The Deep Learning Specialization was created and is taught by Dr. Andrew Ng, a global leader in AI and co-founder of Coursera.
Instructor: Andrew Ng
This repository contains my coursework for the Deep Learning Specialization and its courses. You will find assignment notebooks and datasets. Feel free to take any help from this repository.
Course 1 - Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Week 1 - Just an introduction with very basic terminologies related to Deep Learning.
Week 2 - Python Basics with Numpy, Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset
Week 3 - Planar data classification with one hidden layer
Week 4 - Building your Deep Neural Network: Step by Step, Deep Neural Network for Image Classification: Application
Week 5 - Initialization, Regularization, Gradient Checking
Week 6 - Optimization
Week 7 - Tensorflow