diff --git a/hack/latest-binaries.sh b/hack/latest-binaries.sh index 3a822bb3e..eaa707586 100755 --- a/hack/latest-binaries.sh +++ b/hack/latest-binaries.sh @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ MINOR_VERSION="${1}" # retrieve the available "VERSION/BUILD_DATE" prefixes (e.g. "1.28.1/2023-09-14") # from the binary object keys, sorted in descending semver order, and pick the first one +# TODO: ideally we want to use the value of $binary_bucket_region instead of hard-coding us-west-2 +# since setting the binary_bucket_region value really is the indication of where the binaries are located. LATEST_BINARIES=$(aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket amazon-eks --prefix "${MINOR_VERSION}" --query 'Contents[*].[Key]' --output text --region us-west-2 --no-sign-request | cut -d'/' -f-2 | sort -Vru | head -n1) if [ "${LATEST_BINARIES}" == "None" ]; then