Verify that the bug was not already reported by searching on GitHub in the Issues section If you're unable to find an open issue, open a new one.
Verify that the bug you are reporting is a general issue and not specific to your individual setup.
For individual issues please use the Community Forum.
- To provide a code contribution for an issue you will need to set up your own fork of the Bulk Upload repository.
Make your code changes, commit the changes and make a Pull Request to the Bulk Upload repository. - Separate each fix into a new branch in your repository and name it with the issue ID e.g. issue-1234.
- When committing to your individual branch, please try and use the following as your commit message
Fixed #1234 - <the subject of the issue>
- Please follow the pull request template as much as possible.
- To provide a code contribution for a new feature or enhancement a feature request report should be created in case it doesn't exist.
- To contribute a feature to Bagisto, you must create a forked repository and set up your git and development environment.
- Make sure your commit messages are relevant and descriptive.
- Please follow the pull request template as much as possible.