Move statsEngine initiation from tcs session initialization, and adding channels to statsEngine #3717
- Code Quality Improvement - Channel based docker stats engine implementation (DockerStatsEngine -> TCSClient) #3683
- Code Quality Improvement - Remove telemetry message logging to avoid polluting debug log #3725
- Code Quality Improvement - Add v4 container metadata handler to ecs-agent module #3720
- Code Quality Improvement - Add more v2, v3, and v4 task metadata tests #3722
- Code Quality Improvement - Consume v4 container metadata handler from ecs-agent module #3727
- Code Quality Improvement - Improve test coverage for taskWithTags endpoints #3729
- Fix - Update amazon-ecs-cni-plugins submodule #3732
Amazon ECS Agent - v1.71.2
- Improvement - Add structured logging for Task and Docker Image Manager #3677 #3696
- Enhancement - Update dependencies to include security patches reported by dependabot for agent #3632 #3691
- Code Quality Improvement - Refactor common ENI attachment functionality #3685
- Code Quality Improvement - Move handlers utils, v2 metadata models, v1 and v2 TMDS credentials endpoints to ecs-agent module #3698 #3698 #3705
- Code Quality Improvement - Add wsclient library to ecs-agent module #3690
- Fix - Support firelens for bridge mode ServiceConnect task #3693
- Fix - Support special characters in the password for FSx : windows #3669