issues Search Results · repo:b13/t3ext-dam_falmigration language:PHP
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inb13/t3ext-dam_falmigration (press backspace or delete to remove)Before introduction of FAL image captions, links etc. in TYPO3 used index-based multi-line fields which were split up
over line-breaks on frontend rendering. Migration with dam_falmigration works by splitting ...
- Opened on Feb 5, 2016
- #87
on line 43 there is a hard reference to uid 1
public function migrateDamRecordsToStorageCommand($storageUid ...
- 2
- Opened on Oct 19, 2015
- #86
Classes/Service/MigrateMetadataService.php produces SQL errors when migration with EXT Media in version 3. The fields
mapped in $mediaColumnMapping are not longer available.
There should be a version ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 17, 2015
- #84
In the SQL of \TYPO3\CMS\DamFalmigration\Service\MigrateRelationsService::execSelectDamReferencesWhereSysFileExists the
field sys_file_metadata.caption is added as select field. This field only exists ...
- Opened on Sep 3, 2015
- #79
On checking for existing relations in sys_file_reference a wrong dataset is used. Instead of using the sys_file.uid as
uid_local, the old tx_dam.uid is taken as reference. This results in wrong or not ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 2, 2015
- #77
If a dam record contains a file which was uploaded by an user directly in a field, the migration isn t done properly due
to the limitation to storages. The extension should take care about moving files ...
- 2
- Opened on Sep 1, 2015
- #75
While rewriting caption/title/alt handling for images I noticed that migraterelations may query for tt_content.uid using
a page ID (tx_dam_mm_ref.uid_foreign when tx_dam_mm_ref.tablenames is pages or pages_language_overlay), ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 15, 2015
- #73
Documentation uses :ref: markup and .. _My Reference Name: commands on top of files. However, GitHub does not appear to
interpret these (at least not across files) which makes it impossible to switch between ...
- Opened on Jul 15, 2015
- #72
AbstractService::getResultMessage takes two arguments, $status and $message, which are both null by default. When trying
to print an error message with just $status set (as e.g. MigrateRelationsService ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 13, 2015
- #70
Hi there,
i encountered a problem with my UTF-8 typo3 installation (all tables and fields are in utf8_general_ci, setDbInit has
set names utf-8 and so on) with special characters like german umlauts (ä ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 25, 2015
- #68

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