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Efficient360: Efficient Vision Transformer

The efficient 360 framework is a collection of transformer models in various dimensions.


Various Dimensions of Efficient360

Efficient 360

Vision Transformer Models and their comparisons.


Inference on Deit-based transformer Model and its Grad-CAM Explanation

Deit Model Inference

Architectural performance of Various Transformer Models

Model Performance

Architectural performance of Various SOTA Transformer Models

All Model Performance

State of the Art results of various vision transformer models on ImageNet-1K dataset with Image size 224 x 224.


State of the Art results of various vision transformer models on ImageNet-1K dataset with different Image sizes.


State of the Art results of various vision transformer models on ImageNet-22K dataset with different Image sizes.


State of the Art results of various Spectral Vision Transformer models on ImageNet-1K dataset with different Image sizes.


Transfer Learning results of various datasets like CIFAR10, CIFAR100, Pet, Flower, and Cars datasets, The models are pre-trained on ImageNet-1K and ImageNet-22K datasets.


Long Range Arena (LRA) Benchmark Datasets and its corresponding tasks.



  title={Efficient360: Efficient Vision Transformer},
  author={Patro, Badri N. and Agneeswaran Vijay S. },
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.08374},


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