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Griduino Programming Instructions

1. Introduction

Griduino logoThank you for purchasing a Griduino GPS navigation kit. After assembling the kit, use this document to program it with the latest Griduino software.

You can install a pre-compiled binary Griduino program, or set up the Arduino IDE (integrated development environment) to compile the source code yourself. By using the IDE, you can compile our example programs or modify the Griduino program or write all new software.

Griduino is open-source:

When complete, you'll have a useful driver's aid dedicated to show your location in the Maidenhead grid square system, your altitude, the exact time in GMT, barometric pressure and more.

2. Install the Griduino Program

Follow these steps to obtain the Griduino binary file and update the software.
  1. Download Griduino Binary

    • Visit
    • Click on downloads/griduino_v108.uf2 or later version. This will open a new web page for the binary UF2 file.
    • Click on the Download link. Save this file where you can easily find it for the next step.
  2. Plug in Griduino

    • Use a standard USB cable to connect your Griduino hardware to your computer.
    • Depending on your computer, you should see a message about "setting up device" and possibly "device Feather M4 is ready".
    • Get a wooden (must not be metal or conductive) toothpick that can fit in the hole in the front cover. Or remove the cover to expose the "reset" button.
  3. Open Feather as a Drive

    • Press the Feather's "reset" button twice rapidly, about a tenth of a second apart.
    • The Griduino screen will blank out and turn white. Most Windows computers will sound an audible "drive ready" chime.
    • In Windows, open the File Explorer.
    • Find the new drive, e.g. "FEATHERBOOT (F:)"
    • If the USB device name is CIRCUITPY, then double-click the Reset button again until you get FEATHERBOOT.
  4. Install Griduino Software on Feather M4 Express

    • Drag the .UF2 file that you downloaded and drop it on the new FEATHERBOOT drive. Or you can copy/paste it to the new drive.
    • After the copying completes, Griduino will automatically restart with the new software.
    • First it shows an animation, then it shows a credits screen with the program name and version number, then a hints screen with a visual reminder of the default touch-sensitive areas.

3. Install Audio Files

Griduino can use speech to announce grid lines. To do so, we must install audio recordings of the letters and numbers. These WAV files are copied onto the Feather separately using a different process than the binary program file.

You only need to install audio files one time.

The idea here is to temporarily install CircuitPython which allows the Flash memory to appear as an external USB drive. Then copy our "audio" folder to Flash and install the Griduino program again. The first time CircuitPython is installed, it automatically formats Flash memory in a way that remains compatible thereafter.

  1. Download "" file from GitHub

  2. Unzip e.g. ""

    • Extract this file to a temporary folder.
    • The result will have a folder named "audio" that contains 26 letters and 10 numbers as short recordings in standard Microsoft WAV format.
      Extracted audio folder
  3. Download "CircuitPython" binary distribution file

    • Get the latest CircuitPython UF2 file for your board (Feather M4 Express) from
    • As of December 2023, the latest stable release is 8.2.9 and the UF2 file is named "adafruit-circuitpython-feather_m4_express-en_US-8.2.9.uf2" and will look something like:
  4. Start the bootloader on the Feather board by double-clicking its Reset button.

    • After a moment, you should see a "FEATHERBOOT" drive appear on your desktop computer.
  5. Drag the circuitpython UF2 file from Windows to FEATHERBOOT.

    • The UF2 file will be copied and the Feather will reboot.
    • Then you should see a CIRCUITPY drive appear as an external USB drive. It will already have a few files on it.
  6. Drag the audio folder from Windows to CIRCUITPY.

    • Be sure to store all of the WAV files (there are at least 36 of them) in a top-level folder named "audio".
    • Note that file names and folders are case-sensitive.
  7. Reboot Feather and re-install Griduino

  8. Test Griduino's audio playback

    • Start the Griduino program
    • Press the "gear" icon until you see the Audio Type screen.
      Select Spoken Word.
      It should immediately announce your grid square.
      If it beeps, then Griduino did not find the audio files.
    • Press the "gear" icon until you see the Speaker Volume screen.
      Press the up/down buttons to adjust a comfortable volume.
      It should play an audio sample on each press.
    • To troubleshoot errors, open the Arduino IDE and click Tools > Serial Monitor to read error messages.

4. How to Reformat File System

Normally, you'll never need to reformat Arduino's file system. The memory partition and FAT file system will automatically take care of itself.

The first time you install CircuitPy it will automatically reformat the Flash chip. Subsequently reloading CircuitPy will not affect the Flash chip contents.

We recommend loading CircuitPy when you first start using a new Feather M4. This ensures that all further file operations are done in a file system that easily shared with CircuitPy. The file system format is compatible with all IDE program that are based on the Adafruit SPI Flash framework ( ).

