A simple Verilog verification tool based on the Tseytin transformation and MiniSat solver.
What it does:
- Checks reachability by parsing Verilog modules
- Unrolls the transition relation and converts it to a dimacs formatted CNF
- Calls MiniSat to solve satisfiability
- The Verilog file given to the program must be gate level.
- Gates must be two input only
- C++ 11 or newer
- CMake 3.10 or newer
- The desired end state of your outputs must be made as a comment at the end of the file. Your comment should be formated like this
with as many bits as there are outputs. - Unrolls will be connected by register. Each register must bet set on a new line. ex/
always @(posedge clock) begin
- Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/jforgue/simple-vsat.git
- Run CMake
cmake .
- Run Make
simple-vsat takes two arguments, the path to your Verilog file and the number of times you want to unroll the Tseytin transition relation. The number of transition relation unrolls is 1 by default.
./simple-vsat <path-to-verilog> [number-of-relation-unrolls]