In the rare case you need to start over with a clean file system, here's how. Adafruit provides some reformatting sketches in their ‘examples’ folder of Adafruit_SPIFlash. Open the IDE and use the menu bar to navigate to Files > Examples > Adafruit SPIFlash. Some of the programs are:

  • Flash erase express - will nuke the file system from orbit to start over. This will completely erase all data on the QSPI flash for “Express” models, ie, processors with on-board QSPI chips such as the Feather M4 Express. This is handy to reset the flash into a known empty state and fix potential filesystem or other corruption issues.
  • SdFat format - SPI Flash FatFs formatting example. Use the console (serial monitor) to respond to prompts to confirm the operation. Partitioning and formatting will take about 60 seconds.
  • Flash speedtest - measures size and R/W speed of the RAM file system. This will erase the chip but not reformat it. You'll need to install CircuitPy next to format the filesystem.

5. Understanding File System's Configuration Files

Griduino automatically creates and updates its internal configuration files. These are in a binary format you'll never need to work with them. However, it may be interesting to know where they are and how they work.

The files are stored in Flash memory in a section of onboard memory. To see the directory of files:

  • Terminal window: Open a terminal window and send the command "list files", or
  • CircuitPy: Reload Griduino with the CircuitPy program and use Windows File Explorer

The files you can expect to see are:

  • Directory of audio
    • 19004 0.wav
    • 24712 1.wav
    • 19602 2.wav
    • etc
    • 25040 z.wav
    • 38 files, 799330 bytes
  • Directory of Griduino
    • 97 announce.cfg - Morse code, Spoken word, No audio
    • 272 gpshistory.csv - GPS breadcrumb trail
    • 216 gpsmodel.cfg - latitude, longitude, altitude, metric/english, timezone
    • 97 nmea.cfg - send NMEA sentences to USB cable yes/no
    • 100 screen.cfg - screen orientation
    • 100 volume.cfg - audio volume
    • 9 files, 882 bytes

6. How to Create a Binary File for Distribution

It may be useful to know how to create a binary image of a compiled program for Arduino processors in general. If you ever want to distribute your own Arduino program, it is easier for your users to install your binary image than to compile the source code themselves.

This section also applies to how we prepared the Griduino software for general distribution.

  1. Launch Arduino IDE
    Run the Arduino workbench on your computer.

  2. File > Open > Griduino.ino
    Open the main source code file.

  3. Sketch > Export Compiled Binary
    It will compile; wait for this to finish.

  4. Sketch > Show Sketch Folder
    You will find a binary file in the sketch folder with .bin extension. This is the compiled binary file but it cannot be directly distributed or installed onto an Arduino board.

    • Arduino IDE 1: Griduino.ino.feather_m4.bin
    • Arduino IDE 2: build / adafruit.samd.adafruit_feather_m4 / Griduino.ino.bin
  5. Convert Compiled Binary to UF2
    Run the Python conversion script (author

    • Open command line window
    • Change directory to the .bin file, e.g.:
      cd C:\Users\barry\Documents\Arduino\Griduino
    • Run the Python converter script, e.g.:
      py -c -b 0x4000 -o downloads/griduino.uf2 Griduino.ino.feather_m4.bin
    • Where "-c:" will pass remaining arguments to python script, "-b 0x4000" will set start of program, "-o file.uf2" is output file, and "file.bin" is input file

7. How to Setup the Arduino IDE for Griduino

If you want to compile Griduino source code or work with its example files (and we hope you do) then here's everything you need to setup the workbench.

  1. Download and Run Arduino IDE
    The Arduino IDE (integrated development environment) is the main workbench for writing, compiling and testing Arduino programs. As of October 2024, the latest version is Arduino IDE v2.3.3. We recommend the latest version, although initial development was done with v1.18, and the majority of work was done with v2.0 and v2.2.
  • Visit and find the Software Downloads section.
  • Scroll down to the Download the Arduino IDE section.
  • Find and run the installer for your operating system. For Windows, it is normal for it to open the Microsoft Store and download over 200 MB. Follow the prompts to install the software.
  • Launch the Arduino IDE.
  1. Add Packages Link to Board Manager
    The IDE can't find the list of SAMD boards unless we add their magic URL to preferences:
  • File > Preferences
  • Find the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" section
    Preferences dialog
  • To the right is an icon that when selected will open up a window to add the new URL.
  • If the below URL is not visible or a different one is showing, add the following URL using the icon to be able to see the file "Adafruit SAMD Boards v 1.6.3" in the next step.
  • Add:
  • It's important to use the icon because if you just type the above in to the URL slot, and select OK it will not store the new URL and be empty when you check it again.
  • Click OK
  1. Install Board Support
    In this step, we will install support files needed by Arduino IDE to talk to the Feather M4. Here's how:
    In the Arduino IDE menu bar, go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager. It will display a long list of hardware. Install the latest version of:
  • Arduino AVR Boards, Built-In by Arduino: v1.8.6
  • Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+): v1.8.14
  • Adafruit SAMD Boards: v1.7.16
  1. Select Board
    On the Arduino IDE menu bar, select Tools > Board > Arduino SAMD (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+ and Cortex-M4) > Adafruit Feather M4 Express
    If the option is not available, please review previous step "Install Board Support".

  2. Select Port
    You'll need to figure out your COM port for this step. Here's how:
    On Windows, run the Device Manager and expand the section for Ports. One of the items listed under Ports represents the Griduino device. It is possible for the port assignment to change from day to day, so be prepared to return to the Device Manager as needed.
    In the Arduino IDE menu bar, go to Tools > Port and select the COM port that was given by the Device Manager. If there was more than one port listed, try them one by one.

  3. Install Library Dependencies
    In the Arduino IDE menu bar, go to Tools > Manage Libraries. Install the latest version (and their dependencies) of these libraries:

    • ##AudioZero## by Arduino v1.1.2 (orig v1.1.1)
    • ##SD## by Arduino, SparkFun v1.3.0 (orig v1.2.4)
    • ##Adafruit TFTLCD Library## by Adafruit v1.0.3? (orig v1.0.6)
    • ##Adafruit BMP3XX Library## by Adafruit v2.1.5 (orig v2.1.2)
    • ##Adafruit BusIO## by Adafruit v1.16.1 (orig v1.11.0) (there is a known issue with v1.11.1)
    • ##I2CDevice" by Adafruit
    • ##Adafruit GFX Library## by Adafruit v1.11.10 (orig v1.10.13)
    • ##Adafruit GPS Library## by Adafruit v1.7.5 (orig v1.6.0)
    • ##Adafruit ILI9341## by Adafruit v1.6.1 (orig v1.5.10) also available: ILI9341_t3 by Limor Fired, Adafruit, Paul Stoffregen v1.0.0
    • ##Adafruit ImageReader Library## by Adafruit v2.9.2 (orig v2.7.0)
    • ##Adafruit NeoPixel## by Adafruit v1.12.3 (orig v1.10.4)
    • ##Adafruit SPIFlash## by Adafruit v5.0.0 (orig v3.9.0)
    • ##Adafruit TouchScreen## by Adafruit v1.1.5 (orig v1.1.3)
    • ##elapsedMillis## by Paul Stoffregen v1.0.6
    • ##SdFat – Adafruit Fork## by Bill Greiman v2.2.3 (orig v1.5.1)
      Note: Use v1, as we have not tested v2
      Note: There are two libraries with similar names. Be sure to install "SdFat - Adafruit Fork" and not "SdFat" which has an incompatible SdFat.h file
    • #Time# by Michael Margolis v1.6.1
      Note: searching the library manager for the word "time" lists just about every library. Searching for the word "timekeeping" will show the correct library.

These components are outside of Arduino's Library Manager, so follow these links to GitHub and install the latest version:

8. How to Use a Serial Console

You can download GPS tracks from Griduino without the Arduino IDE. There are some common "serial terminal" programs that can interact directly with Griduino's console interface over the USB connection.

We recommend Tera Term ( Although we tested PuTTY (, it randomly fails to chunks of text from Griduino. Use Tera Term instead.

How to use Tera Term to capture the breadcrumb trail in both KML and CSV format:

  1. Run Tera Term
  2. New connection window:
    1. Choose Serial
    2. Set Port: COM7 (or your own Griduino port)
    3. Leave everything else at default settings (baud rate setting does not matter)
  3. Menu bar: File > Log ... (pick a filename you can find later, e.g., griduino.log)
  4. Type: stop nmea (don't press Enter!)
  5. Type: help (don't press Enter!)
  6. Type: version (don't press Enter!)
  7. Type: dump kml (don't press Enter!)
  8. Type: dump gps (don't press Enter!)
  9. Close Tera Term
  10. Run Notepad
    1. Edit griduino.log
    2. Keep only from <xml> to </xml>
    3. Save as griduino.kml
    4. Edit griduino.log again
    5. Keep only from "Record, Grid, Lat, Long, Date GMT"
      to last line e.g. "101, CN97ct, 47.8128,-121.8053, 11-17-2022 17:57:0"
    6. Save as griduino.csv

Now you can open griduino.kml in Google Earth and griduino.csv in Microsoft XML.

9. Disclaimer

The information provided is for general education and entertainment. We hope you learn from this and enjoy your hobbies in a safe manner with this new GPS information available at a glance. We take no responsibility for your assembly and construction, nor for how you use these devices.

Do not adjust Griduino while driving. Keep your full attention on the road and the traffic around you. We can not be held responsible for any property or medical damages caused by these projects. You are advised to check your local laws and consult professionals for any project involving electricity, construction or assembly. You are advised to drive in a safe and legal manner, consistent with all local laws, safety rules and good common sense.

You must accept that you and you alone are responsible for your safety and safety of others in any endeavor in which you engage.